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Yay...another personal anecdote. I'm sorry Rick, and every one else who has been sharing their own tales of woe...maybe the AD should personally consult you before every decision they make (I'm sure some of you would be wonderful recruiters)...but I don't see how anyone can look at the attendance at the FAU game and then not objectively understand UNT's place in the Metroplex pecking order. We're clearly an after-thought, even on campus...saying so doesn't make me less of a UNT homer (brought my lap-top to a friend's dinner party last week and was nearly 100% anti-social for the first 2 hours of the party). The AD and administration have to be pragmatic...the allure of a local World Series game right now is greater than that of a 2-5 football team. This move will bring more students. And while this move will apparently also inconvenience some Alumni, most of you on here know damn well you're gonna be in Denton at 10am and this will really only affect how drunk you get. Hell, maybe sobriety will help give the alumni side a bit more pep.17 points
Is that what the call was about? I hung up on him after he kept dodging my McNulty questions.16 points
Translation: "As this program takes steps toward being more respectable, the athletic department no longer treats me as though I am some kind of big deal because I wear a special fire helmet to the games. I am very upset at the fact that I am no longer the center of the North Texas football universe and that I was not consulted before the change in kickoff time was made. Also, if anyone calls me out on my seemingly perpetual complaining of late, I will point out that they do not donate as much time and money as I do and, therefore, their opinion does not matter. In Jesus' and Rick Perry's Name, Rick" Well, that's about as scorched earth as it gets. Have fun kids!16 points
Are you drunk right now? I'll go ahead and ignore the ridiculousness of this post and give reason one last shot. After that its full on smart ass. Look Rick...I said I'm sorry that you're inconvenienced and will miss a part of the game. I truly am. But the stance you're taking is essentially that you're upset that Rick Villareal didn't call you to see how this move affects you and your family's schedule personally..."hey Rick, it's Rick...so I'm thinking of bumping up the game time to 4PM...does that still gel with your plans? If not, we can just keep it at 6...whatever is best for you, buddy." The move is bigger than YOU...and it's bigger than any of the handful of fans on here who this inconveniences. The AD made what it felt was a pragmatic decision to maximizes attendance...and it did so knowing full well that it will negatively affect SOME plans, but is gambling on it positively affecting MORE plans. I doubt the move would've been made had the FAU game not also been up against a Ranger game and had such a poor showing. But there is now an established precedent for what attendance looks like in competition with a Rangers' playoff game. 13K for Homecoming in the 4th game of a new stadium would be highly embarrassing.13 points
Some things don't need a point to blow your mind. For example,10 points
Everyone I've told about the move has been 100% onboard. Can't wait to see the looks on their faces when i break the news that they've been sodimized by the AD once again.9 points
It's so incredibly unfair that I'm now going to have to get up TWO hours earlier... How am I going to have enough time to pick out my outfit, do my hair, paint my nails, change my outfit, and put on my makeup? UGH8 points
8 points
Actually your whole argument is proving just the opposite of this statement. Most of these "loyal customers" will already be making a day of things and it won't affect them negatively one bit... YOU are pissed because it affects YOU. Perhaps rightfully so, but that doesn't make it a poor decision by the AD, rather just bad luck for you. If this were the game I chose to fly in and the bump negatively affected me, ya, I'd be pissed...but I'd also get that the decision is considerably bigger than me. The sooner you realize that the sooner you can focus your righteous indignation at something else. You're not that important.7 points
Unfortunately, we won't. The Ranger game will sap attendance a bit...I happen to believe Homecoming will make up for it, but if we get 15K we'll log on here on Monday and the forced outrage crowd will be on here saying the bump in schedule cost us 2K, 5K, 10K...whatever. Mark it down, baring a sell-out we'll be re-hatching this conversation on Monday despite the fact there is no way what-so-ever to know if the move improved attendance.7 points
You know what's weak? Calling out another poster/fan when you don't know their circumstances.6 points
See, this is all well and good and I can understand taking the risk on Dodge. He was one of the biggest names in all of Texas football at the time we hired him. The upside was tremendous. The part that made absolutely NO sense was how his first staff was selected. Care to shed some light on that? Was Dodge short on contacts, couldn't convince many college level assistants to come on board, really thought that HS experience = D1 college experience, etc? Why did RV allow it to happen?---was it written into the contract with Dodge? Even if it's common to let the incoming HC have 100% control of his staff, wasn't this a situation that warranted, in the very least, caution??5 points
5 points
Are we going to shutdown the board when UTSA gets in the invite and we don't ?5 points
Why is it always the same people that get pissed about things?5 points
