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  1. He left this in the back acre under an old post oak. God Bless, and Happy Easter Mean Green Nation! Rick This post has been promoted to an article
    5 points
  2. "And then, of course, there is Louisiana Tech. The Ruston school is like the homely girl at the school dance, waiting for the good looking boy to approach and ask her to dance. That girl has been sitting and waiting now for about a decade. And, the dance is almost over. If that good looking boy doesn’t walk over soon, the girl will have to dance with the guy with (according to her) pimples and horn-rimmed glasses."
    4 points
  3. No worries. They'll still have Vito and threats of leaving the program to thread about.
    4 points
  4. This is going to be quick and painless/painful one way or the other. I would be shocked if LSU isn't announcing their next coach by Wednesday. If the LSU board of regents are reading this board, let me offer the highest praise for NBA great Reggie Theus. Just think of the national exposure that hire will bring. Just think of the boost to national recruiting. Oh, and JJ sucks.
    3 points
  5. Take it easy. You guys are in the Alliance already. Think about it their not going to leave the metro area with out a team. Remember its all about the market size. Hell I just hope we can get in.
    3 points
  6. they probably already made up their minds that yall are in and there's no need to keep making visits
    3 points
  7. It is because we are going to the Big XII.
    3 points
  8. And Runner comes on and provides Exhibit A as to why nobody wants them in a merger. This is a FCS school with no athletic success to speak of, terrible facilities and a commuter enrollment that exceeds what we were perceived to be years ago bad mouthing La. Tech who has much more history and success. Now, I am no La Tech fan based upon their comments about the Sun Belt from their administrators and most of their fans, but at least they have earned the right to be an FBS team. UTSA hasn't unless you count beating Bacone State and handing out tickets to any and all that want them.
    3 points
  9. If you think that's cool, you should check back with me when you're planning to decorate for Christmas. I have some flying worm Christmas ornaments...circa "the Hayden Fry era".
    2 points
  10. All the running backs had a good day, but J. Brown had one run that was highlight reel stuff. BTW, he has changed to #20.....you know, like Barry Sanders. Interesting stuff at the scrimmage. Ryan Long (#67, DE from Leonard) who sat out last year with an injury, was making his presence known with the second team defense. He was frequently around the ball and frequently putting pressure on the QB. The catch of the day was Teegarden. He caught a long ball on the sideline whilst wearing a DB. #92 was out there frequently playing H-back and TE. He was quite a load and looked pretty impressive. For a long time I couldn't figure out who he was and someone told me it was Micah Thompson, who was originally recruited to play DT. This is pretty crazy stuff. We put guys who are 6'4" X 307 at H-back and turn former DE's, who were/are the size of TE's into DT's.
    2 points
  11. If JJ is hired by LSU does the basketball portion of the mean and green board cease to exist? The only two historical topics of conversation are: 1)Sniffing Aston's panties And 2)Maintaining that nobody will ever hire JJ With neither still up for discussion would it just die on the vine?
    2 points
  12. The Alliance have talked about someday expanding to 24. That would mean that quite a few teams would need to be added later. So, they are probably checking out lots of potential future candidates. NT was already visited by CUSA some time ago. IMO, that means that we were probably at the top of their list of 1st round expansion candidates. Personally, I doubt that these late visitations are occurring because NT has been marked off their list. I just think that the new conference is considering a major expansion in the next couple of years that will include up to 6 more schools. Hopefully we will find out something for sure in the next month or two.
    2 points
  13. I don't care who they add, as long as UNT is gone. It appears that under Benson, the Belt is determined to remain a gateway conference for the FCS.
    2 points
  14. Please take the LA Tech/UTSA grudge elsewhere. This is GoMeanGreen.com Best of luck to UTSA and LA Tech. Quite honestly, I would rather have LA-Laffayette come with us than either UTSA or LA Tech.
