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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/2011 in all areas

  1. Ladies, this is a thread about the very manly eagle statue in the end zone. To discuss your latest apparel and most recent shoe purchases, please see the new uniform thread.
    5 points
  2. I bet you wish the helmets were pointy too.
    4 points
  3. True Ask anybody that is not a UNT fan which they prefer.
    3 points
  4. Are you guys all color blind? Damn.
    3 points
  5. OK, a few things... First, tax cuts are not a cost. Unless you start from the belief that all money earned belongs to the government and it "costs" the government to allow you to keep any of it. And the tax revenues of 2007 were about the same as they were in 2000. Second, the chart values "policy changes" of Obama at just $1.44 over the next 9 years. Nothwithstanding the ridiculous notion that the Obama deficits are only $160 billion a year, this number if based on 2009 budget numbers... 2009 is already a bloated deficit, so it's not a true apples-to-oranges comparison. Here is a more accurate, more simple, and easier to decipher chart:
    3 points
  6. How often does one run into the goal post, let alone something 10 feet behind it?
    3 points
  7. I never knew there were so many freaking women on this forum. Maybe we can talk about shoes next? The uniforms are green, whatever shade doesn't matter. What does matter is winning football games. If these uniforms guarantee that, then I love them. 3 freaking threads about fashion and not one about Coach Mac's speech, practice times, public access to practice, or 2 deeps? Shoot me. In the head. Right now.
    3 points
  8. Does Hyper-Color make this jersey? I swear I've never seen a uniform that looks so different depending on the lighting.
    3 points
  9. In the era of cell phone camera/video, it's probably necessary. Experienced coaches know what they are seeing on the field as the game is being played. That's where the best earn their money - they get their players to adapt...or force the opponent to adapt. That's where Dodge killed his chances. He hired no one who knew how to quickly read what an opponent was doing and adjust. It shouldn't be a problem for this crew. You can argue that since everyone has game film of everyone else, practices should be open. However, coaching staffs, I think need the privacy to throw in tweaks and trick plays from week to week. What may work against FIU may not work against Houston, Alabama, etc. Each week/school will have it's own weaknesses to be exploited. The coaches need to be able to develop to tweaks in practice without people filming on their cell phones and posting it all over the place. Yes, they could send it directly to the opposing coach. But, these days when everyone with a cell phone and internet access is trying to be a sports journalist, sometimes a coaches worst enemy may be his school's own overzealous fans. Gotta lock it down these days. And, this new stadium is perfect for practicing so that its hard to see the field through the gates. It'd be hard to spy on this team in this stadium.
    2 points
  10. I think white SOW helmet stickers would look sharp on those helmets
    2 points
  11. Both Republicans and Democrats have caused this. No need pointing fingers. Just try to fix the problem at this point.
    2 points
  12. If as a country you demonstrate you have people in the government that are willing to take their own country down the rabbit hole by using the threat of defaulting to get what they want - it would be ridiculous to think a downgrade was not coming. While I would agree that there is reason to be concerned about America's fiscal situation, the credit rating agencies have consistently overestimated the risk of public defaults while consistently underestimating the risk of private defaults. For instance, S&P downgraded Japan in 2002 (then the 2nd biggest economy in the world) and they can still borrow at absurdly low rates. Yet they were utterly wrong when they gave AAA ratings to the CDO's that helped finance the housing bubble. S&P has been doing a terrible job over the last decade.
    2 points
  13. Looks great. Should be the start of a great new tradition. It's plenty far enough away that anyone who runs in to it would probably have to be trying to run into it in the first place. Plenty tall enough for players to touch on the way to the field. How many opposing teams do anything to disrespect Clemson's rock? Very few and I doubt many will do anything to disrespect the eagle. If they do, should give the team plenty of reason to kick some rears come game time. Thanks so much to the Geezles...they did a great job fund raising for this project, and have helped to create a lasting tradition for UNT. Well done. Their willingness to help and to actually put their money and effort into a project rather than sit back and complain and let "someone else do the heavy lifting" is a credit to their love for UNT, their fraternity and its rich history and the members as individuals. Thanks so much. GO MEAN GREEN!
