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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/2010 in all areas

  1. The most accurate statement of the entire thread.
    3 points
  2. So funny. Do you not realize that the remedy for what is highlighted is an anti-trust lawsuit? Guess who makes the decision on those lawsuits? Your government. SO, if you want to blame someone for the "too big to fail" companies, look no further than... your government. Yet another example of something that the federal government is tasked to do, yet fails miserably.
    3 points
  3. If you were "The REAL Lonnie Finch" I wouldn't, but since you are "The Fake Lonnie Finch," I do.
    2 points
  4. Pot please meet kettle.
    2 points
  5. Dr. Scott Gottlieb, WSJ response from healthreform.gov Both are quite short
    1 point
  6. I remember Charlie Smith. In the 2004 media guide, it lists him as being a four year starter for North Texas 78-81. That means that he was recruited by Hayden Fry, and played for Hayden, Gerry Moore, and Bob Tyler. I remember that Charlie Smith played in the alumni vs varsity spring game in the spring of 87. He was still out there blocking as well as he did in the early 80's. BTW Jordan Case was the starting QB for the alumni team in that game.
    1 point
  7. His father is a big ol' boy that still goes to see the menthol green play. Charlie is a class act. I expect his son to be the same "a Player".
    1 point
  8. The part of this statement that concerns me is the part that reads, "he is just doing what he can as Chief Diplomat to keep the rest of the world from hating us". Seems trying to make the rest of the world "like us" by bending over backwards to show that you believe the country you lead as President is somehow wrong and needs to be punished by the rest of the world is a very strange way to go about trying to be "liked". Trying to be "liked" is getting the U.S. into a bit of a pickle it seems to me. Being liked is not always the proper approach. Ask any parent who made a few questionable choices regarding their own kids just so the kids will "like" them. Perhaps Mr. Obama should go back to believing that the U.S. is the best nation in the world and not try to show the world how "sorry" the U.S. is for each and every ill that is seen in the world today. The nations of the world "hate us" until they want help from us. Their "hating" us has never kept them from begging at our doorstep for a handout, aid or relief. Time to start supporting our Allies and to stop playing "oh, I'm so sorry, I'll back off that stance" with our not-so friendly world partners. President Obama can help the rest of the world "like us" by standing beside our allies in their times of need and working to strengthen the U.S. economy and military.
    1 point
  9. What about Ben Bell at the point?
    1 point
  10. I'd personally like to see: C-USA drop Marshall off to the MAC, drop UTEP off to the WAC. And lets say Memphis gets to the Big East and add: North Texas, Louisiana Tech, Middle Tennessee, and potentially one other. THEN, you have a C-USA with: North Texas SMU Houston Rice Tulsa Tulane Louisiana Tech Middle Tennessee Southern Miss UAB ECU UCF That'd be fun
    1 point
  11. An Angel of God appeared to me in my cubicle today. With him he had 2 golden plates which shone as bright as the sun. On the left plate was written SEC WEST and on the right plate SEC EAST. He handed me the plates and told me all other speculation was wrong and I was to spread the good word on NCAA conference expansion. On the SEC WEST plate was written: Arkansas Houston LSU Ole Miss Oklahoma Oklahoma State Mississippi State North Texas I said to the Angel. "You must be wrong. Why are Houston and North Texas on this list? Surely they are not worthy?" The Angel stated "For Texas and Texas A&M shall leave to the PAC -10. No school worth having from the ACC will desire to join the SEC so the conference must look westward for large TV markets. There will be much sadness and gnashing of teeth in Waco and Lubbock." "But..but...TCU" I said. The angel admonished me stating "TCU is too strong a football program with too little television appeal. A weaker team with much more upside is desired. Also, purple is abhorrent to the Lord." On the SEC EAST plate was written: Alabama Auburn Florida Georgia Kentucky South Carolina Tennessee Vanderbilt To the Angel I exclaimed, "That conference is insane. That makeup is much too strong." The angel replied "Yes, but the Lord shall permit their male alum to marry their sisters...all of them. There will be no opposition." With that the angel disappeared. This is a true testimony.
    1 point
  12. We're reduced to comparing music programs ? Now that's a real bummer.
    1 point
  13. Nuclear power has been shown to be an efficient and safe means of producing power. To deny the possibility of developing new nuclear power plants is simply unthinking and unreasonable.
