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  1. Same thing happened to me in a Turkish prison.
    4 points
  2. I am not getting my "panties" in a bunch. I am just speculating about the future. I believe you do have to care about what every school does at the FBS level because sooner or later it will affect us. You can't just sit idly by while the college football world shifts around you. That is how you become NMSU. Plus it is the offseason and there is very little to talk about.
    4 points
  3. Who cares about what FSU does? Would you RATHER be New Mexico State right now? Be thankful for where we are now (thanks to RV), and don't get your panties in a bunch over something we have no control over.
    4 points
  4. The Orlando Sentinel has ranked all 120 Football Bowl Subdivision teams in the country. The Sentinel staff will take a closer look at a new team daily, counting backward from No. 120 to our projected No. 1 team. We will not be including the four teams the NCAA lists as still reclassifying to the Football Bowl Subdivision level. today they posted #84 - Washington State. UNT, FIU, ArkSt and WKY have not appeared on the countdown listed yet. http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/sports_college/2012/05/college-football-countdown-washington-state.html
    3 points
  5. Agreed. And further, who cares? In the last decade, no one has hurt UNT more than UNT. We need to handle our business, regardless of league. Then let the rest play itself out. That's what UH did. That's what Boise has done. TCU, too. The latter perhaps being the best example.
    3 points
  6. With the developing four, 16 team conferences, it really won't matter to UNT, CUSA, the BE, or others. We will not be one of the 64 "elite" teams that the networks are pushing to control. I'm convinced the Big 12 and SEC began that process last week.
    3 points
  7. Belt Teams #117 FAU #113 Middle Tennessee #108 Troy #90 ULM New CUSA #116 Tulane #114 UAB #109 UTEP #97 Rice MWC #120 new Mexico #118 UNLV #109 Fresno #105 Colorado State MAC #119 Akron #115 Buffalo #110 Central Michigan #106 Miami (O) #91 Bowling Green #89 Kent State #86 Ball State
    2 points
  8. It would not surprise me, and Notre Dame is seeking conference home in the near future. The changes in the national NCAA football championship playoff are directed towards conference champions; independents are at a disadvantage. It is no secret that NBC's ratings for for Notre Dame football games have been disappointing. NBC is under new ownership. It is expected that NBC/Comcast wants to become a greater player in college football. Notre Dame may no longer fit with and NBC future plans. However, the big 12 does not appear to be good fit. Notre Dame has a longer tradition with Big Ten teams, and is geographically located within the Big Ten footprint. Also, Notre Dame's basketball and other sports are competing in the Big East. The big 12 has just finished the negotiating a huge TV contract. It is doubtful that the current members of the big 12 are looking to expand in the near future.
    2 points
  9. Binford went on to explain: "The thrust of it is--we didn't stand firm. We didn't grab hold of the issue and own it. Oversight has to be a habitual thing. We've got to meet it head on. Forcefully, if necessary. We have to have someone looking our effort over--going up and down, up and down, over and over again--everywhere. But we can't be embarrassed about it. There's nothing for us to be ashamed of. This is a learning experience for us. Failure is not acceptable, and we've got to work it harder next time. Get into a rhythm and do what we need to do...Oh God it's hot in here..."
    2 points
  10. Has the NCAA had any input whatsoever regarding these crazy conference changes, traditional rivalries now in the toilet, and even cross-country conference games. Could it be the NCAA has no say-so in these conference matters because they are on the payroll of the power conferences and the TV networks that are driving these changes. There, I said. Conspiracy? Maybe. Money has a way of buying people off. Just sayin'.
    2 points
  11. I care, and actually NT has done more in the last decade than ever before. Sure NT has to get better but to suggest that losing key teams from CUSA won't hurt NT is false. One of NT biggest problems has always been conference affiliation, on the outside looking into Texas. NT entry into CUSA is a big step for the program, not close to as big as it would have been years ago when NT was a finalist, but still a step in the right direction. Losing one or more of the CUSA current heavyweights: Tulsa, ECU or USM would substantially reduce that progress. Any team CUSA loses is going to be replaced by a move up or Belt team, and although NT will still be in a more regional conference, the separation over any other league diminishes and CUSA could fall way behind the MWC. Winning big certainly got Boise moved up, but that step was not all that great and playing across the nation may not turn out well. Houston has been up and down on the football field, but they like NT have the market advantage. TCU is the one that really progressed going to the B12. If NT can post double digit wins for 5 or more years, then they could move up based on winning but not many teams can do that.
    2 points
  12. Excellent. While standing in line at customs in Mexico this week I was wearing a North Texas shirt. Someone that passed by shouted, "Go Mean Green!" I looked but couldn't tell who it was. The MG Nation is growing and will continue to do so with all the good things we have going on!
