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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/2010 in all areas

  1. A great season. Looking forward to our future with the great Sujay Lama as our coach.
    2 points
  2. NT ahead 5-0 bottom of third. HR's by Bromley and Johnson.
    2 points
  3. Did that guy fall of the face of the earth?
    2 points
  4. I don't understand the timing ...
    2 points
  5. My sincere hope is that, if Collin plays for SMU, he averages a triple double... In each of the ponies' 30 losses.
    1 point
  6. Agreed. I wish nothing but failure for all things SMU related, Collin Mangrum now included.
    1 point
  7. The concept is having geographically close pairs of schools so that (especially in non-revenue sports) conference mates can save money on road trip expenses. For example, when the basketball teams have road games against the Florida teams, they generally play against one team (FAU or FIU) on Thursday and against the other on Saturday. Spend half the money on plane expenses and just spend one more night in a hotel. Last year, we had basketball road trips to "travel partners" UALR/ASU and WKU/MTSU. In conferences like the WAC, with Hawaii and La Tech so far removed in either direction from the rest of the schools, it's tough to schedule cost effective road trips that don't hurt the competitive balance. If you look at Boise State's conference basketball schedule, in February they had to play in Louisiana on a Thursday and then travel to New Mexico to play another game on Saturday. You can't shuttle bus from one to the other, and even flying will still cause fatigue. For example, Utah State went 14-2 in conference last year... And the only two games they lost were in back-to-back road trips to La Tech and NMSU, with the games two days apart. Consider how it affects competition in all sports, then factor in the expense it adds for non-revenue sports. It may not be as big a deal financially for basketball, but when you're traveling for baseball, volleyball, and all the other sports that are usually net-negative revenue contests... It can really start to add up.
    1 point
  8. Good match by the ladies, other than doubles; the teams were really close. With all but one player back next year, NT should continue to climb.
    1 point
  9. are we ruling out Diabetes? Just sayin...
    1 point
  10. Good for Colin. however, I don't understand this. My son graduated at a Big 12 school that didn't have a law school. and he went immediately into law school. so what's up ? Colin could have stayed at NT and gone to the law program of his choice.
    1 point
  11. I am sad to report that Evelyn McAdow, devoted wife of Maurice McAdow died a few days ago. She was 87 years old. What great memories and appreciation I have of both of them.
    1 point
  12. Yes but education is the last thing that should be cut. Cutting education is bad in the long haul. Given that one can spend education dollars wisely. Consolidating along the lines mentioned above (Ruston, Lafayette areas) could maintain opportunities and better manage costs. But politics is politics, maybe more so in Louisiana. If anyone is making book, I would bet against.
    1 point
  13. Anyone else find it interesting he hinted that adding teams from states where the big xii already has a presence wouldn't happen? Sorry TCU and Houston.
    1 point
  14. The prognosticators can write whatever they want. Until UNT shows major improvements on the field, expect to see low rankings like this. We know in our hearts that they should be ranked higher, but the players have to prove us right.
    1 point
  15. Academics absolutely matter when discussing the Big 10. Notre Dame is the only non-AAU school the Big 10 would consider. Recent information indicates that the Big 10 Network derives more income from advertising than subscribers. That's highly unusual for a cable net. Nebraska draws an audience. Depending on who you believe Nebraska football is either the highest grossing or second highest grossing school for PPV revenue. More people will plunk down $30 to watch Nebraska beat a Sun Belt school than will put money down for a similar Auburn or TAMU game. That means those people will bug the ever lovin' crap out of their cable provider for Big 10 Net and they will watch the games helping generate higher ratings and higher ad rates.
    1 point
  16. Spud Webb. Oh, that's right!
    1 point
  17. Rick C head, Crawford torso, Wade's load bearing legs, and Ron Washintgon quato.
    1 point
  18. Obama has been president for a year and a half. Democrats have controlled Congress since 2006. They've had a filibuster-proof majority since Jan 2009. If they wanted to stop offshore drilling or impose heavy regulation, they could have done it by now. Your party is full of spaghetti-spined politicians who don't have the sack to make the changes they promised to make.
    1 point
  19. This what happens when we "drill baby drill".
    0 points
  20. Does anyone know for sure if Mangrum is going to play at SMU? I hope he does, I think he can do well there. I echo the above and hope Collin will be a success in the classroom and court.
    0 points
  21. Good luck, Collin...I hope he has a great season for the ponies and gets into law school. The harder thing might be landing a job after law school they was law firms are cutting back right and left these days. But, who knows what the demand will be after Collin graduates in 3-4 years. Good luck, young man, and thanks so much for all you did while at UNT. You will always be a member of the Mean green family to me!
    0 points
  22. Meh, they'll never even play, let alone beetus.
    0 points
  23. I'm pretty sure he is graduating in May. I guess he thinks that he needs a few classes at SMU to get into law school there?
    0 points
  24. IMHO, it is inevitable that all states will have to come the conclusion to drastically cut state spending to survive. Some people and the economy will suffer now but if out of control spending continues it will be worse. Kinda reminds me of the old Fram Oil Filter advertisement, "you can pay me now or pay me later."
    0 points
  25. This feels like 2007 all over again.
    -1 points

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