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  1. New Football Stadium Images at UNT on the Square this Thursday! The Mean Green Athletic Department is heading downtown on Thursday, June 3rd! Join several athletic department representatives at the new “UNT on the Square” location for an exhibit featuring the latest architectural renderings of the new football stadium. This event will run from 5pm – 8pm at 109 N. Elm Street on Denton’s historic downtown square. This is in conjunction with the weekly Twilight Tunes series that is co-sponsored by the Junior Mean Green Club. The football stadium construction is well underway, but this exhibit will give fans and interested parties a chance to see what the final product will look like. HKS Architects and Manhattan Construction, who combined to design and build the Dallas Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, are completing the new Mean Green football stadium which is scheduled to open in September of 2011. Information on tickets, club level seats, luxury suites and more will be available at the “UNT on the Square” event which is free and open to the public.
    3 points
  2. how embarassing is it that this collection of misfits is referenced under 'where do north texas fans congregate?'
    3 points
  3. I'm glad we're not playing by 'Survivor' rules. Our selfish assses would be voted off on the first ballot.
    3 points
  4. Well, so much for the theory that those who pick us low in the Belt really have not examined our program...
    3 points
  5. Of course the WAC makes sense to Boise from a geographical standpoint, as did the Big West, while neither make sense for North Texas without some sort of eastern division.
    2 points
  6. "However, then I remember that this team is led by Todd Dodge, a coach with the ability to immediately cripple my enthusiasm." WOW.
    2 points
  7. This should really be a non-issue. Was it politically smart for this President who, right or wrong (not a debate we're having here), is generall considered weak on defense and military issues? Probably not. ...but there is no prescident that a sitting President MUST attend the ceremony. They often do, and no President has totally ignored Memorial day. ...but taking a family vacation over the Memorial day weekend when it is already an issue your political opposition beats you over the head with is probably not the best political move. ...but for all the things I fault this President for (and you all know the list is long) this isn't one of them. He attended a Memorial day Ceremony and the Vice President did a wonderful job delivering a great speach on the President's behalf at Arlington.
    2 points
  8. Sorry Jeff, I just don't have that low self-esteem. Granted, we could get left out but we'd almost have to 'not try' to do that. Of course, we've often been guilty of not trying whenever there was expansion or reorganization in the area. First, of all take the Dallas market. SMU doesn't cover it; they may be the smallest factor in the market. Texas, A&M, Tech, and us definitely have more alumni and families of alumni in the area than SMU. TCU may not have any more alums than SMU but they have more support from Fort Worth than SMU has from Dallas. Anyway, how about picking up several hundred thousand potential viewers (and purchasers) without any additional expenses? The most likely eastern CUSA losses would be East Carolina and UCF. Except for Marshall, the easternmost team then would be UAB. Southern Miss is not that far from the Mississippi and Memphis and Tulane(already in the west) are on the River. North Texas would be closer to the geographical center of the conference than WKU, MTSU, Troy and (definitely moreso than FAU). And I won't even go into their other liabilities. Now, if you want to dwell on our failures of the past five years in football and that is the only criteria, then you are right. Even then our attendance for an abysmal program was greater than two of the four that you mentioned. Two trips to the Dance and vast improvement in our minor sports should be of some help when it comes evaluation time. And remember, it will be the university presidents, not the fans, who will decide who is to be added.
    2 points
  9. I was thinking that it's about time for the NY Times to start their 2010 countdown, so I did a bit of searching. I found this: Four teams were in the running for the ignominious spot of No. 120 in the Countdown, but a decision has been made. Just so you know, those four came from the Sun Belt (two), the WAC and the MAC. I won't go any further than that, but here's the hint for tomorrow's No. 120, which will start the four-month show: Our first program won seven games in 2004 — two coaches ago — or only three less than it has won in the five years since. That's a pretty easy one to get things started. In the past, I've had people say the hints were too hard; fewer have said they were too easy. But this is a nice, easy one to get things started. Remember, that team needs to play in either the Sun Belt, WAC or MAC and fit that above criteria. If you'd like, make a guess as to who it may be in the comment section below. Otherwise, check in tomorrow afternoon for the answer. Ok, there's really no need to delay the suspenseful misery any longer. (This has been out since May 6 and I'm sure several GMG posters already saw this and just ignored it like I wish I could.) No. 120: North Texas Ouch! The Sporting News has already started their countdown as well. Fortunately for us, they started from 100 so we're spared from the 120 ranking there. A few notables from The Sporting News' list: 43. Middle Tennessee State 61. Clemson 79. Army 84. Florida International 85. Kansas State 90. Troy
    1 point
  10. And looking at a map, I'm not sure who else would join the WAC. Maybe UTEP since they are the western-most C-USA team. Maybe Tulsa, if they believe the WAC would be an upgrade from C-USA. I sure would like to see the WAC expand to have an east division, but all this expansion talk has me thinking we should just take the WAC invite no matter what.
    1 point
  11. Aww, hell no! And we have to acknowledge that the BEST and most realistic scenario for us would be for the WAC to expand east. C-USA is not going to come knocking, Mountain West won't take us right now, and the Sun Belt is going to be more irrelevant after expansion.
    1 point
  12. I see absolutely no reason that the MWC would take either. If their goal is to become an auto-bid conference, neither does anything to help their chances or reputation, and TCU sure as hell won't be a proponent of bringing in SMU.
