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  1. It doesn't matter who joins the SBC. Noth Texas will bve long gone by the 2013-2014 academic year.
    6 points
  2. It's still unknown what the new Conference USA/Mountain West league will look like – or will be called – when C-USA and the MWC dissolve and create their new league, but one thing is certain: there are a lot of schools interested in joining. College football industry sources told CBSSports.com that as many as 11 schools, including each member of the Western Athletic Conference, have contacted either C-USA or the MWC or has been contacted about their interest in the new league. The schools that have been in contact with either league are: Idaho, Louisiana Tech, New Mexico State, San Jose State, Texas State, Texas-San Antonio and Utah State from the WAC; Florida Atlantic, Florida International and North Texas from the Sun Belt; and Charlotte from the Atlantic 10. http://www.cbssports.com/collegefootball/blog/brett-mcmurphy/17751380/wac-schools-others-interested-in-new-c-usamwc-league
    4 points
  3. I agree...I have been around since Hayden Fry and can tell you that even though RV has made a couple of bad mistakes (ie TD) he has a love and passion for UNT as much as anyone I have ever seen...and he has done a tremendous amount for UNT...so the spinners can jump on the board and I will ignore them as usual.
    4 points
  4. Wow, only in contact with one of the leagues? Why didn't RV call both of them? Why didn't he wine and dine them? Good Lord, does he even know what he is doing? This on top of baseball? Should he really be multitasking when he should just focus on one thing at a time? This is ridiculous. Didn't happen without pictures.
    3 points
  5. RV haters: Where you at? I need to see how this will be spinned. I mean, this isn't the flipping Bleacher Report. This is CBS Sports. Isn't this the news you all have been asking for: An answer to "What has RV done?", and "Why aren't we seeing any stories leaking that pair UNT with the new conference?" EDIT: And Baseball rumblings to boot!
    3 points
  6. Maybe they'll be a silver lining when they all sit down with Akol and figure out this Stop Kony thing once and for all. /Still bitter
    2 points
  7. In just over a week's time WKU defeated: (1)MTSU - last game of regular season (2)UALR (Quarters) (3)Denver (Semis) (5)NT (Finals) The only "easy" game they had in the stretch was FIU in the opening round of the SBC tourney (who gave them a shockingly tough game too). WKU was just on a roll. It happens.
    2 points
  8. I will say this again: "IF" we get in the Alliance, UNT varsity teams across the board will have to immediately get out of their "SBC mindset" because it will be a whole new game with those we would be competing against. The SBC mindset is IMO....compete "only" against SBC schools with no real goal of going much further than that." I believe Johnny Jones "WILL" do what he needs to do to raise our BB program with the Alliance's (much higher than the SBC's) tide, too. Just check out John Wooden's first 14 years at UCLA. Just not as eventful as many would have believed, ya' think? When Wooden recruited Gail Goodrich many years after he had been at UCLA is when "the Wizards of Westwood's famous run would begin. Then Wooden shocked the NCAA basketball world by going into New York City and getting Lew Alcindor. Up until that time, most New York high school basketball phenoms would never leave the New York area to play college basketball. http://www.cbssports.com/collegebasketball/story/10233046
    2 points
  9. I don't know why everyone has to either love or hate RV unconditionally. Truth be told, like just about every humanoid, he has his plusses and minuses Great on facilities, iffy on coaching hires; helped get the stadium, failed to get the stadium the first time around; has us positioned to be in CUSA, didn't get into CUSA when they took UTEP; talking to CUSA now, failing to schedule 6 home games. Taken this program farther in 10 years than in the previous 80, possibly failing to get us positioned properly for very important realignment. Yep. Just about like every humanoid out there. Good and bad. But it seems to many it just has to be all or nothing.
    2 points
  10. No green pants, please!!!
    2 points
  11. Checkfacts, TodgeRodge, Gl2Greatness, whoever you are, What a misplaced rant. No question, UNT is where it is today by it's own hand. UNT has the on-field results and conference affiliation pursuant to the level of funding provided by it's Administration. Any UNT fan, who is not kidding themselves, will agree with that. ...but don't you dare come on our board and tell us not to hate SMU. That is complete and utter crap....and for that, you are a dirty smu troll. Good day, and get lost.