    2 points
  15. WHITE TEAM All About UNT - Captain Hut Allred unt88 Shibby P. Reid smoothfresh Army2012 Chapman meangreen2018 Lance forevereagle TheFakeLonnieFinch UNTFan23 Rudy Merle GREEN TEAM Harry - Coach Tubby Heath medpilot21 THOR FloMoGrad adman untcampbell meangreenacct UNT90 NT03 meangreendrew Forneygreen K Ramsey
    1 point
  16. UNT hosted an international friendly match verse Columbia U-18 Besser FC. UNT won the match 7-0 but it was really cool to see the international pageantry. Both teams walked onto the field with the captains leading the way carrying their respective countries flag, both national anthems were played (note: Columbia's national anthem takes about 5 minutes to play! ). Then after the match everyone gathered for group pictures (see below). With regard to the play, the Colombian's ball skills were impressive at times and they never quit even after getting down early. Their girls showed some impressive "Cadillac" moves that drew some cheers from the UNT crowd. Even with very good balls skills, UNT was much to athletic for the Colombians ever to have chance. It was a D1 soccer program verse a good high school team (with skills ). Very entertaining to watch...but a bigger challenge will be tomorrow verse TAMU.
    1 point
  17. Geez ... thanks a lot, Johnson.
    1 point
  18. There are 2 ways to move up. 1. You get lucky and a conference needs someone in your footprint, or your market is large enough to get you in. 2. You win and build up the quality of your program, generating interest and national recognition. Currently we are doing #1. If we want to be invited because we are wanted, not because we are needed we need to put a good product on that field and support it. Not just added because they have a spot to fill. People talk about how playing in CUSA will boost attendance, and it may, but after a while that attendance will slip if we have years of going 2-10 or 1-11. The risk is there for a conference to take someone like us as well as the potential to do great, which is why teams that already realize that potential get the invites. We should not depend on the conference to bring in fans, the TEAM should be what brings in fans. Boise St. did it, and if we can have a record like stAte last year we will go places and BCS bowls.
    1 point
  19. Uh, I don't believe that movie had any relation to your university.
    1 point
  20. But, let's look at Georgia st.'s performance in that league, deeper than just this last season, when they had a nice 21-11 (11-7) record, with a couple of nice IN CONFERENCE wins (VCU included). 10/11 record - 12-19 (6-12) 09/10 record - 12-20 (5-13) 08/09 record - 12-20 (8-10) 07/08 record - 9-21 (5-13) 06/07 record - 11-20 (5-13) 05/06 record - 7-22 (3-15) While they may play in a good conference, they are not historically (at least with recent history) a successful team in that conference. Do they score the upset over the conference leader from time to time? Yes, but that happens in conference games, as we all well know. Georgia St. also loses 4 of their top 5 scorers to graduation next year, along with 2 other seniors (1 that played 11 minutes a game, another that was a bench guy). I would expect a huge drop off from their 11 conference wins this year. If they played in the Belt next year, I would expect a middle to lower level Belt basketball team. I don't see their basketball team as a selling point.
    1 point
  21. This is my point. The Sun Belt should be targeting what is left of the WAC, especially La. Tech (and programs like it with long-standing football tradition), which is dead inside the conference footprint. Georgia St. is, or should be, a second tier Invite. Inviting them now sends the message to every other WAC team "Hey, don't worry, we will take crappy FBS start ups, so just rest assured that we will be here for you if you don't find a home somewhere else." In essence, "Yes, we are the crappiest conference in college football." If they later want to take Georgia St., well, whatever, but who freaking cares whether or not Georgia St. has to pay a bigger buy out. I would even say that if Georgia St. can't make the commitment to pay a bigger buyout, what kind of commitment will they make to be a legitimate FBS football school? They want in? Wait their turn and pay to play. . Inviting them at this point and time makes zero sense. It's all about perception. My mind goes back to the friday night band competition at the conference basketball tournament when Waters told Benson "don't mess it up". Well, that didn't take long.
