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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/2012 in all areas

  1. I think there are 3 burning questions for a bunch of us on here: 1. How are talks with C-USA/MWC/Alliance conference leaders going? 2. How close are we to adding baseball? 3. Are you striving to add another home game next year, or is the 2012 schedule set? Then there are 3 others: 1. Has Benson aproached you on your opinions of TX St./UTSA/LA. Tech? 2. Are you looking at real estate around Hattiesburg, MS? 3. When are we going to get the University to update the Super Pit?
    16 points
  2. is the 2012 ooc football schedule set yet...only 5 home games or is there a possibility of another?
    14 points
  3. What's the status on fielding a baseball team?
    14 points
  4. Fall 2013 will be 100 Years of North Texas Football (1913 - TCU 13 NT 0). Do we have any special acitivites planned for the 2013 season? This is a major milestone for our University's football program, we need to embrace it.
    13 points
  5. How soon could we expect to see a conference change? 1 month, 6 months, a year?
    13 points
  6. We have never had a president more disrespected than Barack Obama. From day one, many folks have been running scared at the thought that they will lose whatever rights they have enjoyed their whole life. Republican (and Tea Party) candidates use this fear to their advantage by continuing to lie and distort the truth. This guy is not one of us; he's not American, not Christian, hangs around terrorists, he's a socialist etc. I remain shocked that so many continue to embrace this type of bigotry. Despite it all, Mr. Obama remains the consummate professional and adult with these attacks. What has he done? How about keeping this country out of a depression. Saving the US auto industry. Bringing our troops home from a lie, killing the top terrorists, bringing the stock market back, creating jobs month after month, restoring the US imagine around the world Instead of constantly berating the guy and believing all the lies out there because of the color of his skin, we need to thank the guy for bringing us back from the mess of the prior 8 years. Imagine where we would be if the Republicans would try to work with him rather than obstruct everything the man is trying to do; for all of us. Fortunately, the majority of American have not fallen prey to this garbage. Polls have him rising because of the lack of an alternative from the Republican. (or policies) It would be a waste of resources and foolish for Obama to target African American only; when he received 92-95% of their vote. We have never had a president to inherit as many problems upon taking office. Despite the concerted effort of the republican to just sit on the sidelines and hope the economy fails; this president has been the right guy at the right time. Lord knows this may have killed McCain and Sara Palin would have just quit. Keep up the great work Mr. Commander in Chief Sir! Like Tony Mitchell, give us more years. Here's my vote for eliminating forums like this that take away from my day to day escape from the work place and politics. Hell, If I wanted to get pissed off, I can always watch Fox News.
    9 points
  7. Super Pit Upgrades?? New Track Facility? Indoor Football Practice Facility? BASEBALL,BASEBALL, BASEBALL
    8 points
  8. How are Mean Green Club memberships going this year? What are our MGC membership goals this year? Any major donations coming to athletics, monetary donations, or for specific use, like baseball?
    6 points
  9. What are your thoughts on conference realignment and how could UNT benefit or lose from the upcoming changes?
    6 points
  10. 4 points
  11. Any news from Scotty Young?? Is he UNT bound?? Is Tony coming back?? Baseball, baseball, baseball... Ive waited to long for the day.. Its time!!
    4 points
  12. Does this mean that we might have the opportunity to blackball smu down the road? Now that would be fun!
    4 points
  13. Will be at Fox and Hound downtown. We will have our own room with sound. See you Tuesday about 5:30pm.
    3 points
  14. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CDsQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sunbeltsports.org%2Ffls%2F4100%2Fmbball_stats%2F2012%2Fmbb_bracket.pdf&ei=IK1LT4KbONKEsgLS9ezqCA&usg=AFQjCNGyTAtyy9Ouf7ZfIwbmmoaMkif6GQ&sig2=8j85ZHCvfDAMZzbWIS68RA
    3 points
  15. The above thread title content on this message board was not created by anyone on GMG.com but rather a creation from a poster on the CUSA board. The TSU-SM "market too small" part of the article came from the SA Express-News reporter. Actually, I would disagree with the reporter that the TSU-SM market is too small, but it just happens to only be 18 miles from....The University. NOTE: North Texas & FIU are mentioned in a good light in this SA Express-News article. Not sure why FAU or MTSU are not. And FIU? In deed, this really must be all about TV markets since many of us see FAU or MTSU with more across the board upside with better facilities. I think UNT hit a grand slam home run with Apogee Stadium, folks. http://www.mysananto...als-3338113.php GMG!
    3 points
  16. Now that we are with Nike are there any plans to go the their Pro Combat uniforms in football? and Hyper Elite in basketball? Are there any renderings or a timeline to expand Apogee?
    3 points
  17. The CUSA commissioner not liking UTSA at this time is good news for UNT's chances of getting an invite.
    3 points
  18. 3 points
  19. Southern Miss AD opening? Jumbotron in the Pit?
    2 points
  20. Rick, I know your opinion on this, and I heartily disagree with you, but you must reconsider the addition of the new stylized Eagle on the football helmets. Yes, the "NORTH TEXAS" block lettering identifies who we are, but it really is "mickey mouse".
    2 points
  21. Here is a question I would like to ask (hoping that it does not come to this). If UNT is not chosen for the Alliance, what do you believe can be done to energize the fan base to support the Sun Belt?
    2 points
  22. What is the Sun Belt Conference buyout if we leave?
    2 points
  23. Invitations will be sent as a form letter without a hand-written note.
    2 points
  24. Please don't tell me u are trying to plan another tailgate
    2 points
  25. Tough road to the tourny this year. Gonna have to go through ULL and more than likely MTSU. Who cares who come out of the other side of the bracket. Stay out of foul trouble Tony and may the refs be with you.
