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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/20/2010 in all areas

  1. Okay, Flyer had his MEGA Conference idea that raised a few 'huhs' so I'll trot out my concept of the FBS based on ten 12-team conferences. This system would do little changing of the existing conferences. It would also tout a playoff system and each conference would have a conference championship game. To appease the current BCS, each of their conference runnersup would be playoff eligible for a period of ten years. While I propose that we start with 12-team conferences not all will be able to maintain that number. Why? Because I also propose a rolling average attendance of 18,000 to begin; advancing to 20,000 in five years. By rolling average I mean that if a team averages only 16,000 one year it must average 20,000 the following year or be dropped to Division 1AA. I've also tried to regionalize the conferences to reduce travel costs (except for existing 12 team BCS conferences). I would hope that every conference has a TV contract with a major network, ESPN, Fox, or maybe Turner or Cox. Or, that failing, the conference contracts their own network. Here are my ten conferences: PAC 12 Washington Washington State Oregon Oregon State California Stanford UCLA USC Arizona Arizona State Utah Brigham Young WESTERN/MOUNTAIN Hawaii San Jose State Fresno State San Diego State Boise State Idaho Utah State Nevada UNLV Wyoming Colorado State Air Force SOUTHWEST Tulsa New Mexico New Mexico State UTEP North Texas TCU SMU Houston Rice Louisiana Louisiana Tech Tulane BIG XII Iowa State Nebraska Kansas Kansas State Colorado Missouri Oklahoma Oklahoma State Texas Texas A&M Texas Tech Baylor BIG 10 Minnesota Iowa Wisconsin Northwestern Illinois Indiana Purdue Notre Dame Michigan Michigan State Ohio State Penn State BIG EAST Louisville Cincinnati Syracuse Army Connecticut Rutgers Pittsburgh West Virginia Navy East Carolina South Florida UCF ATLANTIC COAST Boston College Maryland Virginia Virginia Tech North Carolina North Carolina State Duke Wake Forest Clemson Georgia Florida State Miami SOUTHEASTERN Kentucky Vanderbilt Tennessee South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Auburn Mississippi Mississippi State LSU Arkansas SUN BELT Arkansas State Memphis Middle Tennessee Temple Marshall Western Kentucky ULM Southern Mississippi UAB Troy FAU FIU There can never be a system where everyone is satisfied but this seems the least contentious. There are several that got the shaft, so to speak. But, even their merits (save one or two) are less travel expenses, an easier path to conference championship and the fact that the teams that cannot comply with moderate standards will be weeded out.
    2 points
  2. Hi, my name is Kyle Wise and i am a student at UNT who is interning this summer to earn my degree. I am interning with the McKinney Marshals and North Texas Copperheads of the TCL. We are looking for more host families for the players, we are looking for families in the general area of McKinney that would want to house a college baseball player through the summer. If you think you would be interested just send me a message on here. I also im looking to sell some ticket packages for the teams. I will have a link at the end of this message that shows the ticket packages and prices. I am also thinking about pitching the idea of holding a Mean Green night where it would be possible to get half price tickets for wearing UNT gear, if anyone would be interested i would like to know that i would have some support for it before pitching the idea. Thank you for your time. If there are any questions feel free to ask. www.tclcopperheads.com www.tclmarshals.com
    1 point
  3. My God... Bush hasn't been President for a year and a half, and Obama got a truckload of money from BP. Why aren't you blaming him, hmm? And Haliburton... gee, that were just given a no-bid contract by Obama and company. You are such a hypocrite.
    1 point
  4. Don't forget another 15-20 suites on the visitors side would divide the lower bowl and upper deck on the expansion. An additional 4 suites would be added to the ends (2 each) on the current press box/suite configuration.
    1 point
  5. I actually agree. But, how about learning it correctly as a condition of staying here for us 'natives'? Couldn't hurt some people.
    1 point
  6. Glad to see North Texas at least make a run at local players. Guyer has a pipeline of FBS talent going.
    1 point
  7. "Expansion was discussed extensively during three days of meetings; the athletic directors spent eight or nine hours on the topic, Guenther said. He said they mostly discussed pros and cons of various arrangements without having any data to analyze." http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/sports/stories.nsf/illini/story/9217BA54329D016386257729000674C5?OpenDocument ...................... "For instance, as soon as Big Ten Commissioner Jim Delany mentioned the words “Sun Belt,’’ minds raced and conclusions were reached including in this space. The Big Ten is looking south. Who? Georgia Tech? Florida State? Texas? Vanderbilt?" Yes, my mind raced too when I saw that blurb on the front page of the DMN...they want UNT for the Big Ten?!? Then reality set in..No, probably not, it was just a reference to them perhaps looking "South". Recap of the Big Ten (11) meeting... http://www.omaha.com/article/20100519/SPORTS/705199802
    1 point
  8. Memphis, Marshall and USM were victims of location. Those three can produce football attendance of 30,000; the others can't, although Middle might get close with that lineup and Troy should be solidly in the 20s. With Memphis, Temple and WKU in the same conference it could be a dogfight for the championship and tournament berth. Besides, Memphis basketball stock has fallen since Calipari left. I don't think that there's a world of love lost if you split Lafayette and Monroe. Besides, the question would be moot since ULM can't average 18/20 thousand while Louisiana can.
