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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/2012 in all areas

  1. What we need is a hot shot freshman snare drummer to come in and shake things up while also convincing Dr. Williams to start playing more hip hop jams and less classics. /drumlined
    5 points
  2. You're kidding right? The current schedule is unacceptable, and if the Athletic Department does not solve the problem come next September, they should be embarrassed. Texas Southern is fine. I like that we are playing an easy game. But that being the only OOC home game is absurd. I don't care if it's effing Buffalo. Just get a another FBS team in here and stop scheduling freaking money games with no return....Period. I'm waiting for the SID people on here to give an explanation, or the Athletic department to at least say they realize there is a problem and are looking at options. If it pisses of LSU or KSU or UH, who cares. What should be done is what is in the best interest of our fanbase and the building of the program. There is still time to fix this, but anyone that thinks it isn't a problem is lying to themsevles.
    5 points
  3. Wrinkled hundred dollar bills. Future home-at-home series with SMU and Army, yet we complain.
    4 points
  4. I hate threads like this. I start typing arguements, then I get frustrated and have to stop. I think I'm just going to say this: The band is loud, and they sound awesome. You're welcome. People should stop complaining about the good things that are here, and start realizing that complaining about the best marching band in the nation makes you look silly. I loved my time in the GB. Though we don't have all the pomp and circumstance that other bands have, other bands don't play as awesome as we do.
    3 points
  5. Not as hard as it may seem , Just in the past 2/3 years : Sunbelt teams that host AQ schools FIU home and home w/ Duke & Louisville UL home and home w/ OK State MTSU home and home w/ Georgia Tech & Minnesota Troy home and home w/ Miss State ULM home and home w/ Baylor WKU home and home w/ Kentucky ULM can get a home and home w/ Baylor.... WTF ? Even South Alabama has home and home set up w/ NC State
    3 points
  6. It is about having a high standard and sticking to it. 6-games should be the standard, and the bare minimum. I do not care if we play an FCS team every year at home, in fact, I'm 100% fine with it. But if we are going to have only 1 OOC home game, it needs to be an FBS team. ULM gets freaking Baylor at home. Playing less money games will also help attendance and generate revenue. Ever notice how we always seem to have a money game the week before a home game. The last time we opened the season at home was against TCU many, many years ago. Think that hurts a little bit? I could not care any less if we never play a BCS team again. They need us more than we need them. The Athletic Department needs to make a policy that we will enter no contracts with BSC-AQ teams without a return game (2 for 1 would be fine). Who gives an F who it pisses off. We deserve that sort of standard, and frankly, bold action from the Athletic Department. We are scheduling money games 8 years in advance with no return. Look at UTSA, Texas State, and even other Sun Belt Schools. Where is the belief and higher standard from NT? In 2014 we only have 5 home games as well, and a plethora of money games over the next decade. I'm not usually one to get upset like this, but this is a much bigger deal than some are making it.
    3 points
  7. I agree all D1/FBS teams should only play other D1/FBS teams. Texas Southern is unacceptable. And if we are going to allow cream-puffs in our house, then why weren't they the stadium opener? But were talking about one game. Other schools pad their schedules with fcs fluff, so it makes sense that we do the same given we are playing two top ten ranked teams for OOC games next season. The whine of 5 vs 6 games is just that. We have historically only played 5 home games, and in case you haven't noticed its really hard to get home-at-home games AQ schools. And the truth is we can't afford to bring schools in for a a one off game. And we definitely can't afford to bring in Oregon (The "Cowboys Classic" paid the ducks $2 million to come play for a national audience in Arlington). The lack of a 6th home game is more of a reason to get into a 12-team conference to create some scheduling flexibility.
