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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2010 in all areas

  1. Pure right winged ignorance. Lesbians are some of the best people in the world to sleep with. Open up your mind brah.
    4 points
  2. My tribute to sports talk is already going better than I'd hoped.... your posting resolution, though, is struggling. Let's get back on track with my proposal to replace Crawford.. I really have two choices: or, if Modano sticks around...
    2 points
  3. While you are cutting agencies, go with a flat tax and cut 95% of the IRS (or more I am flexible on this) and completely cut the BATF-that should be a store not a government agency.
    2 points
  4. We already have socialism in the USA. We have the richest poor, in all the world, on all our social financial programs...no wonder they don't want to work...no wonder we are flooded by illegals who see a financial gold mine. A banker friend of mine cashes Social Security checks up to $2500 - $2600 a piece for illegals who know no English and only present their Mexican Consulate I.D. Cards. On a side note...if the United States imposed the same restrictions and punishment for illegals as the Mexican governement there would, probably be less crossings and more out cries from American liberals. We subsidize all our transportation, tell educators what and how to teach, pay the poor not to work but vote democratic (see paragraph 1), own the banking industry & getting ready to bail out Greece (yep, as I have been saying all along I knew the American people would come to the aid of Greece just like we did when this administration help bail out some of the other European banks on the first bailouts), getting ready to own insurance, agriculture...., foriegn aid up the yazoooooo. Over the last year and a half or so months their has been an interesting shift in European politics. They, as a general group, have been shifting more to the right. I guess you might say conservative socialists but it has been a move to the right. I think Greece has been the final wake up call with Spain and Portugal not too far behind. England just elected a Conservative .... whatever a conservative is in a socailistic country......Germany has been riding a conservative government....Italy has been riding a small wave of conservatism, lately....but the Italians could swing totally the other way tomorrow and another way the day after that. I think it is in their genes. not to confused with jeans. My point is that while this Admin like past administrations have been going socialist since Wilson, more so under FDR & LBJ the "European socailist model" is in meltdown. Too many people on their "government rolls" and negative population growth brought on by various factors. The only group, in Europe, that is growing are the Muslims. Europeans are at around 1.1 - 1.2 growth (as i remember) and you need something like 1.4 children per household just to maintain growth. The Muslims are at about 4-5. Why are we headed toward socialism? A friend of mine son...who now is a British citizen and works for the government said...."we are still trying to find a model that works." The United States is too far along to go back toward democracy. Everything that is being said, now, is toward "Global Governace." All you have to do is read what is being said by the various governments including ours. One world government.
    2 points
  5. Words that sound like one thing but are spelled another are fun. For example: Artificial rugs aint 'Merkin. Or are they?
    1 point
  6. Academics don't matter. It's all about the dollar, folks.
    1 point
  7. In other words, you're saying we already prop up the lawbreakers and the lazy. Unfortunately, they are reproducing at a faster rates than those of us who work and play by the rules. Here's the most disgusting part of the whole thing - Democrats campaign against "the rich." Fine. They run around now putting even more regulations on the banking industry as whole due to the sins of a few. Then, they go out and say that they are working for "the ordinary American." Really? Who is hurt most by the credit crunch created by government interference in banking? "The rich"? Hardly. They already have theirs. Oh, so they may make a few million this year instead of 10 or 20 million. Meanwhile, small business people, entreprenuers, and families who formerly relied on credit are losing businesses, jobs, and homes. As a commercial insurance agent, I've seen it personally. I've watched a customer who owned 10 restaurants shut down five of them over the past two years because he couldn't get credit lines the way he used to. I've seen a doctor who aided cancer patients close two of his three offices due to his inability to get more credit. I've seen a developer have two office buildings foreclose because he couldn't get lines of credit to continue. These guys were, in ObamaWorld "rich" because they took home more than $250k per year. But, none of them made more than about a million. They own small businesses and provided good paying jobs at one time. But, because the Democrats were so eager to punish bankers and "the rich" because of the mortgage crisis (which was fueled in the first place by government forcing banks to take on bad loans from people who had poor credit histories), they now have closed operations - thereby putting people in the unemployment line. The problem with socialism is always the same - there is no equality of result. You can't force it. The industrious and risk-takers will always gain; the lazy will always fail and be poor. Caught in the political crossfire is the middle class - and, they always foot the bill as they are driven, by their government "saviours," to the poorer side of the ledger.
    1 point
  8. Support for a form of government that has proven throughout history to be a failure is thought out? ...sigh
    1 point
  9. Seems thought out. ...sigh
    1 point
  10. Someone save this and remember this when FAU comes to the pit....good heckling material
    1 point
  11. Happy Birthday Captain!! May we reward you with a victory this weekend!!!!! Tony
    1 point
  12. Get this (I just heard this tidbit but haven't confirmed), know what Kagan's thesis was on? The socialist movement.....or something like that. Perfect pick for Obama.
