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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/13/2010 in all areas

  1. Off the CUSA board. Friday, April 9, 2010 Butler Hoops Team Under Investigation By ROBERT SIMMONS Associated Press Sports Writer INDIANAPOLIS(AP)--Butler's run in the NCAA Men's Basketball National Championship Game may be tarnished after report surfaced today that all 13 players on the roster are being given good educations in an effort to help them find good jobs after they leave the school. "It'simportantto remember that right now these are only allegations -- allegations that we are looking into," said NCAA president James Isch. "But, obviously, if true, this would be very disappointing. The NCAA has certain expectations and standards. It's not fair for players at one school to be given good educations while athletes at other member schools receive basic, remedial instruction that is worth essentially nothing." According to documents seized from the school's registrar's office, Butler players have received an education worth $38,616 per year totaling more than $150,000 over a four-year career. Compare that to player at a school like Kentucky , where tuition is set at $4,051 -- but with an actual value far below that. We don't want to say too much until these reports are confirmed," said Kentucky head basketball coach John Calipari. "But we're talking about almost $140,000 difference in education per player -- and that's even if my players stayed four years or graduated, which many of them do not. Then these Butler players are reportedly stepping into good jobs after graduation while my kids, if they don't make the NBA, have absolutely no job prospects or life skills. It's far from a balanced playing field. They are buying the best players by giving them a high-priced education." In addition to the allegations that they were given an expensive education, many Butler players have been spotted around campus holding books, studying and engaging in interesting conversations. Others have been seen with people who are known to not be tutors. Butler point guard and Kentucky native Ronald Nored, who is reportedly a secondary education major, denied allegations that the Bulldog program is cheating. "The discourse on this matter is fatuous and inane," he said, implicating the program further. From the lighter side
    4 points
  2. I welcome Thursday night games because it gives us center stage in the football world. On Saturday dozens of other games on, we're lost in the shuffle. TCU, Boise, Fresno...all of those programs have taken advantage of playing on the odd night to help build recognition for their programs. Even though it's a misprint, I'm definitely not opposed to playing a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday night game.
    2 points
  3. "I wish we had that design...instead of the stupid eagle wing." Some people are always complaining.
    1 point
  4. I have never played in this thing. Will it end up like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KATUnkySdSQ Or maybe this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqkrsqxtKPY and will there be any of these: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmC4LqJxTJY&feature=related or these: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5R9NqDEOqw&feature=related So many questions.
    1 point
  5. This is all Mandy's fault... Oh, wait...
    1 point
  6. Bump...a couple of players added...see list in thread...still need palyers and player bios and t-shirt sizes. Folks, PLEASE help me out here...I am close to calling out the "US Special Forces" to get some of you "focused"...HA! As radiogreen said...it's a great time...football, beer, special one of a kind t-shirts, scholarship fund money raised and you get to meet some of the folks who post ugly things about you here on GMG.com...what could be better than that????
    1 point
  7. Mean. Very mean. My shoulder slump almost hit the floor when I saw this posted.
    1 point
  8. sign up people!!! it's a good time and you certainly don't have to be an athlete to play!!! you just need to enjoy football, beer, and good times!!!!
    1 point
  9. I think Tune starts against Clemson, then sets numerous school passing records the following week against Army... Thompson will then start the rest of the season.
    1 point
  10. Double the size of the current one? Not bad! They should move the current video board into the basketball arena.
    1 point
  11. Didn't see any. However, I will say this offense seems to be much more effecient in short yardage situations and in the red zone. The 'under center' stuff is way over-done on this board. If you were out there yesterday, you saw that in short yardage there'd be at least 1 TE and mostly 2 TE's, a FB who went in motion, a RB who started 2 yards behind the QB (not pistol, but close) and they ran the simple "iso" or "lead" play off guard or tackle which worked well. It's not a lot different than being under center in an I formation. It is certainly different than Todd Ford's version of the 'short yardage' offense, and seems to be a lot more effecient.
    1 point
  12. I heard an administration "person" indicate that it WAS NOT the authorization of an assassination, but rather the authorization of a "TARGETED KILLING". Gee, that sounds pretty much like an assassination to me. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck...I would think it's pretty much a duck. Anyone wonder what the media would have done to Bush had he authorized this and then tried to say it was not the authorization of an assassination? While I tend to think this guy needs to be "eliminated", and will probably shed no tears when he is no longer with us, I think this pretty much falls in line with the sort of thing all the libs and dems were so "fired up" about with the Bush Administration. But, since it was authorized by the Obama Administration, I guess the deed gets a pass from the media. Nice! Just another indication that actually having to lead is a whole bunch different than being out on the campaign trail promising "stuff" to all comers just to get elected. So, this is the "change" we can believe in........this is pretty interesting stuff...no matter which side of the aisle you favor.
    1 point
  13. ONLY 18,000?!?!?! THEY NEED 20,000!!!!
    0 points
  14. Do you know what "getting one's goat" is? If you learn one thing from our bantering I hope it is that!
    0 points
  15. And, as I expected and right on cue! You always seem to be so smug in your typical response, but you never realize it when the game is being played against you! Too funny. It's just that I have missed you so lately. It was time to "draw you out" and see how "touchy" you were going to be today.
    0 points
  16. Figures that the PR Department would put the schedule news release on a refrigerator magnet. Most news desks stopped using magnet releases decades ago, especially with the internet being so prominent. Man, you had your mortal enemy (marketing and promotions) right in your cross-hairs on this one and you whiffed terribly with a shot at public relations. I expected more...well actually I expected about this level of quality, but in a longer, more ellipse-filled, rambling, quotation mark-dotted form.
    0 points
  17. In political terms "radical" does mean left..."reactionary" would mean right. I'll look forard to reading the article. Should be an interesting read...perhaps leaning one way?
    0 points
  18. As long as they are road games. No mid-week home games, please.
    0 points
  19. Shame it had to be scheduled against Sunday at the Masters. Silly AD.
    -1 points
  20. It is a game, but it's not much fun whipping the tether ball up the pole while Rocky Dennis touches himself in the corner. Smug or not, do you know what PR is? If you learn only one thing from our bantering, I'd like for it to be that.
    -1 points
  21. -2 points

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