I have a complaint, Dan. Ahem: When in the Course of sporting events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the fanatical bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of FFR requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are not equally important, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Super-Cool Hat.--That to secure these rights, Schedules are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the fan, --That whenever any Competing Sporting Endeavor becomes destructive of these ends, it is NOT the Right of the Athletic Director to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Schedule, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Schedules long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that FFR is more disposed to suffer, if things are changed, by abolishing the time to which they are accustomed. So I am not a fan of the Rangers anymore. Can't have them imposing their destructive rearrangements on the Best of us, gentleman. WHO IS WITH ME?5 points
Whoa. Tap the brakes. Right now I donate and have added enough people to our group this afternoon to cover everyone who complained. Don't worry guys, I got this. As I learned when I got married, big deal to me usually equals a fairly unimportant deal to everyone else. It sucks your day got screwed up, but adding some sense of underlying morality to the great Rangers/NT debate of aught 11 seems unnecessary.5 points
Weren't there people on this board just a couple of days ago pleading for RV to move up gametime? RV obviously had no way to win this one. Leave him alone.5 points
5 points
Really surprised, maybe we just have a lot of new members on the board this season, but man what a freak out. Osbourne can't get time because the coach promised a true freshman's dad he'd get to play. Chico forgot how to call good plays. Our defense is terrible. It's the world effin series so no one will come to our game. And it goes on and on. If you even post real football obe=observations you are labeled as some kind of apologist who has no expectations and are what's wrong with our university. If you fall in any of these camps, please Just chill out! This is what it looks like to me. Our offensive line is young and not as good as last year, but they are improving. Our WR corps is the weak link on the team and really hurting the entire offense. When a walkon leads you in yardage in game 7, one that wasn't even playing the first few games of the year, you've got problems. QB play has been poor. Despite DT's obvious injury he isn't getting better quickly enough. But it's hard to put the blame on him since he's hurt. Maybe if he wasn't hurt he'd be getting better. I'd suspect the fact that McNulty is getting time is because the coaches don't think it's all the injury. Offensive play calling has been conservative, but not overly. Mainly the team shows no ability to make big plays, so they are trying to avoid 3rd and long. Defense has really improved compared to last year. It's troubling though that with such an experienced secondary we still have so many blown coverages that lead to big plays. The linebacking corps is better than last year even with younger players. The defensive line is better than last year as well, even with younger players. The defense is really scheming well, but we still get burned. Sometimes though the other team just makes a play. it happens, it's not always your fault. If the offense was improving as much as the defense we'd be feeling pretty good. The concerns are that where we are weak, QB, WR, Secondary, we don't have much else to try there. That means recruiting and another year of learning. Perhaps the secondary will be ok since Warner was getting time, we have the transfer Trice, and Swarn and Lee along with Hilbert Jackson whose getting time. Still light there but not the abyss that is the WR position. Overall, i'm disappointed, but not in the team's play or the coaching, but in the fact we have so few options and it's going to take so long to build it up. That's not to say I'm satisfied with the coaching, but there is no doubt for this fan, that this team is weaker than last year, but we already have two wins. It ain't much but it's something. I sure hope we have a monster recruiting class, because we need to really start showing options and improvement next year. Like 6 wins and starting to scare some people. I'll be there regardless, of course. It's the Mean Effin Green so I always go.4 points
As a poor school teacher I work as a beer vendor at the Ranger games. The extra money allows me to join the Mean Green Club and buy season tickets for Mean Green football and basketball. I can make in one world series game enough to pay for next years season tickets in football. Guess where I will be? Hint: some would call me an "aluminum fartlick". For those fellow fartlicks at the world series or any other game, be sure to buy your beer from the 6'5" beer vendor named Dan in section 34. A potion of all proceeds go to support UNT athletics. P.S. What the hell is an "Aluminum Fartlick"?4 points
Just to shed some light on the situation. Jim Harbaugh was offered and in principal accepted the UNT job. He literally shook hands with Rick saying "I'm good if you're good" boarded a plane to San Diego, got off the plane and had a voicemail from Stanford offering him over a million per year. He then called Rick to apologize and said that he was going to accept the Stanford job. Almost 2 days later this was the same thing with Jimbo Fischer with him accepting the UNT job in principal, but being offered the Florida State job. So, I am say that UNT were hours away from having having either Harbaugh or Fischer as a head coach. But that is how the ball bounces sometimes.4 points
