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  1. It's not rocket science. He did kill a person. What don't you get?
    3 points
  2. Better than what other coaches? People love to demonize Darrell Dickey but I'd put the NFL careers (although short) of Patrick Cobbs, Kassell, Taylor Casey and Awasom u against any Dodge recruit any day. Tue Doge era was an unmitigated disaster. Period.
    2 points
  3. Nice post Evan. That letter illustrates how keeping history alive is one way to show the uninformed that we are much more than just a former 1AA team trying to move up to big boy football.
    2 points
  4. http://meangreenblog.dentonrc.com/2012/05/unt-women-sign-tcu-transfer.html/
    1 point
  5. From the album: NT mug

    found this at 3rd Monday trades day in McKinney. Good for cold beer!
    1 point
  6. Today I unpacked all my clothes from storage after eight months of living out of a suit case. I just realized I have a ridiculous amount of UNT gear. Especially t-shirts. I guess you can't have to much. I have a really sweet UNT Flag I bought and had framed a couple of years ago. I love it and it's huge. One really cool thing that was in a box that had been in storage for ages was the game ball that was given to me after the win over Southwest Texas in 1994. Pretty awesome. The Captains all signed it with the score and date. We just need Jerseys now!
    1 point
  7. Ok, say someone walks into your home, and you shoot them dead. There is no evidence whether or not you invited them into your home, or they just walked in. Do you think you should be in jail automatically? Or that you are guilty of a crime?
    1 point
  8. Actually, we don't know whether Tayvon Martin is dead today because of the actions of George Zimmerman or the actions of Trayvon Martin, or a combination of both. Odds are, it's a combination of both (yes, that is speculation, not a FACT). And we don't have any of the evidence to determine whether this taking of a life is a crime. They are 2 different things, you know. But you keep on prejudging.
    1 point
  9. I love me some High School art, music and drama programs, but Football revenue pays for many of those programs. I was in drama in HS and one of my couisins is a starving artist. But some HS Football games earn more revenue on one Friday night than all the art, music and drama programs earn in one year.
    1 point
  10. Sometimes sarcasm goes right over my head. And I love you too Green P1.
    1 point
  11. H-towngreen....I too and YES and NO on Sims. Yes in that he was one of the most sought after RB's in Texas in a pretty tough district. I actually visited with him briefly when he and Connor were on a visit at the same time. Very polite and mannerly kid...very humble too. Then I say NO to what I always say about a transfer...they are transfering and leaving a team for a reason....character, grades or not making the depth chart. With the kind of "tough love" from DMAC, this kid could be an immediate impact at UNT...BIG IMPACT. Another possibility that intrigues me is an ex team mate of Connors that came out of spring drills at TCU as starting LB...Deryk Gildon. He failed an alg or calc class. THIS KID IS A STUD!!! Current plans are to attend TCC and then go back to TCU...but who knows how that will all work out.
    1 point
  12. Unfortunately, Stock was one of the guys I was most interested in seeing. I'll go with Chaz Sampson. It would make a huge impact on the offense if he was able to come in and make a difference right away.
    1 point
  13. Whoever is returning punts. He needs to be a LOT busier this year.
    1 point
  14. I read the chapter on North Texas from Hayden Fry's remembrances and most were as I remembered them, a few I hadn't heard of and a couple had minor slips. Hayden was a great guy. He liked to spin a few yarns without facts getting in his way. He and Lou Holtz were the best. Hayden almost pulled off getting us into the Southwest Conference. He especially had the support of Darrell Royal who was the most important advocate that you could have in your corner. Contrary to some opinions, there was never any announced opposition to North Texas being in the SWC. Conversely, there wasn't a lot of vocal support either other than DKR. The only reasons stated in opposition were that our academics were suspect and several didn't want a 10-team conference. The former argument was valid except that we were not the only one with lower entrance requirements. At one time it was easy to get into NT. All you needed was a high school diploma. Staying in was the hard part. There were many students who only lasted one year. They went on scho pro the first semester and flunked out the next. Few came back. The requirements slowly changed but had not yet reached the level that the private schools would find acceptable. I do believe that had we been voted in that we would have immediately changed our requirements. The argument against ten members would have had more merit had not the two premier conferences, the Big 10 and the SEC, not been ten member conferences. The only rumored opposition that I heard came from Arkansas. It wasn't that the Hogs had anything against us personally it was just that we were another Texas university and they were the only out-of-state institution . I don't think that they would've voted against us had the application reached a vote but it seemed to slow the process and not long after that they left the conference. Had we been admitted to the Southwest Conference the time period would have been short lived. I think that we would've gone with Houston to CUSA since many had roots in the MVC.