    2 points
  13. I believe that Tulane will be the swing team until there are 14 teams playing football.
    2 points
  14. It gives us a big recruiting edge over the MWC, WAC, & SBC as they have basically lost the Texas connection. Outside of the Big 12 we should have an edge when it comes to local TV & press in the major Texas markets. When we play Rice, UTEP, or UTSA we will get press coverage in 2 large Texas markets at the same time. I think smu isolated themselves in a conference that has little connection to Texas. Only Houston can help them fill a half empty stadium only once every two years. Basketball will be brutal for them. No matter where we recruit in Texas, parents will get the chance to see their kids play. That's a huge selling point.
    2 points
  15. Are you talking about MTSU or UNT?
    2 points
  16. I doubt many of the old guard Belt schools would be very happy either if three schools with virtually zero football history suddenly were added to the mix. I'm very happy to be in the new conference, but I have to admit that the addition of the three football newbies did dampen my enthusiasm a bit. Don't get the love for FIU over us, since they have very little history themselves and their only success has been over the last two seasons. Guess we'll just have to beat the old CUSA members a few times to get their respect.
    2 points
  17. You must have had some serious carpal tunnel after chiseling out said "papers"
    2 points
  18. These light fixtures you speak of...kerosene or candles?
    2 points
  19. . --- I can't imagine them cancelling a game with us now.... I am sure they would love to but unless they can replace us with a BIG-12 team, it won't happen... You can see the crowds ... they need us so they can fill the stands for at least a few games and that we would likely do. ---They are learning...... "The old grey Pony ain't what she used to be." ........ -----They made a big mistake going to the Big East and part II of that mistake is: It allowed us to join CUSA which contains a lot of regional teams and for us to get the upper hand over them and to get a lot more Texas and Dallas area attention... Part II will likely the worst part of it for them. .
    1 point
  20. Just an interesting note, using scout's rankings, in 2012 we offered zero players(or had zero chance to land players) in the top 100 nationally at their positions. I'm sure we did recruit players in that category, but it's clear we are looking at higher graded recruits for the future. Our highest rated signees were #116 CB David Busby and #118 OG Boone Feldt in 2012, and so far in 2013 we have offered 15 known players in the top 100 at their positions. I know it's early, and interest will fade as major schools come in and offer, but the level of recruit we're going after is impressive so far. We'll see if we can land any of them, early momentum will make a huge difference. I think this past season when we received a slew of commits from 1/29/12 to signing day it was a bunch of tweeners or plan B guys that got offers when a couple players decommitted and a couple others chose to go elsewhere. Guys like Mark Lewis, Lajaylin Smith, Dutton Watson, Mustafa Haboul, Jamal Marshall who could pan out to be great players, but are considered more of a risk. Those days are over, with Mac now having 2 classes under his belt, this should be his best class, hands down. Looking forward to seeing some stars on the board this season as opposed to the usual "Not ranked."
    1 point
  21. Can y'all just please quit quoting his entire post when responding to him? It takes up way too much room on my screen.
    1 point
  22. It could always be worse. The CAA prohibits outgoing teams to participate in conference championship tournaments
    1 point
  23. I was coming back from a trip to Puerto Rico in 2004 standing in line at the San Juan airport wearing a Mean Green shirt. Anyway, I look behind me and the unt golf team was checking their clubs. And someone in another line yelled "Hey, Go Mean Green!" And everyone I was with (all NT students) yelled it back. Pretty cool, the golf team seemed confused though.
    1 point
  24. Actually had that happen several places in Afghanstan and Iraq when wearing a "North Texas" t-shirt in the gym.
    1 point
  25. I think the IPO was too late and the initial fun of the open-to-non-college stage of Facebook is over. It's very much just a matter-of-fact part of life now, and sort of a luxury/low-priority thing at that. I do think that part of the writer's statement - especially #7 - is based on age. I do think that the idea that social media is the end-all-be-all of media is nonsense and I've always felt that way. Social media is only as good as the strategy and product behind it. GM pulling their money away from Facebook ads amuses me because that money should've never been there, or not as much as it was. You can use Facebook as an awareness tool, but don't expect to see 20-25 year olds buying GM cars especially when GM still has a less-than-ideal reputation, and don't expect them to buy a car just on a stupid Facebook ad. Social media is hitting the same point in its lifespan where simply just having a social media presence means nothing. It's where television, direct mail, print ads and the rest already have been. Be short, social media is beyond the point where you can spam people with it and expect a response.
    1 point
  26. Why would a C-USA even consider the BE if it loses two more major teams to the ACC? 1. BE still has not negotiated a new television contract. If the BE was two lose two more major teams like Louisville , Rutgers or UConn. it would leave a huge hole to fill. With all due respect to our C-USA friends including ECU and Marshall, there are no C-USA teams that could fill the gap in terms of replacing TV money. Combined with all the network cash that the BIG12 and ACC have already taken off the table, BE will not be the money cow it was in the past. 2. With the elimination of the AQ, getting to national championship playoff bowl will depend on the level of competition in the conference. BE will not be a power conference. 3. The Basketball only schools will gain influence in the conference. They revolted last year to kill a media deal. If they leave the conference or demand a larger portion of the TV revenues. (and they will.) The all sports and football only schools will lose revenue share. 4. The conference is without a permanent commissioner. Many members are openly unhappy with the conference. BE is the most unstable conference in the country.
