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  1. They draft paralyzed Jonathan Taylor from the University of Georgia in the 33rd round. Nolan Ryan is truly a gentleman.
    5 points
  2. I think I'll trust the research done by those actually involved in the project over 'calculations' done by message board posters. Why can't we just enjoy and be proud of one of the best things to happen to our program and university instead of finding anything and everything wrong with it and the process?
    4 points
  3. One person's ruined tailgate may be another person's new pet
    4 points
  4. I love political arguments, it's so productive. I'd rather argue about which logo goes on the helmet.
    4 points
  5. How did this suddenly become about Dodge?
    3 points
  6. I have about 35-40 extra pounds I would gladly donate to the cause.
    3 points
  7. 1. Those tax breaks are available to all industries making long-term capital investments, not just oil companies. You cannot take that away from just one industry, that would be unconstitutional. The rhetoric on "tax breaks for the oil industry" only serves to distract from energy policy changes that would have a meaningful daily impact on the American people and the economy as a whole. 2. A grant is a totally different story - funding funneled into pet projects happen all over the budget. $2 million here, $30 million there... pretty soon you're talking real money.
    2 points
  8. Where is the link for this research?
    2 points
  9. .....until the oil/gas/coal runs out. Creating construction/maintenance jobs for renewable energy devices sounds like pretty secure jobs to me. Not to mention the monitoring and research jobs to continue to improve the product.
    2 points
  10. Here is an idea: How about we not waste 2 million on anything. Wow, what a freaking concept.
    2 points
  11. Thanks. Makes me feel better about the parking situation and the forethought that went into these things. I would love to see a cost/benefit analysis on the turbines for the 1st year of use.
    2 points
  12. I'm right there with you. I need the exact coordinates for these heathen machines to ensure that I never come in contact with the same air they use to power the grid. Otherwise my game day experience may be ruined.
    2 points
  13. Looks like Jordan Williams, Chris Jones and Trey Norris started Summer 1 today; or within the next day or two. Jarion Henry did not graduate from Dallas Kimball. Highly unlikely he will ever set foot on New Mexico's campus. Still hoping to become eligible this fall is LeBryan Nash of Dallas Lincoln (OSU) Took the SAT last Saturday but left for Stillwater yesterday anyway. Trey Davis (early UNT interest) signed/committed to George Washington but will not attend. Will announce tonight his destination. Per TRB Basketball
    1 point
  14. Good God I hate that son of a bitch.
    1 point
  15. Well, here's one company that's working on the situation. http://www.heraldextra.com/news/article_b0372fd8-3f3c-11de-ac77-001cc4c002e0.html Here is something more recent from MIT. http://www.technologyreview.com/energy/37699/?p1=MstCom And, yet another article. http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/Energy-Storage-at-Grid-Scale-A123-Gets-Li-Ion-to-Market/ ..and another http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/31/idUS7849161920110531 We can be part of new and emerging research and/or technologies, or we can be the shills of the traditional (and in Texas, mostly unregulated) power industry.
    1 point
  16. Look at McCarney stealing from the Johnny Jones playbook.
    1 point
  17. This summer I'm interning with the Grand Prairie Airhogs who play in the American Association of Independent Baseball. The Ft. Worth Cats are also in the league. Anways, our head ticket guy told me today that one of the teams, which I'm pretty sure is the Shreveport-Bossier Captains might go under and the league is looking for a new team to replace them. I was told that the league is looking at Denton and would try to build a new stadium in conjunction with UNT. I have no idea how legit any of this is, but it's something to keep an eye on.
    1 point
  18. Med, there's your answer. Harry has confirmed he will suit up.
    1 point
  19. I don't want to sound like an ingrate, but I sure wish one of those games was on an actual ESPN channel... Maybe the Duece or the U? I wonder what they will be playing that's so much better then one of our games? I know we've been down for a few years, but we are one of the few FBS programs opening a new stadium this season.