    1 point
  14. If we aren't at least .500 by the end of the 4th game I think we just might as well put an end to the Todd Dodge era. No reason we shouldn't beat Rice,Army & have a chance vs FAU. a 1- 3 or 0 -4 start is just unacceptable IMO A good start can build some much needed confidence in these kids and who knows how many wins we could reel off , another poor start would just demoralize this team.
    1 point
  15. I don't think that anyone is going to argue that health care is broken and needs overhaul. However, Bigger government is not the answer. I do not see how the federal government can run healthcare.
    1 point
  16. If you have ever been in the hospital for a major surgery on an individual plan or had to deal with individual coverage as a self employed person - you would be 100% behind this reform. Group plans are fantastic, I love my United EPO from my company... but when I was self employed for over a decade, I had some major issues with health insurance. I also broke a disk in my back and spent 3 years fighting the insurance company trying to get the surgery paid. During that time, my credit was dropped over 150 points - I was strung along with tactics to try and make me just give up and not bother them... it was devastating. The credit score problems affected my ability to get a job and a mortgage. And this was all for someone that HAD INSURANCE. The reform package is pretty crappy but it fights for the little guy. This is just the start, hopefully all of these money hungry insurance companies go out of business or clean up their acts. Doctors don't want to deal with many of them and the bureaucracy is just incredible. I spent countless hours and thousands of dollars erasing the problems that the insurance company caused for me. My stringing me along and denying my surgery, the insurance company kept sending me back and forth to different specialists trying to deter me. This just drove up the costs even more for them. It also caused me to be on pain medicine for an extended period of time and that created a whole different set of problems. Insurance companies would prefer for people to keep popping those pills rather than fix the problem, it makes the bottom line look better for their investors. I really do not know how anyone can defend the practices of for-profit health insurance companies. The entire system is set up to prey on the weak and make as large of a profit as possible. Higher profit means worse care. It is my PERSONAL experience. I also had a guy that worked for me when I owned the bar - he was dropped from his parent's insurance his Sr year... he figured that he was young and could make it for a year until graduating and getting a real job. His appendix ruptured one night and after 4 days in the hospital, luckily he walked out a healthy man. That healthy man officially had $127K bill to deal with. So a guy that had gone to college and worked his way through school to keep his debt low now graduated with $127K in debt (and counting as fees and interest started to pile up). He had to declare bankruptcy at age 22 and cannot purchase a car or a house. He had trouble finding a good job because employers do credit checks and are not concerned about how the bankruptcy occurred. These are two small stories regarding my personal experiences with the insurance and medical field industries. I could tell a few more stories about how my grandparents were treated by their insurance companies - eventually they dropped their private insurance in favor of Medicare. They were never happier - until their last breaths. My grandfather fought in The Pacific during WWII and had access to the VA Hospital but our family along with Medicare were able to give him a very nice assisted living center that had a dementia wing. None of that was possible with private insurance, it wasn't until we went with government programs that he could get the care he needed without wiping out his entire savings. Even with all the government help, we were paying out $3800 bucks a month for the facility. Similar story with my grandmother - I am sure that you get the point. My family has had bad experiences with health insurance companies. Consequently, my brother was in a car wreck and broke his neck. Our CAR INSURANCE (State Farm) treated him GREAT. They paid for everything and settled with him for a reasonable amount in case of future medical problems. So not all insurance is evil - and car insurance is a personal policy, not a group policy. I think that the problem is with a broken health care system that has to answer to stockholders looking for higher dividends and share prices. Insurance companies should probably not be publicly traded. I know that you ahve all heard stories and I seriously doubt that I have changed a single person's mind about the insurance business. It just astounds me when someone defends an insurance company in any instance. They would never defend you - they are not on your side. Oh - and yes, I am an Independent that likes some of the Tea Bagger message... I agree with a lot of what Paul has to say, proudly voted for George W Bush (both times) and would not change those votes for the world. I also voted for Clinton the second time around and proudly voted for Obama over the Ghost and Crazy Palin. I wish that people would think for themselves and not just be sheep to their party's messages. This is more propaganda and is horse hockey - it is all about money. If these insurance companies can't make money off of more sick people - those people are going to be better off finding new coverage. These companies will be showing their true priorities over the next few years. Individuals will be able to get better coverage by a system that cares about HEALTH rather than profit.
