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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/26/2012 in all areas

  1. - I count "Mean Green" or "UNT" at least 6 times in the ad. - Full page image of Apogee in the background. - Diving Eagle logo, UNT font, website/phone # to buy season tix, description of Orr's family history & SBC honors. - The ad is in the NORTH TEXAN, the alumni magazine. Again... it's in THE NORTH TEXAN. Why anyone who reads this magazine would be confused - or dissuaded from buying tickets (!?!?!) by the lack of a NT helmet is beyond me. It establishes a link between NT football and the NFL, which we could use, it tells a cool family story that humanizes one of our star players, and it's marketed to (theoretically) the most NT-savvy audience possible. Remember that North Texan ad a couple years ago when George Odufuwa was shown tutoring some kids? Jerk was wearing a polo and khakis. Could that have resulted in some empty seats at the Pit? MISSED OPPORTUNITIES!!!! Yep, it's summer. It needs more posters anyway.
    7 points
  2. Redskins training camp opens up July 26th.
    6 points
  3. You realize the publication is "The North Texan", right? It is intended for alumni of North Texas: People who are already connected (granted there are certainly varying degrees of connection) to the University. So I'm wondering who is missing out here? The North Texan's mission statement, directly from their website: "The North Texan connects UNT alumni and friends to the university and keeps you updated on what’s happening on campus and within our community." This magazine's audience is UNT alumni. So a football player in the magazine should be assumed to be a North Texas football player (past or present). If this is a lost opportunity to promote our school, considering the audience whom this magazine is targeting, then your ideas of promoting the school are a little out of whack. I would be ever-so-slightly inclined to agree with you if this was a photo to a story run in Dave Campbell's magazine or something like that, simply because the audience is different.
    6 points
  4. The apathy won't be dictated by a NT player holding a Redskins helmet honoring his father. Look at our athletics history and it's consistent underachieving results on top of that decades of administration not caring about athletics and school related connection and pride and you'll clearly be able to locate where our apathy stems from.
    5 points
  5. He may as well have just given Reagan the bird.
    5 points
  6. And rest easy, North Texas fans, Schilleci is already working on some of his Guyer teammates, including 2013 three-star wide receiver Ellis Jefferson and Jerrod Heard, who could end up being one of the top quarterback prospects in the country for 2014. “That’d be extremely cool if a lot of local kids started going there [uNT],” Schilleci said. “I was talking with Jerrod and E.J. today. I think Jerrod is going to their camp pretty soon, and I thought how cool would it be if we all went there and [helped establish UNT’s program].” This kid committing is cool in itself, but this other part makes me very happy in addition... Start chatting it up with some of the linemen. How about some DT's and DE's...I think there have been some really good ones from Denton over the past couple of years...
    4 points
  7. The real travesty? That this thread made it three pages.
    4 points
  8. They'd probably think about how young they are and how little of a rats ass they give about what a bunch of old men think?
    4 points
  9. I saw a picture of Zach Orr debuting the new Mean Green helmet for the 2012 season. MAN DO I HATE IT! RV is seriously in over his head on this one. I get the whole "North Texas" text instead of the SOW, but he didn't even get the right colors! IT'S RED AND YELLOW for crying out loud! UN-FREAKING-BELIEVABLE Johnny Jones should be fired for this!!
    3 points
  10. Wahhh, my water is too wet! Wahhh, my ice cream is too cold! I am soooooooo sick of the poutrage.
    3 points
  11. Early adoption of any new technology is rarely cost effective. Take the flat screen TV I'm sure you have hanging in your home somewhere. When plasma screens first hit the market they were crazy expensive. Absolutely crazy. Now look at plasma's, LED's and LCD's - CHEAP! Why? because a few were willing to buy-in early on and those dollars advanced R&D and helped drive down prices and improve the technology to a point where everyone else could afford. (And why did they come about in the first place? Because the government mandated a change in the way television stations broadcast.) So while the windmills at Apogee may not be cost effective today - the future technology they help to energize will most likely be worth it.
    3 points
  12. To be fair, if there were a disease epidemic that started tomorrow which attacked upper-middle classed 45 year old white males with boring job "titles", the lot of you would be blaming Obama.
    3 points
  13. Nothing chaps my hide more than people flipping off pictures of presidents. I think we need to use taxpayer funds to install surveillance cameras and remote activated tazers in every hallway of the white house that may contain a picture of a former president that can be accessed by the American public. When someone flips off another picture of a president, they can be immediately tazed and removed from OUR White House. DON'T YOU DARE flip off Zach Taylor, or I'll make you pay!!!!!!!!!1!
