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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/2010 in all areas

  1. Patience. Some times these things wind up working themselves out in the long run. .
    4 points
  2. Every quarterback needs an unbiased friend on a message board. That support is usually very important to coaches and other players.
    3 points
  3. The guy showed flashes of what could be in the future. At least, those were my thoughts on Riley. The potential is there, the body isn't. Based on what he did just last season, I don't think we'll see a huge dropoff at the QB play this year. If he were healthy, we may have seen a huge improvement, who knows? At any rate, I'm hoping someone steps up.
    2 points
  4. I am confident that the PPG given up by the defense will continue to improve in 2010, both for the reasons that The Fake offers and because the offensive improvement that we anticipate will result in reduced turnovers and increased time of possession. Hopefully that translates into more offensive points scored, fewer defensive points allowed and more wins for the good guys. GMG
    2 points
  5. I tend to agree. You've got to factor in how inexperienced the O-line was with Vizza as well. For as much pressure as that kid was under, he did a heck of a job. He also had nothing in the way for real, experienced receivers form the onset. Then...there was the coaching on both sides of the ball back then. Awful. It would have been interesting to see Vizza as a senior working with Canales offense behind an experienced O-line and with veteran receivers. I'm eager to watch Tune and Thompson, though. I think Vizza was a better scrambler than either of them. But, as you may have guessed from my post prior posts, I'm not completely enamored of scrambling quarterbacks. It's a useful tool to have in your belt, but you don't want it to be the main tool for the job. To me, scrambling is like the nail setter - useful when you need it, just sitting down in the pouch when you don't.
    2 points
  6. 8 of these points may be correct, but he definitely is hungry. I see him eating at Bruce all the time.
    2 points
  7. He didn't quit, he's graduating. He anti-quit, and now he's going elsewhere because he's got more not-quitting in him. You'll be missed, Collin.
    2 points
  8. Rumor is the return of green helmets to open the stadium. GMG!
    2 points
  9. Collin, you are a class act and one of the hardest workers I ever saw. Best of luck to you in your law pursuits and don't be a stranger. You'll be missed.
    2 points
  10. Eye uh gree. The offense was horribly predictable over the past three seasons. Folks complained about Dickey's last two teams having predictable offenses. But, the past three seasons have taught us that you can have an overly predictable passing game as well. That is all gone. It's like I've awakened in some sort of strange dream land since Christmas: -All assistant coaches are now 100% from the college ranks -We're one year into having a full time strength and conditioning guy for the football team -Todd Dodge has relaxed and handed the keys of the car to Chico Canales -We're going to have tall guys with strong arms at QB -We're going to have motion, tight ends, fullbacks, and snaps from under center -We're going to have depth along the lines -We're going to have Riley in a position to use his speed without getting killed -We're going to have GREEN HELMETS again! -And, we're going to have a new stadium in 2011. Man, I was depressed, literally, when the season ended and Coach Dodge announced no changes. I took my little family up to my other alma mater and watched them dismantle Oklahoma State on the basketball court. The next day, I wrote them a check. I wrote a horribly depressing piece about it and posted in on my miserable little site. Then, things began to change. Coaches began to mysteriously get jobs in other places. Other coaches were out of jobs due to their head coaches unexpectedly being fired or hired in other places. Suddenly, we had real coaches on board! Then, we signed alot of good depth for the future. Then, we learned of the green helmets. Then, Riley and Todd decided to move him to a position that I've argued for the better part of three years that he should be playing in order to give himself a shot at real college stardom and the NFL. The only thing I haven't seen is Riley returning punts and kickoffs. If that happens, I'll begin to wonder if Rick Villareal or the Football Fairy isn't sleeping under my bed at night and catching my dreams like so many Drew Pearson-like Hail Mary hauls. I know this one thing. My attidue is now 164% different. And, I'm pledging now that, even in this piss poor economy which is daily being wrecked by Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barack Obama, and Barney the Dinosaur, I will tithe the proceed of every tenth sale I make to the UNT athletic department. I'm even going to dust off my old FTC Do Not Call number and start cold calling people to drum up new sales directly. I now seriously see this thing taking flight with a trajectory none of us could have ever imagined - least of all after Arkansas State had just pissed in our Thankgiving turkey. And, I want to be at the tippy top forefront of it, riding on a wave of perplexing Mean Green insanity! You will rue the day, you damn RedWolves, that you permanently turned Riley from quarterback to receiver! And, the rest of the Sun Belt will rue it as well. Your Interception-Return-Stiff-Arm-of-Death will be your curse for the next three seasons as Riley weaves his way through your secondary like a new born Galloping Ghost and farts victory all over your heathen ashes on the way to the end zone! Time after time after time. I haven't been this giddy since 1980 when I went to see Flash Gordon in the movie theater at Richardson Square Mall and my eyes beheld that Italian actress wearing her tight red thingy and straddling our hero as he tried to guide the secret escape craft to the secret moon of pleasure. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vg1pfksRRF0&feature=related
    2 points
  11. It's a lot easier to go from giving up 46 PPG top 36PPG (I really don't consider this a success, especially considering UNT gave up an average of 20 PPG for the 1st two games of the season) than it is easier to go from 36 PPG to 26PPG. It scares me that the d-line, specifically d-tackle, received very little QUALITY help in this past recruiting class. I wouldn't be surprised if UNT gave up over 30 a game again this year. No real discussion about special teams on here yet this spring. The basic need to be able to kick a freaking extra point is something that is still HIGHLY concerning for this team. You can blame it on the departed kicker all you want, but the fact remains that opposing teams were able to block kicks anytime that they decided to bring a rush last year (that includes punts, which you can hardly blame on the field goal kicker). I know it's Spring and optimism is running rampant, but these are basic problems that will need to be addressed if this team hopes to win even 3 games this year. Fire away.
