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  1. Only problem there is not one bit of evidence that Babb ever had NT on his radar. Just because a player is from the area does not mean that NT has a prayer of signing them. A lot of wishful thinking abundant on this board, but as far as I know there has been no interest at all from Babb, Morgan, or the player from Utah in NT. Carmouche is a good player and NT could do a lot worse than sign him. He is a proven upper Belt level player with two years to play. I think if he signs he will be instantly the favorite to start at the wing with Thompson. JJ has done a great job, moving this program forward; but NT is not going to get too many highly ranked recruits with the support that he has gotten at NT. A Belt school with a very generously counted average attendance of 2,600 for a program that has two NCAA tournament appearances and four 20+ seasons is not going to excite many four star recruits.
    4 points
  2. does this mean i cant do my carmouche is a douche chant anymore? this saddens me terribly....but i would welcome him in green and white
    2 points
  3. If he ends up coming here he appears to be a shorter less talented version of Collin Mangrum. Carmouche fouled out of six games last year and hasn't shot free throws well at all (.613 from the line last season). I hope we do better with the last scholarship left. I think we can do better too.
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. If his ego is that big, I'd bet on Europe. The lowered expectations was not aimed at the coaching staff. I'm sure they do everything they can to get the best talent available. That comment was aimed at the fan base. I do think that JJ should feel pressure to land these types of recruits. If not, what's the point? It's kind of like the chicken and the egg. Does increased attendance lead to better recruits or do better recruits lead to more wins and increased attendance. If you settle for the status quo, that's what you'll get, for a while.
    1 point
  7. Carmouche's numbers as a sophomore: 33.5mpg, 12.6ppg, 4.8rpg, 2.1apg, 2.8tpg, 1.4spg, 39.7%FG, 35.2% 3pt, 61.3%FT Josh White's numbers as a sophomore: 33.6mpg, 11.3ppg, 2.9rpg, 2.6apg, 1.7tpg, 0.5spg, 39.1%FG, 30.5% 3pt, 90.6%FT
    1 point
  8. Agreed. We need to sign at least 3 more 7 footers. Why does JJ keep signing short people?
    1 point
  9. Very glad to see that I'm not the only one...the more this has sunk in the more I love it. Is Carmouche Babb or Morgan or Henderson? By no means. Is Carmouche eligible to contribute to what should be the best team in UNT history? Absolutely. Does he make next year's team considerably better? No doubt. I've seen complaints over Carmouche's numbers...his efficiency was lacking, but again, he is a sophomore guard who went into the season expecting to be VERY second fiddle to one of the better scorers in the conference. When Humphrey was hurt Carmouche was pressed into duty ahead of schedule and had to try and essentially carry a bad team. But you need numbers. Ok. 12.6ppg, 4.8 rpg, 2.1 apg. Carmouche had 4 20 point scoring games...one was against ULM...one was at Georgia...two were against Western Kentucky, one at the SBC tourney, the other at Diddle. He finished 18th in the conference in scoring. He finished 22nd in the conference in rebounding...as a 6'2" guard. He finished 6th in the conference in steals. The idea of tucking away a transfer like Babb is intriguing...but next year is never guaranteed success. Carmouche represents a huge insurance policy on DJ and Josh's health, both legitimate question marks, at the point...and bench scoring in case R.J. takes time to adjust or Alzee fails to make a significant step forward. Plus he is still here in 2011-12 after this senior class graduates. This is a great signing.
    1 point
  10. ..because FC Dallas doesn't sell papers or get ratings. In fact, it does almost the opposite on the local sports media front. Look, I live in Frisco, I've been to games, I'm not a Hoops (the team, not the sport) hater, and I dig soccer at least a bit. But comparing the team formerly named after a gonorrhea symptom to the Mavs, Boys, Rangers, or Stars is silly. FCD has averaged less than 12k a game over their entire history, including a year when they averaged sub-8k in a 11k seat high school stadium. They've never averaged more than 15.4k a game for any season, and many of these fans are spanish speaking... I'm not sure what sort of coverage FCD gets in the local Spanish media, however. Fact is, I root for FCD and loosely follow them, but they're a professional sport in so much as the Dallas Vigilantes or Frisco Roughriders are, and get covered more than appropriately in this market.