    3 points
  14. Indeed...is it not his father's helmet? This really gets to the point of being inane....the Dept. puts a nice ad in the North Texan and people complain.... they don't put an ad in and people complain. Some folks just really do need to "get a life" and and instead of looking for "what's wrong" with UNT and the Mean Green all the time, find what's right with the situation. This is really a pretty nice layout in my opinion. Zac is obviously proud of his Dad and his play with the Redskins of the NFL. I would be too if my Dad had played in the NFL, and I'd be excited that I got the opportunity to point that out...along with being proud to me a member of the Mean Green...which the ad also conveys. It is, however, the off-season, so the troops are a tad restless...football season cannot get here fast enough.
    3 points
  15. Just when I think threads cant get any dumber...
    3 points
  16. What is with these gays nowadays?! Clearly this was a plot by Barack HUSSEIN Obama to disparage a fine upstanding American hero! Typical socialist "flip the bird to an inanimate object" trick. Now, where did I put my lighter? That cross ain't gonna light itself. There. Now I'm the second most ridiculous person in this thread.
    3 points
  17. Heat and bitchin' A Texas summer tradition.
    3 points
  18. Well then, 300+ lbs of feathers must weight less than 300+ of rubber weights, right?
    3 points
  19. That just about everyone on here defended them?
    3 points
  20. Good point... Tolerance should be universal if you're demanding it. ...that having been said, there is no excuse for this behavior. Classless behavior by classless people. ...I also, however, don't put this on the Whitehouse. ...if we're gonna hang every person who may visit the Whitehouse and then act like a dip-sh!t around the then sitting President, we'd probably need to line 'em all up. the WH immediately had harsh words for these folks, and that's what (and all) I'd expect of the President in this case.
    3 points
  21. Would this photo be celebrated if he were holding a Cowboy hat because Terry played in Dallas instead?
    3 points
  22. Shooting for another Question, no info.
    3 points
  23. You and your "typical liberal" talk nonsense. You certainly seem to quickly pull the trigger as typical liberal when you don't agree or refuse to agree with a certain point or issue that you may not specifically believe in. While I agree that this was an act that is pretty dumb and I don't condone it one bit....you're right this isn't a gay issue but it isn't a political affiliation/stance issue either. As for reflecting poorly on the president please give me a break. He doesn't and can't control other people's actions and it won't cost him anything politically. There are far more other and more important things to worry about in this country and in this world than a couple of goofballs doing a pretty dumb act.
    3 points
  24. Those who seek to publicly and vocally vilify homosexuality are very often the ones who are later exposed as being homosexual themselves. The best advice for you is to go ahead and make a decision about which way you're going to go and be done with it. No one else really gives a flying flip what your decision is. Just do it.
    3 points
  25. Aw. Thank you for bringing such a heart-warming story to the attention of all of us. What a special event and setting to ask the love of your life to be yours for the rest of one's life. You know, with so much negativity and pessimism in the world today, it is truly life-affirming when you hear about touching stories such as this one. Thank you, UNT90!
    3 points
  26. Umm...psst...Mr. Asylum Keeper? It appears as though the inmates are starting to have visions of grandeur again.
    2 points
  27. LCDs were developed in order to make computers portable. Its use in television largely started out with the same goal (lighter and MUCH more power efficient than tubes). Issues with refresh rates and resolution kept it from being a viable alternative for a number of years in larger televisions (why plasma was the drug of choice). These technologies were developed for use in the 1980s-1990s, and it had a lot more to do with the advent of home video, cable television programming, home computers, video game consoles, and the internet than it did with a change in broadcasting.
    2 points
  28. “Yeah, f– Reagan,” Mr. Hart said. “Ronald Reagan has blood on his hands. The man was in the White House as AIDS exploded, and he was happy to see plenty of gay men and queer people die. He was a murderous fool, and I have no problem saying so. Don’t invite me back. I don’t care.” Uh, huh...because it's scientific fact that it's Reagan fault that pysiologically the anus is not meant to be used as an entryway for anything - penises, gerbils, whatnot, etc. It's Reagan's fault that misuse of the body will cause disease and health problems. I mean, come one, everyone knows the guy had the power of God. It's also common knowledge now that Reagan, that dolt actor from Illinois who stumbled and bumbled his way from poverty to Hollywood to the White House, developed a vaccine to cure AIDS, but he kept it secret and took it to the grave with him. Wow! What man of power Reagan was, possessing the ability to change the course of human physiology and holding the pharmacuetical secrets of life and death! No wonder the gays get so mad. There'll never be another SuperHumanMan like Reagan!