    3 points
  8. I'm one of the old traditionalists regarding football uniforms, but I'm also a realist. And you are correct- kids like this stuff, and if you can close in and sign one or two solid HS players because of the great uniforms North Texas wears then it's worth the change. That is why the helmet design below is one of my favorites. The designer, a GoMeanGreen poster, was way ahead of his time when he created a series of similar helmet designs. This post has been promoted to an article
    3 points
  9. The Program , No Jerry Sandusky , Yes
    3 points
  10. I saw this and thought some of you might be interested. The Honors College is hosting "Great Conversations" on February 28. From what I can tell you pay $65 (or can even sponsor a table) to have dinner and converse with people like: George Dunham, Coach McCarney, Dave Barnett, Bill Lively, Tim Madigan, the owners of Armadillo Ale Works (Denton's first microbrewery) and there are more. More info at http://honors.unt.edu/greatconversations.
    2 points
  11. My wife asked why the Angry Birds were playing.
    2 points
  12. Don't you mean really hard for UNT? Yep, we should just keep doing things the way we did for the last 25 years, because that has worked so stinking well. Let's just ignore the fact that we have a brand new state-of-the-art stadium and keep settling for whatever scraps are thrown to us, meanwhile UL F'n M is scheduling home and homes with schools like Baylor. Shove your head in the sand as far as you want to, but this scheduling will lead to the continued struggles in the MGC and season ticket sales. Not trying to be an a$$ here, but are you a season ticket holder and MGC member? If not, would you be when you knew you that you only get 5 home games, and your only OOC is against Texas Southern??? I can't believe there are still small time thinkers that defend this type of scheduling. Maybe y'all just like to have plenty of empty seats at home games to stretch your legs.
    2 points
  13. Same players, we've just got more freedom to be crazy since there aren't 300+. But it is most definitely a "special breed of zany"
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. He wouldn't be a Lafayette fan if he didn't take a jab at NT and Tony Mitchell. Rankings seem fair at this point though. It will be interesting to see how long the British kid is out for UALR. He is a heck of a player.
    2 points
  16. Your right, we should be thrilled with 5 freaking home games next year.
    2 points
  17. Ladies looking for the 3-0 start in Sun Belt play. South Alabama was receiving votes in the mid-major top 25 to start the year, but have since dropped off. NT is still receiving votes and should receive a few more after the 2-0 week. Sounds like Godbolt and Blakely will both be back and available to play.
    1 point
  18. Most of you here know that I'm not much of a fan of the sport of basketball. This is in no way, shape, or form related to UNT or any other entity. The sport itself just carries no interest for me. But I got a free ticket to Saturday's game, so I went. And I had a blast. Still don't like the sport of basketball, but listening to Tasty's remarks on male grooming kept me in stitches the whole time. UNT does have its own special brand of trash talking, and it's as witty as I've ever heard. The band members present were a special breed of zany that the much more serious Mean Green Brigade is not. The tuba players were chasing each other through the stands mid song. Johnny Jones can make a ref listen to him without throwing chairs, and it's really, really funny to watch the expressions on the refs' faces when Johnny calls them out on something. Tony Mitchell is not human and I think his wing span must be approaching nine feet. The UNT dancers are at a much, um, closer view than at Apogee. So tomorrow begins four months of 9 bajillion hour weeks in a windowless basement for tax season, so no more fun for me, but I sure did enjoy the one game I made this year. My name is absolutely not oldguystudent, and I endorse your attendance at UNT basketball. Edit: I posted this in the football forum, didn't I? Crap. Mods please move this.
    1 point
  19. Hmmmmmmmmm...I resemble...errr resent that! Well played, Sir! HeHe!
    1 point
  20. Yeah, but how would they be *without* the MOB?
    1 point
  21. My entire family is from Columbus, OH. Both my uncles have degrees from Ohio State. My father still makes fun of them cause he was "too smart" to go to Ohio State, but he still took me to countless games at the shoe growing up. When you look at what they are wearing and what they are doing, it just looks silly. What makes their "pageantry" cool is that it is attached to an awesome football program with millions of passionate fanatics. All I'm saying is that we should pave a different "pageantry" path. Our band already could play circles around the "best damn band in the land". To me, the traditional pageantry represents the era of us not being successful and/or being shunned when we were successful. We just need to go a different pageantry path. Lets be different than the traditional powers to try and pave our way to the big time with different, more up to date type of traditions. I think this old version of "pageantry" is just silly looking when you just look at it out of the context of a hundred years of success and huge fan followings... we don't have that success, so lets just see how things end up without having to try and mimic those that already have the success that we want.