    1 point
  20. If it's a failed bit then we can always take out those turbines right? I don't understand the fuss against it and even for it. Its just a dang experiment...you dont know until you try it...if it doesn't work they can always remove them. I'm just sayin.....
    1 point
  21. I kind of like it. That's just an opinion, so don't give me negative 1's; it will throw off my self-esteem for the entire day.
    1 point
  22. Replacing Peja with Dad was brilliant. Dad may not have filled up the box score but he was all over the place when he was out there.
    1 point
  23. Shhhhhhhhhh.. Don't burden us with your bothersom facts! We are much too busy basking in the "We are the first Ultra-Green Stadium, which makes us care more than you" glow to be bothered by something as trivial as simple mathmatical calculations. At a time when this state faces a budget problem, this is a waste of 2 million bucks, no matter whether you like these things are not.
    1 point
  24. I will add that the proclamation puts Mac on the hook to begin to fix the issue with the next recruiting class.
    1 point
  25. Nope, but dead birds falling on you can damn sure ruin a tailgate. Do some research... or just trust blindly, your choice.
    1 point
  26. Don't think there is any coal mining or drilling going on less than 1/4 of a mile from the new Mean Green Stadium... But, GMG...
    1 point
  27. What's worse? $2M grant for a new technology that may be beneficial and will provide valuable research for the future, or a $2M tax break to industries recording record profits? If one is a waste of taxpayer monies, so is the other. And let's not act like coal mining and drilling don't have any negative impacts on the enironment, aren't loud and don't take away valuable wilderness.
    1 point
  28. I don't think the fact we're undersized is the revelation, but by exactly how much. Yes, half the people on the board realized we were undersized but until you have an exact number, you can't develop a successful plan to fix it. The numbers are part of that process. It provides more transparency to the players and gives them specific targets. In any business environment this would be due diligence. I think the real question is why didn't previous coaches do this?
    1 point
  29. Guess I should have clicked the link before asking. I think it adds a unique look.
    1 point
  30. I was on the sideline for 3 seasons worth of UNT games (06-08) and being down on the field I definitely noticed the size difference, even compared to our fellow SBC teams. There were two positions that really stood out to me. First was the defensive line. But second and the one that got my attention the most was receiver. Our receivers looked like high school athletes compared to other schools, and not just when it came to their heigth. Our receivers, with the exception of a few, were all skinny without any definition. Occasionally we'd get a Sam Roberson (6'4") or a Forrest Rucker (6'6"), but they didn't have that thickness and definition that I noticed other schools had. Maybe they didn't stick around long enough for the effects of the weight room to pay off?? But even our studs like Casey Fitzgerald and Johnny Quinn didn't have size. Both did happen to be two of the hardest workers I've ever seen though.
    1 point
  31. Each and every time I heard Coach Mac speak, from the day he arrived, he has talked about the "undersized squad" UNT has at the moment. He knew from the start that UNT, as a rule, was a tad "undersized". Looks like he just now took the time to figure out on average just how undersized. I am sure this has something to do with player goals set for the summer conditioning program. Coach McCarney had most definitely already made this assessment. Maybe now he just put some actual numbers "on average" to the matter. Nice to have some goals for his players in the summer, right?
    1 point
  32. Yeah, all the shills for the various power industries are going to have to work a little harder to find fault with this progressive move by UNT. But I guess making comments about taxpayer money is a good start.
    1 point
  33. Our LB's average 200 pounds? So for every 210 pounder we have a 190 pounder. Geez...someone must have neglected to inform Dodge that he was no longer at SLC.
    1 point
  34. For those of you who think we just play in the Sun Belt, not the SEC, listen to what Coach Mac is saying. The depth and strength is going to take awhile to build up here. He is getting the academic stuff back where it needs to be and now he is going to get after the strength and conditioning program for this team. That stuff will pay great dividends in 2012 and beyond, esepcially as the guys get more used to Coach Mac and his staff and their expectations. 2011 may not be a great year, but the foundation is being poured for the future, which is brighter than it has been here in Denton in the last 35 years.