    1 point
  11. I seem to recall hearing that all transfers from UNO would be eligible to play immediately. The NCAA confirms that here. http://www.ncaa.org/wps/portal/ncaahome?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/ncaa/ncaa/legislation+and+governance/committees/division+i/saac/di+saac+faq+transfer+rules
    1 point
  12. UNT recruit a pure point guard? I've given up hope. I agree with most of what you said, although I worry about throwing another turnover prone guard into the mix a little more than you. I agree that Babb was a pipe dream, but I was really hoping that the UNT connection would come through for Morgan. A man can dream, right?
    1 point
  13. I guess I'm just not a fan of the sub 40% shooting last year and the poor assist/TO ratio. I just don't see what need he fills and how it plays into the future? If neither of those other guys was a legitimate option, then maybe this is the best we can do.
    1 point
  14. I think the Mavs get "overlooked" a bit due to their post-season record of never having won it and from losing that series to Miami in the finals a couple of seasons ago. But, to say the Mavs are overlooked is being a bit "harsh". Seems to me that this season's coverage by the DMN and the local radio and TV folks has been exceptional. maybe you were referring to the national media, but, I would have to say the Mavs got a pretty decent shake from the local folks...and always seem to get good coverage. You want poor coverage and no respect....try being FC Dallas. I know that it doesn't compare in "scope" to the Cowboys, Mavs or Rangers, but for those who do follow the "beautiful game", the local coverage sucks! If you want to compare, even on a relative basis, the Mavs do quite well. Even the lowly Stars get tremendous coverage compared to FC Dallas. Like the sport or not, FC Dallas is a local professional sports team, and the coverage should be much better from the local folks. Anyway, good luck to the Mavs. This could be the year...it better be the "year" soon or Dirk will be one of the best players ever to grace an NBA floor without ever having won a championship ring. If he thinks this is it for the Mavs will he do what many players do in the twilight of their careers and move to a team that really does have a shot at a championship? Maybe to the team that gets LaBron in the summer "free for all" perhaps? Just wondering what some think. I hope the Mavs can do it this year and win it all, they seem to have the team with the best shot in some years. Go get 'em Mavs.
    1 point
  15. No offense to him, but I was really hoping for one of the bigger name transfers. It would be much more helpful to have someone who will sit out next year and then soften the blow when most of the team graduates...just my two cents.
    1 point
  16. meangreenblog.dentonrc.com/ Kind of anti-climatic if true.
    1 point
  17. True comedy is saying I'm being redundant in response to an article where Dodge says the exact same bullcrap we've heard for the 3rd straight offseason now. This year, they really really REALLY REALLY REEEEEEALLY no fooling care. Honest, for true, no takebacks, no crossed fingers. Not like before (apparently). Not that it matters, because it's essentially meaningless coachspeak anyway. Check it off the offseason list, just like Dickey's annual oath to open up the passing game.
    1 point
  18. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/eu_russia_plane_crash HUGELY concerning.
    1 point
  19. Beneath the hype of the Cowboys and Rangers lies DFWs most consistent team. How does a team who has won 50 games 10 years in a row get overlooked? By never quite being good enough. The hooplah around the Rangers this year was based around the drastic changes that happened last year, but the most likely championship team in DFW is the boring old Mavs. Last night's win was fueled by Dirk Nowitzki's 36 points and 12-14 shooting from the floor on Sunday. Probably the most exciting thing I read about the Mavs this year was this: With the Mavs in high gear and the Lakers struggling down the stretch is this finally the year?
