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  1. I agree with you but at the same time you have to realize that for years and years UNT did nothing to keep alumni tied to the university. It wasnt until the last 6 to 8 years or so that they have really tried to make the UNT experience one that most students will remember and want to be a part of for the rest of their lives. I was at UNT from 1996 to 2002. When I got there during the Matt Simon era I remember being at the football games with absolutely no tailgating, about 3,000 fans in the stands and very little school spirit. The ties to your college team are emotional and unfortunately many of our 100,000 plus alumni pass through during times when UNT was just a place to get a degree and not the full college community and experience that it is now. Thats what keeps people involved and coming back.
    3 points
  2. LEXINGTON, KY--According to a report in the Lexington Herald-Leader, Kentucky star freshman John Wall plans to return to school this week to pick up his **** before bolting for the NBA. Wall will reportedly arrive on Thursday morning and beginning clearing out his dorm room. “John Wall is coming back to Kentucky,” said a source close to the 19-year-old. “He will be here Thursday to pack up his ****, clean out his dorm, say a few quick goodbyes and leave forever. But he will be back, technically, and a lot of people said he wouldn’t. So there.” The source said Wall’s decision to come back was based on a desire not to leave all his **** at school. “He thought long and hard about it, he consulted his family and his coach, and he came to the determination that he didn’t want to leave his clothes and Playstation at school,” said the source. “It was a tough decision because he didn’t want to step foot in that hellhole ever again, and is ecstatic his-one year of purgatory is over and he can go to the NBA. He bleeds Kentucky blue, though.” Wall’s teammates say they weren’t surprised by the decision, as Wall had previously confided in them a desire to return to school after the tournament. They also hoped this would put an end to any speculation. “I’m not real surprised because he told me he wanted to do this,” said center DeMarcus Cousins. “He said ‘D, I’m going back to Lexington. I’m going back to school!’ And I was like, ‘You mean you’re playing one more year?’ And he was like, ‘Ew, gross. No. I’m just coming to put all my **** into a duffle bag and high-tail it out of here.’ So say what you want about him being a one and done, but he opted to come back and get his **** even though he could have just left it behind and bought new **** with his NBA money. That says a lot about him.” Kentucky coach John Calipari said he supported Wall’s decision “100 percent.” “John and I talked about this extensively and support him 100 percent,” he said. “I really do think it’s in his best interests. If he doesn't return to school, he's going to have to hire somebody else to pick up his stuff, or worse yet, leave everything there and have some weirdo steal it and sell his underwear on eBay.” “I just hope he left me Call of Duty 4,” the coach added. “He committed to doing it and I fully expect him to honor that commitment.” ******************* Found this on a NC Tarheel messageboard and couldn't stop laughing.
    2 points
  3. If this board is any indication ... spelling is always optional.
    2 points
  4. Josh has been one of the best hitters on this team besides Vlad, Cruz, and maybe Elvis (I guess you could throw in Arias too). The power will come, but right now you have to look at his approach. He is drawing a ton of walks and driving the ball to the opposite field. Yesterday's loss was absolutely heart wrenching. But sometimes you need to look beyond the W-L. All of our starters have had quality starts except for the first Harden start. Borbon wont hit sub .100 for the whole season and I doubt we will see another inning this season where Elvis and Davis make errors. The main concern right now is the bullpen. But really if you look it hasn't been terrible. Fransisco got hammered a few times and even in his one game as a non closer needed Elvis to make a great diving play and a catch on the warning track to get out of the inning. Chris Ray has looked really good and Darren Oliver is solid. O'Day is not 100%, but he is still pitching decently well. Feliz hasn't pitched back to backs in the majors, but the way his motion is I don't think there will be a whole lot of strain on his arm. These upcoming series against the Yanks and Sawx will tell a lot about this team. If they can pull together some big wins it could really get this team on a roll. I have watched all of the AL West teams play 2 games so far and I think the Rangers have the most talent and should come out on top.