    1 point
  17. As the wife of one of UNT's chief hecklers at the Super Pit, I thought this was really interesting. Anxious to see how all this comes out and what happens to both the ref and the heckler. http://tinyurl.com/2vnovdc
    1 point
  18. My wife's family in Mexico voted for and supports Calderon. Their only other options were the traditionally corrupt PRI ticket, and the Hugo Chavez clone. Calderon edged out the Chavez clone. So, (unbelievably), it could be worse. However, that doesn't make Calderon any less of an ass for coming over here and saying what he has - given the condition of his own country. And, it doesn't make Obama any less of a suck up and phony for getting on his knees and basically servicing Calderon for two days. Obama has his head buried so far in the sand on the illegal immigration issue that it's unlikely to end well for anyone. He's a spineless turd. And, I mean that in the most sincere and positive way. Obama is a spineless turd of the highest order. When all is said and done, his only historical match will be Britain's Neville Chamberlain who soft-pedaled Hilter's obvious threats. Peace is only a viable option when the other side wants peace as well. Mexico wants no part of keeping peace along the border. Mexico only seeks our complete capitulation of sovereignty at the border, nothing less. Therefore, there will be no peace along the border.
    1 point
  19. The following links show the absolute hypocrisy of Calderon as it relates to illegal immigration: Wolf Blitzer Interview #1 Transcript of CNN So hope the Liberals are proud of their support of the hypocrite, hope Obama was able to get back up off his knees.
    1 point
  20. Based on the market for lawyers, why would you pursue that career anyways? UNT Law won't always be a start-up either.
    1 point
  21. Wait a minute. BP donated to Obama more than any other politician. Obama gave the green light for more offshore drilling. Just a few weeks later this happened. Coincidence? Why does Obama hate the Gulf Coast so much?
    1 point
  22. Actually we have a pretty good quantity here and in Canada. Though they are not being mined at the present and we do not have the refineries needed to process the ore. So they are found here, but pretty much only China produces them for immediate use. http://news.yahoo.com/s/livescience/20100414/sc_livescience/usmilitarysupplyofrareearthelementsnotsecure
    1 point
  23. Meanwhile, the left wing faction is trying to make it the fault of Republicans. See the original post of this thread for an example. And didn't just about everything get blamed on Bush for the last 8 years, even crap that had nothing to do with the office of President? Sucks being in the Big Boy Chair sometimes, doesn't it?
    1 point
  24. It happens. I suppose we could go one of two ways if you want to stop drilling for oil... Go back to horse and buggy modes of transportation, or Mandate alternative energy use that is so expensive and difficult to produce that only the wealthy could afford it. BTW, didn't your hero Obama just open up offshore drilling? This is all his fault.
    1 point
  25. I just heard that we were building an additional 20K seats for this new stadium. As part of the package we are borrowing an additional 20K people from the DFW area to fill those seats so it doesn't look so ridiculous.
    0 points
  26. Mark Wilson, Curtis Muse, Roderick Flemings, Chris Babb and Tyrus Thomas.
    0 points
  27. Doesn't look like they are looking for any schools from a dying conference. But schools mentioned as possible targets if C-USA were to expand included Temple, Louisiana Tech and TCU, or perhaps some schools from larger conferences that might begin to fall apart during realignment, according to some people connected to C-USA.
    0 points
  28. Castro would not be on the ballot as a Republican. He is definitely more from your side of politics.
    0 points
  29. Guess you missed my defense of Pres. Obama for ordering the execution of terrorist found abroad. Actually, I was just using Carter as an example, and if you have read any of my previous post, you should know that I am a conservative, not a Republican. They are FAR from the same. I trust the free market FAR more than I trust government. Seems the founding fathers and I have a lot in common in that respect. Why do I get the feeling that if this were the day after 3 mile island, you would be fully on board with banning any new nuclear power plants forever? It just seems way to far reactionary to me.
    0 points
  30. You think it's incredible now, just wait. The one thing that the federal government is an expert in is multi-layered bureaucracy. Again, if you think you got the runaround from a private insurance company, just wait. It's comong. People make choices. If you choose to go without healthcare and then have a major medical emergency, well, you have lost that gamble and are responsible for the consequences. Feel for the college kid, but his parents should have extended him on their coverage until he was our of school. There are actually policies for this. He gambled, he lost. His responsibility. People just don't want to be accountable for the choices they make in life. They are willing to surrender a little more of their freedom, day by day, to the government because they think it will make their life easier. "I don't want to be responsible for this, so lets just let the government handle it."
