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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/2012 in all areas

  1. We (Athletics) don't own the snake pit. It is not an option. We (Athletics) own a perfectly good building right across the street from the facility where the kids go to get treatment, where they go to lift weights, and next door to their academic center. There is a certain bridge that is being constructed which makes this a manageable walk from Mozart if needed. Both basketball coaches are super excited about this, and yes we (the committee) already have almost all of the money to do both right now. (Practice facility is covered with current commitments and jumbotron is getting close) If anyone would like to contribute to this project they can PM me on this board, or they can call Dan Johnston. We (our committee which Ernie is the chair) are taking five year pledges or lump sum gifts. Be part of the solution. This facility is going to be first class all of the way. And yes, it is connected to the indoor practice facility for golf (which by the way Ernies says is better than any facility any of his kids went to which include Arizona State, Ok. State, SMU and Texas) and the womens softball offices which have indoor batting facilities. David This post has been promoted to an article
    14 points
  2. I looked at it as a commentary on the vast multitude of arm chair Christians who other than during holidays and times of crisis can't be bothered to miss a football game or an opportunity to sleep in on their weekend. Tell that crowd they can stick it to the gays, eat some tasty chicken, and affirm their Christianity and they'll make it out in droves. Nothing but respect for your uncle and those of his ilk that display their convictions on a regular basis rather than when it's convenient.
    7 points
  3. I'd rather start a separate newspaper and just bitch about it in every column, but I appreciate the call back.
    5 points
  4. While I like the spirit of this idea and I want apogee filled up as much as anyone, I hate the idea that we have to give away our product. We have the nicest stadium in all of college football and we have a team that most of us expect to be bowl eligible. And what kind of a message does this send to our marginal fans ? " Don't buy tickets-somebody will give you tickets. Why spend money on a North Texas game." Again, I want 31,000 butts in seats, but I'm opposed to giving away what I think is well worth my entertainment dollar. GO MEAN GREEN
    5 points
  5. At last count, there were 2,804 articles about this, including pickups in every publication you mentioned. If you think this deserves front page billing (or any part of this story does), congratulations, you hate tangible, important world news.
    5 points
  6. I've had this idea in my head for a while now and had been trying to figure out the logistics of how to make it work, and I think I may finally have it. What I want to do, with some help from all of you, is put together an "Operation Sellout" event for the Texas Southern game. (We will have a pretty big-time basketball recruit in attendance that night also so there are additional ulterior motives) This game will need the most help attracting casual fans so, after racking my brain, I settled on attracting even more students to make up for the grumpy old folks who don't think TSU is sexy enough. Here's the plan as I've devised it. 1)Get with all of you to see if this is feasible. (For the more Debbie Downer types, please come up with GOOD reasons why this can't succeed...i.e. more than you're unwilling/unable to actually get off your butts to do more than complain) 2)Secure some give aways that will actually entice the average student. Televisions, free books, free tuition, a mother load of t-shirts to give away during the game. Be creative but THINK BIG. Restaurant gift cards and movie passes won't cut it if we want to really motivate. We could try to get these prizes donated, we could take up a collection here on GMG to purchase them (a paypal account isn't hard to set up), or we could go to the RHA, SGA...or maybe even the Exes, Kram? 3)Get with athletics and the residence halls to get the word out. Also, get the AD on board to announce the winners over the jumbo tron or PA system. 4)Find some of you who are willing to give up a portion of your game day to make this work. For a long time I tried hard to work out how to get the "must be present to win" portion to come off without a hitch and it came to me while I was waking up from a nap today. I think I have found a way to ensure that you can't just get a raffle ticket, walk back out to your couch to drink, and then collect when you hear your name called. If you're willing to help and will SERIOUSLY get on board just reply here and then I'll shoot you a PM with my "solution." I'm willing to give up my off days in the next few weeks, and drive back and forth from Denton, to get the logistics of this done. But I would love some help and a team to get on board. We are at just over a month from that first home game so let me know, are we up to the challenge GMG?
    4 points
  7. You really can't control that. These guys are young. Hell, I'm 47 and I still pitch a tent on occasion.
    4 points
  8. See? This is what happens when you try and reason with a RSS Feed. Next thing you know, you guys will be asking my Google News Alerts out for coffee.
    4 points
  9. At least your rectal wall is in tact.
    4 points
  10. Just a thought. GO GREEN.... Free green body paint stations under the trees. Advertise it around campus, in the school paper, etc. Get various student groups involved in applying the paint. How about 8,000 screaming green lunatics going crazy in the stands. It would make for some good TV coverage. Give some prizes for the best paint job, etc. A lot of students who are not into football would show up just to see what happens.
