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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/2010 in all areas

  1. I know of a great person with university president experience, she supported academics and athletics, wore green and had a great vision for North Texas. I welcome the day we are discussing the search committee for a new Chancellor.
    6 points
  2. I consider it a small victory that the Mayor Of Denton was on the list...and not the Mayor of Dallas.
    6 points
  3. Of course Eealy won't answer how he feels about Nuclear Energy. Why? Maybe because if he said he was in favor of more of this type of energy, he knew I would point out that after the 3 Mile Island accident, the USA stop opening new nuclear power plants... for 30 years... Just a slight over-reaction, which was a factor in the ever-increasing demand for oil. Now that this accident is a generation removed, you see people looking again to nuclear energy as a solution. Accidents happen. It's the over-reaction that causes the most damage to the American people. It's the cheap political cheerleading (like was done to start this topic) that is a huge problem in actually accomplishing needed governmental reform in this country.
    3 points
  4. Who will save their souls? Also, this article gives new meaning to 'Rhinestone Cowboy'.
    2 points
  5. "There is a grave and sinister new threat facing our college sons nationwide. College girls are now "vajazzling" their privates with jewels in efforts to tempt our solid, young men into fornicating with them and having babies." That's quality stuff right there. Can't say I'm surprised coming from christwire.org "conservative values for an unsaved world" But, since it's relevant..
    2 points
  6. While I agree with your sentiment, I did chuckle at the irony...
    2 points
  7. There's hope for improvement in all areas. The schedule is tough, but I think the quality depth at many positions, and bona fide offensive playcalling will alleviate a lot of mistakes/close losses that happened last year. There's a silver lining, and I'm excited. Keep it respectable at Clemson, hell upset them! Keep the fan base intrigued and morale positive. Then come to Fouts and kick Rice's A$$ (hopefully)! If that happens many people will be drinking the kool-aid and there will be a buzz surrounding the program.
    2 points
  8. I'd rather have a website devoted to the mean green with a few errors then no website at all.
    2 points
  9. I love how the politician from West Virginia, his name escapes me, says he will now have a hard time voting for off-shore drilling, yet I'm sure he still fully supports coal mining although it has a much worse safety record.
    2 points
  10. Preach brother. They're barely a step above Taco Bell, but simply can't compete with Taco Bueno. I won't even denigrate Taco Cabana via a comparison.
    2 points
  11. These articles are hard to read for me... so many errors.
    2 points
  12. I'm familiar with Del Taco. Anyone eaten at a Five Guys Burgers?: http://bizbuzzblog.dentonrc.com/archives/2010/05/denton-to-get-two-new-restaura.html
    1 point
  13. elevating athletics to an even greater level would be the best investment the school could make. that would go far and above some academic areas as far as exposure to media and alums. In return would be far more donations. don't short sell athletics on importance to a school's image or lack of
    1 point
  14. I'm never sure what to to do with a parenthesis when you put it at the beginning instead of ending of the word. It looks plain strange if it's totally separate. Do people try and attach it to the end of the previous word, like normal, when you want them to attach it to the beginning of the next word? Using a comma after a period just looks strange, even though I "know" it is grammatically correct. It always trips me up though, BECAUSE it looks wrong somehow. Perhaps I should just spell out et cetera.
    1 point
  15. Then you'll want to make sure to put a space after your closing parenthesis, put a period after "etc," and capitalize "i." Just trying to avert your annoyance.
    1 point
  16. The NT logo shows up well compared to others on those schedules.
    1 point
  17. Must all your analogies be so . . . genital?
    1 point
  18. Great find. These type of things make searching for games, results, etc. much easier.
    1 point
  19. I don't really get the point of a blog piece titled "Where UNT Could Go For Their Hoops Signee" (or whatever it was).....when you have no information to offer.
    1 point
  20. Backing up the McPherson love on this thread. Good dude, heckuva teacher. Had him for International Trade, and can back up everything anyone else has already said. The Redskins came up more than a few times (he's beaten, but loyal), he wore NT polos at least every other class, and it always cracked me up because he brought his stuff to class in a NT Under Armour backpack. Good guy, great teacher.
    1 point
  21. 5 guys leaves a weird taste in my mouth...
    1 point
  22. McPherson is a good guy. I believe he did his undergrad work at Virginia so I guess he has more of an allegance to the Cavs over the Spartans. From what I remember he is a Redskins fan. GreenStreet and I had a class with him (Denis Hopavac was in that class to coincidentally) and McPherson was willing to sponsor us in starting a new Football supporting club somewhat like the Talons because a faculty sponsor is required to start any new club/organization apparently. We didn't follow through because we were too busy trying to graduate. The most diehard Mean Green fan professors I recall having were Michael Nieswiadomy and Marcia Staff.
    1 point
  23. euless, my response was aimed more at Silver Eagle's comment about the "right wing faction" claiming this is Obama's fault and his comparison to Katrina. My comment about "getting to work" stems from the recovery from the disasters noted in my post, not the overall unemployment rates of said region.
    1 point
  24. Looks like the only one trying to "spin" in this thread is you. You are somehow trying to make this a Republican/Conservative problem. Last I checked, everybody in America, with the exception of maybe Ed Begley, Jr., uses oil and natural gas and wants it cheaper. The way you make it cheaper is to increase supply and try to decrease demand. Since our population continues to rise and we consume more and more electricity, I doubt we can do anything other than slow the growth of demand. Accidents happen. Oh well. Sorry about the little fishies and the fisherman, but again things happen. There are over a half million producing wells just in the U.S. and I read one estimate of 30 million wells worldwide. That's 30 million wells pumping oil 24/7. The number of accidental spills considering the scope of production is miniscule. But for some reason, you want to jump up and down on your soapbox like a madman and make this political. I don't get it at all.