    0 points
  31. I have a personal vendetta against anyone who misses 7 XP's and 8 FG's. My problem is Knott is the only one who fits this profile. Do you think Dodge could "coach" him to kick better? If it was that easy, he would have. Knott sucked and Dodge made a bad decision every time he let him kick. When he is all you got, you have to go with it for fear of getting hung by failed 4th down conversions because you dont trust your kicker. If we had a 25% sucess rate on 4th down, I would risk it every time instead of trotting Knott out there! I would have squibb kicked every kickoff, then have 8 kicks out of bounds this season. Atterberry is a redshirt freshman, and cant be compared to a senior kicker! Atterburry will get better with expierence, Knott wont. Atterbury may have digressed, but I have high hopes for him in the years to come. MTSU we had a missed XP, missed FG, and 3 kicks out of bounds. Wonder why we lost? Maybe MUTS was better than us, but we came from behind to tie it up and collapsed because of bad kicking. 4 points doesnt make a difference, but when you combine that with a short field for MTSU because of kicking out of bounds. FAU: 2 missed XP's. We were up by 2 with 1:53 left and had to go for a 4th down instead of kicking a FG. Add 2 XP to 40 and you get 42. Then add 3 to it for a FG....that makes 45 points! We lost on a last drive TD by 4. Score should have been 45-44 and force FAU to go for 2 point conversion to just to TIE THE GAME! WE SHOULD HAVE WON THIS GAME!! THIS TEAM SHOULD HAVE BEEN A 5-7 IF WE HAD A DECENT KICKER! OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE! WE HAVE BEEN CLOSE IN ALMOST EVERY GAME THIS SEASON! IN DODGE I TRUST!!!
    -1 points
  32. Do you really think Todd Dodge is the problem? If you fire TD, then Deloach should also go! The defense started strong, and then TANKED. Yes Nwigwe (sp) got hurt and things went down hill from there, but his head should be on the chopping block if TD's is. THE PROBLEM WITH THE MEAN GREEN COMES DOWN TO A SINGLE ASPECT OF OUR TEAM.........JEREMY KNOTT! He was statistically the WORST kicker in FBS football! This is not counting Akron....which is in its 1st year in FBS. We had 8 missed or blocked FG's and 7 missed XP's! That is 31 points! Not including the numerous kickoff's that went out of bounds. I blame this seasons failure on KNOTT! How many times did our game plan change because we couldnt trust the FG kicker. We lost the MUTS game, lost Army game, and a few other ones because of a horrible kicker. Solve that problem and we win 2-3 more games this season.....possibly more than that. How the HE!! do you miss 7 extra points? You cant get much closer than that! Knott cheated this school out of wins, stole a scholarship that he didnt earn (you dont earn it for just showing up), and made me personally vomit in my mouth. I am thankful that Knott is GONE!
    -1 points
  33. F me?? F you! F all of us! These oil companies actually work very hard to ensure saftey for all of the rig workers, anyone living nearby, and protect the enviroment. Is it always perfect, no. Im always seeing scientists and environmentalists coming in and out of well sites long before they begin drilling. Accidents can always happen, and thats just what this was, an accident.
    -1 points
  34. I can. Profit is a motivation for all businesses, whether it is selling health care insurance, auto insurance, widgets, or cheeseburgers. Profit ensures efficiency. Profit ensures quality control. Profit creates incentive to serve and keep customers. Profit creates incentive to do things better. Without profit, we would not have the medical innovations that we have today. Without profit, life-saving drugs may have never been invented. Without profit, cancer research would be 50 years behind where we are today. In fact, one can argue that not-for-profit health care is worse, since the motivation is to minimize costs and offer the minimal services necessary. Profit is not evil - it is the purest good.
    -1 points
  35. --- Do you ever pick and chose what to read.!! I say I think nuclear power is the way to go.... and that in the future it will be common place. However I just said is it possible to trust them more than oil companies... The item I mentioned just pointed out there should be some very stiff controls on that industry... and they aren't so great now... obviously. You trust big business way too much... they often cut corners to make an extra buck.... check out the messes in the west Texas oil fields. Texon (former town) for example. ..nothing can grow there, and creeks etc. are ruined ..... ground is very polluted. --You are one of the most politically prejudiced person I have ever heard of.. The GOP can do no wrong and nothing the Democrats ever do is good. I have voted both ways (not once straight party) . The last being George Bush SR. ... and never W. I am guessing you have always voted straight party and likely would even if Castro was on the ballot.
