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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2010 in all areas

  1. My wife's family in Mexico voted for and supports Calderon. Their only other options were the traditionally corrupt PRI ticket, and the Hugo Chavez clone. Calderon edged out the Chavez clone. So, (unbelievably), it could be worse. However, that doesn't make Calderon any less of an ass for coming over here and saying what he has - given the condition of his own country. And, it doesn't make Obama any less of a suck up and phony for getting on his knees and basically servicing Calderon for two days. Obama has his head buried so far in the sand on the illegal immigration issue that it's unlikely to end well for anyone. He's a spineless turd. And, I mean that in the most sincere and positive way. Obama is a spineless turd of the highest order. When all is said and done, his only historical match will be Britain's Neville Chamberlain who soft-pedaled Hilter's obvious threats. Peace is only a viable option when the other side wants peace as well. Mexico wants no part of keeping peace along the border. Mexico only seeks our complete capitulation of sovereignty at the border, nothing less. Therefore, there will be no peace along the border.
    3 points
  2. Article about Strengh and Conditioning Coaches and their roles in the summer. This is why we needed one of these guys full time for football alone, years ago. http://collegefootball.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1086191 It's also the reason why I keep saying this team will look night and day different than the previous five years. Gahagan will have had those boys for a full offseason and two full summers when they hit the practice fields in August.
    3 points
  3. How well are we really scouting ? I mean does Iowa,Minnesota & Wake Forest see something that we don't in that they have already offered ? Is this another local who gets offers from big time schools , but fails to get a offer from UNT ? If we are to have a chance with these big time , local recruits we need to offer all of them and do it early in the recruiting process.
    3 points
  4. It's a trap. They're just letting us use them so we won't leave for the Big XII.
    2 points
  5. The metric system is the tool of the devil! My car gets forty rods to the hogshead and that's the way I likes it.
    2 points
  6. Care to compare UNT's stadium with the UCF erector set stadium? Yes, UCF's has 40K+ capacity, but I'll take ours any day. UCF's pressbox structure- UNT's concrete and steel.
    2 points
  7. There's activity at 2:00 AM where they are pouring concrete. Looks like they poured the floor for the 2nd level for the part closest to the AC.
    1 point
  8. I think it's nice that the Sunbelt Conference is providing those GREEN air compressors and generators. A big thank you to Wright Waters.
    1 point
  9. The following links show the absolute hypocrisy of Calderon as it relates to illegal immigration: Wolf Blitzer Interview #1 Transcript of CNN So hope the Liberals are proud of their support of the hypocrite, hope Obama was able to get back up off his knees.
    1 point
  10. It's amazing how frequently this image is fitting.
    1 point
  11. It's a shame what a nation of limp wristed pansies we have become. When we get criticized on our own soil about our AZ immigration law (which 70% of the states citizens approve) and have congress members stand and applaud, pretty sad day in America. How about we put on our big boy underwear and stand up for this great nation. Sadly though, in the morning we will put on our garter belts and fishnet stockings and be the worlds little stomping ground. I vote that all the wusses that applauded Calderons speech turn in their man-card when they leave this great country to live in Mexico. No, underwear with an action hero on them is NOT consider big boy underwear.
    1 point
  12. God, and if there gonna come hear, atleast learn the language.
    1 point
  13. An Angel of God appeared to me in my cubicle today. With him he had 2 golden plates which shone as bright as the sun. On the left plate was written SEC WEST and on the right plate SEC EAST. He handed me the plates and told me all other speculation was wrong and I was to spread the good word on NCAA conference expansion. On the SEC WEST plate was written: Arkansas Houston LSU Ole Miss Oklahoma Oklahoma State Mississippi State North Texas I said to the Angel. "You must be wrong. Why are Houston and North Texas on this list? Surely they are not worthy?" The Angel stated "For Texas and Texas A&M shall leave to the PAC -10. No school worth having from the ACC will desire to join the SEC so the conference must look westward for large TV markets. There will be much sadness and gnashing of teeth in Waco and Lubbock." "But..but...TCU" I said. The angel admonished me stating "TCU is too strong a football program with too little television appeal. A weaker team with much more upside is desired. Also, purple is abhorrent to the Lord." On the SEC EAST plate was written: Alabama Auburn Florida Georgia Kentucky South Carolina Tennessee Vanderbilt To the Angel I exclaimed, "That conference is insane. That makeup is much too strong." The angel replied "Yes, but the Lord shall permit their male alum to marry their sisters...all of them. There will be no opposition." With that the angel disappeared. This is a true testimony.