    2 points
  5. I have thought on it for a while today, and I can't at all blame Wash for keeping Matty in the game to face Choo. Truth is there should have been 2 outs when he was coming up....but we all know about ifs. He was dealing all afternoon long and might have been the most effective option outside of Feliz. Neftali the night before threw and inning and a third. I can live with what happened. Not thrilled about it, but if we see that Harrison a dozen more times this season I think we will all be pleased. Interesting to see how CJ fares after dropping 7 lbs. after food poisioning. Keep a close eye on CJ's pitch count per inning. That is one of the big things that has made him effective in the spring and in start #1. Facing a patient team that works pitchers and counts like NYY will be a good measuring stick to see how much CJ has evolved into a starter. The starting pitching has been mad good so far. But in 3 of their 4 losses they have blown leads after the 7th. Who here really thought the back end would be this wheels off even with CJ in the rotation? Baseball.....yeah baseball.
    2 points
  6. Penson will be fine on the inside, and I think our linebackers could be a force this year. Then again, the DL makes all other defensive positions look much better. We all refer to Hurd, Spencer and Casey, as well as our DB's back then, McGee, Knowlton, Priestley, Jones, Buckles, etc... as some of the best that ever played at NT, but Booger, Cardwell, Awasome, Daniels, etc... made it easier for these positions. A strong defensive line ties up the OL and keeps them off of the LB's to run the field and make plays, and it also provides enough pressure on the opposing QB to force them to rush or make bad throws leading to picks and big hits by the DB's. A strong DL cures a lot of problems.
    2 points
  7. I watched the spring football game on MGSports. I'm glad they provided the game live on the internet. During halftime, or some other lull in the game for a commercial break, the screen rolled through the names of the stadium donors. I'm not sure if this was a list of the "major" donors, suite buyers, club level donors or simply anyone who sent in money specifically for the stadium. Eight names would appear on each screen, and by my estimate, 10 or so screens appeared. Roughly 80 to 100 names of donors to the stadium. If this is the number of actual donors, UNT Alumni should be ashamed for not stepping up to the plate. Where are the 100,000 alumni in the DFW area when you need them? We want a top level football program and facilities but are unwilling to do what it takes financially to get us there. Yes, times are tough, but all UNT Alumni must help the cause, whatever the level of donation. If I misread what I saw on the screen, someone please correct me. 80-100 donors won't cut it even if the stadium is being going up.
    1 point
  8. http://www.dentonrc.com/sharedcontent/dws/drc/sports/stories/DRC_UNTspring_ftball.24fad61ac.html Didn't he say the same thing last year? They must have really not cared in 2007 or '08.
    1 point
  9. Thanks Tina Fey wrote it.
    1 point
  10. And the demonizing of business continues. The one group who will help us get out of the ditch and some people insist on throwing them under the bus every chance they get. With my $300, I paid down debt and saved the other half. How's that for stimulating the economy? Until the outlook of our economy improves, which indicators say it won't for several more years, people will be hording money and paying down their debt. Despite the recent small increases in consumer spending, I'm really curious to see how spending will look when people's tax returns have been all spent up. Q2 and Q3 should be interesting if energy prices spike like they always do over the summer. I feel some people have unrealistic expectations in our economy given that much of our growth stemmed from debt spending by consumers. IMO, we'll never hit the gangbuster consumer spending levels when the economy was at its peak again without a dramatic increase in take home pay or the cost of doing business goes way down. If the recent announcements by companies such as AT&T, Verizon, and others are any indication, the cost of doing business is not going down.
    1 point
  11. Allen is a Robin Hood school, meaning they've been collecting tax dollars from other local cities (like Plano) to pay for all the necessary school upgrades, etc. Thus, the reason they can justify the spending (bond or not) is that all of their academic necessities have been paid for... by someone else. Thanks, Plano!