    4 points
  11. Looks like We are playing @ St Joesph's. I don't have a date yet tho
    4 points
  12. I've got a plan... BEAT LSU!!
    4 points
  13. I think we need to fill that thing up by giving away tickets. The AD could figure out a reasonable conversion rate from the tickets they give away. Let's say they give away 30,000 tickets and 2,000 actually use them for a non-marquis game. These people will have to pay for parking and concessions so it really isn't a loss of revenue for people that weren't going anyway. Maybe a few cheapos will find a way to get these tickets who intended on attending anyway but it is crucial for this program to get butts in seats. I'm guessing the Wing holds about 8K - 10K people so give away 100,000 tickets. Just figure out the formula. In the extremely unlikely event of a sell out because of giving away too many tickets, say you are sorry and give them tickets to the next 2 games and credit for some concessions. It would be a bummer but it is more important to start filling up the App. Just figure something out in this unlikely event. Groups you could give to and feel good about: DISD - hey little kid, how many family members do you have? Four? Ok, here's four tickets. City of Denton - see DISD Religious Organizations (Have it be The First, Second, Third, and Fourth Babtist Church's of Denton night at Apogee) Youth Sports Leagues Your own donor/season ticket holder base - give them 20 extra tickets to give away to family and friends. I idea is to start this with the hopes of eventually having to stop this because the more people you expose to a great college game day atmosphere the more will want to come back - paying on their own. Please give me your feedback. I will go to the AD with this if you convince me this is not hairbrained.
    3 points
  14. And the unwitting comic gold continues.
    3 points
  15. You really shouldnt make a response like that about me until you know my situation. I simply meant we need someone of his abilities inside or out the UNT fandom to help bring the baseball stadium to fruition. I am thankful for good fans like him. I have three children, two with autism. I also work 70 hours a week, so my wife can stay home with our kids. That doesn't afford me a lot of time. GMG
    3 points
  16. Rick, you're better than this. You don't read the LA Times and neither do I, but just for fun, I used the Google on the internet machine: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2012/08/chick-fil-a-supporters-say-they-are-fighting-for-free-speech-.html http://articles.latimes.com/2012/aug/01/business/la-fi-chick-fil-a-day-20120802 http://www.latimes.com/news/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-chick-fil-a-sales-a-world-record-20120802,0,6863629.story http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2012/08/-chick-fil-a-kiss-in-friday.html http://www.latimes.com/news/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-chick-fil-a-kiss-in-20120802,0,3873417.story There's more posts going up all day and they are actually covering both sides. And yes, the news, which is driven by traffic and page views, will include the extremes of the debate. There's no story in customer buys food, leaves -- hence all the aggregate stories posted above.
    3 points
  17. Can't be true. We all know JJ played Cameron on purpose to pad his stats.
    3 points
  18. There are plenty of them. They just don't pander to the media.
    3 points
  19. They look undersized and a step slow to me.
    3 points
  20. I don't want to be that guy, but: Apogee***
    3 points
  21. In that case, you will succeed. This is the perfect game to get borderline students to come...watching us obliterate Southern will give them faith in our team.
    3 points
  22. What? You don't like family reunions?????
    3 points
  23. If not that, maybe we could put the albino squirel on a zip line from the wing section to mid field. That would be funny!
    3 points
  24. When I first enrolled at North Texas in 1948 there was a live eagle that was kept at the golf course clubhouse. I did hear tales of neglect but when I left to go into the service in 1950 I believe that it was still there. When I returned in January of 1955 the cage and the eagle were gone. Either the eagle died or it was given to the Forest Park (Fort Worth) Zoo. I served as president of the Rally Club (forerunner to the Talons) during the 1956-57 year and one of my duties was to go to the zoo and pick up the "eagle" on Friday before game day and return it on Sunday. I put the eagle in quotes because I'm not sure that it was one. The aviary did contain some eagles but the one that I was always given looked like a golden eagle but I still have suspicions. It is unlawful to own a bald eagle but, with the government's permission, you can donate one to a zoo. I was told that the university had donated one to the (now) Fort Worth Zoo and that was why we were allowed to use it on game weekends. We had a 5x5x5 cage mounted on a two-wheel trailer. I used my car to pull it from Fort Worth and we kept it at the Delta Sigma Pi house which was at 1406 West Hickory. Since we didn't want it to go two days without food we would go rabbit hunting for food for the eagle. The car and trailer were parked in front of the student section during the game. We circled the track before the game and at halftime. The live eagle was also in the homecoming parade. I have serious doubts that an eagle could be trained to fly on command as a falcon does. If it's possible it would take a special trainer and he might also have to be paid for public appearances. I have doubts that a student handler would be entrusted with that responsibility. The are impressive and attract attention whereever they go. They're a little bit of a nuisance but nothing that a college-age student can't easily handle.