    1 point
  15. We were definitely lacking in those areas, but Fry seemed intent on pushing through and fighting it until he realized that the bowls were a "no-go" at the time for Mean Green football...no matter what did That was probably the last straw for him and the catalyst for him deciding to head to Iowa. I don't blame him, really. In an era that did not have internet or social media exposure, the bowls were all the more valuable for their exposure/reward. To read that LaTech made it to a bowl after we beat them 41-14 the week before, and the bowls still wouldn't take our 7 (or 9, can't remember) win team. That'd piss me off too.
    1 point
  16. And as much as I love Coach Hayden Fry and what he did for North Texas, he also told this story to the demoines register...... Written by RANDY PETERSON REGISTER STAFF WRITER FILED UNDER Sports Sports Extras Hayden Fry knew it was time to move on when the pressing matter of the day was the layout of the women's locker room in the new basketball facility at North Texas State. "As athletic director at North Texas State, I'd just hustled $26 million to build a new basketball arena," Fry, 75, recalled last week. "The women's coach knocked on my door, said there's an emergency and could I walk across the street with her to the arena. "When I got there, we talked 35 minutes about how to arrange the women's locker room. I hustled $26 million and we've got an emergency with the bathroom. "I walked back across the street and said to myself, 'Fry, you're out of your mind. We're going someplace else.' '' Amongst the many exaggerations that Hayden Fry has put out through the years, this has to be the biggest. Actually it's a big fat lie. Ground breaking for the coliseum took place in 1972 (Fry was HC at SMU) and it was opened in 1973 (Fry was hired at the end of 1973). There was no fundraising involved in building the coliseum. So, this seriously calls into question his comments about SMU not being opposed to our membership in the SWC. Because he still had friends there, and I believe that one of them had been his broker. Here is the link.........http://www.desmoinesregister.com/article/20040704/SPORTS11/50708005/Hayden-Fry-University-Iowa-2004
    1 point
  17. Easily WR #17 - Lynrick Pleasant I'm intrigued to see what he has in store come picture day. His off-season development can drastically impact opponent look-a-like threads.
    1 point
  18. No way. It only takes 2 or 3 OT's who still got their legs and hands to have a good shot at whipping up on the kids in a flag game, Of course the Oldtimers need a serious QB who still has the arm to get the ball to 'em. Mitch, Scott, Bron, Jordan, Bakula; where are you?
    1 point
  19. The sad part is, back in those days I followed North Texas football, mainly through the newspaper, occasionally I would attend a game, but never once even new there was a booster club. I was never asked for donations or sent season ticket information. To bad communications were not effective like they are today. Thanks for posting that letter. Just a little UNT history...........oh, wait! We shouldn't mention these things to the new "ass kicking" generation of fans.
    1 point
  20. Im trying to figure out what message it sends and why it's wrong?
    1 point
  21. I believe you answered your own question.
    1 point
  22. Hey dumbass, climbing a crane to escape the police is kind of like leading police on a high speed chase in Hawaii, what's the freaking point?!
    1 point
  23. No black, only as an accent color. Outline the numbers, the logo (which I wish was on the helmet) or any lettering in black, but the primary colors should be our green and white.
    1 point
  24. I'm gonna carry a sign around to every game we play against them, in every sport. It'll say... "Hey President Farmer, make sure your local paer gets a good picture for the front page." Or maybe.. "Luckily this loss will be on page 8 of the Dalla papers, huh?"
