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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/19/2012 in all areas

  1. They broke ground for it last year. It's going in the middle of the sidewalk right across from Fouts.
    7 points
  2. STOP IT WITH THE G.D.'d TWITTER UPDATES!!! You know what's worse than a bunch of 19 year-olds putting vague and cryptic messages out there? A bunch of stupid, old, white men trying to decipher them and then posting their "expert" conclusions on an internet message board...a message board already rife with angst.
    5 points
  3. I thought u had to live in denton to coach at unt?
    5 points
  4. I would too... But I already voted for Tony
    4 points
  5. 3 points
  6. 2 points
  7. I'm not the biggest fan of Fran , but I think he's the 1 coach not named Forrest who could keep everyone together.
    2 points
  8. All I know is that this new coach better get us to the Sweet 16 in hir first year.. Or else Johnny Jones should be fired---- hmmm.. wait... that doesn't sound right...
    2 points
  9. by the way, GATE 4 IS BY THE HILL AND THE ROUNDABOUT DRIVE...just in case some of you forgot...GAME ON!!!!!!!
    2 points
  10. Racist. Serious question though? If Patton were to leave it would have to be for a professional league somewhere right? He does not have another year to sit on a bench somewhere, and I think the automatic eligibility thing is a big misunderstanding somewhere.
    2 points
  11. I heard Karen Aston was taking the job...says she thought that was the "UT" she was going to in the first place.
    2 points
  12. Harry, since this is going to take a while longer, perhaps you will want to make an interim modification to the Basketball forum description, and then again once we have a new coach.
    1 point
  13. We need a private jet sky tracker thread started....
    1 point
  14. Solid approach. This is an important hire.
    1 point
  15. Nope. He has to sit a year, but his parents have the cash to pay for a year at UT (because he can't be on scholly like Patton is right now if TU doesn't release him. It is a complete D move by manning. If you don't want to release him, fine, don't, but then you have someone on your team that doesn't want to be there. Not the recipe for great team chemistry. Many teams release the player with the stipulation that they can't transfer in conference, which is understandable for obvious reasons. For Manning to put the Big 12 down as a no transfer conference is sorry. If I were a tU alum, I would be wondering where Manning's loyalties really lie.
    1 point
  16. Not with that PAC12 TV contract they signed last year. All those athletic departments are gonna be raking in the dough. UCLA and Cal will be fine.
    1 point
  17. Have you been to both? If so, you have a better basis than I. I've only been to Lafayette, and the food/people are absolutely amazing. I would not mind sharing conferences with them for the sake of LaLa road trips. It's crazy awesome. I've never been to LaTech, but I've heard their facilities are atrocious. I vaguely remember some football success 15 - 20 years ago (WAC title?), and they have Terry Bradshaw to hang their hat on, but what else? I don't see or hear of any commitment from their AD, so maybe that's why none of their conference brethren seem to give them a voice/vote in discussions? I've been a little out of the loop lately on LaTech, though; if we have any Bulldog lurkers: not trying to flame you! Feel free to update me and make yourselves feel better.
    1 point
  18. Sorry.....I follow Coventry City and I have a copy of the book. Know some former Coventry City Youth players and have been to Coventry City and the football grounds more than once. It was a book about Coventry City and the trials and tribulations they had over the years just barely staying "up"! \Wigan has definitely had its own share of "staying up" problems and challenges over the years...I'll definitely give you that, but this was all about Coventry City...go on Amazon.com or some other site and you can probably find the book I am referring to...if you want I can provide title, author and publisher. Really good read....give it a go if you want...I think any fan of the beautiful game would enjoy it (if it's still in print that is...Ha!)
    1 point
  19. That was the intended humor.
    1 point
  20. What are the odds that your two head basketball coaches both have their dream jobs come open on the same year, and both are selected? Even making it most far fetched both dream jobs are with the very top of the athletic food chain and both despite many protests from their fans, selected lowly Belt coaches. By my count NT has only had four HC's move up to higher ground in the last fifty years. A couple of them were here only a year and were not big loses, Harry Miller in MBB and Cherrie Rapp in WBB. The other two were Fry and Jerry Moore which I still don't understand. So in really, NT has lost one coach before this year that was a real loss; Fry. Now this year we are down two. Many may discount Aston because she was here only a year, but she may be as good a coach as ever worked at NT. Jones was solid and orchestrated an amazing program turnaround and left arguably being the best ever basketball coach at NT. The best and the worse, is that both basketball teams should have had great seasons ahead. The best is with the right hire, the teams should still have tremendous seasons, the worse is that because of coaching changes the odds of having those seasons is substantially reduced. Both coaches left the team well stocked with good players, now it is up to the new coaches to build upon what has been established. Fry left a loaded team with about everyone back from a 10-1 season, NT made the wrong hire and it quickly turned to dust and it was not because of players leaving. NT seems to never be able to get over the hump, rare success is usually followed by failure. Now is the time, that trend is reversed and NT build a program based on a foundation of good coaches not the rare exception that can win at NT.