    2 points
  14. Eagle looks like it has a mullet from behind.
    2 points
  15. PC's agent has been contacted by the Chiefs,Rams & Cowboys
    2 points
  16. I coached the boy and can tell you he is one terrific kid.
    2 points
  17. He's pretty good but definately a walk on candidate at UNT. (or some other mid-major) Texas Assault won the Addidas 64 National Tournament about 2 weeks ago in Vegas. I get him confused with a kid from North Crowley. Anyway, he was a major contributor but not on the level of Smart, Forte or Nick Banyard. Argyle had a black kid about 6-6 that play with the Dickerson kid that's at Western Kentucky. He played Juco ball last year at Collin County or some other Dallas area Juco. He'd be a good addition. Banyard would be a good fit at UNT, though it's wouldn't be our greatest need position.
    2 points
  18. Hopefully attached with velcro...
    2 points
  19. You can follow them on twitter at www.twitter.com/meangreengang
    2 points
  20. I shouldn't be long until "The Dan McCarney Fiasco" becomes a Vito staple.
    2 points
  21. they need to stop the 'lone star' card for food stamps crap. it's just like a debit card and nobody is embarrassed to use it, therefore, don't care if they are on it. attach the card to a steering wheel or something large and humiliating so that every time they have to use the card, people know it...public humiliation works. give people a reason to get off of food stamps!
    2 points
  22. McCarney says "You have no chance, zero chance if we're not more physical in the trenches than North Texas has been for many years. You know it and I know it." This...all...day...long!
    2 points
  23. Once we start winning, our fans will stop complaining about the uniforms.
    2 points
  24. i like it and see it has been a new stadium stample... i hope EA is paying attention as well.
    2 points
  25. Thanks to the Geezles.
    2 points
  26. Hard to imagine the design being any better. Nod to the kids with the mildly funky stripe on the leg. But overall, Green and White. Not some tricked up "please look at us" clown suit. UNT has been playing football for 100 years. Good to see the nod to TRADITIONS. Now, set the basic colors and designs in stone and leave them alone.
    2 points
  27. All I know is that white shoes are fine for FIU, but not after.
    2 points
  28. Was at the rec this afternoon. I saw Tony Mitchell. He looked good. Then later i came across Johnny Jones with a recruit from Argyle. He realized I recognized him and he came and talked to me. I must say he is one of the nicest guys. He took time to ask my name where I was from and chat with me for a sec. UNT is lucky to have Johnny Jones.
    1 point
  29. Online Web album of pics taken today: http://tinyurl.com/mgsstadium
    1 point
  30. This is true. I was just escorted out of the stadium by the football staff. All practices will be closed to the public. No discussion. Uniforms like great in person.
    1 point
  31. you know the obamapologists are going to blame this on bush...just like every other problem that america has right now...
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. I like the uniforms, now lets just win some games so we can stop talking about what our uniforms look like.
    1 point
  34. At least the Goalpost is padded. This thing isn't. I smell a serious injury coming on with this thing being placed so close to the End Zone.
    1 point
  35. We are lucky to have him and he is aways willing to talk to the fans. Great guy.
    1 point
  36. Police. Wait, this IS Austin right?
    1 point
  37. Yes, this needs to be in NCAA 13
    1 point
  38. tony looked good, definitely better on the defense of end. His vision on the court is good too, he made some nice passes.
