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  1. Football Coach Dan opened up and is so passionate. we honestly have the best coaches in the country and I wouldn't trade all the Coach K's and Bear Bryants for what we have now after tonight. -All the players besides 1 scholarship athlete received above a 2.0 this semester. the 1 is still eligible. -*when Dan first interviewed all the players when he arrived, 50 players only had 1 division offer and that was UNT. He said that is going to change and the philosophy of who we go after. Jimmerson is his offensive to look out for this season. Akunne is his defensive guy to look out for. CUSA will really benefit us in recruiting and rivalries Womens BBall Mike Peterson I can't say enough about this guy, I got to have a 20 min conversation with him before everything started. I first got to thank him for coming here because what he was leaving behind at Wake Forest is an amazing accomplishment. He reiterated that we really need the practice facilities, overall what we have as athletics is on par of the top universitys in the Pac-12, ACC, Big 10 but having that continuity and selling point to recruit will really help the program. My buddy asked him, would you rather have a practice facility or renovations to the super pit? "We only use the super pit on game days, we use the practice facilities around campus every day" "Not only will that improve us but it will help sell the recruits. recruits like nice new shiny things but we have the bare necessitates, we just need the place to call home." -We will have home games vs Arizona, Texas State, UT-Arlington. Away @ Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arkansas* Practices will have two shot clocks. One for 30 seconds(shot clock for women's bball) and one for 3sec. "if we get a rebound, I want the ball in the front court within 3 sec. If we dont its a turnover to me." "I told the ladies, I want to play fast, my fast is faster than your fast. If you come to our open practices, sit high up because balls are going to be flying until they adjust to the tempo." Tennis The head Tennis coach made a quick appearance. -Team GPA was 3.6! -we never have beat TCU in 45+ years of competition and we almost beat them this year but because of rain, we never got to finish competition. Great guy and quite the comedian. Sounds like they are on the verge of signing him to a long-term contract. over 500 were on hand to watch them win the SBC championship Mens BBall Tony Benford If you had any doubts from the press conference on him as a public speaker, NOT SO FAST MY FRIEND! He got everyone up in a circle and gave the most powerful speech of the night. Opening up with a story that will SHOCK you all and prove how much of an influence he has on the players. He had 2 weeks to work out the players and get to know them. One of the first practices, two showed up late. Benford told one of the guys, i know you're 5 mins late but you cant practice today. When you need to be somewhere, especially practice, i EXPECT YOU TO BE THERE, or else you are letting the rest of the team down. That player apologized and asked what can I do coach? Benford allowed that player to stay but he had to give 100 touches. motivating his teammates under the basket. After he did 100 touches, he asked coach, what can i workout now? Benford walked this player across the street to Fouts and asked him to run 5 miles. This will be you're workout. This player was Tony Mitchell. He sat down with Tony and his mother and showed him what his strengths and weaknesses are. "When you get drafted next year and Doc Rivers gives me a call, its not going to be about any tardiness, dribbling off the ball. Apparently Benford is close friends with Doc Rivers He believes he will get Tony to the next level and we will not recognize this team next year. He went down the roster next year and confirmed UDOH and Forrest are gone Udoh has academic issues and will not be joining the team. Forrest LEFT the team after not panning out after the workouts. ALL the players will be eligible this Fall!!!!! This brought a huge applause from the crowd, SO YES!!!! Chris Jones, Justin Patton and Jordan Williams are GOOD TO GO! No word yet on scheduling, still in the works but he is not afraid to bring in any team to the super pit. SMU most likely wont want to play us. lol Feel free to ask me any questions, there is more i will add later once I can remember but this was GREAT event. If you get a chance, go to the last show in Fort Worth. The coaches genuinely appreciate all the support we give them. GO MEAN GREEN! Click here to view the article
    18 points
  2. Mens BBall Tony Benford If you had any doubts from the press conference on him as a public speaker, NOT SO FAST MY FRIEND! He got everyone up in a circle and gave the most powerful speech of the night. Opening up with a story that will SHOCK you all and prove how much of an influence he has on the players. He had 2 weeks to work out the players and get to know them. One of the first practices, two showed up late. Benford told one of the guys, i know you're 5 mins late but you cant practice today. When you need to be somewhere, especially practice, i EXPECT YOU TO BE THERE, or else you are letting the rest of the team down. That player apologized and asked what can I do coach? Benford allowed that player to stay but he had to give 100 touches. motivating his teammates under the basket. After he did 100 touches, he asked coach, what can i workout now? Benford walked this player across the street to Fouts and asked him to run 5 miles. This will be you're workout. This player was Tony Mitchell. He sat down with Tony and his mother and showed him what his strengths and weaknesses are. "When you get drafted next year and Doc Rivers gives me a call, its not going to be about any tardiness, dribbling off the ball. Apparently Benford is close friends with Doc Rivers He believes he will get Tony to the next level and we will not recognize this team next year. He went down the roster next year and confirmed UDOH and Forrest are gone Udoh has academic issues and will not be joining the team. Forrest LEFT the team after not panning out after the workouts. ALL the players will be eligible this Fall!!!!! This brought a huge applause from the crowd, SO YES!!!! Chris Jones, Justin Patton and Jordan Williams are GOOD TO GO! No word yet on scheduling, still in the works but he is not afraid to bring in any team to the super pit. SMU most likely wont want to play us. lol Feel free to ask me any questions, there is more i will add later once I can remember but this was GREAT event. If you get a chance, go to the last show in Fort Worth. The coaches genuinely appreciate all the support we give them. GO MEAN GREEN!