    1 point
  25. Posts like this make me want to put my head through the wall, as it reminds me of our arguments against the narrow-minded people who were against building Apogee. First, Allen ISD is an exemplary school district based on requirements by the Texas Education Agency. The high school is the second largest in the state with an exemplary rating. Second, the bond issue to build the stadium only after bond money had been spent to improve educational facilities at each and every campus within the district. Third, the bond issue included expanding the high school for a new fine arts center and career center. Fourth, the bond issue was approved by the voters of Allen ISD. If they are scratching their heads, they did not make an informed vote. Fifth, the state of Texas requires bond money to be spent on what the voters approved, in this case a stadium and expansion of the high school. Sixth, by state law and fiduciary responsibility to the district’s bond holders, the money must be spent as prescribed by the bond election. It has nothing to do with the state’s budget problems. Finally, the district has committed to reducing administrative staff before reducing classroom teachers. When facts are not required, it is much easier to make a point. Unfortunately, the point has little or no value. Allen ISD, just as all school districts in Texas, has an operating budget, funded from property taxes, that pays salaries, provides educational and support services, an allows the district to operate. This funding is set by the state and is the fund that is in danger of being drastically cut by the current session of the state legislature. The District also has a Capital Budget fund that is used for construction, land purchases, and items such as school busses. This money is generated by the sale of bonds which are voted for by the residents of Allen. Once approved by voters, bonds may only be sold by the district if certain state mandated financial conditions exist. It is against the law for the district to use operating funds for capital projects or capital funds for operating the district. It would be a violation of Texas law if the funds for the stadium were used to pay teacher salaries or fund educational services. To say that District officials are being dismissive, to question their decision to spend money on the stadium vs. teacher salaries, or to imply that their hands aren’t tied is just ignoring the facts and state law. The facts are that Allen residents voted and approved the sale of bonds to fund the football stadium, the district has met state mandated financial requirements to sell the bonds and the bonds are being financed without raising local property taxes. It is also a fact that stadium or not, the financial challenges faced by Allen and all school districts in Texas would not change. BTW, I live in McKinney and have no dog in this fight, but I think the facts are important.
    1 point
  26. Good point, Deep. I had not thought of that comment in that way. My comments below are not directed in any way toward you. When I was not a "Gramps" (when I was in my early-to-mid-30s) my wife and I debated extensively giving the grand sum of $1,000 a year to the athletic department at NTSU because we loved the university and the athletic potential that Hayden Fry had magically flamed. But honestly we could not afford to contribute 1/9th of my paycheck and so, rationally, we instead contributed a minimal amount of money. It was the right decision, and it was a good decision for our situation in life at the time. So from my time at NTSU (1970s) until two years ago we, along with the rest of the football fans of our university, attended football games at a stadium that represented the sacrifices of our university's fans back in 1952 who were old enough, and established enough, to be able to significantly contribute to the construction of Fouts Field. Fast forward to 2010- 2011: WE are now called "Gramps" by someone on this board from a later generation (sarcasm or not, a totally unappreciated comment) who has halfway suggested that the modern era should be this board's focus. Well Sir, let me remind you of this fact: Along with the university students who voted for the student fee, Apogee Stadium EXISTS TODAY because of the folks on this board who you are calling "Gramps"; a group of posters who generally want nothing more than to sit in a comfortable football stadium; to be able to discuss and enjoy the memories of their younger days at NTSU/UNT; to work for a wonderful future for UNT athletics and academics; AND to put their considerable financial assets where THEIR mouth's are...... Forty years ago I could not justify giving $1,000 a year to the NTSU Athletic Department! TODAY I, and many of the other "Gramps" on this board - and other "Gramps" who have never accessed GMG.COM - have given, and are giving, many many times over $1,000 a year for the construction of Apogee Stadium and the many other athletic and academic needs of this university - and we will continue to do so on a yearly basis. Let me remind you of one more thing: We have spent the past 40 + years in old Fouts Field. Many of us have helped construct a stadium that maybe, just maybe, we will be able to enjoy for another 10 years or so before we become infirmed or simply die. YOU, on the other hand, because of the generosity of the students and the "Gramps" both on and off this board, are going to be able to enjoy Apogee Stadium for decades. It seems to me that your response regarding our enjoyment via board postings in re-living the NTSU/UNT glory days (and athletes) of our past were way over-board. It would seem to me that you would respect the years of service and devotion given to NTSU/UNT by these many people on this board in the same way that WE respect the younger generations on this board that are today providing service and devotion to our university - even though they may be too young to financially contribute at a high level today, and even though they tend to make what we feel are inane comments on the GMG board. But these "Gramps" are contributing to your future enjoyment with the expectation that ten-to-thirty years down the road you will be there to replace our monetary and service contributions for the sake of future generations who will be singing "Glory to the Green". You, sir, respect our past and we will respect your future. Gramps
    0 points
  27. Let me see if I can phrase this without you considering it a personal attack. He took a life, did not commit first degree murder. It's not like the special forces that Rudy mentions because they are under order to eliminate people who are considered to be an enemy. I'm sorry if this elementary explaination is considered a personal attack by you UNT90, but it is important that you understand Trayvon Martin is not living this day because of George Zimmermans action on that fateful day.