    1 point
  9. Let's admit it. College football is all about money. Funny thing is, most college teams lose money every season. There are lots of reasons why; among these are coaches' salaries. Another is travel expenses. And of course, there are marketing expenses to try to get the fans in the seats to help pay for the other expenses (including marketing costs). It's a vicious circle. Now college football conferences are talking about expanding their membership to make more money in order to defray these costs. One of the rumors floating around is the Super Conference plan, which would form six super conferences of 16 teams. It makes no sense and would shatter college football as we know it today. It doesn't add up when you consider there are 120 FBS teams. Someone is going to get left out of the cold. And why would you want to kick the smaller schools out of football? They generate money as well, even if it is not as much as the Big Boys. And hey, the fact is that if they DID play in the same conference as the big boys it would result in better attendance and performance. For some unexplained reason, it is the elephant in the room nobody wants to admit is present. So why not collect all these smaller schools like tarnished nickels and make a plan to form six MEGA-conferences, each with two divisions of 10 teams. Hold on now… we're talking 20-team conferences that make sense geographically and economically. With the cost of travel remaining high for the foreseeable future, this plan makes sense if realignment is all about money. Most of these conferences will be able to travel to road games by bus, and there would be enough conference-mates to where teams would not have to worry about scheduling any out of conference games. A ten-team division would mean a school will play everyone in its division once, and 3 teams from the other division to make a 12-game season. All division champions would play their respective conference championship game. The winners are crowned conference champions… but the losing team still gets to go to the national playoffs. They would just enter as the lower seed for the opening round game. So now we have a 12-team playoff, the top 4 highest ranked teams get a first round bye. Playoffs are over in just 3 weeks, and every team in college football gets a fair chance to make it. So here is the realignment: Eastern Conference Div A Army Bowling Green ECU Indiana Kentucky Miami, OH Ohio State Pittsburgh Rutgers Syracuse Div B Boston College Buffalo Eastern Michigan Kent State Ohio Penn State Purdue Temple Tennessee Toledo Mid-Atlantic Conference Div A Cincinnati Georgia Marshall Maryland NC State South Carolina Uconn Virginia Tech West Virginia Western Kentucky Div B Clemson Duke Georgia Tech Louisville Memphis Navy North Carolina Vanderbilt Virginia Wake Forest Midwest Conference Div A Akron Central Michigan Colorado State Illinois Iowa Kansas State Michigan Missouri Notre Dame Western Michigan Div B Ball State Colorado Iowa State Kansas Michigan State Minnesota Nebraska Northern Illinois Northwestern Wisconsin Southeast Conference Div A Alabama Central Florida Florida Atlantic Florida Int'l Louisiana-Laf LSU Miss State South Florida Troy Tulane Div B Auburn Florida Florida State Louisiana Tech Louisiana-Mon Miami Mid Tennessee Ole Miss Southern Miss UAB Southwest Conference Div A Arizona Arkansas State Baylor New Mexico St North Texas Oklahoma SMU Texas Texas Tech Tulsa Div B Air Force Arizona State Arkansas Houston Oklahoma State Rice TCU Texas A&M UTEP Wyoming West Conference Div A Boise State California Hawaii Nevada San Diego State Stanford UNLV USC Utah Washington Div B BYU Fresno State Idaho New Mexico Oregon Oregon State San Jose State UCLA Utah State Wash State
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Here's another super conference: Division A: Division B: These 'dream scenario type' threads, although imaginative and enjoyable, give me (and I'm sure others as well) tired-head...
    1 point
  12. Good luck, Collin...I hope he has a great season for the ponies and gets into law school. The harder thing might be landing a job after law school they was law firms are cutting back right and left these days. But, who knows what the demand will be after Collin graduates in 3-4 years. Good luck, young man, and thanks so much for all you did while at UNT. You will always be a member of the Mean green family to me!
    1 point
  13. Good luck with law school Collin.
    1 point
  14. No no, I want my chance to catch (and maybe drop) some passes from a former DI QB. I haven't been able to do that since from high school and my old QB eventually got converted to a middle linebacker.
