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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/2010 in all areas

  1. There was a special on the Ozone Hole and holes, it aired a few years ago on the Discovery Science Channel and they were saying that ozone holes at both poles were a naturally occurring phenomena. They indicated that aerosols were unlikely to cause problem for the ozone layer. They discussed things like upper atmosphere lighting Sprites and jets doing damage and other natural variables like magnetic fields . They said from ice records the holes have come and gone hundreds/thousands of times over the history of the earth. I am sure it is all man's fault now but who's fault was it before man? At the end of the day most so called experts don't have a clue. So why even speculate that is man made now?
    2 points
  2. poor Blake Dunham... look at whats' gone and... shat (all) over hiz thread.
    2 points
  3. Question: I think a lot (if not all) of our athletic growth and success was a result of RV. If he were to leave UNT, how do you think that would affect things here? Would the CUSA (or any other conference) be hesitant on accepting us?
    2 points
  4. --- I find it extremely odd that Hispanics here celebrate Cinco de Mayo. It is pretty much ignored in Mexico since it is just an anniversary of a battle against the French in 1862. I do understand some celebrating 16th of September which is really their Independence Day from Spain and is actually meaningful to Texas, and California as well. At that point we became part of Mexico instead of a Spanish territory. ---Cinco de Mayo for many of them is just an excuse to party and most have no idea what it means. I have asked them, most say Mexican Independence Day, which it isn't. ---The Flag incident seems very disgusting.. However, maybe it was not as reported, some schools will not allow any T-shirts to be worn and require shirts with collars ... maybe the fact that a flag was on it was not the point. I hope so. I have had kids in class claim I was anti-Christian when I asked them to put their book up (Bible) and get busy on their assignment. Some people tend to twist the facts, but even then sending them home seems a bit extreme unless they were trying to be disruptive about it. Their conduct would have been the issue, not the US flag on the shirt. ---If it was just about wearing a picture of a US Flag... then it is shameful.... that is the flag of THIS country, which is always acceptable.
    2 points
  5. Fixed to better represent the SMUt fandom.
    2 points
  6. and learning the language
    2 points
  7. Yes, it saddens me too. However, when you understand the mindset that is being instilled in the heads of young Mexican-Americans and the ever-growing rumblings of "reconquista," it's not hard to comprehend why this is occurring. What is hard to comprehend is why we (as US citizens) are allowing it to occur, and almost without any resistance whatsoever. Being proud of your heritage is fine, but being offended by the sight of the flag of the country in which you live is unacceptable. I'm actually glad that these type of events seem to be occurring more often though. Hopefully, it will make people wake and up and take notice to what is happening and...finally...do something about it. What I love so much about America is that it is a melting pot of cultures and people that have come together as one. I remember growing up and having many friends from many different backgrounds. When I would visit my friends at their homes, I would be introduced to new kinds of foods and cultural traditions. But, when we were at school, we were all pretty much the same. No one from a different culture than mine ever tried to force their culture, religion or traditions onto me. That's not happening any more. We are being forced to accept a culture that is not ours and anytime people are forced into doing something there is going to be backlash. I was channel surfing last night and came across a program on ID (International Discovery) called "I (Almost) Got Away with It." It held my attention for a while. During a commercial break, I noticed an ID ad for "Cinco de Mayo Marathon" and after watching a couple of back-to-back episodes of IAGAWI, realized the common theme in the program was escaped convicts (mostly violent) fleeing to, and finding refuge in Mexico. Most of the incidents occurred after 2001, so it was even more incredible to learn that these escaped convicts, who were being pursued by US Marshals, were able to cross over and then back into the US (through major border crossings) without being detected. One, in particular, really caught my attention because it involved the Mexican Immigration Office. A wanted murderer had been living in Mexico for 9-10 years and the FBI had finally tracked him to a small town in Mexico. Instead of notifying the Mexican government that he was a murderer, they informed them he had overstayed his visa and asked Mexican immigration officers to stake out a Western Union. Upon the man's arrival to the Western Union and confirmed ID by the cashier, three Mexican immigration authorities proceeded to apprehend, by force, the man they wanted for overstaying his visa. Just outside the entrance, two more Mexican immigration officers, with AK47s ready, awaited to assist. The narrator of the program made it very clear the Mexican government had no knowledge of the crime the wanted man was accused of, just that he had overstayed his visa. Now, maybe the writers of the show didn't portray all the facts exactly as they happened but I can guarantee there is no way in hell ICE would show up with a SWAT team to apprehend a suspected illegal immigrant (with no other cause for suspicion) in the US. And, if they did, protests from every civil rights group in the country would be plastered all over the news.