    1 point
  13. Lee Jackson got a hold of the kid and told him about UNT-Dallas.
    1 point
  14. The querstion will be who takes their place in the Big 12. I think, at minimum, Missouri bolts. Nebraska could stay. They'd really be tearing apart good, traditional ties if they left. But, the money is so much better - even if the quality of football isn't near what the Big 12 currently puts up. Missouri has already proven that even in their best years they can't get near OU or Texas. Nebraska's almost 10 years irrelevant since their last BCS bowl bid in ... 2001? 2002? Outside of Arkansas, who I say is going nowhere, I don't really see any fit for a new player in the Big 12. I'm talking size of the college and stadium in addition to tradition. A loss of Missouri would be fine is Arkansas could be picked up. But, it can't. TCU is competitive now - but, it doesn't really play the best competition week in and week out. Our stadium won't be near big enough. Houston or SMU? None of it really rings right. Too bad there can't just be a tournament like in basketball that gives everyone equal shots at bigger money. If that were the case, I'm sure conferences would make better sense geographically. For us, we've got to just keep chopping the wood. No sense is crying over the past. We've truly got to start felling giants on the football field year in and year out. We need to be the rebel program that gives big fellas a black eye. If we can do that over the next few years, people will take us more seriously in these discussions. From a purely "on the paper" standpoint, we should be included, but because we are uncompetitive...well. If we were competitive and had better facilities, we'd have in favor, to wit: -Enrollment would be bigger than all but Texas and Texas A&M -Public school, like 11 of the current 12 Big 12 teams -Realistic driving distance for all Big 12 South opponents -Good proximity to DFW airport thanks to the Bush Tollway -Another place to showcase a team in front of Texas preps I wish like hell we were players in this conversation. We really do need to become The Little Engine That Could among schools our size. We just need that on the field success so badly to get it in gear.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Die, Twitter. Die!
    0 points
  17. What are you talking about? We're talking about well run entities versus government run entities. If my dad is successful enough to not have to go to the poorly run government hospital, he shouldn't have to. But, that's what we'll all evetually be shepherded into - except the rich, who can always buy out - if we are in the middle class. You miss the point. This point is all of this government regulation supposedly aimed at bringing down the rich never affects them. It's the middle class that is screwed as a result. That's what happened with the credit card reform, and that's what is happening now with banking reform. And, it is going to happen with the health care bill is fully implemented. The rich will go elsewhere and the middle class will be stuck with the bill...and stuck with fewer services than they could chose on their own before the bill. All in the name of 32 million people (which is another lie...they'll dump 50 million on the system), the majority of whom either don't want to buy it for themselves or who refuse to make the sacrifices necessary to budget for it. Also, I pity anyone who thinks that the FDA and pharmaceutical companies are at odds. Those companies have been buying off the FDA for years. Same with the big agricultural outfits that are subsidized to the hilt with out tax dollars. As for any type of further regulation, go hit a law library. There are already over 75,000 pages of regulation on the book federally and more coming every year! And, we need more? At some point, you let the winners win and the losers lose. We already have safety nets for the losers from cradle to grave. Why pull the middle class down with them? Let the failures fail on their own. But, they sure shouldn't dictate how the people in the middle pay taxes - and mostly for services they don't need - and choose services, such are where to get their own health care. You cannot equalize society. It cannot be done because there are too many lazy people. What I'm saying is quit punishing the middle class under the guise of "sticking it to the rich." Anyone who believe "the rich" are getting stuck or having things taken away are completely blind to any basic notion of economics. The rich will stay rich, the poor will stay poor - and the middle class will get screwed along the way every time a bill is passed that foolishly tries to close the "gap" between them. The only way to close the gap is to get off your butt, quit crying to the government, and work!
    0 points
  18. So f those lazy veterans who don't have the resources of your father? I mean they served their country, but then they probably all turned to drugs, had children out of wedlock and are already nursing at the teat of the government like the rest of the poor, right? And certainly why should we establish any regulations on what we put into our body? Ground chuck for $.10 a pound? Hell ya. Who cares if it actually came from horse that died 3 weeks ago and has been rotting in a 90 degree chop-house? And we can just let the pharm companies test their latest break-through out on all of those lazy poor...if it turns out to be successful or carcinogenic its win-win!
    0 points
  19. The post office, VA hospital and the FDA are failures? Any political/economic system is a failure in its absolute form, whether it be Capitalism, Socialism or Points for Sex. Thus...balance.
    0 points
  20. One major difference though is what looks to be a large difference in the talent level of Canales's group versus what Deloach had to deal with. Plus Canales is taking over an offense that could at the very least put up points on the Div. 1 level, unlike Deloach that was taking over a defense that couldnt stop most 5A level offenses.