    1 point
  35. Skiver: 1.) I have never seen a person get more self-pwned on this website than you have in this thread. 2.) Learn when to just say, "Oops, I was wrong." 3.) Are you related to unt_playmaker? That is all.
    1 point
  36. Really cool to hear the incoming guys getting a head start on school.
    1 point
  37. :growl:Do you really want to see our womens teams have to use UNT---there is a reason that the campus radio station is KNTU !!!
    1 point
  38. I disagree that the helmet is the face of an athletics program.
    1 point
  39. I agree. But, be prepared, here come the -1s.
    1 point
  40. I think having "North Texas" on the helmet makes perfect sense for the time being. As much as some, including myself, would like to only have the eagle or some other symbol on the helmet...the fact of the matter is that not many people from around the country know who we are. We don't have the name recognition right now that the likes of UT, Alabama, Auburn, and Oregon have. Whenever people watch a televised game of North Texas and see "North Texas" on the helmet, there is no question as to who we are. Having "North Texas" on the helmet will also help end the confusion of "NTSU" and all of those other names that individuals on this board get so mad about when an announcer refers to us as. Overall, I think this makes sense for our current situation. 5-10 years from now may be another story if things go well...but right now I think it makes sense.
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. Well, I am sure Coach FFR will work that out...but Andy Blount did a great job at QB last year and his team actually beat the team with Scott Hall as QB. So, have no fear...the Green Team will be well represented at QB...I have it from a good source that FFR can do a very good job at QB himself. Looks to me like the teams are pretty well evenly matched...should be a great game. Come one, Come all...come watch and be part of the fun on June 11th. Thanks to all...GO MEAN GREEN!
    1 point
  43. Absolutely agree--- DNA testing is a great thing (if done properly) .... that usually make the issue black/white. He did or he didn't and years of appeal don't seem very necessary any more and the likelyhood of an innocent person being convicted becomes rather small in most cases.
    1 point
  44. --HUH...!!... I just don't see everything as black/white. For some people capital punishment is a deterrent, for some it isn't. Not every person or situation is the same. to put it into football terms... sometimes you run and sometimes you pass.... --Liberal... I just think it is funny that some start yelling liberal when someone disagrees with them... It has nothing to do with being liberal or conservative on any issue. Most people are really neither.... conservative on some things and somewhat liberal on others. . Check out the folks at El Dorado... very liberal on marriage issues (by most of our standards, multiple wives) but definitely conservative on the way females dress. The good old Puritans (who did not celebrate Christmas or Easter, those were too liberal, date not mentioned in Bible) first yelled witch... then hung them.....LOL...
    1 point
  45. Oh no-- here is the word liberal again... just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they are a (gasp) liberal. . That really bothers me.. the name calling. Besides our founding fathers were pretty liberal... they wanted to change things... the conservatives just want keep things as they were (Tories). The witch hanging Puritans at Salem were definitely conservative, "believe as I do or I will hang you". I don't consider myself either.. but definitely conservative on financial matters. --- I have taught in public school and once had ONE class in which 5 students (through the years) have been charged with murder and two more were murder victims . (I have actually heard a sixth one was charged but have not seen it in print) No other class of mine has been even close to that one. Three were convicted and I am convinced the other two were guilty but it could not be proven. None were executed. I can promise you that there are some that the death penalty or any punishment is not a deterrent.... and there are some that whatever punishment is out there a big deterrent. There are a very few that seem to have zero conscience and no sense of right or wrong and just don't care what punishment might exist. This guy might be one of them but maybe not since he threatens those that might testify again him. He must care some but just thinks he will always get out of trouble. (he pretty much has so far) ---Having said all this, the 1880's weren't all bad... in that era this guy would no longer exist.
    1 point
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