    -1 points
  36. Dead on right. ...Stebo, there are many things that can be done in reforming the system to help close the loopholes in the system you have lived through and witnessed that doesn't include the Government managing 1/6th of the American Economy. As we've come to find out if you've bothered to pay attention, all of the things that we were screaming to high heaven about this bill including a direct course to a one-payer system like in the bankrupt EU, rationing and "death panels" which make decisions about treatments based on their cost effectiveness, and what patients have the best percentage of such effectiveness are real. ...all of that, and the cost - oh, yeah, that's way higher than the CBO estimated too. All the stories about how the health care system screwed you or anyone else aside - this country is in debt that it can never repay. The social programs in place now that are a fraction of the cost of this thing are all failing, bankrupt or both. How, in the name of God, can anyone support this thing with the economic weight of it? ...the country can't afford the tax-payer provided health-care it provides today, how can we possibly take on more? We can't without ever higher taxes and rationing care, and even then, if Europe is any example, we still won't be able to afford it as the negative impact of a tax system to support this type of Health Care system on the Economy will be too great to overcome. 66% of Voters support a repeal of this law for a reason. It isn't because they don't all think we need health care reform - you'd have to be blind to see that the system doesn't need work - but this reform that is currently law is not the way to solve the problem, and the majority of the country can see that clearly.
    -1 points
  37. ...and will the discussion be in English? Uh oh...sorry. All "normal" discussions aside, my question is this: What basis is Calderon using? If Mexico rocked, why would his countrymen be a part of the #1 immigration demographic into America? And of course that isn't even considering his own immigration policy noted above. Though I'll admit, even though it did take a lot of our money and support, Calderon's administration has made more headway against the druglords than anyone has in quite some time. As for Obama, though almost everybody else seems to think he's acting subserviant and douchey, I'm still a little undecided but am leaning towards thinking he is just doing what he can as Chief Diplomat to keep the rest of the world from hating us...hopefully. He might be acting subserviant and douchey, but on the other hand he might be trying to be gracious and appear to have an "open ear". We shall see...
    -1 points
  38. Article mention Alex Lott because someone wrote an article about his dad Thomas Lott who played football in American college and now they go back and give him Hall of Fame plaques in different Hall of Fames not associated with any America professional sports league because he was a high school and college superstar and only played a little bit of the NFL for the St. Louis Cardinals when former American college football coach Bud Wilkinson accidentally drafted him and let him play a little even though no one in the NFL really ran the Wishbone so Bud carved out a little place for him to play before he retired to Plano, Texas and enjoyed a long career of being a famous former American high school and college football player who then had three sons who also played or are still playing college football for Rice, North Texas and Stephen F. Austin one of them is Alexander Lott as the article plainly states and he plays for a team we love very much called the University of North Texas Eagles Mean Green and the team for which he will win his first conference championship and bowl rings respectively under the guidance and wise eye of longtime American college football assistant coach Chico Canales who also goes by the name Mike but after he leads us to the conference title and bowl game promised land in 2010 the final year of our beloved and hated Theron Judson Fouts American college football field and cricket sanctuary which could have used an army of lizards to remedy the situation naturally and safe to mankind and the environment may as well be called our 21st century Moses although we've only wandered in the desert for five years and not 40 as the Bible says that Moses and the children of Israel did but we have shortened the name of Thomas Lott's second son to Alex instead of Alexander like the article's author did because he apparently does not watch enough University of North Texas Eagles Mean Green American college football or follow their goings on on the internet or gomeangreen.com whichever you prefer which we all enjoy very much because we can attribute and contribute to it in our own way such as a gardener who tends to his flowers and other seed-bearing and non-seed-bearing plants with his own special tender love and care every morning evening and afternoon and sees that it is good even though you will see that the article does not even bother to mention that Alexander whom we call Alex instead did not always play for our beloved University of North Texas Eagles Mean Green but was first forced at gunpoint to begin his American college football career at Texas Lutheran University Bulldogs although he never played for former American college and high school football coach Dennis Parker who also coached at the University of North Texas Eagles Mean Green and Texas Lutheran University Bulldogs before going 0-11 last year and quitting just to prove again that it is never a good idea in the post-World War II Era to try and hire a high school coach to coach American college football: http://www.kens5.com/sports/DAVID-FLORES-Ex-OU-QB-Lott-enjoying-new-career-as-radio-host-94732259.html
    -1 points
  39. Except when it is Collusion and Price Fixing and small players can no longer enter the market. Such as Oil, Healthcare, Insurance,Processed foods, Banks, Wall street, How has your life improved lately....Gas gone down, Cant make the jump to start your own business due to high healthcare costs and Insurance. Still eating Burger King, and how is your 401 K going. Go Capitalism! But I agree Gov should not run anything?
    -3 points
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