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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/2010 in all areas

  1. My sincere hope is that, if Collin plays for SMU, he averages a triple double... In each of the ponies' 30 losses.
    5 points
  2. Which is what exactly? What the hell are you doing? Being pissed about an oil spill is not a liberal or conservative emotion. When man fucks up and in turn it helps destroy mother earth, shouldn't we all be pissed off?
    2 points
  3. I can't find anything comical in this. And this well blowout leaves me feeling less like the American Citizen has any control over any of this. Sorry, right now I'm just not feeling the love for big oil in general, or British Petroleum (or whatever they're calling themselves now), in particular. Not that the Houston refinery blast is directly related to this, but I am kinda wondering if BP has just been neglecting worker safety and the environment, just for short term financial gain, while trying to use their "green" campaign as a public relations cover. Fire away.
    2 points
  4. Agreed. I wish nothing but failure for all things SMU related, Collin Mangrum now included.
    2 points
  5. If your thing is gone and you wanna ride on...
    1 point
  6. I hate to say it, but "stuff" happens. This is a terrible accident that, like most accidents, when the after event finger pointing starts there were plenty of reasons found for the event that, if corrected or handled differently in the first place, would have prevented the event from taking place. Too bad, and it is just as bad that the finger pointing starts, that politics come into play (and man have they ever) and all the special interest folks start trying to do the "I told you so thing". This is so tiring. Instead of marshaling all resources to "fix" the leak and mitigate the damage we spend time finger pointing, playing the blame game and publicly bashing everyone involved except of course those of your like thinking. So very childish. What will come of this is, hopefully, some new ideas and new ways to prevent such things from happening in the future or, should they happen, to "clean them up" better and faster. It does not make anyone, including the president of this great nation of ours, look good going around acting mad and pointing fingers. There is plenty of blame, if that is your game, to go around from the public to the private sector. Fair enough, but now "SHUT UP" and get the thing fixed, cleaned up and move on. For some folks it is always great to have someone to blame for everything, except themselves, of course.
    1 point
  7. I guess the problem, as I see it, is that we aren't doing enough to protect the environment, and to balance all the interests, all of which ultimately affect our well being as humans. I think the real question is: are we willing to accept the increases in price and changes in the regulatory environment that would be required to make petroleum exploration and production safer?
    1 point
  8. Odd logic thinking that an oil spill would ever be "ok."
    1 point
  9. If there are any issues moving forward. I hope to hell we just stay out of it.
    -1 points
  10. All of this got me thinking, and searching for crap on my phone, and I was trying to figure out what the oil industry lumps into the water annually, how much is natural, how much is accident, has something like this ever happened before and how often does something like this happen that we don't know about?I found some interesting stuff, nothing that makes this ok but maybe it can add some perspective. http://www.incidentnews.gov/incident/6250. This is written about a massive spill in the gulf of Mexico in 79 http://oceanworld.tamu.edu/resources/oceanography-book/oilspills.htm this will take you to a very interesting online textbook provided by aTm. I tend to trust them on the oil stuff thanks to their tremendous engineering program. They talk about what is normal amounts of oil in the water and where it comes from etc. This year isn't normal of course but it also addresses several major oils spills as well. What we need here is some perspective on the issue as a whole. No amount of man made oilspills is acceptable however there is a certain amount of price you pay to play the game isn't there?
    -1 points
  11. This is never okay anywhere.
    -2 points
  12. -2 points
  13. The American Citizen is having control of everything stripped from them on a daily basis.
    -2 points
  14. This what happens when we "drill baby drill".
    -4 points

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