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  1. I don't know why I even read this board anymore
    3 points
  2. You do realize that Louisiana is the only member of the Sunbelt to not have to go through 1AA hell. They remained 1A the entire time. Most of the Wacy teams had to go through 1AA hell as well. Not sure how University of Louisiana at Lafayette "sounds" like a community college when University of Nevada at Las Vegas does not. Why is it the "bane of the Sunbelt?"
    3 points
  3. Here's a fun metaphor for our situation: 30 years ago, we had big dreams and wide eyes, and we took a shot at making it big. It didn't work out. Now, we're in the Sun Belt. A one bedroom apartment with a cat, a snuggie, a DVD of "Sleepless in Seattle", and a shelf of Harlequin romance novels. We know we could do better. But the phone isn't ringing, and everyone else in the neighborhood is already married. The trick is to avoid desperation. Because while this sure as hell isn't the future we imagined for ourselves... At least it's warm and dry. There's something to do. And our only company may be lower level members of the animal kingdom, but at least it's companionship. We could be homeless and desperate for the rest of the world to tell us we're pretty, turning tricks for drug money and 2-for-1's like our slutty young cousin in San Antonio. But we ought to be old enough and wise enough, having learned some hard lessons, to avoid making our lives worse. So when we get an email out of the blue from a Nigerian Prince named Karl Benson who wants to turn our whole world around... We ought to be mature enough to realize it's fool's gold. Especially when our other cousin in Ruston already got suckered in by the same scam. It's something different. It's a reason to dream of riches and a whole new world of opportunity. But really, it's just going to slowly bleed us dry, and then we'll be broke and alone. What we need to do is enjoy each day for what it is, keep working hard to stay pretty, and try to succeed at everything we do when we leave the house. The WAC is just more trouble, only farther away. It's different, but in a way that actually makes things worse. Going west isn't a good answer for our problems. Just ask the Joads.
    3 points
  4. I'll dig up the old threads later, but the former Big West teams don't even draw for each other. We argued this out a year and a half ago, and the average attendance they pull for each other is very unimpressive. They aren't going to bring in a bigger crowd than the one that's already coming to watch North Texas, at least not if the past 5 years of their own gate numbers against each other are any indication. It's also not helpful that we have to travel more, to more expensive destinations. It hurts us that we'd play a lot of games on Pacific or Mountain (or, Hawaii) time, because it's harder for newspapers to make deadline. And it's less likely that they'll send people to cover us when their travel costs start rising, too. According to ArkStFan... Now that Boise is gone, the SBC is actually ranked higher in non-AQ BCS money distribution. We'd be getting less BCS money if we jumped ship. In fact, if the SBC kicked us out, they'd be the 2nd best non-AQ league without our program dragging down the league composite score. Joining the WAC, even a realigned 2 division Eastern portion of the WAC, would gain us nothing, cost us money on multiple fronts, and diminish our already pathetically low level of press coverage. It was a bad idea when Boise was still in the league, and it's a terrible idea now.
    3 points
  5. Has it ever occurred to you that Waters gets paid to be the commissioner of a conference? That includes trying to make it better, whether fans of a member school (UNT) want to help or not. What's hilarious it the short sightedness of your posts. Part of the problem is idiots talking crap about the conference we are currently in, when we're still a member and have an opportunity to make it better. I could certainly see an issue if we had won 8 straight conference championships, but it's simply not true. We fans have a responsibility to want our school to get into a better conference. But, we also have a responsibility to make the most out of where we are with what we've got, because we're here.
    2 points
  6. However, with Boise gone, that league is as good as dead anyway and has little leverage. The sunbelt is just a better league now IMHO. Might as well stomp on their neck...
    2 points
  7. Greeks playing soccer? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92vV3QGagck
    2 points
  8. I agree. The SBC seems to be pretty stable. I would much rather see Wright Waters put on his big boy pants and make a play for some of the WAC schools and keep the majority of our conference Central and Eastern time zoned.
    2 points
  9. Why? Until all this settles, there is no way to tell what secondary conference is going to be in the best shape or even exist. As they are now, the WAC would be my last choice.
    2 points
  10. It was more to the point that our TEAMS can have a direct flight to these locations. Pay attention.
    2 points
  11. Beef tacos in crispy shells, with everything.
    2 points
  12. I agree. I read alot of comments on here by people who use the old Big West as an excuse for not going to the WAC. The Big West was over a decade ago. Most of those teams have matured into legitimate FBS programs. I need to hear a better argument then that for ignoring the WAC. Those Big West teams didn't draw attendance for us, but I'm willing to bet teams like Fresno State, Hawaii, Nevada, and NMSU would draw better crowds then the teams we currently play in the Sun Belt. I bet we could recruit better in that conference too.