    1 point
  22. Now that's pretty darn cool. Nicely done! That's an Easter Egg we can all appreciate!
    1 point
  23. So, as a Tech fan, does the Georgia St. addition now make you feel better about La. Tech joining the Belt?
    1 point
  24. I asked which player was Micah Thompson. He is #65(edit) and was playing guard on 2nd OL. I was told who #92 was but I cannot remember his name at the moment.
    1 point
  25. I think Georgia State was done this early because their current conference was going to increase the buyout to leave next week. I think UTSA, LT, and others will wait to see how the Alliance pans out before committing to the Sun Belt. So I wouldn't expect anymore additions to the Sun Belt until after the Alliance makes its decision.
    1 point
  26. You are allowed to stretch the thought as much as you like. Feel free to jump to emotional conclusions. I am all of a sudden a conspiracy theorist when it works to our benefit. GMG
    1 point
  27. I don't think it will happen but just trying to figure out scenarios where Tech ends up in CUSA/Alliance and hopefully UNT is there
    1 point
  28. Rowdy Runner was the poster I'm thinking of
    1 point
  29. Maybe these other schools are just freer with their information. NT has chosen to keep this low key, which I doubt makes any difference in the final decisions one way or the other. Do you really believe that NT is not getting at least the same look as the other mentioned schools? Anything can happen and at NT it seems that it always is disappointment. Right now, some are worried about La Tech not only located in Ruston but with limited facilities, the Texas twins who have not yet even played a FB division game, and I guess everyone else not already in a better conference who proclaims they are a candidate for CUSA/MWC/Alliance. Frankly with the cast of characters vying for inclusion, I don't know how NT could not be invited. Possible, but I would have to think unlikely particularly in view of who is reporting consideration.
    1 point
  30. I think yall are going to get in but it maybe at the point right now where they don't want to hurt the Sun Belt if they don't have to. I hope both our schools can become rivals in this new conference
    1 point
  31. The OFFICIAL Facebook page of NORTH TEXAS MEAN GREEN SOCCER. Top 25 Texas A&M squeaks by Mean Green 1-0 "So proud of my 15 girls today battling against A&M’s army and the humidity”. - John Hedlund (Corners- 5-4 NT / SOG- A&M 6-4) Always Proud Ladies
    1 point
  32. I'd personally like for us to conduct a national search for our next coach (whenever that may be) No one here had ever heard of Johnny Jones, Karen Aston (despite coaching here before) or Dan McCarney. The administration is committed to athletics more today than at any other time that I have followed the program. Though I don't have a problem with Shawn Forrest or others on staff, we owe it to ourselves to get this right. I am also not concerned about what may or may not return next year. Basketball is the easiest team sport to turn around in a short period of time. Contrary to the “train wreck” conditions Brett Vito described in his blog today (regarding the state of UNT basketball) before JJ. I respectfully disagree. We’ve had our share of bad hires just like any other school. When operating on a shoe string budget, those things happen. Baylor Men’s basketball was a train wreck before Scott Drew took over. In just a short period of time, they are a national power. Did anyone know that Baylor women played basketball before Kim Mulkey got there? Though I'm still pissed at Aston, she quickly turned the perception around for the women. All I’m saying is that we should not settle. I sincerely hope that JJ returns. I will, however, continue to advocate that he do more with this team/program. Don’t care about how bad Trilli, and others, were before him. That’s the nature his profession. For the 1st time I can remember, we are seriously being considered to move up the conference landscape. We can't be too short sighted with our desire to retain a staff person to help compete in the Sunbelt. I’m sick of the Sunbelt! I want to go knock off UNLV, New Mexico & Tulsa. If JJ is fortunate enough to return to his alma mater, God bless him! There is absolutely no reason for us to rush to hire a replacement; with no scholarships to give (this spring). There will be significant interest immediately with additional firing to come. I appreciate the much needed stability that JJ has brought to the men’s program. I repeat, I wish he stays. He has been a great ambassador for the program and made UNT relevant in DFW. JJ has been here about 11 years and I would like to see him advance the program further. If he has the opportunity to advance his career away from UNT, I wish him well; I just don’t feel that we would necessarily revert back to the perceived train wreck condition.
