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  1. http://devour.com/video/uncle-drew/
    3 points
  2. 3 points
  3. Not sure about that , but there are a ton of kids on campus today. A few QB names : Zac Howell from Kansas & Blake Smith from Broken Arrow (OK)
    2 points
  4. Sigh.. so we have a case here with a completely different set of facts, but people want to be snarkey and act like it's all the same. It's not, and it is intellectually dishonest to act like it is.
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. Mark G is going bit overboard on the sell job for a convention center. I agree that the new hotel and convention center will be an economic boast. But saying it will create a cost savings because University and City events are booked somewhere else is a stretch. When was the last time you saw a UNT booked at the Lewisville convention center?
    2 points
  7. Oh, and you're a douche.
    2 points
  8. You know Mark, that was pretty lame......even for you.
    2 points
  9. it would definitely be your garden variety bowl game.
    2 points
  10. The dashboard camera is unblinking. But when gun laws are passed that allow citizens to protect themselves, there is always an outcry from anti-Second Amendment folks that law-abiding citizens will somehow take the law to the extreme and turn society into the Wild West. That's what they argued when Texas allowed conceal carry permits. They said fender benders at 4-way stop signs would escalate into a shootout. They said children would be slaughtered at amusement parks if someone accidentally stepped on someone's foot. They said the streets of Texas would run with blood. None of that happened, quite the contrary. Glen White, former president of the Dallas Police Association said "All the horror stories I thought would come to pass didn't happen. No bogeyman. I think it's worked out well, and that says good things about the citizens who have permits. I'm a convert." It truly underscores the difference between the right and the left... specifically, that people on the left do not trust their fellow citizens to behave in a responsible manner and as such require government supervision and guidance on all things, even if it requires stripping such a fundamental human right as Self-Defense.
    1 point
  11. http://www.shopncaasports.com/NCAASports_North_Texas_Mean_Green/Riddell_North_Texas_Mean_Green_Mini_Speed_Helmet_-_Green
    1 point
  12. I can't figaro out this thread.
    1 point
  13. SNU it is; http://www.dentonrc.com/sports/colleges/colleges-headlines/20120609-basketball-mohair-chooses-southern-nazarene.ece
    1 point
  14. Maybe not at Lewisville but on more than one occasion to Dallas.
    1 point
  15. Oklahoma 30-Texas 20. From Live Stats: Dustin Clark: 6 tackles, 2 solo, 1.5 tackle for loss.
    1 point
  16. We should wait until the facts come out. That kid probably picked up the trash can is a burglar-like fashion. Self defense if you ask me.
    1 point
  17. It'd be a shame to bring back the Salad Bowl with Cobbs no longer being a player.
    1 point
  18. Scheduling schools like LSU is never good. Those schools tend to have much more depth than schools like us, and more often than not our teams leave those games horribly banged up. You need to develop depth and a certain level of overall talent before taking on a school like LSU.
    1 point
  19. TCU and BSU, before becoming BCS busters, played relatively easier FBS opposition. That doesn't mean play schools that are perceived as worse than you, but it means playing more beatable schools from more highly regarded conferences. Beating Louisville and UCF last year was huge for us for a number of reasons. Both schools are perceived as better programs, both schools are seen as being in better conferences, and both schools recruit heavily in South Florida. Unfortunately we hit a mid-season slump, but the wins over UCF and Louisville got us a lot of early attention. UNT could probably schedule lower tier Big 12, ACC and BE schools, and a win against those would be worth that much more in extra publicity.
    1 point
  20. if the convention center is to be built near the stadium then it would be great if this was taken into consideration as far as the layout. I think the "hill" area makes our pregame experiance rather unique. And having amenities that are condusive to the gameday atmosphere is a real plus for us attracting our fair weather fans. And that is what we have to a degree. I would like to see the design of the hotel/restuarant/bar be to where it is part of the stadium grounds to a degree. Certainly to where spending the weekend at the hotel and walking out to the tailgate experiance is a natural. Sure they would sell out the hotel on game weekends.
    1 point
  21. You are looking out the window on a Tuesday seeing that is raining and concluding that the picnic on Saturday has to be cancelled. The debt service is to be paid by FUTURE revenues. First if a developer builds a new 12 story, 300 room state of the art hotel it will generate a substantial increase in hotel revenues.. Second Denton is one of the fastest growing areas in the country again hotel tax revenues will increase. Third, the convention center will generate an increase hotel taxes from all the hotels n the city. Fifth will UNT and TWU continuing to grow resulting in an increase in hotel taxes. With UNT moving to the C-USA, there will be an increase in sports tourism that will increase hotel taxes. Sixth, the convention center itself is a revenue generator. The convention center generates rent income. Denton is located perfectly for DFW regional convention activity. If you were to examine the current expenditure of 1.2 million, you would realize that much of that is directed to developing future projects to encourage tourism and economic activity including a convention center. Although, the total cost of this project is $85 million only a small portion of this project is the convention center. The twelve story hotel/restaurant will be financed by the O'rielly family. We're not talking about a huge amount of debt to be financed by the city. UNT gains lease revenues and use of the convention center. The Hotel and Conference Center project will be a great revenue generator for the city of Denton. Many university meetings and events must be shuffled to other metroplex cities because Denton has no comparable hotel and meeting facilities. The new convention center will result in a huge cost savings for University meetings and events and provide new revenue opportunities for the University and the City. It is extremely shortsighted not to realize the business that will "trickle down" to all merchants and service businesses in Denton. This is not to mention the boost to sales tax revenue. Any passed on costs will be far exceeded by the expansion of business that this project brings. This a project that has joint participation with the city of Denton and UNT. The City will have a vested interest in the area west of I-35 on and near the UNT campus. The City of Denton will have to widen bridges and access roads to Apogee and the west campus facilities as economic activity expands. The Hotel and Conference center project will result in other businesses locating near to the convention center and UNT sports venues.