    2 points
  13. So is Baylor a lost soul now? Or are they going to "tell it on the MountainWest Top, Over the Hills and everywhere?"
    2 points
  14. I'm sure that's just a drop in the bucket compared to all the money and jobs that were lost when Houston, SMU, TCU, and Rice were separated from the rest of the Texas schools that left them behind for the Big 12. How the heck did the state of Texas survive that financial disaster?
    2 points
  15. I'd be calling every AD of every school in every conference I had an interest in. I'd also be calling the sports director of every news station, radio sports talk show hosts, newspaper bloggers, student newspaper editor covering every school in every conference I had an interest in. Then I'd call the quarterback of every school in every conference I had an interest in. Then I'd call his mom (if she was hot). Finally, and perhaps most importantly, I'd be getting my website blogger to talk about how the athletics department is working for the best interest of the program, or turning over every rock, or anything, ANYTHING other than "the only thing we can do is sit and wait."
    2 points
  16. With Boise out of the WACky, yes. Wrong, We've had a pretty steady membership, and our confrence as a whole has been gaining strength. This was disputed ealier, please read other threads I'll be waiting for those figures, until then, I'll call BS And wrong again. I guess you don't have a televison, otherwise you would have noticed the numerous nationally televised games the SBC had this year. Not to mention the games that were on ESPN Gameplan or pay per view. Benson's wife is getting jealous. She wants you to leave him alone.
    1 point
  17. How many schools out there would actually benefit a move to the SunBelt ? Isn't it all about improving your current situation.I mean thats all anyone wants to talk about. So please tell me what schools would improve their status by coming to the Belt. Outside of maybe LaTech coming in from a broken up WAC to cut travel cost (even though they want nothing to do w/ the other LA schools) I can't think of 1 Don't worry , I'll wait Waters does get paid to be the commish , but he's done less than a stellar job IMO
    1 point
  18. I agree with Video Eagle. Invite Baylor to join the Sun Belt. I would really be surprised if they even gave the offer any thought, but what if they did ? A Baylor Sun Belt all of a sudden becomes a good conference. Just that one addition makes the Sun Belt legit. First thing you know, Houston and Rice want in. And in a plain, brown envelope, SMU petitions for a Sun Belt membership.
    1 point
  19. As much as I dislike La Tech, I think we should invite them back,as well as attempt to bring NMSU back and expand to 12 football teams with USA coming on board. WEST NT NMSU LT ULL ULM ASU EAST FAU FIU USA Troy MT WKU
    1 point
  20. Posted: Today 8:17 PM Re: LA-Tech, you guys staying or going? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If Tech gets an offer from C-USA, we are gone. If not, Tech will do whatever it takes to not join the Sun Belt. If Benson can get North Texas from the Sun Belt and Hawaii, Nevada, and Fresno are still in the WAC, Tech will stay in the WAC. But Benson hasn't mentioned UNT once. If Benson goes after FCS teams and loses any of Fresno or Nevada, Tech will have seriously consider holding its nose and applying for the Belch. http://mbd.scout.com/mb.aspx?s=451&f=2368
    1 point
  21. cusa would be top preference. wac with east teams second best. sbc is dead last choice.
    1 point
  22. It is good news. Any movement that provides us a better opportunity to get off the bottom rung is good. The WAC this time would have to seriously consider an eastern division which is what NT has wanted from them all along.
    1 point
  23. It can help in our being invited to the WAC as a safety valve. It's better than the Sun Belt. It doesn't do anything yet towards our getting in CUSA. Someone from CUSA will have to move to another conference before there is an opening unless CUSA decides to go to 16. If they do I don't see that Boise State's movement has any bearing on us.
    1 point
  24. That was what Arkansas thought. While their program is now in better shape financially, they haven't done much on the football field since they no longer get to show off their team at stadiums across Texas. A&M would not be in as bad a shape, but without playing UT, Tech, OU or OSU, they are going to need to build a whole new recruiting system. They are not going to get many recruits from the SEC states so they will have to convince those from Texas that letting their parents see them at half of the games is enough.
    1 point
  25. The difference with the WAC now is that the Texas schools will be out West for the Pac 10, so we are more likely to get coverage by going West this time. We were on a island out there last time. TCU's coverage should pick up too with the big boys headed to the left coast. GMG
    1 point
  26. They're starting to grow in # a bit. The Californian economy has left Arizona grads looking elsewhere in the southwest. There are also a TON of California transplants in DFW and Austin these days, myself included.
    1 point
  27. Friday night on the 10:00 PM sports on Channel Five, sports reporter Newy Scruggs reported that Texas told The Aggies that if they were not in the same conference that Texas would not play them in any sport. That could be described as hardball or chicken bleep depending on where you are sitting. It might put an end to those who think the Thanksgiving weekend football game could go forward even if The Aggies go to the SEC.
    1 point
  28. What do you think about the Mountain West as a realistic new suitor once TCU gets their inevitable invite to the Big12? Is anything real in this world anymore?