    5 points
  3. I echo most all of what is said here...plus, since tylermeangreen sits down a few rows in front of me, I can throw popcorn at him during the games! For my bride and I it has been a great investment. We are very happy that we bought the seats and look forward to year two in our seats. Yes, it is a bit of a different experience from being in the bowl and "in the mix" of the crowd noise, etc. So, yes, it is a bit different for me, but the pros so far outweigh the cons that it is a no brain-er. The food was fine, the Club Level lounge area is awesome on game days and the sight lines are excellent. I stay outside most all the time as our seats are covered (we are on the back row of our section) while the bride likes to wonder in and out during the games. That works for us...at least she did not leave me at halftime last year telling me to "find a ride home" because she was cold or it was wet. OK, so she is not the biggest football fan in the world, but she loves the Mean Green, loves the game day experience and goes because she likes the Club level so much.....for us, GREATNESS! So, if you are thinking about Club Seats...buy a ticket to a game in the Club area and try them out for yourself. There are some seats left, but I don't think there will be many left much longer...especially with UNT's entry into CUSA on the horizon for 2013.
    5 points
  4. I certainly won't lose any sleep if LSU doesn't want to schedule us in any sports ever again.
    4 points
  5. That's the way troll go.
    4 points
  6. The club is good. All the pros that people are listing are pretty much spot on. The buffet is good to very good depending on the game. They have ridiculous amounts of desserts too. The booze is very affordable considering what they could charge. The bar is limited to standard calls though so if your wife wants something fruity or frozen it isn't going to happen but if standard cocktails, wine and beer are her fare then she's ok. One thing I find shocking that no one has mentioned is that in addition to the free buffet, free soda's/water, affordable cash bar, A/C, clean close bathrooms etc. is that fact that 90 minutes prior to each home kickoff RV is in the club to personally iron anyone's wrinkled $100 bill.
    4 points
  7. They just rattle their jewelry after a touchdown. (Apologies to John Lennon.)
    4 points
  8. You sure he didn't say that about Coleman? Not sure why he would say that about Odoh last night when he knew Odoh wasn't coming at the Denton CC stop last week.
    3 points
  9. I think that its funny that this link was thrown out there as a troll (by a troll) to get people fired up around here. It sounds as if this report isn't even close to correct for our records, but even if it was dead-on right, who f---ing cares? We got what we wanted in the last three years--new stadium, new coach, new conference. I don't care if we were dead-ass last on that list, because the results are about as good as we could have dreamed of just five years ago. In 2006, when this "report" started, we fired a coach who hated his job here and hated the fans while providing us with the best three rushing plays-and-punt offense imaginable. We then hired a HS coach, in part, because we couldn't fully pay a decent coach while paying off the old one and were still being run as a school who looked at funding athletics like I look at jumping out of a window. We played conference games against nobody from Texas and against "powers" from the SBC. And, worst of all, we played in a toilet of a stadium, which was literally an albatross on the program. By 2011, every one of those hurdles have been cleared for our future. After we finish off 2012's SBC schedule, its off to CUSA and its friendly locales for fans to travel and build up a rivalry or two with. We have a great ambassador in Dan McCarney, who also happens to be a very solid football coach. And, of course, we have Apogee, which is just incredible. Our future is so much brighter than this dark period covered. Truly, it appears that it is the darkest just before the dawn. No more Dickey, Dodge, Big West, SBC, Fouts, lack of local rivalries, etc...And if I were an alum of Texas State, UTA, UTD, Collin County Community College, or some other place that I took classes at because UNT "did me wrong", I would be very bitter, too, at UNT's movement in the last three years. And if I tried to fool everyone into believeing that I was a SMU fan, I, too, would try to make UNT's progress seem as poor as possible, since I actually know that UNT's progress in the last three years alone shows everyone that if the university decides that they want to be a bigger player in college football, that would only hurt SMU's future, not help it in any way, shape, or form. GL2Spareness is a great troll, but I respond to this because I want the rest of GMG to recognize just how bright the future is getting here at UNT-Denton!!