    3 points
  25. TCU Student Comment: Awesome! Go Frogs!! Big 12!! WooHoo! UNT Student Comment: Seriously?? We could have spent that money on education! The lab band has no instruments, my desk in class is falling apart, and the Albino squirrel society needs somewhere to meet! I am SOOOO glad you are spending my tuition money on lockers for football! And what's with that new bridge you all built too? Because the old bridge wasn't good enough for all the rich white men to cross over to watch their barbaric sporting event that does nothing but condone and affirm violence? How much did that cost, a trillion dollars?.....etc.....
    2 points
  26. I was checking the current football roster on Meangreensports.com. Looks like player information has been updated. Check it out- I hope this link works. I used the "sort by position" tab http://www.meangreensports.com/SportSelect.dbml?SPSID=9053&SPID=562&DB_LANG=C&DB_OEM_ID=1800&SORT_ORDER=6&q_ SEAON=2012&PRINTABLE_PAGE= I count 16 DB's, 9 DE's, 7 DT's, 13 LB's, 14 OL players, 1 Punter, 1 PK, 4 QB's, 8 RB's, 9 TE's, and 11 WR's. Total 93 players Note the weight gains and the weight loss on some players. With 16 DB's on the roster, plus any incoming walk-on's, I certainly hope the secondary coaches can find the starting players they need.
    2 points
  27. Typically I'd be upset about you stealing my line, but I'm gonna go zen here...no reason to fight, fight, fight.
    2 points
  28. "Where two are more are gathered in my name, eat more chikin."
    2 points
  29. Yard signs - intruiging. I think you keep it simple and just give them away. You want 4? Here's 4. You make it as easy as possible for a person to attend a game.
    2 points
  30. What about yard signs? Have you considered those? In all seriousness, I think this is a great idea. Kinda goes along with an idea I've had for years now. Give Denton ISD kids a voucher for free kid's admission with purchase of an adult ticket, no limit on the number of combinations (i.e. If you're a family of four and have two kids you'll get two free kid's tickets if you purchase two adult tickets)
    2 points
  31. Thanks for the article. But, he's confused about Christianity as well. He's talking Christianity, but - as with the gal in the video - falls back into Old Testament examples. He also gives a New Testament example were Sadducees tried to trick Jesus regarding what human relationships would be like in Heaven. In the exchange, Jesus does not endorse polygamy, he simply tells them they have no idea what they are talking about: Jesus replied, “Are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God? When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven. To try to site that as an example of the acceptance of polygamy is to simply mistate the scriptures. Or, worse, to not understand the context. I feel really bad for people who are under this author's ministry. His interpretation of the letters of Paul are nothing more than a mockery. To elavate Lady Gaga onto a level of Paul is absurd. This author is a person who is misleading people. Sadly. But, again, there are "Christians" who mislead people. It's really simple, but homosexuals do not like it: Jesus, from Matthew 19: 4 “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female, 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? This isn't confusing. It's really straightforward. Paul, from Ephesians 5: 28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— 30 for we are members of his body. 31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” Again, this wasn't complicated or confusing to Paul. There are people claiming to be Christian who rebel against the teachings of Jesus and Paul. They use the cover of "everyone has sinned." And, yes, everyone has sinned. But, the measure of a person striving to be a Christian is whether they are repenting of those sins and attempting to live a better life without those sins in their lives. As stated before, homosexual do not view their actions as sinful and are not attempting to repent of them. This is resistance to the first steps toward Christianity - recognizing sin and repenting of it. Nowhere in the gospel of Jesus, or in the letter's of Paul, do you read, "It's okay to keep sinning because we all sin." Again, Paul address this in his letter to the Romans, 6th Chapter: What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? 2 By no means! 15 What then? Shall we sin because we are not under the law but under grace? By no means! This author of the piece your offer is in rebellion against the scripture he purports to proclaim. And, he encourages his readers to join him in his rebellion. Not good stuff.
    2 points
  32. so that's 4 games on an ESPN network and one on the Sunbelt(most likely picked up by ESPN3)... i like it...
    2 points
  33. True story: Old staff had contacted something like 40 schools ( I forget the exact #) about scheduling a game this year. Almost everyone single one said " we will call you back IF Tony Mitchell declares for the draft"
    2 points
  34. Kind of hard for us to say we're spreading anyone's word or message; we help out for the love of humanity, just like any religious group does. Sadly, the social stigma in this country associated with atheists is incredible ([sarcasm]you're picturing me with devil horns as you read this, admit it[/sarcasm]) so we often don't get the chance, nor do many of us feel it's necessary to share something like that.