    2 points
  29. My wife is Mexican, and few of her parents' old, old photographs (dating as far back as the 1970s and earlier...I mean, really old) show people smiling. My wife tells me it's because the photographers would tell them not to smile. So, when you see old pictures of Mexicans not smiling, it's not that they're unhappy to be Mexicans; they were just following the photographers orders. My wife's family are really very happy people despite what old photos might lead you to believe. Gang tackling. We need more gang tackling.
    2 points
  30. In a way, all of us has an El Guapo to face. For some, shyness might be their El Guapo. For others, a lack of education might be their El Guapo. For North Texas, El Guapo is an apathetic fan base that doesn't care. But as sure as my name is Lucky Day, the people of Santa Poco can conquer their own personal El Guapo, who also happens to be *the actual* El Guapo!
    2 points
  31. Jordan Williams did this exact same thing when he committed to our b-ball team and I believe he was part of the reason we had such a good recruiting class last year. We need out commits to be vocal and call out other great players in the area to build up North Texas.
    2 points
  32. 2 points
  33. 2 points
  34. No. It's hipster-cool. Later this year, expect to see another article from this dude: "See, I told you this guy was going to be good!"
    2 points
  35. 2 points
  36. Rubber weights are made in the same increments. Those are 45-pound plates.
    2 points
  37. Wow I just put 2 & 2 together and realized I have a cousin who went to school with his older brother, I forgot that he had a little brother or maybe just had a temporary brain lapse. From what I hear, we got a really really good commitment here. This kids work ethic is apparently second to none.
    2 points
  38. I can deal with stupid people but I'm not sure I'd like to be associated with shady people getting FINRA fines handed out to them. Yes I'm talking to you.
    2 points
  39. Wow. There's a picture of a Redskins helmet on page 51 of a publication I once picked up only in a moment of most dire boredom before I had internet on my phone while waiting for an appointment with a professor. My life is over.
    2 points
  40. 2 points
  41. They were vistors ... idiots can get in. Note--- the White House officials disapproved of what they did. Tell the whole truth again.... and don't make it look like the current resident approved, they didn't. Your sourse, Washington Times, is an extreme news paper printed by the Unification Church founded by Sun Myung Moon by aka Moonies ... A South Korean odd sect.. .
    2 points
  42. Many people have said that while slowing of the AMOC (which undoubtedly IS affected by global warming) may not be the actual cause of rising sea levels. In fact, it's hard to state that factually when the AMOC affects Florida as well, and yet that areadoesn't show the accelerated rise in sea levels. So once again, the story is: yes, the sea levels on the North East are rising, and the rate is accelerated. The question is: why? Is it slowing of the AMOC? Tectonic shifts? Melting ice caps? Sallenger says AMOC slowing. Others say differently. Hopefully more conclusive research and hard data can lead to answers. No doubt in my mind that global warming is occuring, and that a reduction in carbon emissions at this point is an appropriate step to take, if only to alleviate the problem (whether or not man is the cause or even a significant contributor). Still, it doesn't make bad science into good science. We need to reduce carbon emissions. That doesn't mean that if I come up with an emissions-free air conditioning unit that works off of fairy dust and moonbeams that the US Government should subsidize my factory to make them, especially once they discover that the factory burns a mix of coal, bald eagle feathers, and blue whale blubber to manufacture the units. I don't think enough people draw the lines BETWEEN bad policy and bad economy. They'll complain about cuts to education or the increasing gap between the poor and the rich while at the same time lauding policies that throw otherwise meaningful money at proven losers. By the way, did you know that windmill blades aren't recyclable?
    2 points
  43. I've used rubber plates many times before and in different places, and they've always been the same size as the all-metal plates.
    1 point
  44. It really depends on the following. If Louisville, BSU and SDSU leave, then the remaining BE schools would need to see if they can bring in other schools from C-USA. The question is who would they take? SMU will fight UNT, Houston will fight Rice. USF and UCF would fight FIU, so realistically what large markets are you left with? Ruston and NOLA? San Antonio, Charlotte and Norfolk? They don't like ECU because the market isn't large enough, ditto for Marshall and SoMiss. I mean realistically they could add six schools to get to 16, but what 6? Logic would dictate you pick six out of the following schools; UNT, Rice, Tulane, FIU, ECU, Marshall, SoMiss, Tulsa or UTEP.
    1 point
  45. Wonder what Orr or his younger brother would think after reading this thread ?
    1 point
  46. LOL at this thread. No doubt that it's almost July. Much too long until Summer Drills Start.
    1 point
  47. What is Zach Orr's younger brother, 2014 recruit, going to think when he see's this article with a Redskins helmet instead of a NT helmet. There's no way he chooses us now.
    1 point
  48. This thread is worthless without pictures.
    1 point
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