    3 points
  10. I like to imagine RV under the bed holding his cell phone and trying to tell Mac everything he sees. This has legs.
    3 points
  11. I have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career.
    3 points
  12. Oh noes. It will be just like Taken. Do they send McCarney to get him back?
    3 points
  13. It was Brandon Byrd that Coach Mac mentioned along with Jimmerson and Brown. He also stated that Akunne had 16 tackles in the spring game, that's pretty impressive. The Tony Mitchell story floored me but it shows Benford is not gonna play any favorites. RV stepped in and said that it happened the weekend before Tony could have declared for the draft & he still didn't go. Benford also did his Matt Simon impression by saying he wanted to play SMU in a parking lot somewhere in shirts and skins since they refused to play us in a real game.
    3 points
  14. i'm feeling the same way after watching a few of his cuts behind the line in the spring game. is it bad that i have such a good feeling about our line, receivers, and stable of QB's to compliment the running game this season? I know i'm crazy to think our secondary is our "only" weakness in the belt after watching the past half decade of unt football... i'm just unreasonably comfortable with our current staff and players. i know we will miss Bowen at DC but im going to continue to believe that Mac will guide us to another improved season. thanks for the great post LT!
    3 points
  15. Oh, if there is ANY way to get him, please make it happen! This guy steps in right away for Mitchell next season and, although he doesn't fully replace Mitchell (not sure we'll ever see his replacement), he will fill in VERY nicely.
    3 points
  16. I wanna play!! "Get over it and move along...better yet...stop smoking being a homosexual. How people can still be smokers homosexuals in this day and age with all the knowledge they have about the health moral benefits of not smoking being a homosexual to both themselves and their loved ones is beyond me..."
    3 points
  17. What everyone else has said. I will add that it is invaluable during bad weather games (call me a wuss, but I didn't miss standing in the elements for MTSU,or for games like Ohio a couple of years ago). I think the real club atmosphere has yet to be seen. The closest game to what I envision the future club experience being was the Houston game. Now THAT was the club level at it's best (so far). If you have a wife who could really care less about football and comes to the game for you, and you can afford the investment, do it. I mean, she is sacraficing 4 plus hours of her Saturday afternoons for you, you can sacrafice standing and yelling at the refs for her. I'll admit that the outside seating area, while great sight lines and close to the action, are not as loud and jumping as the regular seating. But everything in life is a give and take. And here is a dirty little secret. Until we get to the sellout level, if you feel like going down and watching a quarter from the 40 yard line, you won't be stopped (at least I haven't). Leave the wife in her comfort zone and go get your true fan fix. I personally bought the seats as kind of an investment. I tailgate and eat before entering the stadium for the game, so rarely eat at the pregame buffett (the times I have, the food hasn't been great....outside of the prime rib served for the Houston game. One of the only negative things I had to say about the club in the post season survey). Will I continue to tailgate as I get older? Maybe, maybe not, but the club level gives me options. A day I can't tailgate? No problem. I got the buffet at the club. I have enjoyed my experience, but I know some who have made the choice to return to the grandstands. To each their own. The best advice is to take in a game up there and then make your decision.
    3 points
  18. They'll still try to wedge in the racism angle. They have to...it's what they built this thing up as - a crazed, gun-wielding white man gunning down a candy-eating black kid. Stupid. By the way, we've got nothing on the black nurse killing the white lady and stealing her baby down near Houston. Black on white crime isn't racism to the media, right?
