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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/2012 in all areas

  1. it's a good place to be. nobody expects jack from us. it's a bad place to be. they're like playing 7 tony mitchells. but i've followed sports too long to say we have ZERO chance. we only had a 1.4% chance of winning 4 games in 4 days according to the ken pom robots and pretty much any other source. i was at dayton. sitting in the midst of all 50 ms. valley state fans. they gave us nosebleeds so i moved at halftime and that's where the open seats were. as the delta devils were dunking on us on alley oops and building up their lead i never got shook. i really didn't expect us to come back from 16 but i knew we'd at least make it respectable by closing time. when we started making our run it got eerily quiet...except for my 2 grown sons that didn't have the good sense to not yell every time we turned them over in the middle of their fan section. i kept mine down to silent tiger woods fist pumps on each steal. our state is ate up with the blue. i'm sure you guys could relate to playing texas in a huge bowl game where nobody is giving you a chance. but these kids have bought into ray harper's kool-aide and you can't convince them they don't have a chance. i couldn't spend the money for tix in louieville today but i'll be calmy watching it on the 52" sharp aquos from the comfort of my living room. go tops.
    5 points
  2. This, to me, is the clear and obvious point that anyone with a lick of rationale understands...and what the circle-jerk of pessimism that is the YAC board can't seem to wrap their heads around.
    4 points
  3. How has that attitude been working for Louisiana Tech?
    3 points
  4. Here's how I see it... Mean Green Optimism: 1. CMJ 2. KRAM1 . . . 100. Just about everyone else. . . . 10,000. Eppy4life, Daddy D . . . 100,000. Checkfacts & his other personalities
    2 points
  5. This president is so naive in the basics of business and the economy. Nothing he proposes surprises me anymore. We keep being fed that he's a borderline genius and is the next coming of Bill Clinton when it comes to being politically savvy, yet he steps in it at virtually every turn and proposes things that make absolutely no sense in content. Likely, the proposal is DOA. The Republican Congress won't let something this economically damaging through, which is why Obama proposed it in the first place. Anyone who believes he ACTUALLY WANTS business tax reform has lost their mind. He wants another thing to beat the Republicans up as having blocked. The problem with that is that the polls show it isn't working anymore.
    2 points
  6. And yet some people seem to find me too optimistic.
    2 points
  7. You gotta understand, CMJ is like Eore from Winnie the pooh. He'll never co-sign on optimism.
    2 points
  8. But UTSA has such a strong, successful history in D1 football. They should be in the Big XII.
    2 points
  9. I think that the Sun Belt should add UTSA, Texas State, Louisiana Tech, Georgia State, Charlotte, and Missouri State. Sure there would be some temporary growing pains while a couple of those programs acheived FBS status, but the end result would be a conference with large state schools with a presence in many important markets. Two seven team divisions work much better than six team divisions because of the even number of in-division games, and the increased division size means that schools would play fewer expensive travel cross-divisional games.
    2 points
  10. http://www.addictinginfo.org/2012/03/12/trayvon-martin-sorry-the-first-murder-is-free-of-charge/
    1 point
  11. UNC Asheville isn't helping WKU here. If Kentucky wasn't gonna be focused before, they would definitely be now.
    1 point
  12. 1 Gotta believe Y'Barbo holds down the other guard spot. Right? 2 I think Fortenberry will have his hands full at C fending off B. Feldt, but he's gotta be the front runner.
    1 point
  13. Obama calls a GAAP long-standing accepted practice a "Tax loophole" and then goes out of his way to try to convince folks that he is not anti-business? What turnip truck does he think everyone except the mainstream media (who have not so much as mentioned this abomination of a proposal) fell off of recently? The guy is absolutely CLUELESS! Hopefully, this is Obama simply pandering to his base one again and it will be dead before it sees the light of day!
    1 point
  14. I agree. I think firearms would be a better illustration, since the 2nd Amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear arms, and yet it requires a photo ID to purchase one.
    1 point
  15. Since ticket prices were raised for Houston, will they be lowered for crappy Texas Southern? A legitimate question. I do think the overall package will be lower this year due to only having 5 home games. When I asked AD personnel recently (before the schedule was finalized), I was told that they were waiting for the schedule to be finalized before season ticket prices were set. I imagine you will be charged for one less game, but I wouldn't get your hopes up for a discount on crappy Texas Southern.
    1 point
  16. Voting is not a fundamentally guaranteed right in this country. You are required to be a citizen. You cannot be a convicted felon. You must be over the age of 18. You must be a legal resident of the state in which you vote, and in some states you must be a resident for at least 30 days. There is no other right that applies so many restrictions and requires one to jump so many hurdles in order to exercise. Except perhaps that pesky 2nd Amendment right.
    1 point
  17. I wasn't trying to sound defensive? I even +1'd you.
    1 point
  18. I never saw the helmet you were talking about but I am with you. We need to stick with one logo.
    1 point
  19. Is there any way possible that the WAC survives all this? And if so, with who as their members? The SOW helmet avatar I believe was photo-shopped by Deep Green year or so back on GMG.com and I wish it were our helmet for the next, uh..... (how long has UT had their "horns" icon on their helmets)? Then that's how long. GMG!