    2 points
  26. IMO … If somehow the Big East expansion reverses and these teams have a chance to go back, I could see this maybe happening with the MWC teams, but I think SMU and U of H stay. I think the “Alliance” would be off and then both the MWC and CUSA would try to get to 12
    2 points
  27. Here's why: - If the BCS throws out automatic qualifiers, then SMU, Houston, Boise, SDSU return to CUSA & the MWC. - The merger still likely happens, but their need to expand just vaporized - If the Alliance does not expand, there will be no teams poached from the Sun Belt - If there are no teams poached from the Sun Belt, why add FCS teams or startups?? I think LaTech is there for the taking regardless of how this all plays out. Benson's move gets the conference to 12 (and adds a championship game), kills the WAC and possibly UTSA...but does add one more Texas based FBS team. It's probably a shrewd move b/c if the Sun Belt waits until all of this sorts out, and the above scenario plays out (ie--no teams are taken from the Sun Belt or WAC), it'll have blood on it's hands if it takes any teams from the WAC in order to get to 12 teams. Act now, and you can pass it off as self defense. Wait, and we are homicidal maniacs.
    2 points
  28. Except that newsbusters link you posted in the gas prices thread a few days ago...
    2 points
  29. This post seems like there are several logical fallacies in it. Unless, I am confused at what your point is... Because, to me, it seemed like you were trying to discredit his statement by bringing up where he possibly was born. Something that does not make his argument invalid. Furthermore, it assumes a lot of someone just because of something out of their control like where they were born.
    2 points
  30. Still a better thread than debating whether to wait for the potential of a high school football coach to materialize.
    2 points
  31. God, I hate off season. Oh wait, I didn't mean to blur the line between seperation of Church and Message Board.
    2 points
  32. Who says we weren't sandbagging cuz we wanted ULL
    2 points
  33. If the Catholic Church runs side businesses, they should follow the same rules as every other business. There is no constitutional right in this country to use religion to exempt yourself from laws your religion does not like. In the Supreme Court case Employment Division v. Smith, the court ruled that religious liberty is not sufficient grounds to be exempt from laws. The court found that Oregon could deny unemployment benefits to people who were fired for consuming peyote as part of a religious tradition. Antonin Scalia wrote the decision for the majority. "To permit this would be to make the professed doctrines of religious belief superior to the law of the land, and in effect to permit every citizen to become a law unto himself," Scalia wrote.
    2 points
  34. Birth control is an issue because the Catholic bishops ordered their priests to read a letter at the pulpit criticizing a federal requirement to offer contraceptives in the insurance plans of the side businesses run by the church. Santorum, Romney and Gingrich picked up the ball and ran with it. Santorum continues to talk about it. He won't ban contraception as president, but he's already said he'll cut all federal funds being spent on contraception. It *is* a campaign issue for him. I guess he wants there to be more unwanted pregnancies and STDs. There are plenty of Catholic politicians on the left and right who don't share his nutty extremism on the issue. Most people stopped arguing against birth control decades ago.
    2 points
  35. God I hate when "Socialism" is thrown into the conversation. If Obama is a Socialist, then Reagan was a Fascist. Of course, we both know that is ridiculous. Buzzwords are useless and presidents get way to much credit (or discredit) for what they actually do and the power they hold. I really think if we want to bash people it should be the "great" congressmen/women that do very little, unless it's election time.
    2 points
  36. Obama Launches African Americans For Obama This is the most racist president.....ever! Can you imagine the outcry if a Republican, heck, even a Democrat running against obama, were to launch Caucasian Americans for Anybody But Obama?
    1 point
  37. Biggest Game in the history of Western Civilization.
    1 point
  38. JJ should have pulled a Poppovich and pulled everyone once Denver started pulilng away... just start saving legs
    1 point
  39. Santorum: Separation Of Church And State 'Makes Me Want To Throw Up' I'll leave it up to you to defend this UNT90 or another of the mindless sheep!
    1 point
  40. Hey, people gotta plan, ya know. Like Grad said, can't just throw these things together.
    1 point
  41. It is a great place to watch a live game, but no place to watch a televised game. It definitely needs new lighting and a sound system for sure. I am happy we have not been playing a Raddy old stage for 20 years
    1 point
  42. Please stop calling Texas State-San Marcos Texas State.
    1 point
  43. I guess it depends on if we still have willing donors for the stadium. A friend of a friend donated a million dollars to UTA and got his name engraved on the hardwood. I would love to see a new stadium across bonnie brae from the stadium. Now that would be a beautiful aerial view... A man can dream... A man can dream...
    1 point
  44. Obama didn't have to "act black" (whatever that is supposed to mean) to be treated as a black person his entire life. His appearance made that decision for him. He faced some hateful treatment in his childhood over the color of his skin in Indonesia. In a country where states once defined a person as black if they had "one drop" of black blood in their ancestry, it's pretty funny that you think his 50 percent isn't enough for him to qualify as truly black. I guess that's progress.
    1 point
  45. Neither. The last thing we need is to be in the same conference as one of these schools. We don't need two more Texas universities to recruit against. If we are lucky they will get stuck in the dying WAC and be forced to drop back to 1-AA. If we get to join the Alliance then I guess it would be okay for them to be in the Sunbelt (but I'd rather they be completely gone). I have nothing against either school, but I don't see how having them around helps us.
    1 point
  46. None. Belt doesn't need to be the FBS gateway for FCS schools. I could care less how fun & easy the trips are. If NT stays they need to add current FBS members if expansion is a must. Even though the conference is still viewed as a national doormat, it's been very stable.
    1 point
  47. And his fundraising is drying up. Seems like those that support him the most and giving up.
    1 point

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