    1 point
  33. Sure...as long as you follow in the tradition of doing so as an exercise in satire
    1 point
  34. Sloppy seconds after petrino? No thanks
    1 point
  35. Here is something to ease your mind. MWC and CUSA officials also visited TXST on Friday.
    1 point
  36. Welcome aboard Gabby. Make the Mean Green proud! GMG
    1 point
  37. And they will continue to be laughed at by EVERY other college football conference. It's about perception, and the Sun Belt just went a long way to furthing the perception of every college football fan that they are the worst conference at the highest level (The WAC will soon be gone). Not just with fans, but with recruits, also. While I'd like to blame this all on Benson, the university presidents have to approve this. Way to go, presidents.
    1 point
  38. This. Get us out of here as quickly as possible. Seems Benson's WAC tendencies to take whoever have followed him to the Belt. And to think I was initially glad when Waters resigned. "Things can always get worse" just took on a whole new meaning.
    1 point
  39. Normally I would disagree with you on this, Tasty, but with who we have coming back, I think continuity is really important. Forrest has the skins on the wall and has seen successful programs built, and more importantly, has the blueprint to how to be successful at UNT. With the recent focus on coaches with head coaching experience, I wonder if the administration would sign off on Forrest as head coach. I hope they realize that the other programs for which they have instituted this policy have been at or near the very bottom when the coaching hires were made. Kinda different circumstances here.
    1 point
  40. There has to be a behind the door deal with Bensen and the WAC. Get hired by the SBC, kill it, and get rehired by the WAC. Way to go on this hire SBC.
    1 point
  41. If the powers that be are looking at post season success, they are not going to just look at his goose egg in the NCAA. I think a huge selling point for JJ is his knack for turning things around in time for the Belt tourney. I really like to think he is a season away from breaking the NCAA ice and taking this to another level. I hope he and Tony sit in the office together and say "Let's make one more big run together. We can do this." Even at LSU, he will rarely - if ever - get the chance to coach a player like Tony. There are just so many dynamics to consider, and I have no idea what decisions will be made.
    1 point
  42. Really? The one in the BIG MARKET. UTSA
    1 point
  43. Why are UTSA fans assuming that meeting has anything to do with them?
    1 point
  44. You really think LSU would pay JJ 1.5 million or more? I could be wrong but that is a lot of money to pay a coach with no tournament wins and a so-so conference record at a mid major. Maybe they ante up to get him but I just don't see it. Does JJ take 750 or 1 mill. Maybe, maybe not. Can we up the ante? Can we afford to go to the 6-700k range?
    1 point
  45. While I think Aston to Texas gave us some good pub, I can't help but wonder if the applicants may know something we don't about conference realignment. Maybe that's the reason we are suddenly so popular? Hey, a man can dream.
    1 point
  46. If UTSA gets in over NT I will cut my nads off!
    1 point
  47. ---I heard there a big bust at Hooters too.
    1 point
  48. Think what you may about TXST but we are quickly rising as a program. We may not have the Wins to show it just yet. But our Fanbase is growing rapidly and our fans are loyal. It's not the same program of ten or twenty years ago. TXST has created an identity/ brand that is going to fit in well at the FBS level. Francione knows how how to build a program and I think his team will surprise everyone.
    0 points
  49. Just throwing this out there, don't bash. Maybe the Alliance wants to invite a few right now with hopes of expanding in following years. If Utah St and San Jose St go to MWC side of the conference you might as well take LaTech & UTSA for the CUSA side since the WAC is aleady dead and North Texas can only get stronger with another season or two in Sun Belt. At the end of the day, I really dont think yall have much to worry about
    0 points
  50. Were that to happen, they should feel as dumb as someone who suggested that UT would never hire Karen Aston.
    0 points

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