    0 points
  28. State of Texas does it quite often. Again, your point?
    0 points
  29. If killing a person is the same as murder, then lock up the SEaLs, Rangers, Green Berets, Delta, etc.
    0 points
  30. 0 points
  31. Every game is a window of opportunity, NT has to get better, has nothing to do with CUSA. NT was an awful team in the Belt since 2004 and just got to mediocre last year. On paper there is nothing to say that NT will be any better if as good as last year. NT needs a season like 2001 when things just begin to click. I don't think NT can rely on an exception recruiting class like spawned the 2001 through 2004 domination of the Belt. What NT has to rely on is the beginning of a winning McCarney system. Better preparation, coaching and training should begin to show if it in fact exists. You build for 2013 by getting a lot better in 2012.
    0 points
  32. We lost many, just not a whole lot of huge contributors. Thank you Todd Dodge.
    0 points
  33. Green P1, you and and handful of your pals are real smart asses now arent' you? (Did you like that tricked-up sarcasm, Emmitt)? I like this board more and more....with all the subtlety and all. Makes me think we have some real intellectuals among our crowd. I know it has its share of smart asses who don't like to talk about any North Texas athletic era other than their own. And I don't take very lightly any insinuation that I'm out to kill anyone. Are you just plain assed dumb or stupid for suggesting such, Green P1? I don't find any humor in that--tricked up sarcasm or not. I might want to put a boot in their ass, but that would just about do it. Harry, please tell the Romper Room section of GMG.com to change their diapers because they're beginnning to really stink it up on this board and they have already caused another group of true fans and supporters who used to be regulars on this board for years to basically leave for another message board quite frankly; or even if still a member of this board to not post as much as they used to and that because of this little clique on this board. And you have here a clique who seem to want to remind all just how awfully smart they are and how god'awful lucky North Texas is to have them, yet hijacking a thread most of which are informative or turning a thread that was going along quite smoothly with positive posts from several respondents into something negative because it just didn't suit them (or their era as UNT students) is a most unusual way for this little group to get get noticed which i guess is a main priority for them. GMG!
    0 points
  34. Yes, there are two different funds, and they can't mix. But Allen ISD and its residents have total control over their tax rates and priorities. FWIW, Allen laid off more than 80 teachers and support staff, as well as applying for a waiver so they can increase class sizes in K-4. AND, it's not like they didn't have an option to raise tax rates or issue a bond to keep from losing those jobs. That's why they just raised the tax rate. Otherwise, they were projected to have to lose another 80-100 jobs. So their priorities were still 1) Build football stadium 2) Protect the teachers and staff and quality of our education. Showing that they've JUST NOW decided to fix this only further illustrates that the priorities in Allen were out of whack. Those 80+ teachers and staff still had to find new jobs. Class size this year still sucked. They still wanted a shiny new stadium that won't pay for itself until most of us will be well in the ground first and foremost. Also, it's misleading to say it will allow them to hire ADDITIONAL teachers. It will allow them to re-hire approximately the number of staff they had to let go, and potentially unlock the salary freeze they put on, which still doesn't necessarily accommodate the need to increase the number of teachers and staff(as student population grows). IOW, they've now funded their standstill.
    -1 points
  35. It'd be a whip! The AK GEN would win four in a row and the OTs would never acknowledge it. They'd probably follow up each loss with a beer and reminisce about their favorite gmg.com flag football game loss.
    -1 points
  36. Good link. Hayden was a sly salesman before being a slick coach. I don't remember him ever saying anything that would burn any bridges (past or potentials). I want to read that book, though. I need more insight into him. Regardless, he's probably not the most reliable source when it comes to UNT athletic history.
    -1 points
  37. this is actually BS http://books.google.com/books?id=bANS-aNcpn4C&pg=PA228&lpg=PA228&dq=Hayden+Fry:+A+High+Porch+Picnic&source=bl&ots=XUK0nY1BNZ&sig=AcKMwg9XybEfSIQf6KHfgGS_868&hl=en&sa=X&ei=2YwzT7iBDcKrsQK6wJW1Ag&ved=0CCgQ6AEwATgU#v=onepage&q=north%20texas&f=false it says clearly on page 94 that SMU and TCU had no objection to unT being in the SWC it is right there clear as day in print from the person that was head coach and AD at the time and a person that had no reason to say anything nice about SMU
    -2 points
  38. Well...at least some unfortunately. This post gave me a laugh at how quick they mentioned UNT. http://ponyfans.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=61339&sid=ca41e544a44c91081526a724b6ead80f GO MEAN GREEN. JRock
    -2 points

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