    1 point
  22. You win again Captain Buzzword. Me and my liberal playbook... I could care less about you're stance that "people don't need to publically display ther sexuality." I get what you're saying and in many cases agree with you. The video was in response to a post insinuating that referring to what Mr. Davis had done as courageous was in some way an affront to the image of "the white, straight, Christian, male." As someone who considers themselves a Christian as well, that idea sickens me.
    1 point
  23. [quote name='UNT90' timestamp='1339184514' post='649143'] Playing 1-11 Indiana was like playing Rice when Rice was in the SWC. Except Indiana isn't in the SWC. Don't get me wrong. Beats the hell outta Ball St., Ohio, Tulsa, and even CUSA version of Rice, but not on par with a 1 loss Houston or a metroplex rival SMU. And it's not even close.
    1 point
  24. Perhaps this could be better stated. Such as...
    1 point
  25. From the album: Joe's Pics

    1919 North Texas Football Team
    1 point
  26. My bad. I get them confused with Texas Southern.
    1 point
  27. Nothing is stopping you from holding that press conference... other than the fact that no one gives an s.
    1 point
  28. Did you ever pay your FINRA fines Phillip? Question, no info.
    1 point
  29. :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid: :stupid:
    1 point
  30. I would add an FCS game in most of those years. We need wins and 6 home games per year. What we don't need are two ass poundings per season and 5 home games.
    1 point
  31. They grow a lot of produce near San Antonio, so how about bringing back the Salad Bowl.
    1 point
  32. Bowl realignment follows conference realignment. With the WAC going away the potato bowl could move to San Antonio and give CUSA another option.
    1 point
  33. Yes, there will be the need to issue construction bonds to finance this project. However, the final cost of the construction center has not been determined. The goal is to have the convention center be self funded, that is, to have future increase in hotel/motel taxes as result of increase in hotel usage and convention center rentals, etc to repay the bonds. This model that has been successfully used by any communities. I haven't seen an estimate for the cost for the convention center, itself. Remember, plans have not yet been finalized. Any construction project has finance charges associated with it, ask Donald Trump. Again, until a more specific proposal is made as to the cost of the proposal and financing, this all speculation. The City's contribution to this project is relatively minor compared to the contribution made by private investors. UNT is exposure is almost not existent. UNT will lease the land for the project. The city is not financing the hotel, the restaurant or the land.
    1 point
  34. ....and juries are made up of the same people who voted-in those legislators that crafted this insane law......at the behest of the NRA.
    1 point
  35. ...and I've always (until now) thought of mid-western states as being a bit more reasonable than most others....especially gun loving states of the south/southwest. Whatever they can sell to the mid-west they (the NRA) can sell something even scarier to the "bubba states". Although it doesn't get much scarier than this!!!
    1 point
  36. Any organization that will let you buy a lifetime membership for your 8 year old son is a little screwy. That being said... NRA MEMBER 4 LIFE SUCKAS!!!!
    1 point
  37. Conference USA is a level above the Sunbelt based on the number of teams that traditionally get invites to the NCAA tournament. There are many years when CUSA will field two teams to the dance. I don't believe the Sunbelt has ever fielded more than one team, the conference tournament champion. Memphis, SMU, Colorado College and UCF all have had traditionally good programs. All but a few teams have had success one year or another (balanced conference) . 8 of the 12 teams had winning records last year.. That being said UNT will immediately compete in the upper level of the new conference a could potentially win a conference championship their first year. In 2013, Memphis their traditional power house will be moving to the Big East along with two very good programs in SMU and UCF. Note: They beat Houston & SMU ( the third best team in CUSA) last year. UNT traditionally will compete and more often win verse larger confernce teams including the Big 12.. In recent years they have included victories verse teams like (TCU, SMU, Oklahoma, TX Tech, Iowa State, Baylor) and competitive matches verse teams like Ohio State and TX A&M. In a nutshell the soccer was probably ready to make the jump to a larger conference 10 years ago.....
    1 point
  38. I imagine the traditional Loophole post-game meal, a quick listen to some Petty Theft at Dan's then off to Lou's, Rocks and Tavern for shots, beers, hugs, stories, memories, debauchery and questionable decisions. You get all that michagb?
    1 point
  39. Depends on if you're celebrating a win or drinking away a failure.
    1 point
  40. Been waiting for a Fox news story on this since it happened, Thursday May 31st. Haven't seen one., so I had to post a story from another, less credible source. http://thegrio.com/2012/06/05/75-year-old-milwaukee-man-charged-with-shooting-unarmed-black-teen/#47721777 This is a tragedy of Epic proportions, but the Justice system needs to work it's course so this gentleman, who admits to shooting this unarmed teen, is treated not as a guilty criminal, but as a involved party in a shooting. Others on this board have made me realize, I should not jump to a conclusion when an unarmed black teens life is taken without cause.
    0 points
  41. Can you post a story WITHOUT sounding like a complete ass? He is in custody, and charged. And isn't it a tragedy when ANY unarmed teen's life is taken? But most importantly, is it racist?
    0 points
  42. Oh so creative ... You must have come up that that quote all on your own. Are you going to see the movie...
    -1 points
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