    2 points
  8. This is the time of year when I am over the crying spells and start to mix up some green Kool-aid occasionally. The odds of slipping up on Clemson are somewhat improved IMO, for a few reasons. They don't have us on film because of the new OC; they can see our players on film and they can look at USF for tendencies, but they can't see our guys run the revised offense. We may be able to gash them before they make adjustments. I think the defense will be improved when all the walking wounded are back in the fall. The new talent, if well assimilated in August camp, will help both sides of the ball. QB may be a question mark but we have lots of offensive weapons that can be used to take the pressure off. Hey, I can visualize it...that is the first step.
    2 points
  9. Joe Holland Happy Mean Green Birthday!!! Tony
    1 point
  10. NT was only in 1-AA 1983-1994, or 12 seasons. We moved to 1-A in 1995. One of North Texas' greatest teams was ranked #1 in 1-AA. Corky Nelson's 1988 team led by Scott Davis beat 1-A teams Rice, Texas Tech, and Texas*.
    1 point
  11. the kid will have plenty of games. how often are hall and blount going to play a flag football game at north texas with a bunch of out of shape wannabees??? the kid can skip a game...YOU CAN NOT!!!
    1 point
  12. Really? And what about all the years prior to moving down to 1AA in 1983(or was it 1984). You see Tasty, UNT did have Div1 football prior to dropping down to 1AA. Ever hear of Joe Greene, Steve Ramsey, Ron Shanklin, etc., from the 1960's, and several great teams coached by Hayden Fry in the 1970's? Didn't we beat Tennessee back in the day. We have have a much longer football history than UCF in 1996.
    1 point
  13. All well and good about their joint meeting but if the Big10 or SEC come calling the invitees will leave the Big12. $$ and security of a SuperConference make it too good to pass up. Besides, who wants west-coast game times and lost media?
    1 point
  14. Yes, it is composed of a pre-fab aluminum sections. Imaging the endzone seats at Fouts. Circle the entire field with them and you have UCF's stadium.
    1 point
  15. It is the Mexican students right to wave whatever flag they want, but if they feel more allegiance to the Mexican flag, than the American flag, I would just rather them leave. People that come here just to take all they can from this country without ever returning the favor with their allegiance piss me off beyone belief. When the United States soccer team plays Mexico ALMOST anywhere in the US, it is an away game for the Americans. It is rediculous. It may be "just soccer", but with how much it means in their culture, it shows a great disrespect for the country that gives them so much. On top of that American fans get taunted and disrespected for rooting for their team in the OWN country. It may seem off topic, but its just another instance of this sort of thing in CA.
    1 point
  16. Substitue coach maybe???? Just kidding, it's family and your daughter's game takes priority, but then again.....
    1 point
  17. isn't UCF's stadium a big aluminum can? I thought I heard it is comprised of a lot of metal and next to no concrete.
    1 point
  18. I particularly loved this jewel (pun intended ) in the comments section: On the plus side, no Bible quotes in this article. Every time they quote from that bloody book I can see Jesus shouting “Bullshit! I never said that. I’m going to haunt you’re ass.”
    1 point
  19. This once great nation of ours is reaching a boiling point, and soon will be tipping over. We are losing our country. Look at Arizona. All they are trying to do is protect their borders because the freaking government won't do it. Not under the Clinton Administration, not under the Bush Administration, and, so far, not under the Obama Administration. When people can come over the U.S. border and kill U.S. Citizens, something is terribly wrong. Our government is not upholding the rules of law for the "legal" citizens of our country. The President's job is to protect U.S. citizens. So far, Obama is failing. Everything that is happening is disturbing and disgusting to me.
    1 point
  20. ---It indicates that he can't read or else hasn't read anything in the past 25 years or so. ---His mind died when SMU received the NCAA "death penalty" for cheating.
    1 point
  21. I mean no ill will and hope to continue to see content from this gentlemen as he has already expressed more fervor for the Mean Green than a lot of die-hards. I love him so hard for that. I can get past missing punctuation and misuse of homophones. In fact, when done intentionally, (and sometimes unintentionally) homophones can be most comedic. But the incomplete thoughts, run-on sentences and general lack of grammar really make me spend more time reading than necessary, simply because I can't understand the meaning in some cases. I agree it's better to have the content with flaws than no content at all. While we are on the subject of content - A++ on the content. Some really engaging things for us mean green fans on that site. Two thumbs up, for that effort. It just seems like a quick re-read/fix would put it over the top. Perhaps the joke's on me, if this gentlemen was able to sell his previous site for a professional retirement sum of money for such unprofessional writing. But alas, it's only speculation on my part that his millions were made by selling a fan blog. Perhaps he invented waterless urinals. To his credit, he doesn't claim to be a professional, and it's just a blog. Just a very difficult read for me.