    1 point
  13. This isn't first grade soccer; there's no trophy for participation. The reality is that we are behind UT-Austin, A&M, Tech, Houston, Baylor, UTEP, and TCU. We're about even or better than SMU in athletics, no matter how much they've deluded themselves. Our immediate goal should be catching up with Houston, and more long-term catching up with Tech. These past few years of being one of the worst teams in FBS football, and being in the spare parts conference we're in don't help our case for advancement. Going to the NCAA tournament twice and having a brand new, impressive stadium do. We have a long way to go in research, academics, and endowment, unfortunately.
    1 point
  14. I understand the licensing agreement with CLC is quite restrictive, but why does it only seem to affect North Texas? Many other schools, Montana and Texas State for example, seem to do alright working with CLC.
    1 point
  15. Rossi the traitor is left off the Italian WC squad.
    1 point
  16. I may still have the 07 game. If I find it, I would like the 07 Fiesta Bowl in trade, however.
    1 point
  17. I'm pretty certain that legally you cannot possess a copy of the 2007 game within a 100 mile radius of Denton, TX.
    1 point
  18. Legacy in this case meaning a position passed down from father to son. Sorry i didn't make myself clear on that.
    1 point
  19. Everyone should really go back and look at their own predictions for last year and compare them to what they are predicting this year. I tend to give more credence to the predictions by people who are emotionally removed from the program. I love George D., but he is obviously emotionally invested in UNT (thank God).
    1 point
  20. Mat God Bless all who served and may we all remember why men serve and why they stand ready to pay the ultimate price for our freedom.
    1 point
  21. No, if you served your country, you get a pass. Pres. Clinton and Pres. Obama didn't. Clinton undeerstood this and was there every year. Pres. Obama either doesn't understand this or doesn't care. Really not a big deal, other than to show his lack of understanding/doesn't care attitude about the current political landscape. Interesting that you use the 2 Bush Presidents when there were others available for example. Interesting again that everything has to be in republican or democrat terms with you.
    1 point
  22. You're being too kind. I don't see much begging any more. It looks more like demanding and expecting to me. And then those countries we send aid to tend to complain that we didn't send enough or didn't send it quickly enough. Calderón's comments are no different. He wasn't politely asking anyone to carefully review the Arizona law and reconsider, he was demanding that it be overturned...just like he demanded the US send him helicopters and demanded that the US ban assault weapons to help "us" fight the drug war. Of course, it's no different than the US demanding that Iran or North Korea give up their pursuit of nuclear power...except that we're supposed to be on friendly terms with Mexico.
    1 point
  23. I guess that's what happens when you take risks in a program. I am sure that Boise didn't want to join the WAC at the time but figured it was a stepping stone (from the Big West) and now their chance has come to keep stepping up. They could have just waited in the Big West and hoped for it to get better like us.
    0 points
  24. Who else can we blame? Ourselves? We need blimp to circle Denton the entire of summer with a big graphic on the side that says: Clash of the Titans 2: UNT vs. TT, be there or die
    0 points
  25. Moderators can you please double the amount of negative votes each person can give a day? I seem to have met my quota and am getting the following message: "Action Failed: You have reached your quota of negative votes for the day" Thank you.
    -1 points
  26. It happens. I suppose we could go one of two ways if you want to stop drilling for oil... Go back to horse and buggy modes of transportation, or Mandate alternative energy use that is so expensive and difficult to produce that only the wealthy could afford it. BTW, didn't your hero Obama just open up offshore drilling? This is all his fault.
    -1 points
  27. Meanwhile, the left wing faction is trying to make it the fault of Republicans. See the original post of this thread for an example. And didn't just about everything get blamed on Bush for the last 8 years, even crap that had nothing to do with the office of President? Sucks being in the Big Boy Chair sometimes, doesn't it?
    -1 points
  28. Nice job BP...no sense in investing in Green Energy...We have Oil Reserves floating all around us. Potential negative impact on Gulf Coast Economy is going to be enormous. Hopefully a war will break out or something. I am sure BP will pony up for this disaster. Or will the tax payer...huh!!!
    -1 points
  29. During our time in the Big West - it included about half the schools that are currently in the WAC. Just about all our programs competed terribly in the league and our attendance/support was God awful. Seriously, I think anyone who remembers the Big West would be very hesitant about joining the current WAC.
    -1 points
  30. Johnny is one of the greatest players and people ever to come out of UNT. The Lord will guide him to his next adventure....
    -1 points
  31. no longer a season ticket holder
    -1 points
  32. IF he chooses not to attend, its pretty sorry on his part. He can't put "going home" on hold for one freaking day? Pretty sad.
    -1 points
  33. -1 points
  34. And Reagan? Hell, Reagan showed so much disrespect he didn't even send GHWB. He sent the under secrty of the defense (or some such person). BTW, Obama went to a Nat'l. cemetery. He paid respect, just not at Arlington. But don't let that get in the way of your hate.
    -1 points
  35. Are you waiting for the new coach, new stadium or a winning season?
    -1 points
  36. Dude, quit being an ass. Or at least try. I am not bringing in politics. I think its sory for ANY president not to attend Arlington. I didnt realize its "outrage" to show displeasure at a president. I thought it was that damn fredom of speech thing. Thanks for setting me straight.
    -1 points
  37. I was thinking we could somehow tap into the disaster alert network and use those air raid sirens and loudspeakers to broadcast an hourly promotional message.
    -1 points

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