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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/2010 in all areas

  1. While I'm really looking forward to the first game in the new stadium, I will miss Fouts. I saw the first game at Fouts while home on leave. I thought that it was really "big time" when compared to the old stadium. At that time I thought that all stadia should have tracks around the field. I had great eyesight then but now it's hard for me to see the players bench. Some other memories have been mentioned...the high=scoring Navy game; the monsoon when we played Southern Miss; the two wins over SMU; the blizzard when Florida State came to town and the win over FIU in seven overtimes. To that I add fantastic duel between Greg Cook ov Cincinnati and Steve Ramsey played in a myriad of weather conditions which we finally pulled out. Abner Haynes scoring all eight points in a win over Tulsa that brought our fist MVC championship. Most of our football and track Hall-of-Famers performed at Fouts; I was fortunate enough to see them all. So yes, I will miss the memories of Fouts. Without Fouts we sould still be in the FCS or lower. I think that it was the stadium, more than anything else, that allowed us to join the MVC and major college football. Now I'd like to add one more memory before embracing the new home of the Mean Green, I'd like to see a win over Kansas State in the final game. Then the old girl, who has lost her beauty, can nevertheless go out in style.
    2 points
  2. Prime rib will never be served at ground chuck prices. For FAR too long our fans (not saying you) have demanded small-time program prices...and complained sbout a lack of big-time program results.
    1 point
  3. I guess that San Jose and Idaho have raised their budgets along with a lotof MAC schools. This is my concern about the Belt. Most of you probably know that I have been a Belt fan from Day 1. The apparent lack of resources/desire to commit for excellence is my concern. If we are not getting better, we are stagnant. If we are not spending money, we are not going to get better. 4 or 5 schools in the Belt are spending the money to be competitve (somewhat) - the rest are drastically underfunded. I am really considering the WAC invite, hopefully it is still a standing invite.
    1 point
  4. I believe that the reason that some of you don't hold very fond memories of Fouts has to do with the amount of time that you've been a North Texas fan. When you're losing the sight lines seem worse, the playing field is much farther away, the lights aren't bright enough even with the added generators, and the wind gives the aluminum bleachers an eerie sound. If we continue losing we'll start finding fault with the new stadium as well. Always think positive and we'll come to love our new digs.
    1 point
  5. Of the 120 schools in the FBS, only seven have athletic budgets under 15,000,000. Of the seven, only ONE........... Louisiana Tech is not a Belt member. Wondering if there will be many, if any, changings in the latest report due out soon ?
    1 point
  6. I will miss Fouts as well, not enough to want to go back but there is something bittersweet about saying goodbye to the place. I have many great memories in that stadium, good times with friends, a few great wins sprinkled in there and despite the recent suck that we have endured the place does have a certain charm to it, a certain charisma. First game was in 99, don't remember who we played though, I was a senior in High School and trying to figure out which school to attend so most of my attention was paid to the girls in the student section and around campus... My favorite memory was the hard fought game against NMSU to clinch the sunbelt title, storming the field and tackling the goalposts with hundreds of other equally excited students! That was an amazing night at Fouts. But here's to the next set of great memories this year in Fouts and in the future at the new house!
    1 point
  7. Didnt RV indicate 7 wins was expected durning each season of the Dodge era?
    1 point
  8. I happen to believe that in that scenario Rodge would be a damn fine QB and if he wouldn't I'd take my lumps.....
    1 point
  9. They are both national cemeteries.
    1 point
  10. I have ZERO problem with the HOF being loaded up with players from those championship teams. None. In the frame of our football history, that group is beyond worthy....a reasonable case could be made for every player mentioned in this thread. Not saying they should all go in, but to "cap" the number of players from one era doesn't make sense to me.
    1 point
  11. No... I always found Fouts to be an embarrassment. Yes I had plenty of good times there but it had nothing to do with the Stadium.
    1 point
  12. I agree that this is a stupid topic and one in which the moderators should delete.
    -1 points
  13. Then it wouldn't take me so long to sift through the dung to find the good stuff.
    -1 points

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