    1 point
  12. Google search "economy + Cleveland" (or see what would have happened in Detroit last year had the owner not decided to dip into his own pockets and make the thing accessible to what was left of a town in shambles). I work with a Baltimore fan who takes off with her kids each year to spend a week at Orioles spring training. She said the hatred for Angelos is a thousand times more intense than any anger we have down here for Hicks. He dismantled that organization a decade ago and has spent his time pooping on the ruins wearing a Cal Ripken jersey. Plus, they have the Nationals close enough to take off a another 5-10k that gave up on the O's for those reasons but want to see baseball. Plus, Baltimore isn't exactly lighting the world on fire economically, either. I think the pro-sports leagues outside of the NFL are in a race to see who needs to contract first in a changing economy. The NHL is in first by 100%, but the NBA and MLB are closing fast.
    1 point
  13. The Tribe has been competitive or on the fringes of competitive entering just about each season since Jacobs Field (now Progressive) opened... even recently, they had a bonafide ace and a lot of "team on the rise" buzz. Now, they've shipped Lee off, fired their manager, and have zero expectations. Combine that with a mid-work week "getaway game" (12pm EST first pitch), and it's a recipe for all time low crowd numbers. Meanwhile, look at the start the O's have gotten off to. 1-6. Their season is already over in an impossible division. Done. They've been non-competitive for quite a while, and it's got to feel near hopeless in that division. I didn't note the start time for their game.
    1 point
  14. I think what some may be missing here is that the efforts at fund raising so far extend only to buyers of Plaza level Seating, Boxes, naming rights, etc., etc. That is, for the "larger donor base". To my knowledge there has been no effort as yet to market to the $1,000 and below donor which would make that list you saw much much larger. I think we all need to "take a deep breath" here and give the dept time to roll out plans for the "general campaign". I would think (for me personally) that the time to roll it out to the general public was some time ago, but I am not in charge of that time table. With what "limited resources" I am told the dept has each time I "question" either seriously or jokingly what PR and marketing is done, it is understandable that primary effort at this time go to the "bigger donors". I will admit that my name was not on that list as my bride and I are still "considering" what we can and will do...BUT, rest assured we WILL be stadium donors. I suspect that many people are in the same boat at this time. I do not believe that the "general population" has been provided any indication of what "giving levels" there might be below the $5,000 per year for 5 years level for Plaza seating and above, etc. Right now I don't know what "level" we will end up with, but we will be donors of as large an amount as we can handle right now given our other obligations and the fact that this will be all "on us"...no way we have the opportunity to fund the donations through a business entity for tax purposes, etc. I wish we did, as it would be nice to get a bit of help from "Uncle" over what an individual contribution will do for you come tax time. However, a donation is a donation whether it comes from AT&T, a local business or an individual and all are needed. We will be adding our names to the list of donors soon enough...just haven't figured it all out as yet...I don't think the athletic dept. has either, but we both will...and that's the good news. Don't get excited as yet. I think we will all be pleased when the full campaign gets rolling. When that will be...don't know, but I am certain it is being handled. Thanks to all who have already been able to make that decision and to help with a donation or a commitment. Can't wait to join you! GO MEAN GREEN!
    1 point
  15. yes this. the detached alumni will not just call in and offer money. plus there is a recession going on and many folks out of work right now. they must be contacted and sold on a program that has not won since 2004. that takes time and communication. unt has changed fundraisers how many times recently? that does not help when the fundraisers keep changing and a new person has to learn names all over again. i know some stadium donors who were not listed on the scrimmage list. but you are right the total is way too small for a program that wants to be big time.
    1 point
  16. On Tuesday, the NCAA's Legislative Council passed legislation requiring "deserving" bowl-eligible teams to post a .500 record against Football Bowl Subdivision opponents. The changes must still be approved by the NCAA's Board of Directors, which meets later this month. This rule could have a couple of effects if it's approved by the NCAA's Board of Directors. First, the BCS conferences will not be able to send their 6-6 eighth and ninth place teams to bowls if one of their victories is against 1-AA schools (Playoff Subdivision). The other result is that realizing that, lower tier BCS schools will now urgently need to schedule those non-BCS-auto-bid-league schools to replace the 1-AA's. Prices for home-no-return games are going to skyrocket further, and more home-and-home series will subsequently be scheduled. We are certainly getting a new stadium at the right time. read under: THE COUNCIL ALSO:
    1 point
  17. http://www.meangreensports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?&ATCLID=204929139&DB_OEM_ID=1800
    1 point
  18. Yeah, what are they thinking. Bringing the attractive big name opponents to their house, thereby making the home schedule attractive to their fans and greatly increasing their odds of a successful outcome???? Don't they know these games are just for paychecks?