    2 points
  12. Two questiions: Do they have to have one of those blinking red lights on top to warn aircraft? While they guard the palace, can I make faces and do silly dances to try to make them laugh?
    2 points
  13. Seriously, how much longer do we have to tolerate checkfacts using a UNT moniker to do nothing but attack UNT on a UNT fanboard???? Could someone please deal with this? Thanks, troll, for turning another conversation into your personal anti-UNT rant.
    2 points
  14. Rick, we already have a thread where we mock you via Arrested Development quotes.
    2 points
  15. Our womens soccer team always seems to bring that intense energy especially against Big 12 foe Baylor who finished 3rd in the Big 12 last fall and is ranked top 25 in the latest poll with a RPI of #14 nationally. A great crowd was on hand to see NT Michelle Young score late in the game on a breakaway to tie the Baylor Bears 1-1. Can't wait to see how we match up against Texas A&M...Now please bring back the mens program so we can have two very successful soccer programs!!!
    1 point
  16. The popularity of American Idol didn't already?
    1 point
  17. Really? To the point that people could stop whining about our OOC schedule and come to realize that it is our IN confernce foes who have led to our RPI scores recently? You promise.
    1 point
  18. Charlotte would be a big upgrade for basketball. Just having them in the league could help everyone's RPI.
    1 point
  19. Either one could be the next Boise St!
    1 point
  20. Can some kind of correlation be made between the Belt's efforts to boost football and the diminution of bids since 1995?
    1 point
  21. Only if you wanna forget about the 14th, 15th, and 24th amendments.
    1 point
  22. For the good of the SBC, MUTS needs to beat Marshall in the N.I.T.
    1 point
  23. Oh 50inch no doubt.
    1 point
  24. One day satire will make sense. Until then, carry on.
    1 point
  25. BTW - here's an article that was posted on UALR's board the other day that sort of fits in with this discussion. http://www.theadvertiser.com/article/20120311/SPORTS/203110317/SUn-Belt-HOOPS-MIRED-drought
    1 point
  26. Please remember, there are those out there who subscribe to the theory that our entire AD is out to hold back the sports programs at UNT
    1 point
  27. Don't remember us getting this kinda pub before for our pro day. Mac's doing?
    1 point
  28. With Denver and MTSU having solid OC and conference records, the Belt would have escaped a play-in game if either had won the tournament. On the other hand, the tournament format yields at least in theory the team playing the best at the current time. NT should have won the tournament, the last two years giving up sizable leads in both, but they couldn't close the deal. I think NT definitely had a better team than UALR in 2011 and probably better than WKU in 2012. It took a miraculous shoot by Bozeman and a lot of poor refereeing in 2011. This year a career game by Azol to power WKU to victory. NT lost both games, end of story. I see a lot of crying on MTSU part just as I did in the first year of Belt football when NT won the right to play in the New Orleans Bowl yet had a losing record. You don't change the rules because you don't like the results, until at least the next year which the Belt did as it relates to a team with a losing record going to the NO Bowl. I like the tournament format as is, it gets every team involved. The tournament is going to have upsets, if not why have it. The Southland conference actually changed their rules, after I think a three win NT team before the tournament ended up in the finals. Although, NT didn't win in the finals, the thought of a 6 win and 20+ loss team in the NCAA representing your conference was too much for them. The problem with the Belt is not that it will occasionally have upset winners going to the Dance, but it's teams with excellent records that don't win the tournament are most often are left out. Frankly, this year I think WKU was the best team at tournament time and I think they will do just as good as MTSU, NT or anyone else the Belt could have sent. The Belt in my view was overall mediore with at least half the teams being about even on the court.
    1 point
  29. How big is the screen of your television set?
    1 point
  30. No surprise but CBS Sports is reporting that SMU has fired Matt Doherty. Doherty should have stayed at Notre Dame. His career has been downhill every since he took the UNC job. I wonder who SMU will find to take that job. They are moving to the Big East but that's a tough place to win (but might come with nice salary).