    1 point
  22. Hit em up with the bumble bee.
    1 point
  23. Silver, I do think you are on to something here. One reason I love college ball so much more than pro ball is the pageantry aspect of college ball. This sort of thing certainly helps and would, in fact, help attendance. I know of people who make sure they are in their seats at Ohio State games just for the band's entrance.... Pageantry folks...pagentry...Silver has a valid point, folks.
    1 point
  24. RV said multiple times that 6 home games would be the standard. It's sad enough this would even have to be said because it should go without saying. Really shows how small time UNT has been in its past.
    1 point
  25. Going back to the article on which this thread is premised, I agree with the article the new stadium is the start of a whole new era for NT. It has generated more interest including interest overall, it will help recruiting and it is already generating more donations overall to the program. All of these things are positives. There is a potential negative IF we only have five home games next year, but suggesting that having only five home games is a total failure or or will otherwise eliminate all of the positives is beyond hyperbole. It's the standard "end of the year wrap up article by a beat writer" and for a change there is something positive for him to write about. Next year's schedule has not been announced yet. Get a grip, people!
    1 point
  26. I do not ever recall being promised a 6-game home schedule for every year in the future.
    1 point
  27. Do we even have a drum major? After watching those clips I'm certain of two things - 1. we need spats. 2. if we wish to be anything like those bands we're going to need a dedicated strength and conditioning coach for the band.
    1 point
  28. Shoss, your point is pretty well correct. Good football will draw a whole lot more folks to a game than a good band will. But Ohio State and Wisconsin have top notch football teams, and bands that get the crowd excited to boot. I don't see why a good football team and a professional level marching band are mutually exclusive.
    1 point
  29. Silver, you open up old wounds with these video clips. I would love for UNT to have a similar entrance to get the crowd fired up. To me, college game day is all about the pageantry that a great band can provide, along with the tailgating, and a festive atmosphere. And god knows we do have a great band. We're just not utilizing them to their fullest potential.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Really you spent thousands on dollars on next seasons tickets? Even playing 2-1's your going to end up with seasons when your short a home game.
    1 point
  32. I'm sure RV is trying. I guess we needed the LSU $$$ and that we couldn't ask out of the K State game because we wouldn't let them out. I bet we are waiting on what HOUSTON does w/ them going into a new conference
    1 point
  33. I wonder if something happened. I know the department wants to get the 6th game; this can't be due to lack of trying.
    1 point
  34. What you say makes a lot of sense.
    1 point
  35. So something that is not even guaranteed to happen 2 years from now makes it acceptable for Texas Southern to be our only home game in 2012 ? Its all about selling your product to the casual fan. People who came out to the IU and/or Houston game last year will more than likely not show up for the Texas Southern game( unless we somehow pull off a miracle vs LSU) Its not about just appeasing your few die hards out there , I'll pay whatever to watch whomever, but about bringing in new fans. This could all be a stupid argument, RV is probably ( I would hope) working on brining in a name opponent to Apogee and possibly getting rid of the Houston game ( or push it back ). As I posted before teams like Iowa St, Arizona., Oregon St etc could stil use a road game
    1 point
  36. I think it's great. Like it or not, the kids eat these uniforms up, they love playing in stuff that looks like this. If you don't think uniform design is at least somewhere in some kids minds when they're figuring out where to go, you're fooling yourself.