    1 point
  25. Where's TulsafaninTexas for this one?
    1 point
  26. Flux Capacitor! Katrina? Take a historical look at how much money New Orleans and the state of Louisiana took from the federal government over the years to take care of and improve their levy system and then ask them where that money went. I think more than a few folks lined their pockets and walked away. Was the federal response to Hurricane Rita, Ike, etc... any different? What about the Iowa and Tennessee floods, or the Arkansas/Mississippi tornados? Seems some folks wanted others to take care of them and were looking for a handout while others got to work and took care of themselves.
    1 point
  27. I'm as big a Beethoven fan as the next guy, but this seems extreme.
    1 point
  28. Nice job BP...no sense in investing in Green Energy...We have Oil Reserves floating all around us. Potential negative impact on Gulf Coast Economy is going to be enormous. Hopefully a war will break out or something. I am sure BP will pony up for this disaster. Or will the tax payer...huh!!!
    0 points
  29. I know the internet is all about unzipping your pants and letting everything wave freely, but here's a strong $25 investment for anyone who wants to be any form of journalist and/or semi-official writing source for stuff that interests a small demographic of people: http://www.apstylebook.com/ Or, save the $25 if that is too steep and ask a friend to read your post before or right after you publish. I cringe every time I read what was free-associated and posted in my blog days for a variety of reasons, but crappy, non-edited writing always caused the biggest winces.
    0 points
  30. Ole Brownie's doing one heck of a job. Nothing to see here! Y'all remember Brownie? He was on Fox News the other day accusing the President for this mess. Geez Louise. Why can't some things just be an accident? BP is one of the good guys in oil. They do not buy oil from the mideast... thus they don't fund terrorism. They had a screw up and will pay for it, stuff happens. Nothing political here - just a bad accident.
    0 points
  31. Don't worry, the right wing faction will find a way to make it all Obama's fault. Even though the difference between Katrina and this disaster is that there was plenty of warning (it's called watching it on radar) about Katrina and there wasn't any forwarning about this. Plus BP initially said that they had it covered.
    0 points
  32. i wasn't able to catch either newscast. can anyone find it online? i haven't been able to but i'm not as skilled online as some of you are.
    -1 points
  33. the byu crowd was pretty impressive and there were a lot of KU fans who bought tickets to both sessions. i have no doubt that if we'd been close in the second half, we would've picked up all of their support which would've been amazing.
    -1 points
  34. i thought he was just helping out that little girl. the ref was all over her pointing out spots that she missed, so he helped out. i didn't interpret it as some disrespect toward our guys. that said, i love seeing the wildcats lose because of the kstate fans sitting around me in the NORTH TEXAS section. i still can hear them whining about every foul call.
    -1 points
  35. any short yardage plays run from under center? i heard a goaline series on the radio that seemed to be from the gun.
    -1 points
  36. I am a big fan of the nuclear power option, but all options have their own sort of risks. Life, in general, is a risk. "Stuff" happens and it can be bad. No one wants this sort of thing to happen, especially not the oil and gas firms. It is, indeed, their worst nightmare. But, they do happen, and they will...one day one of the wind turbines will collapse and fall on something or someone...does that mean we shouldn't use wind power? Dams have broken in the past...does that mean we shouldn't harness the power of water? The Russians had a bit of a problem with a nuke plant...again, should we eliminate the nuclear power option altogether? No to all of the above. We must do the best we can to minimize the dangers and contain the damage should a problem occur. And, we must continue to look for alternative and new sources of power...hydrogen anyone? One thing I am a bit happy about is that the media is not calling for Obama's head for his delay in sending in the federal gov't help. We don't need that sort of thing as was done to the Bush administration when Katrina hit. I wouldn't expect the media to make a big deal out of it like they did the previous administration for obvious reasons, but it is good it hasn't been a topic of discussion. What needs to be the topic of discussion is how we mitigate the damage, fix the leak and find ways to keep it from happening once again. The environment will recover, fishing will return, the economy of the gulf will rebound, and, hopefully, lessons will be learned. Anyone who thinks this is a Republican or a democrat "issue" or that someone in the oil and gas industry is enjoying this situation is just plain "nuts". This is a problem for America and a challenge for the gulf region. America and the resilient people who live and work in the gulf region will overcome this disaster and will be stronger and better for it.
    -1 points
  37. I am concerned about the lack of academic types on the committee. Including academic administrators, I count nine. After all, the business of the university is eventually academic. I know you would like to have a broad range of people represented, but the number still seems low for an institution wanting to reach the highest level.
    -1 points
  38. The decision that these folks make is beyond enormous. There is so much riding on it. There is not a good reason for our university to miss out on the climb to tier 1 status. The next president will be the person that takes us there, or fails completely. In the meantime, hopefully Mr. Rawlins will not flub the whole thing up. Our love for UNT athletics is obvious, and I absolutely believe that athletics are the "window to the university"... but there are slightly more important things that the next president will need to tackle if we're to obtain tier 1 status. Neglecting athletics will be a terrible mistake, but growing our endowment/research funding, fostering a better relationship with alumni, raising academic standards, and hiring the best faculty possible are all a little more important than our beloved athletics.
    -1 points
  39. It happens. I suppose we could go one of two ways if you want to stop drilling for oil... Go back to horse and buggy modes of transportation, or Mandate alternative energy use that is so expensive and difficult to produce that only the wealthy could afford it. BTW, didn't your hero Obama just open up offshore drilling? This is all his fault.
    -2 points
  40. Where does it say those offended weren't? Also, I really think we're burying the lead her...one of the kid's last name is Fagerstrom? Isn't that like a Norwegian slur?
    -2 points

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