    1 point
  20. We did beat UALR on Dec. 28th here in Denton, but lost to them in Little Rock. We only lost to Middle by 2 points here. We might have won that one if Jasmine Godbolt was 100%. This team improved by having 10 more victories than last year. I believe we could be in the mix next year for the championship.
    1 point
  21. Updated : Central Michigan SMU South Carolina
    1 point
  22. Are season tickets cheaper since there is one less home game?
    1 point
  23. I love when any GB thread devolves into SilverEagle talking about the good old day (BTW, if you read the last post as Nathan Lane in the Birdcage, the post is way harder to argue with). I have to agree with the majority. As a former member of the GBin the early 2000's... Nick Williams is a the reason why they band is so larger and improved
    1 point
  24. I'm not calling for a 22 win season or a Belt crown next year, but I'm sure we'll take another step forward. Until we can beat MTSU or UALR, it's hard to believe we can go Dancing. Those schools have proved to be far beyond everyone else the last few years.
    1 point
  25. People will only look at the conferences one way or the other when a team makes a deep run, or the conference as a whole does well. One single win or loss, no matter how epic, is good for the team's perception but does not have the casual fan rushing to espn.com to look up what conference they are in.
    1 point
  26. Friends, GL2Greatnes isn't a SMU fan. Nor is he a UTSA, TsSt, or any other fan. He's just some poor sod who enjoys getting people worked up. I'll bet he posts anti-SMU stuff on their board. The best response to this idiocy is to ignore the little jerk. Starve him of the attention he craves and he'll go somewhere else.
    1 point
  27. And ECU is also pushing to get into the Big East, so they can probably keep pushing.
    1 point
  28. I think folks are just used to the black pants or don't want change. I vote for green pants. The more green the better. Both jackets have tips of the hat to SOW. One is or the sleeve cuff. I prefer the sleeve cuff SOW with North Texas on the chest (instead of UNT) to be consistent with the athletic uniforms. It made me chuckle that "GreenCrazy" said no to green pants.
    1 point
  29. I think Illinois came after the under 4 media timeout in the Regional final versus Arizona in 2005. That would probably get the slight edge for me just because going to the Final Four was on the line. But other than that, this was just about the most amazing comeback I have seen in March. EDIT: Found the game recap. http://espn.go.com/ncb/recap?gameId=254000061
    1 point
  30. Really? To the point that people could stop whining about our OOC schedule and come to realize that it is our IN confernce foes who have led to our RPI scores recently? You promise.
    1 point
  31. Maybe they'll be a silver lining when they all sit down with Akol and figure out this Stop Kony thing once and for all. /Still bitter
    1 point
  32. If you're qualified to vote, you're qualified to have a state issued ID. If it is important to you to go vote, got get an ID. ...the fact that the Justice Department without the matter going through court can stop a state from implementing its own laws enacted by the elected state legislature is pretty amazing. 10th Amendment? Anyone?
    1 point
  33. All of them look great but I'm partial to #1. I don't see how anyone would understand the "feathers" on the SOW uniform. Looks unbalanced with the rest of the uniform. If our green pants are the same color as the top then I'd prefer black. My last criticism is the feather extending upwards from the cap is overkill. Shorter, please. Now, something I've wondered about for a long time. Why do we still call ourselves the "Green Brigade"? We haven't done military-style marching in years. Can't we come up with something catchier than Green Brigade?
    1 point
  34. Again, not being a basketball aficionado, we fire him for winning or finishing runner-up in the Sun Belt four or five times in the last six seasons, then what? -Do other college basketball coaches covet this job? -What are the odds we get a proven head coach instead of just a "hot" assistant (SEE Wojcik fired from Tulsa today)? -What does our money say we could do? Being as ignorant as I am about our basketball program in total depth, I have to look at it just as a casual fan from my alma mater. From that perspective, it looks...what's the word...crazy to give up a bird in the hand to chase two in the bush. Although...I do know some people like to put their hands in the bush.
    1 point
  35. I really hope that y'all make it into the Alliance. I think UNT would be a great fit...
    1 point
    0 points
  37. Hey, just heard that our football season ticket renewal packages may be in the mail early this year...perhaps as early as late this month (March) or early next month (April). For me, that's very good news. Looking forward to seeing the package and renewing my season tickets for another great season of Mean green Football! I do hope it's so and the packages will be in the mail soon.....anything Mean Green football related is good, right?
    0 points
  38. I have no idea about this year's cost structure. We will all know the answer to that question when the packages hit our mailboxes. I am also certain that there will be plenty of "chatter" about it which ever way it goes. One thing I would like to remind everyone...with a limited budget and increasing expenses the Athletic Dept. does need as much revenue as possible...but this could work the way it works when taxes are raised...one actually gets reduced tax revenues instead of increases...I hope the Athletic Dept. personnel understand that concept better than some of our politicians. Just sayin......