I was going to lament my inability to give you a +1 for the geographic rivalry remark, but now feel it would be canceled out by the -1 I would give you for clearly missing out on the Best Lovitz being "The Critic." Anyhoo, I can't believe I wasted my evening going to class when I could have seen yet another episode of the never satisfied world of Mean Green fandom. I'm pretty sure that last week we were complaining that the game was up against the world series and clamoring for a time change. Now there's a time change, and we're posteriorally injured. I gotta tell ya' ("ya'" being the general, royal you, directed at the entirety of humanity), when I first came out to see college football in all its glorious splendor in Denton three years ago, I did it because I thought it would be a fun experience, not one that would increase my stress levels or turn every other weekend in the fall into a miserable self loathing fest of infighting, second guessing, and Sunday morning gnashing of teeth. I've been working really hard this season on learning to enjoy the game day experience independent of the wrinkled hundred dollar bill mentality. I'm almost there. Good lord, it's a game, on Saturday, with beer and BBQ among friends! Most people would see that as something to look forward to. We should not aspire to make it worse than getting a root canal in a third world country without anesthetic or electricity.4 points
It's for the greater good of the overall program. Some individuals will suffer. Any good ol' red blooded, patriotic, conservative, capitalistic American should understand this move.4 points
God forbid we ever become a respectable football program. What about the alums at the big schools that pay way more than MG season ticket holders do and the game time gets changed? The uproar over two hours is crazy. What sucks for RV is that when 15k show up, people on here will say there would have been 20k without the time change. I support his decision and have to think that he is much more well versed on the subject and knowledge that went into the decision than any of you. Thanks for your effort, RV.....I mean that.4 points
4 points
so we bitch because of a game when the world series is on, now we bitch because a game is moved up...make up your mind about what to bitch about!4 points
This might be the best and most truthful post I've ever read on here. I agree 100%4 points
4 points
This would be a better world if more people made a joke outta damned everything.4 points
This is going to be awesome! MG Football, then out to the parking lot to do some tailgating while watching the Ranger game. That is if they aren't showing it on the big screen after the game.4 points
4 points
Some people have to work on Saturdays and it is too late to plan otherwise. We made the game in Lafayette but then we knew WHEN THE HELL IT WAS STARTING!4 points
First off, let me say that I can't attend the game whether it is at 6:00pm or 4:00pm due to a wedding in the evening, so I want to get that out in the open before I comment. Two weeks ago, many of you were asking for a game time change due to the possibility of the Rangers having a World Series game that night, and now many of the same are complaining that a change has been made. Two hours is not that big of a deal considering many would already be there for tailgating, etc... As another poster stated, go to the game and then have a post game watching/listening party in the parking lot. Sounds like a fun idea. More importantly, this is what happens in "big time" football all the time. I used to work with a group of LSU fans. They would invite me down for games in Baton Rouge, and I would ask what time the game was taking place. Many, many times they said they wouldn't know until the SEC decided which game would be the afternoon televised game (2:30pm) or the evening televised game (7:00pm). Either way they were going. That's just the way it is when television is paying you big bucks. Now what does this have to do with NT football since television dollars aren't in the equation? RV and the administration have to decide what time will attract the largest crowd. What if the earlier time results in 5,000 extra paying customers at $20 a ticket plus conservatively $20 in concessions? That is a $200,000 decision that is not difficult to make. Before you say this time change won't bring out that many more casual fans, let's remember that this is homecoming. What if Suzie Student's or Jimmy Student's parents said they would come to the game, but then Dad backs out because he wants to watch the Rangers game instead? Well, if Dad backs out, we probably also lose Mom because this is Homecoming. What about Joe Alumni that rarely comes back to campus who said he wasn't coming, but now he will since there is not a conflict with the Rangers' game? It gets exposed to a good game in a great venue with superb pre-game tailgating. Well he now decides to buy season tickets, join the Mean Green Club to secure a parking pass and joins the NT Exes so he can grab a beer in the alumni pavillion. Think about the money involved there, not counting his concessions, etc... For those upset with the reduction in "catch up" time with old friends, classmates, alumni, fraternity brothers, sorority sisters, etc.., you now have time after the game to visit as well, probably over a beer at a local establishment watching the Rangers' win. Being a man, I can usually gather all the information I need for a sufficient "catch up session" in about 5 mintes, 10 if we are feeling patient. Just grab a beer and shoot the sh.. like you normally would on The Hill or in the parking lot. I don't find this to be a slap in the face of the long term fans at all. I find this to be the best decision for North Texas football. When posed with the question of moving the game a few weeks ago, RV probably jumped the gun when he stated that wouldn't happen. In hindsight, he probably should have said, "We'll look into it," but hindsight is always 