    1 point
  22. Who will save their souls? Also, this article gives new meaning to 'Rhinestone Cowboy'.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. While I agree with your sentiment, I did chuckle at the irony...
    1 point
  25. I'd rather have a website devoted to the mean green with a few errors then no website at all.
    1 point
  26. Must all your analogies be so . . . genital?
    1 point
  27. I don't really get the point of a blog piece titled "Where UNT Could Go For Their Hoops Signee" (or whatever it was).....when you have no information to offer.
    1 point
  28. I consider it a small victory that the Mayor Of Denton was on the list...and not the Mayor of Dallas.
    1 point
  29. One thing I always hated about school was the stupid policies. It's run by paranoid stupids that make knee-jerk decisions. As far as being incendiary: having been an instigator my whole life, I know how to push people's buttons then pretend I was completely innocent. Now, seems to me like these whites were staging a mini-protest. An admin was like "aah crap. these dudes are gonna get in a fight when someone sees them rocking Flag shirts" whatever. it was dumb to try to make them change, no matter if I am guessing right. And whoever said that 'we wouldn't do that on July 4th' and 'its mexican heritage day' and the admin that said 'gotta be sensitive to mexican-americans' are all dumb and do not reflect the views of This Mescan nor This American. Also, just for the record: the problem i have with the anti-illegal immigrant thing is that it allows for anti-brown people feelings to emerge unhinged. That, and stupid stuff like people comparing our very different, unique situation to other countries including Mexico, or when people like to make blanket statements, assume that all people think the same because one person spoke out. (SEE?! That one Brown kid mentioned how he loves MEXICO! THEY ALL DO!! SEE?!) Dude, Mexico is corrupt. Let's not model our immigration policies after a corrupt government, alright? Balancing safety and charity is a delicate task that requires reasoned, passionate thinking about a topic that is emotionally charged. Unfortunately, we americans R 2 dum 2 do it wif out doin somefin stooopit.
    0 points
  30. I like this one! I gave you a +1 for the thing. But, who you calling old, you little whipper snapper? When you grow up you can use real words and not just post pictures. Glad you caught the "grammer". Tests are fun too.
    0 points
  31. Don't get all huffy just because you're known for scarcely being able to complete a sentence without 18 quotation marks, 4 typos and 7 ellipses. Many of us come from the journalism school and if someone wants to be an unofficial official content provider, I think it's fair to offer feedback in a polite way. No one's diagramming direct objects, just saying: "hey, maybe have someone reread and edit before you publish like anyone else in the world writing for a living." If it's not mean-spirited and seeking to destroy his message, what's the big deal? Besides, didn't I just see a few of you lamenting the downfall of American education, values and intelligence in another forum on this very board? Those dam kids kneed to right good! As for policing this board, it's just fun to geitrjde...your'e goat!
    0 points
  32. Where does it say those offended weren't? Also, I really think we're burying the lead her...one of the kid's last name is Fagerstrom? Isn't that like a Norwegian slur?
    0 points
  33. These articles are hard to read for me... so many errors.
    0 points
  34. I'm gonna catch 2 passes from Hall, and I'm not on his team!! That's right, I said it! How's that for trash talk. (Mr. Hall, I'll meet you at the Red Lobster to complete payment)
    -1 points
  35. And this is the grammer you are so proud to display and so quick to beat up on others when they play this game?
    -1 points
  36. So, this is now a site where all the pseudo-grammar elites like to hang out? It's amazes me how often one will see some sort of "correction" made by one the grammar-snobs on board just to see the grammar-snob turn around and make an error. But, of course, no ground swell of criticism comes their way after the error. I'll worry about all the grammar and spelling errors when it means something. Here, not so much. I'm looking for content and opinions here, not English lessons. Besides, has all the criticism changed anything? Why not worry about something you can do something about? And, if you can do something about it, why worry? By the way, I thought this was a thread relating to an article on Mean Green signee Blake Dunham. Wow, it's plenty fine to hijack the thread, but don't you dare post in any manner other than the most proper form. Hijacking is allowed, but spelling and grammar must be precise. Nice. OK, grade away grammar snobs.
    -2 points
  37. Remind me how that has turned out for the defense the last 2 years? If Canales year 1 is anything like Deloach's was, this could be a 2 win season. Just sayin...
    -2 points

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