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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/2012 in all areas

  1. 6 points
  2. Our arena may not be new but it is one damn nice basketball facility. It just needs a few upgrades and renovations but to think it is a bad new to view basketball is pretty laughable. Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't it the same architects who designed Reuinion Arena? It's a great arena...just needs some renovation and a face lift.
    5 points
  3. I love the Conference USA logo in green, so I decided to make my self a cellphone wallpaper using it. I thought some others might be interested in having it as well so if you want it, here ya go. This post has been promoted to an article
    4 points
  4. Say, dog, I didn't see you toast with us to Unification Day!
    4 points
  5. I thought this was going to be about beer.
    4 points
  6. Mean Green! Thanks so much again for taking my poll...it helped A LOT. Wanted to let you guys know that we did a big C-USA Expansion Show today and part of that discussion involved the UNT Mean Green. Here's a link and some timestamps: http://www.blazertv....expansion-show/ Key segments include: 3:26 - FIU Head Basketball Coach Richard Pitino 8:51 - Shreveport Times - Jimmy Watson 20:03 - Charlotte Observer - David Scott 27:20 - Denton Record-Chronicle - Brett Vito 38:31 - UTSA Head Football Coach Larry Coker 46:06 - 14th Member Talk Hope you enjoy!
    3 points
  7. I don't know how they would do it , but i'd like for the WAC to somehow survive. The more conferences we have below us in the pecking order would be a good thing
    3 points
  8. If the AQ goes away or rather when the AQ goes away 3 of the 4 that moved from CUSA screwed themselves because they moved because of football. Memphis is the only exception. Memphis will be screwed if the BE splits which has been roumored to happen 5 years before the last conference shift in 2005. Boise is now whinning to the BE to help them find a place for their olympic sports. They should have never jumped, their president and AD knew the AQ was going away and the WAC was going to be ripped apart. Its not only SMU.
    3 points
  9. I think if folks spoke about Clarke even a 1/4 as harsh as many dogged on Rodge we'd all just have to curl up in the fetal position and cry.
    3 points
  10. I'm torn on this. The guy does have talent, but he's been a head case. Unless he's done a complete about face, he'd be a disruption.
    3 points
  11. There's a board for that. Do you want the link?
    3 points
  12. If yall listen, please let us know either good or bad if u like it and we like compliments and critisims. were trying to make this a good quality weekly podcast for the mean green faithful and in no way shape or form are we trying to compete with Evan or Harry and their super awesome podcast.
    3 points
  13. Sigma Rocka Rima
    3 points
  14. It looks like a basketball practice facility is around the corner. Priority probably changes with donor funds.
    3 points
  15. What is the name if this board? goSMU.com? Unless it has at least something to do with us I don't care. Let then fight their own battles and if we want to rabbit trail about them we can do it on the I like pie forum....
    3 points
  16. I like that statement that by one of the moderator, " UNT athletic programs are as good as SMU." Damn straight.
    2 points
  17. That's thing about musical chairs, someone is always left standing.
    2 points
  18. This "stepping-stone for said school tommyrot" will go on till the end of time. When we start winning again at a national level like we did in the 60's and 70's the media will crown us as the next school moving up. The Big East people have no idea of North Texas history and legacy in NCAA D1 which began in the Abner Haynes Era because they are up there and we are down here. Hell, they probably think we have cowboys, Indians and old time saloons here in Texas. (Well, we sorta' still do but in a different way than they think). GMG!
    2 points
  19. That's funny and not what I was expecting. I was expecting this. http://rgifs.gifbin.com/052011/1304618376_tumbleweed-gif.gif
    2 points
  20. In much of the print media, the reporters are already talking like CUSA is beneath ODU and could use this as a stepping-stone to the Big East. One called the new members, including us, a group of "wannabies". Who do they think they are? SMU?
    2 points
  21. I think you're wrong
    2 points
  22. Hoping that NMSU lands in the Belt. Idaho needs to go to the Big Sky.
    2 points
  23. Oh dear...that's really gotta gnaw at his Aston.
    2 points
  24. Thank you Ernie for all that you do. How do I get a hold of you and send in my 50, 100, 500, 1000 etc. donation to help you build this (renovate an existing facility) on campus. Instead of talking about where or how it should be done, or criticise everything that we do or have, I would actually like to help with this project.
    2 points
  25. Ok. Then it's land owned by the state. They have the right to make rules. It's not like the government telling you that you can't smoke in a bar in which the government has no ownership interest. and damn sure not like the government telling that bar owner that he can't allow someone to smoke in his own business. That is much more of.an infringement, which was the point. The government telling you that you can't smoke on government property? Not so much.
    2 points
  26. I love the Super Pit. Love the green seats. I guess my only complaint would be the low lighting.
    2 points
  27. Agreed...as bad as it may sound to some people the only thing that matters is what he does on the field. His private life is his private life and it is of no concern to me as long as he produces on the field. If he had baggage and sucked then by all means get rid of him but he's so dynamic and good that he truly makes the team so much better just by himself.
    2 points
  28. With so much talent we might not have just one 6th man.
    2 points
  29. Perdoname, no hablo espanol. Un momento! Estoy hablando espanol! Que diablos!
    2 points
  30. Let's just start another capital fundraising campaign with a goal of constructing a UTA type Special Events Center within 5 years. The city of Denton can get off their asses and help with this joint partnership. Can we tie it to the convention center hotel (if that ever gets off the ground) Save the money for a separate practice facility. We've got to start focusing on facilities now for a run at the Big 12 in 2020!