    1 point
  31. hmmm... apparently Obama thinks it will be a good game
    1 point
  32. I'd trade places with them in a heart beat. True story. Gotta finish next year!
    1 point
  33. OK, with the last time to sign up to play being FRIDAY, MARCH 16th at 4PM, the PLAYER DRAFT has been set for 2:00PM (CDST) on SUNDAY, MARCH 18th. The Player Draft will take place in the CHAT ROOM on GMG.Com so all can log in, sign in and watch the progress...and even comment on the progress. This is always a bit of fun, so make plans now to participate next Sunday as our two coaches...EMMITT01 (Green Team) and unt88 (White Team) make their picks. unt88 will have the first pick in the draft. At this time we have the following players avaiable for the draft (still time to sign up): THOR Grant.UNT UNT90 FloMoGrad Smoothfresh meangreenacct Harry GreenStreet unt88 - Coach Emmitt01 - Coach BonfireBrian ECHO NT03 MeanGreenSoHo Lil b GreenN'walinsVet SHOSS Shibby BMac UNTFan23 - just added 3/12
    1 point
  34. Honestly, they all look great. Will they be made of a tech material so they can be worn in all weather? The only thing I would add would be spats.
    1 point
  35. Is TO gonna be working out too?
    1 point
  36. Look Rodd Todge, checkfacts, or whatever your latest troll name happens to be, anyone that uses a UNT moniker as a screen name to do nothing but bash UNT is nothing but a troll, troll. Why do you feel the need to constantly change identity, troll? Because you are trolling, troll. Post as SMUfan, TXStfan, and I could give a crap what you post, troll. But you don't, troll. Instead you troll, troll. Have I mentioned that you are a troll? Just so everyone knows who/what you are, troll.
    1 point
  37. Again, not being a basketball aficionado, we fire him for winning or finishing runner-up in the Sun Belt four or five times in the last six seasons, then what? -Do other college basketball coaches covet this job? -What are the odds we get a proven head coach instead of just a "hot" assistant (SEE Wojcik fired from Tulsa today)? -What does our money say we could do? Being as ignorant as I am about our basketball program in total depth, I have to look at it just as a casual fan from my alma mater. From that perspective, it looks...what's the word...crazy to give up a bird in the hand to chase two in the bush. Although...I do know some people like to put their hands in the bush.
    1 point
  38. I vote for the Son of Worm rendition with the black or green pants. I think the black pants look better, but green is one of school's colors. The breast plate design reminds me of the Atari 2600 for some reason.
    1 point
  39. My gosh I cannot believe nobody mentioned 28 points. Case closed. SMU is a program that has seen its best days. UNT is a program on the rise and set up nicely for the future of college athletics. With SMU going to the BE and nobody still caring, TCU falling back to earth behind Baylor in the Big 12 and UNT about to finally get some regional foes to beat up on - we are just fine in Mean Green land. Thanks for playing privates but the time for the MG Nation to rise up is NOW. Here we come:) GMG
    1 point
  40. Anyone want to guess how long it will take some folks to start complaining about the new baseball stadium once the plans are made public? I'm going to start the guessing at a nanosecond! Traffic, parking, site, construction firm, why it isn't named as yet, who will get first pick at season ticket locations and how the seat assignments will be handled, the color scheme, the seating set up (bleachers or individual seats), grass or turf and on and on and on.....for me, I'll just realize that a dream for a lot of folks is coming to reality and be more than happy to see the thing built. Just getting on record early about the fun that we will all have here on GMG.Com regarding the new baseball program and stadium when all the official announcements are made...hopefully, SOON!
    1 point
  41. RUMOR ALERT...there is a rumor out there that TheGoodSheppard will be playing in this year's GMG.Com Basketball Classic...anyone care to substantiate that rumor or kill it? HARRY...are you there??? Folks...still time to sign up to play, still time to donate to the event and still time to provide an auction item for the event in support of the UNT Cheer Squad. PM me if you are interested in helping in any way this time around.
    1 point
  42. Just to clarify, the first time was by fifteen (73-58). I don't think you'd ever find someone who respected WKU more than me. They are probably the school outside the Power leagues with the most tradition period.
    1 point
  43. I guess I just come from the school that if a coach needs to do something, he's on the hot seat.
    1 point
  44. Santorum did better in Ohio than I thought he would. If Gingrich were to go in with Santorum would it be enough to defeat Romney? Rick
    1 point
  45. I would think it would make more sense to put the money into football and get good at that again first.
    1 point
  46. Baseball is only 11.5 scholorships I believe and I'm pretty sure we are good to go on the Title 9 front already
    1 point

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