20/20. Unfortunately, he was bound to piss off a few fans over a decision that I believe is better for the majority and helps us have a better crowd than competing against the Rangers' game four sweep of the Cards. It's just the way it is, and RV was bound to make someone mad regardless of the decision. I must say that the reaction of many on here is rather selfish. I know that most of us plan way in advance to ensure our attendance at these games, but we also must take a step back when something like this occurs and realize what is being done is for the best of the program, maybe not the best for me personally, but again, the best for the program. If I could attend the game, I would have driven in on Friday night arriving around midnight allowing me all day Saturday to enjoy for the game. I know many don't have that luxury, and I probably won't as my children get older, but adjustments can be made. Even if I had to drive in Saturday and arrive at game time, I would make the trip. We have to realize as this program grows, adjustments will be made, conveniences when we were a sleepy little team minding our own business in the Southland, Big West, and Sun Belt will go away as we move up the food chain. Those that are "big time" donors giving $500 a year to the Mean Green Club, will become just another donor unless they bump that up considerably. It's just the way it is. As NT's committment to success increases, so must our's, and we must realize that decisions must be made for the betterment of the program as a whole and those decisions may not always be best for me personally. The program is much bigger than any one individual or individuals and should be treated as such. Here's to a big Homecoming Crowd and a Mean Green win. Wish I could be there, but I will be listening.3 points
Still trying to figure out why our Skins on the Wall coach is doing so bad with only a handful of his players, while Hudspeth and Freeze seem to be doing just fine with only a handful of their years in their first year. DMac needs to figure it our quickly and stop making excuses of his players about being to small slow and what not. Find a way to utilize what you have.3 points
I haven't had a chance to be on here much lately because of stuff (of which no one cares about). That is relevant because of this: If I had not checked the board this morning, I would have no idea that the game time had changed. MGC member, club seat holder, and no notification of a time change to the game. How does that happen? I live three counties away and don't read the DRC . As of this writing, I have not received one email from the AD updating the game time. Not one. How many that don't read this board and don't live in Denton still don't know about the time change? It is homecoming, after all, the one game of the year where alumni are supposed to come back to the university. That email should have gone out to season ticket holders BEFORE any public announcement of a change in game time was made. Customer service and marketing 101. It is also very troubling that our very own AD was on the podcast telling the fans that there was no way this game time would be changed just a mere 2 weeks ago. It's like the thought of changing the game time never occurred to the AD until he was asked about it on the broadcast, then he went back and thought about it, and decided "hey, that's a good idea, why not do that", completely ignoring the fact that he had already told the most ardent members of the small fan base that the time would not be changed. I doubt that is what happened, but that is the appearance of what happened. Doesn't inspire confidence in the AD at a crucial time in college football history. As far the time change itself, it works out very well for me personally, which seems to be what most of here care about (how it affects them personally)3 points
3 points
At least your honest about it, and I now realize you see my side of it. No hard feelings meant towards you or at any others. I'm just pissed because I've been here long enough to know the time change won't make that much difference other than negatively affect those who planned well ahead of time to support their schools' program they invested in over a professional team. Rick3 points
This is in the running for best thread of the month. A lot of comedy gold to be had.3 points
Put me in the "The Rangers should have changed their start time so as not to conflict with UNT's homecoming" camp.3 points
Oh, and uh...I banged Eartha Kitt in an airplane bathroom.3 points
The only fair way for RV to make truly make an informed decision would have been to post a poll to the board and clearly state all the options, then let us have a measured, open debate (as we usually do) and then submitting the results to the University admin for their approval. I think Rick's lack of willingness to poll the message board really says a lot about the state of this program.3 points
Good grief this board can be a beating. There would be bitching if we didn't make this move. Sorry, RV...you're damned if you do, damned if you don't.3 points
I think your lack of willingness to at least explore the creation of a parallel universe says a lot about the state of this program.3 points
Aren't 90 % of the people who show up to the games already there 2 hours before kickoff anyways ?3 points
Why don't we just tell all students there's going to be one of those "Occupy Apogee" rally/protest things at 4pm on Saturday? Keith3 points
4:00, 6:00, midnight, whatever time, I'll be at the football game. 1.Go Mean Green! 2.Go Rangers!3 points
I bet some of the fans for those games will have to walk more than a 1/3rd of a mile from their cars to the stadium, too. People just gonna bitch.3 points
"Damn Dan, it's a game for human beings!"-Norm Hitzes.3 points