    1 point
  39. Yup... that first amendment sure is a bitch, ain't it? There is some economics 101 stuff being missed. Double Eagle mentioned them here, and I have in about 50 threads over the years here, but they are worth repeating - THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS CORPORATE TAXES - If you raise taxes on corporations, workers or consumers or both end up taking up the slack. The investors or the evil "wealthy corporations and rich investors" aren't going to be the ones absorbing these tax cuts. You (and other fellow average Americans) will be when you don't get that raise, or the cost of a company subsidized benefit goes up, or you get laid off. YOU and other Average Americans take it in the shorts as prices for necessities and consumer goods go up so that profit margins can be maintained. So when you increase corporate tax rates and/or close tax loopholes that businesses take advantage of, you are in effect raising taxes on the working class and the consumer. THE UPPER 1% OF TAX PAYERS EARN 20% OF THE INCOME and PAY 38% OF THE TAXES. So again, I ask you and anyone who buys into this "end the tax cuts for the rich" class warfare stuff, "HOW MUCH IS FAIR? WHEN IS ENOUGH ENOUGH?" If the upper 1% is covering 38% of the tax burden for all of us, and that isn't enough, how much SHOULD they be kicking in? I'm not looking for more words, more class warfare, more why these people suck (all of which is completely irrelevant) I'm looking for a number. SOCIAL SECURITY IS BROKE! - Social Security is not in the condition it is now because the Rich have had all this money, or because we're not taxing enough, or because the Estate Tax has too large a exemption - it is broke because generation after generation of politician of all stripes and from all parties, have taken the money paid into Social Security, and against the rules of the original legislation, have placed the money in the general treasury and spent it, instead of saving it as an investment as was promised the American People. These politicians were aided in this crime (which is exactly what it is, and any private citizen or investment house that did this would be shut down and their executives would be behind bars) by the Supreme Court who sided with the Government when this was challenged back in the 40's and again in the 50's. No amount of additional revenue can fix this or any other entitlement program. The only way to deal with these systemic problems is to reform, from the foundation up, how they are funded and paid, and then for future congresses to have their hands tied on these structures so that they may not STEAL the money again. Glick, I admire your passion and respect your opinion. That being said, some of the things you said to Kram, including some pretty personal shots at his smarts, really shows a lack of class. We can all disagree, but calling names and treating someone who doesn't agree with you like they are stupid doesn't do much for your credibility, IMHO. ...but that's just me. Good thread.
    1 point
  40. I was excited about today. I was planning on coming home from work and posting the pics of the new uniform on Facebook for all my friends to see. I had even thought of a status to go with the link to the pictures: "Hopefully the Mean Green will play well this season. But even if they don't, they'll at least look good." However, after seeing the new uniforms I've decided not to show them on Facebook because I'm somewhat embarrassed. It's not something I want to show off. My friends would just comment about how boring and plain they are. I like the "practice" helmet with the black stripes better. Generic, plain, boring. Even with all the bashing, I am interested in seeing the whole uniform on they guys. Go Mean Green
    1 point
  41. Go Mean Turquoise!
    1 point
  42. The more I look at it, the more I kind of like it.
    1 point
  43. Guys, this is a good sign. If, in the span of about half a year, this staff can get those type of results, this thing may take off this year. These guys will be more mobile now. I know it's supposed to be the weakness of the defense, but I really and looking forward to seeing how these DTs work with McCarney. It's supposed to be his area of expertise. Remember when Bob Stoops took over at OU. His area of expertise was the secondary. That OU national title team in 2000 had freshmen starting at corners and a sophomore at safety. I've already argued that coaching, coaching, coaching makes a difference. So, I expect that McCarney will be able to take Abbe, Cantly and the two big freshmen Micah Thompson and Terrell Brooks, and really get the middle nailed down. Throw in junior Kyle White as well. These fall practices really are a chance for him to step up and show what he's got. Think of this, guys - with Abbe, Cantly, White, and Thompson, our front has four 300 pounders to rotate in and out. Brooks checks in at 293. We now have the beef we've needed up front...now, for the coaching. Time for McCarney and Bowen to polish it.
    1 point
  44. She was just trying to get ahead in college.
    1 point
  45. 2745? Gee I hope we are able to get them all accommodated before September 10th. Rick
    1 point
  46. --even better she is a she...sorta normal .... not like most of the GOP ones lately..
    1 point
  47. --I don't (I hope you're trying to funny) ..... Well maybe I do the ones who just sit on their butt and expect the world to support them and work the system. Some poor folks just don't have a lot "upstairs" to work with and do about the best they can.. I also see a few that life just has given a lot of bad luck or terrible "place" to work from (drunken parents, abusive homes, terrible employment situations, etc.) ...and they can't figure out how to overcome their problems, those really deserve our help.
    1 point
  48. --Wow... I don't have time to find all of them on U-tube but that were said... You have a terrible memory or are now just ignoring the truth. Granted Fox has pulled most of those old reports off the web (understandable, it makes them look like donkeys) ______________________________ Your comment: I don't watch any news on television except for local news. I prefer to read or listen to radio. Well that explains why you don't know what they are putting out. How could you possibly defend something you don't even watch.????????????
    1 point
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