    0 points
  20. Maybe not as a lockeroom guy, but as a player no doubt.
    0 points
  21. Keeping expectations low does not help, but how does expanded expectations from a fan base help if it is not reflected in attendance or support? Frankly, I marvel at how well Jones has done when I look at the average Superpit crowd of maybe 1800 actual fans including a few hundred students. Things are definitely better, there were maybe 25 NT fans who saw Jones win his first tournament championship excluding the band in Lafayette and there were not 100 students at the NT games in the Belt tournament in Denton; but there is far to go. As far as Morgan, you seem to take the position that he was a failure at UCLA; therefore NT should definitely be in the chase in his recruitment. The fault in that logic is, that if NT still sees a lot of promise in Morgan so do a multitude of other teams, many higher up in the pecking order than NT. Your factors for increased attendance: consistent winning including games over the big six conference members and an improved home schedule. Maybe you should throw in a national championship or two. The facts are that almost every team these days plays a number of patsies in the non-conference. JJ has had home games against Indiana, Alabama, Oklahoma State and other brand name teams to see little rise in NT fans attendance. Note, I stated NT fans not opponent fans who come to the game. Yes, attendance was up for those games especially from students but still far from a satisfactory level. Fan support is building and I expect it to be significantly better next year, however it still tough for Jones to recruit against MVC, CUSA or Western Kentucky programs that have more support and resources.
    0 points
  22. Perhaps when he enters the game we can sing with pep band assistance a few modified words from Bohemian Rhapsody. Carmouche Caramouche, will you do the Fandango Thunderbolt and lightning, very very frightening.
    0 points
  23. And 6'8" 245 Alonzo Edwards. The roster has 6 bigs and 7 guards...this team plays 2 bigs and 3 guards at a time. By these numbers were actually deeper up front...plus 4 of them will be back in 11-12, whereas without Carmouche there'd be only 2 guards. Bring in a freshman and you're going to be counting on a sophomore to be a significant part of the 11-12 team.
    0 points
  24. And this gets "negative" points, while a comment like "the Rangers suck again" goes unmolested...sometimes the gods are not aligned properly, and sometimes folks are crazy!
    0 points
  25. I don't think the post-season counts for those records (?)
    0 points
  26. Also, when is Dirk going to miss a free throw? IIRC, he's hit 86 in a row. The record is 97 I believe. I can't believe how well we played last night, despite JET having a very off night. Butler stepped up nicely
    0 points
  27. If there are any issues moving forward. I hope to hell we just stay out of it.
    -1 points
  28. Make no mistake. Ian Kinsler loves the fact he hit 30 bombs last season. With the surge of power at the position throughout the league, he feels that he needs to keep up in order to demand Chase Utley money down the road. I hope he will be more of a team guy when is healthy, but I expect another parade of flyouts in 2010. Wash batting him 6th will not discourage his crap approach.
    -1 points
  29. Willing to bet money the Rangers get swept today. Facing another Lefty in Andy Petite. This offense sucks period, even worse against southpaws. Prove me wrong Rangers....prove me wrong.
    -1 points
  30. I'll defer to JJ. If he's the one he wants to use his last scholarship on, I'm all for it.
    -1 points
  31. Agree. And I would also say that he should get a break for playing out of position at point due to injuries, but since we continually play people out of position at point, no break given. I've already -1ed myself, so no one else has to.
    -2 points
  32. I tend to agree. I would rather see JJ get another big man. Don't we have enough guards? No offense to Knox, but he's another clumsy tall white guy ala Justin Howerton. What do we have? George Odufuwa, Kedrick Hogans, Cam Spencer, Jacob Holmon ... three, four guys? What happens when they get in foul trouble? Then we put the clumsy guy in? I don't like it. I also think we need some freshmen to use those scholarships on.
    -3 points
  33. Good to know that you have the answer. Thanks for that. And, coming from one of the most "loved" posters on this board it means that much more to me.
    -3 points

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