    0 points
  21. Remind me how that has turned out for the defense the last 2 years? If Canales year 1 is anything like Deloach's was, this could be a 2 win season. Just sayin...
    0 points
  22. I was in the Kool-Aid the minute Dodge said he was turning over game planning, quarterback coaching, and play calling to Canales. I'm 164% into the Kool-Aid this season! Join me! I'm totally jacked up about Kansas State being the final game at Fouts. The reason is that Kansas State fans always point to their 1989 win over North Texas as inspiration to springboard them to higher heights. At the time, they were on a 30 game winless streak dating back to October 18, 1986. They didn't win again until their September 30, 1989 game against us. They had tied Kansas 7-7 on November 7, 1987. The 'Cats have memorialized the North Texas win in a DVD that they still sell: https://www.nmnathletics.com/sellnew/ViewItem.dbml?_IN_STORE_=YES&DB_OEM_ID=400&ITMID=321665&ITMCATID=0 It's bit much, in my opinion, because they went on to lose the remaining seven game that season to finish 1-10 on the year. Still, eaking out that 20-17 win versus our then I-AA squad has been a big deal to them. I'd like for us to shut Kansas State down on Fouts' last day. I'd like for the UNT athletic department to then make that DVD available for the ages as well. Beating Bill Snyder, the architect of Kansas State's 1989 win versus us, would be icing on the cake. So, dadgummit, jump in the Kool-Aid and lets get this thing going!
    0 points
  23. There's hope for improvement in all areas. The schedule is tough, but I think the quality depth at many positions, and bona fide offensive playcalling will alleviate a lot of mistakes/close losses that happened last year. There's a silver lining, and I'm excited. Keep it respectable at Clemson, hell upset them! Keep the fan base intrigued and morale positive. Then come to Fouts and kick Rice's A$$ (hopefully)! If that happens many people will be drinking the kool-aid and there will be a buzz surrounding the program.
    -1 points
  24. This is the time of year when I am over the crying spells and start to mix up some green Kool-aid occasionally. The odds of slipping up on Clemson are somewhat improved IMO, for a few reasons. They don't have us on film because of the new OC; they can see our players on film and they can look at USF for tendencies, but they can't see our guys run the revised offense. We may be able to gash them before they make adjustments. I think the defense will be improved when all the walking wounded are back in the fall. The new talent, if well assimilated in August camp, will help both sides of the ball. QB may be a question mark but we have lots of offensive weapons that can be used to take the pressure off. Hey, I can visualize it...that is the first step.
    -1 points
  25. Gotta believe in the Mean Green! I can see a turnaround happening. I don’t know how major, ] but I can definitely see improvement coming.
    -1 points
  26. We couldn't be SMU's travel partner. They'd want our players to iron their pink shirts, mow the grass at their alumni supported condo in University Park and change the oil in the BMW's.
    -1 points
  27. Well, now we know who passes on all the rumors around here. You are not to be trusted. There goes that. I guess journalists don't know the definition of some words, like "private". And, trust is so hard to regain after you have lost it.
    -1 points
  28. Canada, so hot right now, Canada.
    -1 points
  29. What a moron. Admittedly, I sometimes think more force is used than necessary by some holders of the public trust...but that idiot should have been slapped. Where is his mama?! I wonder if they would have been so patient if he didn't have them on camera. It's obvious he was trying to get them started so they would have been justified in at least forcibly detaining him...and with the video quality, you couldn't get much of an ID on any of the cops even if they did do something they shouldn't. Buy a new camera, get an education, get slapped by your mom, then try again, retard. Is there a sequel where he gets smacked around for being a dumbass? I'd pay to see it.
    -1 points
  30. Stupid freaking public schools. If collared shirts are required, then fine. If not, this is stupid. What if they wore the American flag on Spiritual Baptist Liberation Shouter Day (NZ, I believe)? The anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution? The list goes on...it's always a holiday in one of the 240 (?) or so countries in the world, so do we have to stop wearing patriotic gear altogether just because we are a melting pot of other cultures and have to recognize every single holiday every other country celebrates instead of holding to our own mass culture, which by its very nature includes theirs?!?! I'm surrounded by morons...
    -1 points
  31. http://www.aolnews.com/nation/article/pew-poll-americans-may-be-warming-up-to-socialism/19472978 qoute: "Socialism," two decades beyond the taint left by a collapsed Soviet Union, is still a negative for most Americans but far from all, the study showed. And some segments of the public -- younger Americans and Democrats among them -- favored or opposed "socialism" and "capitalism" in equal measure. Well, looks like the liberalization of the education system has come home to roost. So much for being your own man and making your own way.
    -1 points

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