    0 points
  39. Be careful of being accused of being a bad fan for asking such legitimate questions. But since I've already been called th at, may I also ask if they will be cheaper since last year we had two "premier" games while this year we have none?
    0 points
  40. I like the band uni at the very top of this thread with "North Texas" spelled out at the top of the uniform, but does the shade of green on those band unis' match the green on our football unis or is that just not the cool thing to do on campus anymore? I wish our football unis had "North Texas" at the top of the jerseys and would still go with SOW on the helmet. A Hint To UNT Branding Decision-Makers: Find something and just leave it alone for the next 20 or so years. We change football uni's almost every time we get a new football coach or AD. We have to stop doing that. They are usually "NOT" graduates of our alma mater and IMO should not be the ones defining who we are. Is it in their job descriptions that they have to come up with designs and logos? Doubtful... Look at al the established NCAA FBS schools who have had the same helmet for decades. We are the only NCAA FBS school with green as our primary school color and who have eagle as a mascot. Put an eagle on the helmet and just let it be. Branding is not rocket science unless you keep changing it dramatically (and not just a mere tweet) to meet the whims of a handful on campus who have this sudden, creative brain fart and then because of that we have to live with what they come up with for what has in the past been way too long. Just sayin'.... GMG! PS: MIght not change anything with the football unis' this year but might do a make-over in 2013 "IF" we happen to be in a new conference. Just sayin' one more time...
    0 points
  41. Seriously. Winning a conference championship then landing in a freaking PLAY-IN game... in which you almost LOST? Nothing to celebrate here! It did set up a pretty cool game for the people of Kentucky, however. UK v WKU in Louisville.
    0 points
  42. First, as usual, this story is going to be spinned in one way, and it is painfully obvious to anyone with an IQ of, 5. As to the totality of the circumstances, we do not know. Probably, the lack of training on the neighborhood watch member's part led to the confrontation. I'm not going to comment on what will or won't happen to him. He still may get charged. If Florida is like Texas, just because you HAVE evidence to make an arrest doesn't mean you make the arrest just yet. They could be waiting to weigh all of the facts, they could be trying to build a more solid case, they could be waiting to secure a warrant. There is simply not enough information in the story. It is merely to stir up emotions.
    0 points
  43. With all due respect to you and all GB alums, the band may be getting bigger, but it's certainly not really getting any better. And it hasn't for some time. It's larger size seems to have made it more unwieldy than anything else. It has no energy when it enters the field. Both for pre-game and for half-time. THAT is what gets the students and alumni pumped up and into the game. It's the same old 50 yard mosey, both on and off the field. Now, when they plant their feet and put their instruments to their collective mouths, the Green Brigade is pretty much without peer. But being musically superior is only part of SHOWMANSHIP AND PAGEANTRY. The Green Brigade doesn't start things off with a POW! They mosey onto the field and eventually get around to a somewhat muted POW. By then, only the friends and family of the band members are still paying much attention. You say the Green Brigade has evolved since the 60's-early-70's, but I say that as a TRUE SHOW PIECE FOR THE UNIVERSITY they have somewhat devolved. The only improved aspect of the GB performance, post McAdow, was the development of the drumline. In the 80's they used to win national competitions AND regularly perform with the Band. Now that doesn't happen any longer. The North Texas band of the 60's/early 70's didn't concern itself with fashion statements. They let their music and showmanship make their statement. And if people mainly volunteer to be in the GB because of the unique uni's, then I say the the GB needs to be smaller. I say back to the Unis of the 60's (with updates) and get back to REAL SHOWMANSHIP. FLOURISH! FLOURISH!
    0 points
  44. Use this post to rant about two of my pet peeves. One the proliferation of honor teams with massive numbers. All state first team should be 5 players not 20 or 40. By the way both Jeter and Tai joined Goodwin and Taylor in the Texas Girls Coaches Assoc. All State 5a team. It had 40 honored while the Texas Basketball Coaches has 20. I guess with many all district first teams in football having 50 to 90 members it is just an extension of the progress, but IMO it substantially cheapens the awards. All district teams have largely become the participation trophies that Pee Wee teams give out. The second is why can't the official site do a little research when they print articles. Instead of reporting junior performance numbers, why not update them to senior numbers. It is apparently just a lot easier to refer back to a previous article than actually expending a little effort to get the updated stats. Minor thing to most but it just bugs me, in most cases the bios will never be updated on the official site to reflect senior high school numbers. With newspapers dying, it seems to me that in house reporting should rise to fill some of the void. You will never get objectivity but it could provide more facts.
    0 points
  45. I don't care to evaluate the players. I just choose to cheer for them. You see GrandGreen, opinions are like buttocks, everyone has one and they all stink like poop! My opinion stinks, Your opinion stinks. The only reason I gave your evaluation a clueless is because I had already used all my negatives.
    -1 points
  46. Obama- "These are two teams that don't ever make it to the NCAA Tournament" .........wow......... When does he leave office again?
    -1 points

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