    3 points
  19. Wants to be closer to home Yes, Please
    2 points
  20. Think outside of the UNT box. Want to re-kindle the Matress Max relationship with UNT? GIVE Mac a block of 250-500 tickets to the game so he can give away the tickets to customers at a store promotion. Oh, and let McCarney handle this for the AD. Harry, those are some great ideas.
    2 points
  21. I attended the Houston event you speak of, and yes, it was a very nice gathering. Not only did they talk about the stadium, they had several posters set up showing the proposed stadium. I even talked to RV about the proposed stadium. And yes, UNT needs to do more of these events in the major cities like Houston with the goal of doubling or tripling our core fan base of season ticket holders, Mean Green Club membership, and University of North Texas donors.
    2 points
  22. I really wish there had been recordings of the whole thing. It'd clear up the following: 1. Was it really necessary to follow/confront Martin? Was he acting suspiciously? 2. How did Zimmerman confront Martin? Would it warrant a violent response? Did he attempt to ID himself as neighborhood watch? 3. Who was the first to get violent? If there was no need to follow Martin, then this hurts Zimmerman a great deal. If Zimmerman was impolite or didn't ID himself, it does more damage because Martin, being unfamiliar with the area wouldn't know if Zimmerman was just another criminal or a watchman. If Martin was looking into car windows and if he was being mouthy with Zimmerman for no reason, the case swings heavily against him, so it does come down to those 3 items, too bad that there were only 2 witnesses, of which one is dead.
    2 points
  23. He left, but he wasn't the mastermind. He was going to be the face.
    2 points
  24. Thanks for the pictures and update. Perhaps they should build a freestanding concession stand and bathroom around the fouts parking lot for tailgating. Im hoping for a hotel at the stadium so I can fly in, stay at the hotel...game and party..fits the bill.
    2 points
  25. I like Appalachian State, but personally I'm not going to cast my vote for ANY move ups from FCS period. I feel that way for purely selfish reasons, because the more that join the club the more that it dilutes the top level of college football. Somehow I think that dilution cannot be a good thing for us down the road.
    2 points
  26. How the hell are we to cook our brisket?
    2 points
  27. I see three pairs of Sperry Topsiders, one pale yellow and two pairs of baby blue shorts cut just above the knee...
    2 points
  28. There was quite a change in demeanor and swagger from Coach Benford between last week's event in Denton vs. last night's event in Plano. He was pretty fired up last night and seems to be adjusting to North Texas nicely. His shirts and skins comment regarding the scheduling of the local team to the south was quite amusing and got a favorable reaction from the crowd. I like that he doesn't back down from lofty expectations associated with this year's squad. He flatly tells the crowd that we're going to be "really good" and that his expectations are a Sun Belt championship. Had a few minutes to chat with both Coach Benford and Coach Peterson. They are both going to be great representatives of UNT Athletics and I feel will really shine in recruitment of student atheltes. Assuming they see some early success, the basketball program will be in great shape for years to come.
    2 points
  29. AWESOME READ!!!! This is very exciting. It is so hard, as fans, to find something tangible, something that you can hold on to, that proves your program is moving in the right direction. I can go and show this to my "nay-sayer" friends. There's no denying the facts on this one. Really, Vito should have been all over this... This post is so powerful. I am sooo ready for next season. These current mean green students have no idea how lucky they truly are... Its taken awhile, But i truly believe RV is a great leader and that we will soon be doing big things and making headlines in college sports. P.S. - Somebody is going to try to steal RV from us pretty soon! GMG!