    1 point
  21. Here's another "only at North Texas". Only at North Texas could something like the bronze Eagle bust be funded/sponsored by members of a former athletic fraternity/campus organization. If there is that much money and influence still floating around out there amongst the Geezles, then why not revive the organization. From the 1960 YUCCA....the Geezles. http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth61030/m1/390/?q=geezles
    1 point
  22. Clarkson was looking to transfer to Texas it seems, but Manning and Tulsa is only letting him transfer to three schools. Vandy, TCU, and one other that I can't remember right now. Pretty crappy move on their part if you ask me.
    1 point
  23. Only reason merger sounded good to some of us was if it got North Texas admitted and better TV revenues for all than the 2 leagues previously received as separate conferences . If UNT gets into CUSA the merger sounds kind of like some kind of quasi-security blanket but moreso security for 2 conference commissioners than the schools themselves seems to me. Not really sure about this delay in announcing some of the schools who will be getting in if not all, though. Sure didn't take the Big East any time in doing so and if AQ is taken off the table (which it should) then their stock will have gone a bit south while CUSA and the MWC will have gone, uh, north. GMG!
    1 point
  24. With as much time I waste reviewing this board and thinking about UNT athletics, I think I'm entitled to a little Mean Green stress.
    1 point
  25. All I've ever heard is that Lafayette is the best road trip in the Sun Belt. I'm kinda bummed that I may not get that opportunity now.
    1 point
  26. It just hit a brand new low
    1 point
  27. I hope they stay, but it wouldn't surprise me if Jordan and Chris left. I still have a bad taste in my mouth from them being ineligible for the last half of the season.
    1 point
  28. well I am just stating what I was told... I am not as "in touch" with this team as I was was the others... I have not actually played against any of the new guys... my era ends with Holmen and Alzee because I spent a little too long in college. But I used to get around at the rec and scrimmage with/against the team at times with my friend gene. I go off what I know and true I do not get around like I did a few years ago but this is what I know...
    1 point
  29. I don't think there is anything wrong with "taking time" to find the right guy. 10 days, by the way, doesn't seem like an eternity (ask SMU). The future of the program won't be won or lost over the next 10 days. Find the right guy...period. GMG
    1 point
  30. Excuse my ignorance, but what makes Fran so good? After looking at his Wikipedia article, it seems he was pretty good, but I don't see how he's any better then Capel?
    1 point
  31. I think he'd be just fine here. The guy can flat out coach. He beat us twice last year with vastly inferior talent. He's not my first choice, but I certainly wouldn't be upset if he got the job.
    1 point
  32. This article seems to think he is ready also. http://campuscorner.kansascity.com/node/2429
    1 point
  33. I heard Eagle1855 is a Twitter addict. #fact
    1 point
  34. Its starting to feel like cusa mwc is hazing us with random alliance news. Membership is ours after hell week.
    1 point
  35. That respect would come a whole lot easier if they proved something on the football field first, even if it's nothing more than the ability to compete with the lower echelon of 1-A ("FBS").
    1 point
  36. I have it good source that Spiriki will split open in 2015 ultimately revealing the bust of Coach Mac with sunglasses and a bottle of Grey Goose.
    1 point
  37. A. It was Wigan Athletic. B. Of all the people on here to be talking about "beating off" and "staying up", you certainly weren't the first that would've leaped to mind.
    1 point
  38. Its always nice when guys are willing to take a pay cut just to play the game they love.
    1 point
  39. Just my opinion, which has absolutely no bearing on who ends up in what conference. La-La fans are great, welcoming and supportive of their conference mates (when they aren't playing the Cajuns). All I have ever experienced from La Tech fans is a superiority complex towards the Sun Belt including the FB coach and AD making backhanded remarks last year. Karma's a ... just ask Earl.
    1 point
  40. Are you anticipating that I might point out that one year is entirely too soon to declare ANYONE the best football coaching hire of all time? It's true that McCarney didn't go 5-5-1 and tie for the conference championship in his first year....but he came damn close. Not bad for the "student" of our greatest football coach of all time. But it isn't unusual for the student to eventually surpass his teacher/mentor.
    1 point
  41. Another little bit of useless history. Fry's team played La Tech, La Tech was close to the top of what was than considered small colleges in football, NT won if my memory is correct, 40-0. The point of this story is that NT had a good year and would have been a top candidate for the Independence Bowl but La Tech was already in as the opponent. Obviously, the Bowl wanted no part of a repeat slaughter so NT was passed over.
    1 point
  42. We could have been coached Weekend At Bernie's style last year and been better off than during the previous four.
    1 point
  43. We don't. We need the right coach. This insistance upon only hiring D-1 head coaches because hiring Dodge and Stephens were train wrecks is the same logic Tom Hicks used in not spending money on the Rangers...well I tried with Chan Ho and it didn't work so I'm not trying again. The template wasn't broken...just the decision. That said...no to this dude...I don't want anyone associated with Buzz Williams near this program. I still think my short list is Capel and Forrest.
    1 point
  44. You could have thrown a drunken frat boy on a pee strained couch on the sideline, and he'd look like a hall of game coach compared to his predecessor.
    1 point
  45. I would rather have WKU over MTSU and ULL over LaTech.
    1 point

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