    1 point
  29. I've already admitted when I flashed back to an old joke about the Gyro of Power that I've gotten old and lame. Carry the banner of brazen abrasiveness, sir. Don't get neutered like some of us have.
    1 point
  30. Wow... I leave for 6 hours, only to get my loaded wallet stolen at summer bash, come back and you're talking hardcore re-alignment... Can we all agree that I'm the only thing keeping this site on the interwebz?
    1 point
  31. No, you wouldn't watch a Pac 10 game over an Arkansas-LSU game, but what about a Pac 10 game or George-South Carolina? No the distances and number of alumni are closer to the same, although there are going to be a lot more UCLA and Stanford people in DFW than Georgia or SC. That is a function of a better degree getting the better job. I know ATT actively recruits students with graduate degrees from Stanford. Alumni of Texas et al will have an interest in the winner of all the Pac 10 games as those games can affect their own teams. Georgia-SC isn't going to affect anything in Texas - not even the Cotton Bowl.
    1 point
  32. Ah no, won't happen. That is where the PAC10 theory on TV market share is wrong. I won't watch a UCLA-Stanford game over a Arkansas-LSU game. Schools 1500 miles+ away will not convert locals to be hard core fans. There are no Arizona or Oregon St. fans in DFW office buildings to talk up their teams. There are regional alums but not very many west coast alums.
    1 point
  33. Let's hope Charr still has a few numbers. Anyone on that USC roster could come right in & have a immediate impact
    1 point
  34. Boise St... That name rings a bell... Oh, were those the guys that were in the Big West with us? I wondered what they have been doing lately. Last time I saw those guys, we were kicking their arse 17-10 at Fouts in 1999. Man, we must be light years ahead of these guys. Do you guys think we should slum it and join the MWC now that these guys have pried their way in? What would that do to our reputation?
    1 point
  35. My bet is that KS, Kst, Mizz, join the MWC. I know it's a long shot but I seriously doubt there will be teams leaving the MWC to join a busted Big2. I think there will be conferences jumping at the chance to add Ks solely due to their BB program.
    1 point
  36. And they've got Kibbie, which is badass.
    1 point
  37. We need to build those boys a nice 18 or 9 hole course to practice on. And then we need to give steep alumni discounts.
    1 point
  38. You jokesters spent all this time ruining conference realignment pipedream circle jerk threads for the last 5 years and now look at us -- we're being left out of the new super conferences. Thanks for nothing. Also, totally missed the slinky reference at first and feel bad about it. COOL KID CODE EVEN ESCAPES THE COOL KIDS!
    1 point
  39. Start simple, Professor Jindra. Explain who Scott Hall is. Then, build from that foundation.
    1 point
  40. Nevada put a WHOLE lot less butts in our stadium. As did Utah State and Boise for that matter.
    1 point
  41. If *I* were the AD? I'd still be calling Wright Waters at 3:00 a.m. every day, disguising my voice. Every day, I'd be telling him that if he doesn't learn to count to one and properly break a tie, I'll do all sorts of awful things to his family. But then again, I'm the sort that sometimes holds a grudge.
    1 point
  42. If you were the AD, what sort of phone calls would you be making?
    1 point
  43. Yep, sitting and waiting is always, ALWAYS, the best strategy. After all, it's got us this far.
    1 point
  44. I think we can confidently paint the Sun Belt logo permanently on the new stadium.
    1 point
  45. You boneheads think too small. Let's just join the NFC East to give the Cowboys a travel partner. I hear they have a bitchin' TV deal. Or...the AFC West if we want to be competitive. And there is always the CFL if we can talk Ranger into joining to give us a southern time zone partner.
    0 points
  46. Reload with who? Because right now... It's a couple of Sun Belt rejects, a couple of Big West never-did-anything-for-attendance former opponents, Fresno State (which may still end up getting pulled in to the MWC if none of the B12 teams are interested), San Jose State (which had administration threaten to disband the football program at least twice within the past decade), and Hawaii (which couldn't afford to fill their shower dispensers with liquid soap back when June Jones left). New Mexico State has some fond memories, but not for anyone who graduated within the past 7 or 8 years. And if I had to choose between partnering up with NMSU or WKU, I'll take the Hilltoppers. And as scary as the Louisiana state funding situation for sports is... It's just as bad for the non-Pac-10 schools out in California. The WAC is a whole lot of nothing. No value, no prestige, fraught with peril. There is no good reason to jump on that dilapidated, sinking ship. The SBC is no great shakes, but I'd rather be in the Sun Belt with at least one school that demands greatness (WKU) than stuck in the Rocky Mountain SBC with a different bunch of sisters of the poor. Making risky moves that don't improve our situation didn't work out in the 70's, and it won't do anything but hurt us now. Either we'll shake out in a better situation, or we won't. Going for the WAC, today, is the only option out there that actually makes our situation worse.
    0 points
  47. I can tell you, it's highly overrated.
    0 points

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