    2 points
  31. Personally, I don't think SMU cares about Tv money. They don't need money. I think the only reason SMU went to the big east is to get in an AQ league period. They want to be in the BCS picture and get back on the national stage like they think they were in the SWC. Three winning seasons in their last 25 and they're all the sudden remembering what it was like to be #2 in the nation one time in the 80s. They "belong" in the national spot light. That's why if the AQ thing goes away they are screwed. Then they'll either have to do the totally illogical thing and swallow it in the big east for no reason, come crawling back to CUSA (that would be fun) , or do the equally illogical thing and go to the MWC (if they'll have them) I'm sure June Jones will stay loyal to them no matter what direction they go. So they have that going for them.
    2 points
  32. Having a practice facility for basketball should probably rank above a baseball stadium/program on the priority list. We should get all the existing programs up to snuff before starting on a brand new sport. It is really small time to have to adjust the practice schedule around classes and other non-athletic event, and no doubt something used against us in recruiting. I don't know if the schedulong conflicts could be worked out or not, but what about a mixed use facility that could serve as both an indoor football practice facility and a basketball practice facility? Thoughts?
    2 points
  33. How is he at jumping fences to avoid oncoming guard dogs?
    2 points
  34. Has anyone seen the Diabetes test results yet?
    2 points
  35. I was wondering with new coaching change do you all think jwill is still going to come off the bench as the 6th man....
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. I think Benford is already very impressed with him, I hope to see him starting at the 3. Kid has huge potential if he can take care of his business.
    1 point
  38. 3-1 Final Does it hurt, pal? Does it hurt?
    1 point
  39. What happened to the old women's gym in front of the library?
    1 point
  40. As El Paso Eagle states above, the Men's Gym is utilized for classes throughout the day and is another university owned facility. Athletics will always have to schedule around other events which has been a problem with the Super Pit forever. The Super Pit was a great addition to campus, but to get it built back in the early 70's, since there was absolutely zero fundraising for athletics, it was a university owned facility with classroom facilities, etc... down below. Athletics needs their own facilities so they can be used at their discretion and not the university's. Having to schedule games around robotics competitions, graduations, etc... is ridiculous.
    1 point
  41. I am not concerned with Josh's person in how it regards to his contract, so, no. Yep, one drink is a problem FOR HIM. However, twice now, his relapse has resulted in what damage to the team, exactly? If it results in his relapsing into drug addiction, that will void his contract. I've met Josh before, and he seems like a nice guy. But if all of his relapses are like the last two, then it's much ado about nothing in regards to the team. FWIW, Josh has stated multiple times that he's willing to have clauses put in place re: relapses and outside behavior. He's plenty accountable in that regard. As an addict, and a person who has very careful rules for how I cope, I know all too well what Josh has to deal with. It is, however, irrelevant to his contract. It is also irrelevant to my post. If you would like to make more ridiculous assumptions about my knowledge and/or character, I'd ask that you PM me. I read too much bs at work as it is.
    1 point
  42. We just need a new basketball Stadium Right across the football stadium on the other side of bonnie brae would be ideal. A nice parking garage adjacent splitting the new basketball arena and the new baseball stadium....
    1 point
  43. I tend to agree. But then again, if Ernie Kuehne wants to build us a practice facility, I'm not going to tell him no.
    1 point
  44. "I can't figure out a good reason to have a playoff to start with," he said. "We've had some informal meetings, the Big Ten presidents and the Pac-12 presidents, and I think we're largely aligned in thinking a plus-one with a different ranking after the bowl games to select No. 1 and 2 would be acceptable. Really? How about the fact it is how 97.2% of all other sports determine their champion? How about "the fans want it"? How about "it's fair"? "Our second choice would probably be a four-team playoff inside the bowls. Our highest priority is to preserve the status of the Rose Bowl and our connection to it." F*#% the Rose Bowl, the horse it rode in on, and college presidents who think they know everything including how to market a sports league. It is absurd that progress over the years always seems to be held up by the Rose Bowl committee. The Rose Bowl may have meant something when it was PAC-10 vs Big Ten and these were the best conferences in the nation, but now they are just another BCS bowl game who gets the extra spotlight every four years. Just an example of dusty old dinosaurs who always complain about how things were so much better in 'the good 'ol days' preventing us from moving forward. http://www.cbssports...ff-for-plus-one
    1 point
  45. Rick has sold UNT, and people are buying it. All we have to do now is not be down 40 points in the first quarter every week, and we'll be fine.
    1 point
  46. This is Son of Worm and I approve of my image being on the helmet with UNT. On HD television both look good and are legible.
    1 point
  47. I agree.. this is a really dumb argument.... I really doubt your 99 cent price.... but I did work in a grocery store while in college and I know that we did sometimes sell milk, bread, coffee, sugar and few other items at a loss since people really look at those items when deciding where to shop... the theory was it brought people into the store and we made the profit on other things. Two... We are in a serious drought now... I can water my yard two hours a week.... dairies depend on buying a lot of hay and other types of feed that takes water to grow.. .... and the cost of hay is insane now. That drives the price of beef and dairy products up. THINK...... and you might understand... no doubt milk is higher now but there are logical non-political reasons as you are implying is the cause since you bring up three years......[ why three years if not political? ] Good grief... you went to college... THINK... [ my family also raises cattle, I have a clue about what I am talking about ]
    1 point
  48. Preciate it, euless. As for Buzz, the aforementioned atrocities sound like standard operating procedure for dozens of major college coaches.
    1 point
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