    2 points
  30. Great last name if he can perform up to it. Would make for fun t-shirts this fall.
    2 points
  31. You know, we hear stuff like "we need more events in Dallas" all the time. Then an event is held in Dallas and we are told maybe 20-30 people bothered to attend. It doesn't matter where the location is in Dallas. It's not the location...it's the apathy of Dallas based fans it seems to me. If you really cared, it seems you could find a way to attend...no matter the location. At the Denton event we had Dallas and Ft. Worth fans...and in Plano I know there were attendees from other areas as well who could not make any of the other locations, but found a way to drive the extra distance to get to the Plano and/or Denton events. I could only attend the Ft. Worth event last year which was held in the Stockyards area. I made sure I got there in time from Lewisville where I work. I also know that several Dallas based folks went to Plano and Denton, so that could have cut down on the Dallas crowd a bit, but really, in Dallas 20-30 show up? Really? So, what's up with the Dallas "fan base"? I realize that the Hilton is not the greatest of locations, and maybe that will change for next year...but to blame the small crowd size on the location is simply not fair or correct. The problem is the lack of interest in the "fan base" in Dallas. heck there are more than 200 grads living or working within 4 miles of the Hilton location...I would bet any amount you want on that. So, to say it was the location that made the difference...well, I'm not buying that AT ALL. Get off your rear ends PEOPLE! You want events in Dallas? Show up! Now, all that being said...and after two poor turnouts at the Hilton location, it behooves the Athletic Dept. to look closely at a new location for next year's event. If I were in charge of finding the location, I would definitely consider a move after a post-event re-cap meeting. There has to be a site that would work better and be more accessible. So...where? And, if the turnout is as poor next year, I'd consider not even holding one in Dallas...maybe the Grapevine area or more south. You want events in Dallas, show up when events are held. Make it a priority. I'll bet the folks who did find their way to the Dallas event had a great time.
    2 points
  32. Looks like Murray State is a possibility : http://espn.go.com/blog/collegebasketballnation/post/_/id/59116/3-point-shot-interesting-times-for-caa
    2 points
  33. Well, there will be five seniors next year.
    2 points
  34. Great report LT. I didn't remember half of what you did and I didn't have any margaritas. Maybe that's why. I do recall two other running backs that Coach Mac was also high on...Jeremy Brown and one I'm not familiar with whose name was Burk. All four of the coaches that spoke were high energy and somehow I just felt that this going to be an exceptional year. Football and basketball coach praised their staffs and I couldn't agree more. If you didn't come away from the caravan pumped then you can't get enthused about anything.
    2 points
  35. Would you say it was most excellent?
    2 points
  36. Yeah....GL2Greatness's beloved Texas State has 2x the revenue we do? Right.
    2 points
  37. 2 points
  38. 2 points
  39. Let's all just concede the pink elephant in the room and admit you want to see Booger at an Apogee game.
    2 points
  40. 2 points
  41. 2 points
  42. I get that, but you've got to admit that getting transfers from the Big 10, Big 12, and SEC is a HELLUVA LOT > getting jucos.
    2 points
  43. people smoke because they enjoy it...same reason why i drink beer and don't eat vegatables. i know there are health risks, but it's worth it to me.
    1 point
  44. This now gives us a transfer from the Big 10, with potential of a 3rd from the Big 12 IF Brock comes here to play QB from KU. Big 10 -Purdue. Reggie Pegram RB SEC -Arkansas. Cam Feldt OL Big 12 -Texas. Darius Terrel WR -Oklahoma. Marcus Trice DB
    1 point
  45. Get over it and move along...better yet...stop smoking drinking. How people can still be smokers drinkers in this day and age with all the knowledge they have about the health benefits of not smoking drinking to both themselves and their loved ones is beyond me... Get over it and move along...better yet...stop smoking eating bad foods. How people can still be smokers bad food eaters in this day and age with all the knowledge they have about the health benefits of not smoking eating bad foods to both themselves and their loved ones is beyond me... See how that logic can so easily be applied to anything deemed "not good for you?"
    1 point
  46. Interesting. Which amendment to the Constitution defines this "right"? And if you are so worried about your "right" to clean air, do you support the elimination of the automobile, airplanes, and urban drilling? All of which spews out more harmful particles than smokers by a factor of about a BILLION? And a ban on smoking on a college campus, where several thousand people live, is not a compromise at all. A compromise would be designated smoking areas. A ban puts the safety of young students at risk when it forces them off campus to smoke, especially late at night. And before anyone says "Well, maybe they should quit," that is not YOUR place or the university's to dictate. How many college students die from alcohol consumption each year? How many alcohol related automobile deaths? Gee, it seems that someone else's behavior puts my life at risk, so we should just ban it!! Will alcohol be the next thing banned on the UNT campus? That will make tailgating very dull. But then again, there will be those holier-than-thou types who will say it's not good for you anyways and we know what's best for you.
    1 point
  47. Did Alford E. make that hire himself ?
    1 point
  48. Never though I'd live to see the day when one of CBL's threads was hijacked by a mod and Plummer. This thread deserves a spot in the HOF.
    1 point
  49. I thought he signed a contract prior to the mini camp?
    1 point

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