    1 point
  12. As if he rode scrappy off into the sunset
    1 point
  13. Is there such thing as an APR BOOST?
    1 point
  14. I don't think the issue here will be a "dropoff" in QB play. The amount of improvement is where the issue lies. With Riley returning at QB, who knows what a full year of experience would've done and what could've happened this year? We'll never know.
    1 point
  15. HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  16. They said somewhere in that long thing you posted that DeLoach was shuffling alot of people in and out of there. He's got more people to replace - and more important ones - than on the offensive side of the ball. I'm not worried that he's trying different LB combos and such out. We improved 11-12 points per game last year. I'm betting that after all the tickering around now, we'll see the cream rise to the top by the end of fall practice. He's got to find the players now, so he'll shuffle and it'll look ugly. I'd be more concerned if the defense was stuffing the offense at this point. Remember also, that alot of what they do in practice is situational. DeLoach can get in a film room and make corrections. The upside is that DeLoach & Co. have now seen everyone - new JUCOs, redshirts, etc. - and sees where they need work. There there are big spots to fill that were left by departing players. DeLoach will get the ones in there who can do it. Everyone else will stand on the sideline and wave to their girlfriends and parents.
    1 point
  17. Well theres some good news.
    1 point
  18. I think once Chris Babb AND J'Misson Morgan sign, we need to rename them "Collin Mangrum" and "Collin Mangrum, Part Deux."
    1 point
  19. Solid start for the UNT-D Jags.
    1 point
  20. He comes out of hibernation to issue a joke 16 years in the making?
    1 point
  21. ...some things that aren't being considered here. 1. Riley is still here. He IS capable of playing as QB in a pinch. ...so he IS the 3rd string/emergency QB, no need to bring in another. 2. He can still be used as a running threat at QB. Picture the play where he's lined up as a RB next to the QB. Who's gonna get the snap? He only has to throw out of that formation once in a while to keep the other side honest. I fully support whatever is best for his health, and if he can't make it through a season, the team is better off with a QB who can. Let Tune and Thompson battle until the first game for the starting slot and then hopefully they both can get some time this season.
    1 point
  22. This isn't a big deal. Many of us said from Day One that he didn't have the body to take the hits at QB at this level. It's not good that we had to be proven right; but, it happened. Now, we can see him at a position where he can really help the team. I still want to see him get a shot at returning kickoffs and punts. As a receiver, I think he has the shiftiness to be like former OU/current Baltimore Raven WR Mark Clayton. Stature-wise, they are almost identical. Their slashing running styles in the open field are identical. It will be exciting to see how he develops under coach Hines. To me, this more than makes up for the off-season loss of William Cole...who, again, was about the same size as Riley. 2010 is going to be a great season. We'll have strong-armed quarterbacks throwing to fleet-footed receivers. And, when opponents drop that safety out of the box or pull backers to go nickel and dime, we'll be hitting them with Lance Dunbar through an experienced OL. The only question still remaining is where to display the 2010 Sun Belt championship in the new stadium...and, whether we'll have enough money to keep Todd Dodge and Chico Canales around for 2011 and beyond.
    1 point
  23. I REALLY should be getting paid for this crap.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. I read on facebook that Collin Mangrum is graduating this year and going to grad school elsewhere next year. Could this be an extra scholarship for us?
    1 point
  26. Every college basketball team deserves a banner.
    1 point
  27. I don't know. I'm excited to have a new way to devalue whatever the team accomplishes next year.
    1 point
  28. Careful. People have been banned for much less.
    1 point
  29. A college sports message board?
    1 point
  30. I personally love the updates...but I obsess over basketball more than most. In Cooley's defense...aside from Bobo being the son(?, nephew?) of a former UNT ballplayer...IMO these are the type of kids we SHOULD be going after...ask Papa Todd if he thinks any DFW kid is beyond his reach and I promise you the answer is no. I think JJ has done a great job this year...Dez, Tristan, Adam, George and Josh (I'll reserve my opinion on the Hodges signing until I see him play) but there is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much basketball talent in the DFW area that JJ rarely seems to target...let alone get interested in our program...atleast as freshmen. We lost a legit PF from Arlington this year to FAU (Brett Royster)...in the past: the Langford brothers out of North Crowley...the Bryan Hopkins (brother of Leonard) to F'ING SMU...Acie Law IV to a very bad A&M program...these are all local products who we should've been very highly competative in their recruiting. Now there's Morgan and Nolan Dennis...two players with UNT ties and yet the concensus seems to be they're out of our reach...and that frusterates the hell out of me. It only takes one or two of these kids to get our program to a Butler, Gonzaga or Wichita St. level. Its all about attitude.