    1 point
  19. Flyer...we will play with the amount that shows up be it 10 or whatever. This "ain't" the SuperBowl, officially sanctioned flag football association game or anything like that. I think everyone has played a little "touch or flag" football with fewer than 16 players. But, at this point we have 17 "known" commits, and I am certain there are a few more waiting in the wings to actually place their names on the "official" list of players. As the "commissioner" I deem that there will be a game and it will be fun! And, there will be sore guys (and maybe ladies) on Sunday who thought they were in better shape than they really are, but that everyone will leave the field alive! And, of course, that there will be beer! Spectators welcome and encouraged as well. Speaking of beer...do we have anyone at this point looking to "coordinate" tailgate activities or should we just "go it on our own" and hope? Am open for suggestions and volunteers. Perhaps if you aren't planning on playing but want to be "involved" in some manner other than spectator, you would want to head up this most important and critical aspect of the day's events? If so, PM me or let it be know right here...otherwise, we'll just be "on our own" and look for folks to bring beverages and food as they might. One rule...have fun...OK, second rule...don't yell at the referee (Flyer)!
    1 point
  20. It is a game, but it's not much fun whipping the tether ball up the pole while Rocky Dennis touches himself in the corner. Smug or not, do you know what PR is? If you learn only one thing from our bantering, I'd like for it to be that.
    1 point
  21. I think Tune starts against Clemson, then sets numerous school passing records the following week against Army... Thompson will then start the rest of the season.
    1 point
  22. I dunno... That' pretty narrow. I hope the AD reconsiders this.
    1 point
  23. Would appreciate it if all strictly political avatars disappear. Please, no campaign avatars.
    1 point
  24. Weird Al has always been one of my favorite Grand Marshals.
    0 points
  25. Sweet. This year's President. I look forward to the bright new future of temporary campus leadership, below the System (and Chancellor) level. When your President is shuttled in and out like this, aren't they basically just turning into the Grand Marshall of the semi-annual parade of graduates? Couldn't we at least reach out and get someone famous and maybe land some publicity out of this deal? Hot Springs got John Ratzenberger from "Cheers" and Bo Derek from famous cinematic nakedness to be their parade grand marshalls. Don't tell me that town has PASSED US BY. If we don't get George Wendt or that chick from Logan's Run as our next next interim president, then I have to question the leadership here.
    0 points
  26. And SMU. And illegal immigrants. And Mandy, still pulling strings from southern California.
    0 points
  27. Sandwiching Vlad and NC17 between the blackholes of J-Ham and Crush is gonna be the death of this offense.
    0 points
  28. Is that what happened at the end of the Bush administration, increased economic activity?
    0 points
  29. Nope, this a completely valid question and you have every right to ask what fundraising has planned at all levels. The PR and Marketing departments don't drive this, but they will help fundraising execute it once they are given marching orders. See, much like an NT senior finishing his business policy project, you're starting to learn about how it all works together! I'm proud of you.
    -1 points
  30. Really, Bush took everyone's 401K s and gave it all to Wall Street. Then again bankrupted the middle class with inflated gas prices while in essence bailing out oil companies. Then he helped Several other private firms by hiring $120,000 per year merceneries to go to war. Thus bringing our economy to a halt. So go f yourself when you look at this administration's handling of the worse economy since the great depression. Oh yea AIG, Goldman, Exxon Chevron, Halliburton.....all of these just topped the top 20 in Fortune 500.....Oh yea Chase, Bank of America, Deregulation led to their lending practices at 0% while sticking it to small business to the the tune of 17%--29% loans..... What this admin is doing is reeling in the heavy losses suffered by the Middle Class to support the Boujous on Wall Street and in Texas. All in the name of 9/11 my friend.... don't be a sheep for the republicans or the democrats....by the way how did you spend your $300 bush stimulus check???
    -1 points

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