    1 point
  15. As his wife, I CAN vouch for the good hands. The promise not to curse ... well, that is up in the air.
    1 point
  16. If I were to play, the team who drafted me should have some sort of head-start points wise because at soccer and football, I'm only good for scoring for my opponents. Now, give me a baseball and I'll kick all your asses. With that ... I think I'll bring my pom-pons and just cheer.
    1 point
  17. God, and if there gonna come hear, atleast learn the language.
    0 points
  18. Yes. Actually watching the exciting moments of the game for a change between household chores. Let's just say my house is mighty clean.
    0 points
  19. That's why my MEGA-conference idea is far superior. The divisions essentially are 12 10-team conferences, but they all have the benefit of being tied to some big time programs as well. Every conference would have big time programs along with fledgling wannabes.
    0 points
  20. ---Making anything political of this event is stupid. ---Platforms in the Gulf have been there for years and during many administrations. This is even not close the Katrina ( no company had any responsibly for that, government was the one group most responsible for solving the problems that existed). The government could not get involved much with this one because.... they do not the expertise or equiptment to stop this type of disaster once it has occured. They have to let oil companies solve the problem. About all that could have been done is have better oversight on drilling platform activities (maybe). ... and that means any administration in the past sixty years. Personally I was surprised to learn that the ocean bottom was 5000 feet below the surface. Repairing any problems at that depth is unbelievable difficult. If you want to make something political of it... then someone should have forbid drilling in water of that depth... and again... that permission was apparently given a long time ago. One of the items mentioned lately on opening some areas to off-shore drilling was that the water was rather shallow... (whatever shallow means to them). --- I guess this again proves what is thought impossible is possible. BP claimed they thought this event could never happen. They apparently forgot to ask the question that math/science/engineers should always ask.... "WHAT IF".... and have some answer for it if it does..
    0 points
  21. I'll say this much... if you at the point in life that would allow you to make a run at it, you owe it to yourself to do so. For real brah.
    -1 points
  22. nothing can justify swimming in that cesspool known as smu
    -1 points
  23. Good for Colin. however, I don't understand this. My son graduated at a Big 12 school that didn't have a law school. and he went immediately into law school. so what's up ? Colin could have stayed at NT and gone to the law program of his choice.
    -1 points
  24. Agreed. I wish nothing but failure for all things SMU related, Collin Mangrum now included.
    -1 points
  25. My sincere hope is that, if Collin plays for SMU, he averages a triple double... In each of the ponies' 30 losses.
    -1 points
  26. If anything, it would be a Senator's jersey. "Long-suffering is the biggest part of being a true fan" - Korbey Davidson, noted TCU grad yet OU fan. I wish HE would host Diamond talk.
    -1 points
  27. If only I had the opportunity every night after a rangers game.
    -1 points
  28. --hahaha... socialism... some think public schools are a socialist idea and that everyone should home school or send their kids to private schools... as once was done in most of America. I actually know a few of those people personally now. Closing them would satisfy a lot of T-party types.. more tax cuts and let us have religious private schools (unfortunately many just couldn't afford to go). --If they didn't go would you want them on the streets all day long while you are gone...plus the education level would suffer greatly.
    -1 points
  29. You are right. My apologies to Rudy! F me for making light of 11 people and their loss. That was my intention and Rudy is the only one who picked up on that. Kudos for reading between the lines because that is what I meant when I said this was a problem for BP. What I should of started with is 11 families are morning at the colossal mess up of BP, Halliburton, and Transocean! Maybe their loss can benefit the industry as a whole. I do want more regulation and when you look at the safety records of these companies it is safe to say that they should be the enemies of the state and the lawyers who try to minimize the damage and Fox News who has not done one story on the tragic loss. Well it just gets me going! It really is not about anything other than if you are going to poke a hole in the ocean floor. Then have a plan to contain and evacuate! Or don't drill there. I applaud the Wildcatters and entrepreneurs of the world but the cost of this is going to be enormous. I have not heard yet! Have they capped the well?
    -1 points
  30. When your job ends I will say sorry about your job! What do you not get? It is still not capped! As for the 30 million wells how many are in the Gulf? Underwater? Where we have to send robots to work? Maybe you answer the question of we all use Oil? Yes because no one in the world is able to invent a hybrid or electric car. Or do politics play a factor in how policy is set???? What do ya think? And no it is not a Republican problem, it is a people problem. American people. Do you think any oversite has been given to this issue during the Oil reign of the Cheney presidency? Why are you so quick to protect your boyfriends Bush, Cheney, Halliburton, Blair, BP. They are paying out the ass for this spill but guess what .... They will all still turn a profit via your wallet. So keep on supporting all the conglomerates you want.....One day it will hit your wallet. By the way is it capped yet???????????? Poor family fisherman. so sorry. I wonder if Cheney will earn 30 million as a retired CEO this year? Ok off my soapbox, but really come with some gusto next time! Pathetic!
    -2 points

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