    2 points
  35. Jumps a 140.5 ! http://llcdn8.twitvid.com/twitvidvideosv2/F/T/3/FT3D9.mp4?e=1343974800&r=twitvid.com,telly.com&h=88ff9f955822a31b45131ab90aaef6b4
    2 points
  36. We are already down to 2 scholarships left for 2013-2014. Saw Pollard in Frisco a couple of months ago and love his game. Edo makes the most sense based on need. Current projected roster: C - Coleman, Jr PF - Open SF - Jordan Williams, Jr SG - TJ Taylor, Jr. PG - Chris Jones, Jr C - Brazilian, Jr PF - Open SF - Anthony Norris, Jr SG - Alzee Williams, Sr. PG - P.J. Hardwick, Soph C - Tony Nunn, Fr. PF - Open SF - Open SG - Clarke Overlander, So PG - Trey Norris, Jr. Though only 6-5, Edo plays much taller and would do well in CUSA; at the 4. We also could use an impact center since I am not sold on what we have coming in. (just my opinion)
    2 points
  37. I'll stick to In-N-Out for my periodic dose of Jesus in a bun. (Cue intense Texan hatred for In-N-Out in 3...2...1)
    2 points
  38. 2 points
  39. "Let me be clear before I make my one negative comment. I love this idea. But, there is one issue. There are only 8,000 free student tickets. If we get 8,000 students to go, that's one side of the stadium all good. But the community and alumni have to be involved somehow or the rest of the stadium isn't going to fill up. " Couldn't agree more. What I'm trying to do, though, is get ALL 8000 of those seats used and gUarantee that all 8000 want to return.
    2 points
  40. Agreed. The Athletic Dept. absolutely sucks at promoting games to students. There were like 2 small (like 2 foot high) signs on campus usually, and sometimes they weren't even updated with correct information. And they had people upstairs in the union sometimes, but who goes upstairs in the union? I'd be down to donate whatever my student budget can afford and if anything is going down I can spread the word to some students. I'd offer to get my dorm on board, but it's Mozart...I think if anything goes down the basketball players will be all over letting the people in Mozart know what's up. Let me be clear before I make my one negative comment. I love this idea. But, there is one issue. There are only 8,000 free student tickets. If we get 8,000 students to go, that's one side of the stadium all good. But the community and alumni have to be involved somehow or the rest of the stadium isn't going to fill up.
    2 points
  41. Give away some TOMS or skinny jeans?
    2 points
  42. Almost everyone in Texas was a democrat 40 years ago. The party changed.
    2 points
  43. Stormchaser, I'm not ignoring what you are saying about homosexuality. It doesn't matter that man and animal may participate in homosexuality. What I'm saying is, the act isn't healthy when viewed physiologically or productive to the continuing of the specie when viewed biologically. As far as the government telling homosexuals what to do. The thread began with a gal ranting about Christians and their view of homosexuality. But, the fact of the matter is, the government is the people in a democracy. And in the 30+ instances where homosexual marriage has been a ballot issue for states, it has been defeated every time. It even lost is California, which is regarded to be one of the most liberal states. This is an issue that has only progressed through indirect means - legislatures and judiciary branches acting. Despite "poll numbers" and whatnot, it hasn't passed a popular vote, and probably won't in 75-80% of states once all is said and done. In the end, it will be decided by the judicary some day. So...for people to rant at Chik-Fil-A and Christians about it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. In fact, all it has really served to do, at this point, is give the Chik-Fil-A CEO even more money to donate to anti-gay marriage causes. Christians are pretty much like any other group. If you leave them alone, they'll pretty much stay to themselves. But, whack of them a little and the rise up together. As it stood, Cathays interview was for some publication called "Baptist Press." Well, I mean, what did people expect that a Christian/Baptist business owner was going to say to the "Baptist Press"? It's not like the guy went on Nightline and shook his fist at the country making the statements he did. Had anyone not Baptist even heard of the Baptist Press before the interview? Did most Baptists even know it existed? I think the whole thing got blown out of proportion when it was picked up by the mainstream media. It would be the equivalent of Christians going nutso about a gay business person telling a gay publican that he or she is for gay marriage and donated to its cause. I mean, would that really be newsworthy? Surprising or shocking? I don't think Cathay's interview was, given the media outlet and its audience.
    2 points
  44. Wow, I thought you had reduced to a conservative RSS feed in the Pie forum.
    2 points
  45. And we have the same group of people whining about something regarding the program. Stuff like this always makes for fun reading.
    2 points
  46. Why don't we guys all buy season tickets and join the Mean Green Club first / instead
    2 points
  47. So, a home and home with Marquette is in the future?
    2 points
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