    0 points
  14. The irony of this is twofold. First, the environuts have prevented the U.S. from building any new nuclear reactors for over 30 years now, increasing our dependence on oil, gas, and coal to produce electricity. Second, the anti-offshore drilling crowd has succeeded in pushing drilling further and further from the coast to the point that this well is over a mile down to the ocean floor, making it much more difficult to contain. Being so far out, it is also much more likely to pollute the Loop Current and ruin the beaches of Florida and the Carolinas. There are always unintended consequences.
    0 points
  15. I think we should all speak caveman. He was here first, ya know...
    0 points
  16. Christ man, why can't these damned Indians learn the native tongue of this land?
    0 points
  17. But what if quarterback turnovers are increased? Can this be stressed more?
    0 points
  18. Gotcha...NT03 just bumped this thread to indicate the Babb was off the board. Blame that doucher
    0 points
  19. I'll defend him. If he tested positive in the third week, he should have also tested positive the two weeks prior. None of it makes sense. It's either complete bullshit, or he and the people assiting him are the most stupid cheaters on earth. You cannot take it the night before a race and expect results in the morning. It must be done over a period of many weeks, even months in advance. Had that happened, his prior tests would have also shown positive. Landis truly feels he's been wronged. This is why unlike the majority of those who have tested positive have accepted their punishments and continued on down the road, whereas, Landis chose to spend every last dime he had to prove himself innocent. The europeans cannot stand and will not stand for an American to dominate their sport. They did everything they could to hang Armstrong on it, and are still trying to. I believe this was a setup from inside their questionable labs from the beginning. Rick
    -1 points
  20. When your job ends I will say sorry about your job! What do you not get? It is still not capped! As for the 30 million wells how many are in the Gulf? Underwater? Where we have to send robots to work? Maybe you answer the question of we all use Oil? Yes because no one in the world is able to invent a hybrid or electric car. Or do politics play a factor in how policy is set???? What do ya think? And no it is not a Republican problem, it is a people problem. American people. Do you think any oversite has been given to this issue during the Oil reign of the Cheney presidency? Why are you so quick to protect your boyfriends Bush, Cheney, Halliburton, Blair, BP. They are paying out the ass for this spill but guess what .... They will all still turn a profit via your wallet. So keep on supporting all the conglomerates you want.....One day it will hit your wallet. By the way is it capped yet???????????? Poor family fisherman. so sorry. I wonder if Cheney will earn 30 million as a retired CEO this year? Ok off my soapbox, but really come with some gusto next time! Pathetic!
    -1 points
  21. But he still says he wasnt using the drug for which he tested positive, which, strangely enough, I believe. Doesnt matter, cause he used HGH throughout the Tour, but I think ir does throw some suspicion on the Tour officials who handled the sample. They hated Armstrong and the fact that they never caught him doping. They hated the fact that yet another American was set to win the Tour. It is HUELY suspicious that the positive test came the day that he pretty much clinched the tour titled with that unbelievable ride. Not defending Landis, but everyone shold understand that 95% of all professional cyclist, and all of the top cyclist, are doping.
    -1 points
  22. My God... Bush hasn't been President for a year and a half, and Obama got a truckload of money from BP. Why aren't you blaming him, hmm? And Haliburton... gee, that were just given a no-bid contract by Obama and company. You are such a hypocrite.
    -1 points

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