    1 point
  27. I wouldn't not be surprised to see a stop the SEC/BIG12/PAC12/B1G alliance. An informal alliance of the Big East, ACC, C-USA, MWC,MAC, and the SBC would be a powerful voting alliance within the NCAA. It is not in best interest for the ACC to weaken the BE. The collapse of the BE would only strengthen the SEC/BIG12/PAC12/B1G cartel. A smarter move would be a scheduling and TV broadcast alliance between the two conferences. BE/ACC are still the dominant force in college basketball and could use this as a leverage with TV networks.
    1 point
  28. Well I wonder what happened to the Troy invite, if recent football results is all that matters. For that matter, why were Tulsa and USM not invited to the BE? Winning football has never been as big a factor, as many think. Support and resources are and that is most directly tied to winning. But if it was only winning, NT would have been in CUSA for years, as at the time that decision was made: NT had a good football program and UTEP historically has been one of the worse in the nation. Boise is the poster boy for what winning can do, but for most it is a combination of factors. I doubt Houston or SMU would be in the BE is they were located far from population centers. Of all factors, winning football is a big one; but I think this latest round of realignment clearly points to geography and potential as being bigger.
    1 point
  29. I was. Because in the end, this is all that matters.
    1 point
  30. I don't think this is all that surprising. The OOC games are the preseason. Games are scheduled to provide a couple early wins or a big payday. Even the Big conferences have similar schedules. LSU 09/01 - North Texas 09/08 - Washington 09/15 - Idaho 09/29 - Towson
    1 point
  31. Only if they demonstrate (on a consistent basis), that they have an appropriate appreciation for that truly great American music genre. Another gift from Americas' greatest generation................
    1 point
  32. seriously though, why are we dividing La Tech's hats? seems a little petty...
    1 point
  33. I disagree. The lack of NT comments to me show respect. The worst enemy North Texas has its own alum....some, not all.
    1 point
  34. Odoh didn't exactly just step off the boat and enter the USA. Lets see Odoh has now played for two different Jucos, signed and been released from USM and NT, so he should have a fair understanding no matter what his language skills are of what is going on. It really doesn't bother me that Odoh wanted to change schools after the coaching change. However, as I stated above; it does bother me that he didn't have the courtesy or fortitude to meet directly with the new coach of the University he signed a contract with. I am sure he is being "guided" by someone, whether it is his juco coach, potential agent or a member of NT's old coaching staff; but that doesn't clear him of the responsibility of his actions. It is obvious that Odoh had nothing to lose and potentialy something to gain by meeting with Benford. Odds are he is being guided by someone who has a lot more than Odoh's best interest as a motive.
    1 point
  35. They'll probably give Steve Orsini a raise.
    1 point
  36. Not Lebowski Probably network problem on your side? The picture comes up over here.
    1 point
  37. Whatever picture greenminer posted, it didn't show up. There's no way it' NOT Big Lebowski related, right?
    1 point
  38. Really how shitty is your life when you get enjoyment out of coming to forums to troll North Texas fans? How does one wake up and think, "I'll show those guys at UNT by posting on gomeangreen and refuting everything their posters say while trolling them every month or so under new user names MUAHAHAHAHAHA?" I genuinely don't see how or why anyone would spend time doing that.
    1 point
  39. I think TCU will become another whipping boy in the Big 12. Much like Baylor, I feel they will suffer long periods of struggling on the field, and winning seasons will come few and far between. In the end, I think TCU will fight it out with Baylor for the same DFW recruits they have been fighting over; mostly 3 star recruits that didn't get offers from Texas and OU. TCU was a safe add for the Big 12. I do think TCU will have more success recruiting nationally. I honestly think some of the recruits Baylor and TCU will fight over, will end up signing with Houston, SMU, and UNT.
    1 point
  40. I think it's a BRILLIANT idea to blackball D1 teams that we could potentially beat in the OOC. Lord knows we're so high and mighty that we'll just blow through the CUSA slate. No need to schedule to help gain bowl eligibility while we find our footing. Who do we think we are? And what long line of bowl wins and top 25 seasons gives us this attitude?
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. The kids gone. I don't care for drama speculation.
    1 point
  43. Why doesnt Benford go after Julius Randle, He #1 in texas... I mean we have to find a better player than Tony when he leaves
    1 point
  44. chancelor isn't one of the 4 best kick returners in the conference???? this dude has lost all credibitliy.
    1 point
  45. I bet Stock would have made the top 2 teams if he had stayed. Beast man will be missed.
    1 point

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