    1 point
  37. Blue states that will flip back red if given a clear contrast to Pres. Obama are Virginia, North Carolina, Ohio, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Nevada. Possible other states that could go red (depending on the economy) are MI, WI, CO, NM, PA, and MN. Obviouly, the big ones in there are Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Michigan, North Carolina, and PA. Give conservatives a candidate they aren't excited about, and watch voter turnout among republicans go in the tank. If the economy is bad enough, Romney may pull out a narrow victory. If you give voters a clear alternative, and the economy is bad, Pres. Obama will lose in a landslide. My fear is that the republicans will/have failed to present a viable conservative candidate and will hand this election to Pres. Obama because of their own ineptness. I don't think Santorum, who couldn't get re-elected to his senate seat, is the answer, but he is better than Washington Newt. Who knows, maybe conservatives settle on him as their last resort. If so, he will get a huge boost in not only Iowa, but also New Hampshire. It's pretty clear that there is a 20-30% swing of conservative voters out there that keep trying on candidates, only to be severely disappointed every time. If they can find a candidate and stick with that candidate, Romney doesn't stand a chance for the nomination. Romney's terrible health care legislation as governor will severly hurt him with conservatives, cost the republican party Florida (which they have to have to win the election), and drive down the republican party's base turnout for the election. Absent a double dip recession starting sometime in 2012, Romney will not win the White House if he gets the nomination. Put it in 3 inch headlines. EDIT: Also, since you bring up Huntsman (who appears to be yet another Rhino trying to dress in conservative clothing), surely you know that he has foregone participation in the Iowa Caucus and concentrated his early campaigning in New Hampshire, right? I guess he didn't get the memo the nomination process is over if Romney wins Iowa. ,
    1 point
  38. HAHAHA Or just pester the staff enough that they finally give in! But, hey, our sign is awesome, so I'm sure that helped.
    1 point
  39. Congrats on being the MGC member of the game. I guess you gotta make a sign to get recognition.
    1 point
  40. Here's ten of my favorite hip-hop albums of 2011. I Found My Backpack, Mistah F.A.B., DJ Rah2k & The Empire (obvious Brandon Kennedy reference) The UnConKable Djezuz Djonez, The Wise Intelligent Banned from America, Madchild (eulesseagle tribute) The Best of Thizz Iz All N da Doe, Keak da Sneak (speaks for itself) Tha WyteRapper $how, $hamrock (what's the deal with this guy?) Oneirology, CunninLynguists Fat Boy Fresh Volume One: For Members Only, Rapper Big Pooh Closure, Rift Napalm & Meaty Ogre Monumental, Pete Rock & Smif-n-Wessun (I know we have gun safety fans here) Black and Brown, Black Milk & Danny Brown RIP Slim Dunkin. There's plenty of candy in heaven.
    1 point
  41. That was a whole lotta typing just to proclaim that you're not going to anymore games. Thanks Brah!
    1 point
  42. So's the internet, yet many seem to make it here okay.
    1 point
  43. Hopefully this is the last time we see this many Big 10 teams undeservedly "bowling" on the same day.
    1 point
  44. What none of these pundits seem to realize is that the "big guys" need the "little guys" because without them; they are no longer "big guys". It is much easier I guess to pontificate the elimination of the "little guys" than to come up with a system that actual works and fosters competition. The upper tier schools could not play the lower tier schools now. Just don't schedule them and fill your oc slots with other upper tier schools. Funny, they rather pay for the guarantee games than face equal competition every week. The scenario of eliminating. all non-big conference teams is easy to plot. A new underclass of schools is established and someone down the line come up with the bright idea of getting rid of them too. This continues until you are left with an NFL equivalent of a couple dozen teams that finally establish rules to increase competition because there are still teams that can't compete with the mega budgets universities.
    1 point
  45. Except on some of these conference boards they do put photos of half nekid' girls on their threads/posts so it is difficult to ignore posts that you are even not interested in. So to quote Rosanne-Adana: "It's always somethin'." ...but I do agree, Harry.
    1 point
  46. If a tree gets a new coach in the forest, does anyone on this board care?
    1 point
  47. I talked to Brooks the day he left the team. His "issues" happen to college players on occasion and could have been worked around, but he had already made up his mind. I think he was planning on enrolling at "Truck Masters" or something like that. And, from what he related of his converstaion with Coach Mac, he would not be welcomed back.
    1 point
  48. Meaning of the Q-word -- Quinn + Boner = Quoner At least that's what his signature used to say.
    1 point
  49. Matt Schaub never would have gone down if he'd had Hagrid playing LT.
    1 point
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