    1 point
  31. I would have made a change after last season. I don't disagree with you, I just don't see this AD removing a coach that wins 6 games, double what he did in the 3 previous (assuming they win 6). Hope you are right, because the chances of him turning this around are so small at this point....However, it will be mute point....I don't see them winning 6. I don't care about the Spring game though.
    0 points
  32. You remove a 6-6 coach BECAUSE of what you've seen the previous three years. The gradual evolution of removing HS coaches, tweaking the offense, hiring qualified assistants, etc etc isn't to me a sign of growth but rather desperation moves as the "formula" failed. If these changes were made wholesale between years 1 and 2...or even 2 and 3 then I could see where we could point to this as a program that is learning/growing. As it is, this is a gift year and is absolutely make or break. Any more leniency and you're not being fair to your investors.
    0 points
  33. I was really really really hoping it wouldn't come to this.... We don't need quitters.
    0 points
  34. I think there should be a permanent signed placed in the super pit that says "Put in Collin Mangrum...it's over".
    0 points
  35. I think Collin should at the very least mentioned or recognized on senior night '11
    0 points
  36. Oh, you and I might call it a Constitutional Convention but the left biased national media will call it a Tea-bagging, hate-citing group no doubt. Rick
    -1 points
  37. Timeline Of Major Provisions In The Democrats’ Health Care Package I highlighted parts that stood out at me. Basically, don't get old. Rick
    -1 points
  38. The Washington Times: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/mar/26/cbos-2020-vision-debt-will-rise-to-90-of-gdp/ Rick
    -1 points
  39. Collin will be missed, the team just lost a very good player.
    -1 points
  40. Haha, not a friend, but thats good. That support is based on watching the former QB always throw a pic at the most critical junction in the game, but heck, if you want to hang on to those memories, be my guest. Either way it goes, Tune or one of the younger guys, at least we will have a QB that can see over the line!
    -1 points
  41. You are right, but you had better be careful calling out the defense. We can blast Dodge and the offense all day long, but people will defend Deloach's worst in the country defense to the death.
    -1 points
  42. Forgive me for posting this....but for those of you who didn't see....our defense got hammered yesterday in the scrimmage. Below is the chat trascript of the matchup. Key standouts (IMO) are both Baine on the run as a QB...and DT's lethal arm. Tune had his moments as well....either way...the defense took way too long to adjust to the style of offense that they play next to every day. I for one am scared and hope to God that Gary gets his side of the house in order before we get into another drought of a season. The Scrimmage Ryan Kasmiersky: Sorry for the delay everyone, we were having a bit of an issue with the internet, but we are live from Fouts Field now! Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:38 Ryan Kasmiersky 4:39 [Comment From Bouldin Bouldin : ] Is it the internet, or is it Fouts? Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:39 Bouldin 4:39 Ryan Kasmiersky: Good Question. We'll say that one is TBA Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:39 Ryan Kasmiersky 4:41 Ryan Kasmiersky: Coach Dodge has the team huddled up and ready to get things underway. Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:41 Ryan Kasmiersky 4:41 Ryan Kasmiersky: Special Teams now underway. Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:41 Ryan Kasmiersky 4:41 [Comment From NT71 NT71 : ] Who is QB in scrimmage today? Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:41 NT71 4:42 Ryan Kasmiersky: Well there is five of them... Nathan Tune, Derek Thompson and Chase Baine are the three main guys at moment. Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:42 Ryan Kasmiersky 4:42 [Comment From Glenn Glenn : ] What color of jersery is #11 wearing? Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:42 Glenn 4:42 Ryan Kasmiersky: White... Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:42 Ryan Kasmiersky 4:44 [Comment From Glenn Glenn : ] Is there an admission charge for the game on Sunday? Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:44 Glenn 4:44 Ryan Kasmiersky: There is not, so come out and support!! And stop by tennis on the way over! Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:44 Ryan Kasmiersky 4:44 [Comment From Drew Drew : ] wheres the rest of your crew today? Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:44 Drew 4:44 Steven B: finally, what did I miss Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:44 Steven B 4:44 Ryan Kasmiersky: They are on the way on, internet is being a bit spotty, but should be on shortly Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:44 Ryan Kasmiersky 4:45 Steven B: where are we ryan, special teams work underway Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:45 Steven B 4:45 [Comment From NT71 NT71 : ] What are the strengths of the 3 main guys at QB? Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:45 NT71 4:46 Steven B: Tune- verteran, expereinced, not the greatest arm, but can throw it deep Thompson- Fearless, young, amazing arm, big, strong, and can run Baine- can run the option Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:46 Steven B 4:46 [Comment From Drew Drew : ] Dee are you here yet? Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:46 Drew 4:46 Steven B: special teams work over, a quick pep talk from Coach dodge and we will be underway. 105 plays today for the scrimmage Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:46 Steven B 4:46 [Comment From JH JH : ] Who, in your opinion, is the drivers seat for QB at this time ? Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:46 JH 4:46 [Comment From Greg Greg : ] Do you think they will use Dodge in any wildcat formations this year? Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:46 Greg 4:47 Ryan Kasmiersky: Right now, I would say that Nathan is in the driver seat just because of the experience. Don't exactly rule out Derek Thompson, the kid can flat out play and, in my opinion, is the best option down the road. Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:47 Ryan Kasmiersky 4:48 [Comment From All About UNT All About UNT : ] Then Steven...I think we know where the best option for us lies Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:48 All About UNT 4:48 Steven B: In racing speak, I'd say Tune has about a 5 second lead over Thompson, and Baine is a lap down Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:48 Steven B 4:48 Ryan Kasmiersky: Who is that All About UNT? Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:48 Ryan Kasmiersky 4:50 Ryan Kasmiersky: Lance Dunbar just breaks a 65 yard TD run on the first play of the scrimmage. WOW. Doesn't look like he has lost a step. Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:50 Ryan Kasmiersky 4:50 [Comment From All About UNT All About UNT : ] lets be real guys...giving Nathan the reins with him only here one more year is not as attractive as getting 3 years out of Derek. Watch Derek's video...the kid can play and I am hearing nothing but solid reports of his ability on the field and in the locker room to lead Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:50 All About UNT 4:50 Steven B: don't get me started on the option today everyone, Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:50 Steven B 4:51 Steven B: disagree with you, this coaching staff might not be here in three years, they need to win now and putting your faith in the hands of an inexpereinced guy sounds risky.....that's all i'm saying Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:51 Steven B 4:51 Stephen Howard: Dunbar looked as fresh as could be on that scamper. He took a handoff around the right end and got a great block Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:51 Stephen Howard 4:51 [Comment From NT71 NT71 : ] How many receivers do we have and how is Coach C using them? Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:51 NT71 4:51 Steven B: i'd say about 12-14, on the roster just by eyeballing it, but yes, i think alot will be used. Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:51 Steven B 4:52 Steven B: second series underway with tune still at qb Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:52 Steven B 4:52 [Comment From All About UNT All About UNT : ] and looks like our defense is still letting them through! Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:52 All About UNT 4:52 Steven B: yes Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:52 Steven B 4:52 Stephen Howard: Tune to Lewis on the right sideline for 15 yards ... Nice zip on the ball from Tune Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:52 Stephen Howard 4:52 Steven B: dunbar slowed down on that next play by AK busting through the line Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:52 Steven B 4:53 Steven B: second down and long Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:53 Steven B 4:53 [Comment From All About UNT All About UNT : ] well Nathan was 5 TDs for 2 INTs last year....higher QB rating than Riley on games played....he might be a great option and your point is well taken Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:53 All About UNT 4:54 Stephen Howard: Chris Neal with a nice break up on that pass. He met Bennie Jones on a comeback route, and jarred the ball loose. He will make some waves at DB this year. Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:54 Stephen Howard 4:54 Steven B: j phillips busting up a screen pass on third and long, nice looking read by the youngster to end the drive. Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:54 Steven B 4:54 [Comment From James James : ] do you think we will lose Dunbar to the NFL for the 2011 season? Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:54 James 4:54 Steven B: negative Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:54 Steven B 4:54 Ryan Kasmiersky: I would have to say no as well... Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:54 Ryan Kasmiersky 4:54 Steven B: alright everyone, thompson is up at QB running with the 2's Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:54 Steven B 4:55 Steven B: wow, what a start, 70-yard touchdown pass to breece johnson.....it won't always be that easy son! Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:55 Steven B 4:55 Steven B: great looking throw by thompson, the defender fell down on the far sideline, and it was off to the races for johnson Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:55 Steven B 4:55 Ryan Kasmiersky: The old act like you're under thrown and move at the last second and score play.. Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:55 Ryan Kasmiersky 4:55 [Comment From NT71 NT71 : ] Steve B what I meant by using them (recievers) is blocking, short routes to pick off Lbs, etc Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:55 NT71 4:56 Stephen Howard: If we are playing Troy, Alabama, Clemson, Middle Tennessee, Florida or any of the other teams we are going to face in the next few years, that pass gets picked off and run 70 yards the other way. Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:56 Stephen Howard 4:56 Steven B: oh yes, his formations and sets are pretty interesting to look at Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:56 Steven B 4:56 [Comment From All About UNT All About UNT : ] see....I told ya Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:56 All About UNT 4:56 [Comment From JH JH : ] Pass ? Deep or pass & run ? Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:56 JH 4:56 Steven B: very true, but hey at least he has some confidence early! Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:56 Steven B 4:56 Stephen Howard: That ball hung in the air and the DB didn't even look like he was paying attention Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:56 Stephen Howard 4:57 Steven B: thompson to dodge.....a connection over the middle for 5 Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:57 Steven B 4:57 Steven B: could dodge take more punishment going over the middle as a WR than playing QB? Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:57 Steven B 4:58 Steven B: thompson going deep for dodge, no flag for whatever reason, as the falls short and incomplete. Series over, and its onto the 3's. Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:58 Steven B 4:58 [Comment From Greg Greg : ] How many yards rushing do you see from Dunbar this year? Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:58 Greg 4:58 Stephen Howard: I'm guess that the refs don't have flags today, because Riley was man handled on that deep play from Thompson. Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:58 Stephen Howard 4:58 Steven B: depends on the QB situation, if its good, 14-1500, if its a shaky, 11-1200 yards Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:58 Steven B 4:59 Steven B: d-lo can't be happy.....james hamilton rips off a 70-yard run for a TD on the first series for the second team again, 3's not up yet. Tuesday April 6, 2010 4:59 Steven B 5:00 Stephen Howard: We are seeing a theme today, aren't we boys? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:00 Stephen Howard 5:00 Ryan Kasmiersky: Three straight jobs with first play touchdowns. I'd say so Stephen. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:00 Ryan Kasmiersky 5:00 Steven B: hamilton showed a great burst going up the middle and then turning around Ryan Downing in the open field for the td Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:00 Steven B 5:00 Steven B: the theme is the defense needs alot of work right now Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:00 Steven B 5:00 [Comment From Concenred citizen Concenred citizen : ] Mr. Howard, You said "Ball hung in the air". Would you like to clarify that statement? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:00 Concenred citizen 5:01 Stephen Howard: No need to be "Concenred" ... Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:01 Stephen Howard 5:01 Steven B: 3rd and short coming up, TE situation with Fitzpatrick lined up Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:01 Steven B 5:01 Steven B: ahhh that's what thompson can do, a little QB keeper over the edge and he barrels forward for 8 yards. nice looking run by the big fella Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:01 Steven B 5:01 [Comment From NT71 NT71 : ] What has happened to the D? I thought they were a couple of players away from being able to stop other folks. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:01 NT71 5:02 Ryan Kasmiersky: He is deceptively shifty for a big guy. Can move well when he needs to. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:02 Ryan Kasmiersky 5:02 Stephen Howard: Moving on to the next series ... Chase Baine lining up at QB Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:02 Stephen Howard 5:02 Steven B: not sure, i think they are still trying to work some guys into the mix, but its still a big work in progress. Can't be for too much longer though Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:02 Steven B 5:02 [Comment From All About UNT All About UNT : ] I am gonna not think about the D and think that the O is just getting to be awesome Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:02 All About UNT 5:03 Steven B: add special teams to that as well..... Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:03 Steven B 5:03 Ryan Kasmiersky: Offensive line is just setting the tone so far... getting at least four yards of push on their counterparts. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:03 Ryan Kasmiersky 5:03 Steven B: man, tevin cantly has fallen all the way down to the 3's on the d-line, kinda of suprising after the fall camp he turned in last year Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:03 Steven B 5:04 [Comment From Drew Drew : ] I picture Thompson as more of a Tebow like runner compared to Riley Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:04 Drew 5:04 [Comment From dee dee : ] hello everyone Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:04 dee 5:04 Steven B: great comparison, Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:04 Steven B 5:04 [Comment From Drew Drew : ] How was Tyler Statford(sp?) looked thus far in Spring? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:04 Drew 5:05 Stephen Howard: Drew, I think you'll see more runs up the middle than Riley has taken ... He loved to run off tackle Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:05 Stephen Howard 5:05 Steven B: hit and miss, but his speed is amazing. He occasionally will go "alligator arms" on you, but he will be able to stretch the field Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:05 Steven B 5:05 [Comment From Drew Drew : ] Welcome Dee! Darius got a little banged up earlier in the spring, how is he heath wise? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:05 Drew 5:05 [Comment From All About UNT All About UNT : ] besides Tyler...any word on our JUCO transfers and how they are holding up? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:05 All About UNT 5:06 Steven B: well one got smoked by Hamilton and the other got pancaked on the dunbar run if that's any indication. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:06 Steven B 5:06 [Comment From JH JH : ] Hello Dee........... Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:06 JH 5:06 Steven B: 2's back out there right now, thompson running the show Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:06 Steven B 5:07 Ryan Kasmiersky: Correction these are the one's Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:07 Ryan Kasmiersky 5:07 Steven B: pardon me, this is the one's, and the No. 2 QB???? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:07 Steven B 5:07 [Comment From dee dee : ] he's good to go.nothing serious Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:07 dee 5:07 Ryan Kasmiersky: I think we are truly seeing an open competition at QB, which makes both of them better most of the time. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:07 Ryan Kasmiersky 5:07 Steven B: he's still wearing a red jersey though, and I'm giving him a hard time about that Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:07 Steven B 5:08 Stephen Howard: Sweet hit by D'Leon McCord in the backfield ... The corner worked around his block and laid the lumber to Breece on a pass in the right flat ... Solid stick from the junior Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:08 Stephen Howard 5:08 [Comment From All About UNT All About UNT : ] That first play for a 70 yd TD must have changed things Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:08 All About UNT 5:08 Steven B: AK breaks through and brings Thompson down, well touches him, in the open field for a sack, D-line with some more heat lately Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:08 Steven B 5:08 Ryan Kasmiersky: Which one? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:08 Ryan Kasmiersky 5:08 [Comment From NT71 NT71 : ] who are the O linemen and D linemen? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:08 NT71 5:09 [Comment From dee dee : ] just a color of caution for now, he told me Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:09 dee 5:09 Stephen Howard: Another example of Thompson running up the middle ... This time improv ... No one was open so the sophomore pulled it down and ran for 10 yards between the tackles Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:09 Stephen Howard 5:09 Steven B: its a mix and match right now wiht some guys out with injury, JJ, Coleman, Tomlinson, Noble, Franklin, Fortenberry are all seeing time Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:09 Steven B 5:09 Steven B: don't remind me he's a sophomore Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:09 Steven B 5:10 Ryan Kasmiersky: Victor Gill is out for the spring, so expect him to be in the starting mix come fall Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:10 Ryan Kasmiersky 5:10 [Comment From JH JH : ] at 6'4, 228 thompson must be a load to bring down. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:10 JH 5:10 Steven B: i think he's bigger than that right now, but we will see in august for the official weigh-in Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:10 Steven B 5:10 Stephen Howard: Dunbar once again gone for 75 yards ... No one was within 20 yards of the Haltom Buffalo so he jogged it into the endzone ... Big hitting plays continue! Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:10 Stephen Howard 5:11 Steven B: are you guys encouraged by the offense? Or frieghtend by the defense? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:11 Steven B 5:11 Steven B: 1st-team back out there, with DT at QB Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:11 Steven B 5:11 [Comment From Tony D. Tony D. : ] Why is Riley playing slot reciever? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:11 Tony D. 5:11 Steven B: too small for the outside Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:11 Steven B 5:11 [Comment From NT71 NT71 : ] What is DeLo doing after all this scoring? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:11 NT71 5:12 Steven B: looking for weaponary Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:12 Steven B 5:12 [Comment From Drew Drew : ] How has the youngster from Copperas Cove looked? Braylin Byrd? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:12 Drew 5:12 Ryan Kasmiersky: Haven't seen yet, but will be looking next time for sure. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:12 Ryan Kasmiersky 5:12 Stephen Howard: The offense is getting good stuff from it's key guys - Dunbar & Co. - but the defense is seeing the same problem today - bad tackling ... There is no reason for 4 plays of over 60 yards in this short of time Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:12 Stephen Howard 5:12 Steven B: i 've love what I've seen outta Byrd, fantastic athlete and very, very fast. He's got a great future. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:12 Steven B 5:12 [Comment From JH JH : ] frightened by the defense Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:12 JH 5:13 [Comment From Drew Drew : ] Coach C has to love what he's seeing from the running game. DeLoach on the other hand....... Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:13 Drew 5:13 [Comment From Greg Greg : ] Encouraged by the offense if we score more points then our opponents we win Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:13 Greg 5:13 [Comment From Mo Green Mo Green : ] How does Tomlinson look on the corner, can he be any help in the fall? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:13 Mo Green 5:13 Ryan Kasmiersky: Good call Greg... helps if we can stop people from scoring though too. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:13 Ryan Kasmiersky 5:13 Steven B: bigger and alot more comforatable right now at the OL spot than the past. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:13 Steven B 5:13 [Comment From All About UNT All About UNT : ] Steven...going back to the Tune/Thompson comparison....we need a QB who can run...Derek shows the ability to do it...and Tune doesn't. How does this factor in? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:13 All About UNT 5:13 [Comment From dee dee : ] do u think darius is going to do anything today Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:13 dee 5:14 Ryan Kasmiersky: Dee... He's in the red jersey, but I wouldn't expect too much out of him for caution... Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:14 Ryan Kasmiersky 5:14 Stephen Howard: Butler University nearly won the national basketball championship last night, but Butler CC just supplied a nice stop on that play. Forlando Johnson, our newest linebacker, made a solid stop on a screen pass before it could even get going. He broke the play down and made a solid stick. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:14 Stephen Howard 5:15 Steven B: not the deciding factor in my opinion though. How many games did riley win or lose for us last year with his legs? Or for that matter ever since Coach Dodge has been here? It's an added dimension that I think is important, but not a deal-breaker or maker Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:15 Steven B 5:15 [Comment From Lee Lee : ] Guys, I think you may have misunderstood Tony's question. He may have been wondering why Riley is not at QB. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:15 Lee 5:15 [Comment From dee dee : ] okay thanks, oh and by the way we will be having beignet's and coffee sunday for spring game.see u there? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:15 dee 5:16 Steven B: oh yes please, where can we find you. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:16 Steven B 5:16 Ryan Kasmiersky: Are you kidding Dee? I'll be looking for you intently. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:16 Ryan Kasmiersky 5:16 [Comment From Drew Drew : ] What are you guys seeing out of the LB competition? There are alot of guys fighting for only 3 spots. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:16 Drew 5:16 Steven B: alot of competition like you said. I think Forlando Johnson is the best bet to break into that rotation in the fall Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:16 Steven B 5:16 [Comment From dee dee : ] red tent Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:16 dee 5:16 Stephen Howard: Nathan Tune with the block 30 yards downfield to spring Hamilton for another 50+ yard touchdown ... This defense is getting shredded Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:16 Stephen Howard 5:16 Steven B: dunbar about 55 yards a carry right now. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:16 Steven B 5:17 Steven B: i'm not lying either Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:17 Steven B 5:17 Steven B: tune back in with a mix of 1st and 2nd teamers Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:17 Steven B 5:18 Stephen Howard: We are getting to see alot of good 40-yard dashes out of our linebackers today. Unfortunately its trying to catch up to the running back as he enters the endzone Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:18 Stephen Howard 5:18 [Comment From Drew Drew : ] hamilton or dunbar on that run? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:18 Drew 5:18 Stephen Howard: They look really fast though Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:18 Stephen Howard 5:18 Ryan Kasmiersky: that last one was Hamilton. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:18 Ryan Kasmiersky 5:18 Steven B: i'm kinda intersted in seeing how the new DB's do here today as well, Hilbert Jackson is locked in a good battle with D'Leon McCord for the starting spot opposite Hill Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:18 Steven B 5:18 [Comment From JH JH : ] defense is very discouraging. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:18 JH 5:19 Steven B: agreed, i was worried coming in, i'm petrified at the moment. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:19 Steven B 5:19 [Comment From gangrene gangrene : ] 5 TDs of 50+ yards?? that's a scary defense - are they playing or standing on the sidelines? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:19 gangrene 5:19 [Comment From Drew Drew : ] Is this a sign of how much we might miss Tobe? He was someone who could clog up the middle against the run. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:19 Drew 5:19 Steven B: a little of both, but d-lo has been mixing and matching a bit, but right now, honestly the D is getting whipped. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:19 Steven B 5:20 Steven B: a little break time right now, both sides huddling up.....woudn't want to be on the green side right now. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:20 Steven B 5:20 Stephen Howard: Tobe was huge for this defense over the last few years, but the team played without him for a while last year. That really shouldn't be the issue Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:20 Stephen Howard 5:20 [Comment From Drew Drew : ] who is running 1st team D as far as the LB's? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:20 Drew 5:20 Steven B: offense with the 3's back out, Baine at QB Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:20 Steven B 5:20 Steven B: Phillips, Penson, and Robertson Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:20 Steven B 5:20 Ryan Kasmiersky: Craig Robertson, Jeremy Philips and AJ Penson Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:20 Ryan Kasmiersky 5:21 [Comment From NT71 NT71 : ] That is an understatement about the D Steven B Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:21 NT71 5:21 [Comment From JH JH : ] can't beleive our defensive players are this bad. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:21 JH 5:21 Steven B: hmmmm, i like this wrinkle by Canales, even with the third-teamers, he puts a RB on the edge, brings him in motion, sets in the backfield, and has the option of running or passing. nice change of pace. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:21 Steven B 5:22 [Comment From gangrene gangrene : ] is kyle white playing any? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:22 gangrene 5:22 Steven B: yep, out there right now Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:22 Steven B 5:22 Stephen Howard: Interesting look from Canales & Co. ... Matt Ponce lines up in the left flat and goes in motion to the backfield ... Some times he gets the handoff and some times he doesn't ... It certainly presents an interesting look for this offense Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:22 Stephen Howard 5:22 Steven B: Chase Baine busting out for a big-gainer on the QB keeper, goes for about 50-yards on the right side. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:22 Steven B 5:23 [Comment From Drew Drew : ] huge Kyle White fan. Actually I think I'm just a fan of the NOLA boys Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:23 Drew 5:23 Steven B: me too Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:23 Steven B 5:23 Stephen Howard: So, Chaise Baine looks to be the best running option at QB ... He just scorched the entire defense through a hole 20 yards downfield ... Wow Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:23 Stephen Howard 5:23 [Comment From J J : ] Any new formations? undercenter stuff? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:23 J 5:23 Steven B: not yet, but I have noticed one new wrinkle, no looking to the sidelines after getting to the line Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:23 Steven B 5:24 Stephen Howard: That is a change that fans will like this year Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:24 Stephen Howard 5:24 Steven B: series for the 3's is over, first team back out with Tune and Dunbar Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:24 Steven B 5:24 Steven B: correction, that's hamilton not dunbar Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:24 Steven B 5:24 [Comment From Drew Drew : ] I like what Canales is bringing in as far as his sets and motion. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:24 Drew 5:24 [Comment From Drew Drew : ] I know the O-line is going to be strongest area of the team this season. We have experience and depth. Hopefully what we're seeing in the running game thus far is a sign of that. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:24 Drew 5:25 Steven B: i would agree, and keep in mind a few of the anchors, Drake and Sanitago are out right now Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:25 Steven B 5:25 Steven B: 3rd and really long now for the offense and two stops Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:25 Steven B 5:25 [Comment From meantothegreen meantothegreen : ] HEY STEVE you got give Baine some credit...the dude got some wheels !!! Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:25 meantothegreen 5:25 [Comment From Drew Drew : ] I'm very excited to see what Hamilton has done so far this Spring. He is a sophmore correct? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:25 Drew 5:25 Stephen Howard: I like that there is often motion at the line of scrimmage and that he mixes in a ton of counter runs ... An example right there from Hamilton yields a couple of yards Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:25 Stephen Howard 5:26 Steven B: i certainly will, like I said, best option QB in the Sun Belt Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:26 Steven B 5:26 [Comment From NT71 NT71 : ] With all the motion do you think that it is confusing the D? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:26 NT71 5:26 Steven B: better not be, they see this everyday Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:26 Steven B 5:26 [Comment From J J : ] watching usf last year there will still probably be look-backs in the games. It is a scrimmage so they are probably just looking to run the plays and not so much of seeing what the D is doing. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:26 J 5:27 Steven B: 2nd team/1st team back out there again, tune at QB Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:27 Steven B 5:27 [Comment From NT71 NT71 : ] then why are they not making the tackles? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:27 NT71 5:27 Steven B: i wish I knew, but they just aren't making the plays right now Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:27 Steven B 5:28 Steven B: whoa, the first flag of the day and Coach Canales went absoluty balistic.....didn't like something there. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:28 Steven B 5:28 [Comment From Lee Lee : ] Drew, Hamilton will be a junior this next season. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:28 Lee 5:28 Stephen Howard: Jeremy Phillips got into the backfield and broke up a screen pass from Tune to Johnson ... Nice play from Phillips using his nose for the ball Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:28 Stephen Howard 5:28 [Comment From JH JH : ] I'm a big DeLoach fan, but at some point we've got to start questioning the defensive coaching. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:28 JH 5:29 Stephen Howard: I think it's interesting that Canales is on the field ... Don't see that too much from an offensive coordinator Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:29 Stephen Howard 5:29 Steven B: okay, the first play made by the defense today, well maybe not the first, but in a long time. Robertson comes over the top and knocks a pass away to end the drive. 2 straight stops for the d. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:29 Steven B 5:29 Steven B: i bet he is in the box at Clemson Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:29 Steven B 5:29 [Comment From ryan ryan : ] So with Riley working at reciever who looks like the main quarterback for now? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:29 ryan 5:29 [Comment From gangrene gangrene : ] is it a case of overpursuing and being out of position? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:29 gangrene 5:30 Steven B: i'm not that great at breaking it down, but I'd say a lack of making plays is a better way of putting it. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:30 Steven B 5:30 Ryan Kasmiersky: Ryan... See above. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:30 Ryan Kasmiersky 5:30 Steven B: tune has flexed the arm on the last two plays, going deep on both, but badly overthrowing the WR's. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:30 Steven B 5:31 [Comment From J J : ] Who is winning the yelling battle DLO or Canales? haha Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:31 J 5:31 Stephen Howard: I will say this ... The defense has straightened up over the last few series ... No big plays, and it's not like the Offense hasn't tried! Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:31 Stephen Howard 5:31 Steven B: D-Lo, he's always yelling at someone. Canales is very calm and direct, until you make a mistake and then you wish you hadn't. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:31 Steven B 5:31 [Comment From meantothegreen meantothegreen : ] steve thats says alot about baine....mayby dodge plays him somewhere else...get him on the field. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:31 meantothegreen 5:32 Steven B: maybe. Who do you replace with Baine though? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:32 Steven B 5:32 Ryan Kasmiersky: You have to have three qb's Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:32 Ryan Kasmiersky 5:32 Steven B: the bubble screen goes for a only a few yards there. Jamaal Jackson brought down, 3rd and 6 coming up with DT at QB Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:32 Steven B 5:33 Steven B: yikes, thompson hooks up with Benny Jones but he was outta bounds. The throw was a duck, and Dez Brigham should have made the play Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:33 Steven B 5:34 [Comment From J J : ] how is baine throwing the ball? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:34 J 5:34 Steven B: not bad, his arm isn't that great though Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:34 Steven B 5:34 [Comment From Greg Greg : ] The biggest question facing this team is whether or not they can finish at the end of games. I think there is no doubt the offense will keep us in games, but can the defense finish Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:34 Greg 5:34 [Comment From Guest Guest : ] I'm still pulling for Riley to get the arm rested and then in the fall come back and be involved in the offensive game plan at QB. Heck he hasn't rested the arm since high school. Give it some time to heal and see what he brings in the fall. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:34 Guest 5:34 Stephen Howard: Brandin Byrd getting a touch off tackle that went for 7 ... How deep is the running back position here? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:34 Stephen Howard 5:34 Steven B: you are correct sir Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:34 Steven B 5:34 [Comment From gangrene gangrene : ] anyone know who, if any, UNT coaches will be at the 2010 NIKE combine camp this Saturday at Pennington Field? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:34 gangrene 5:34 Steven B: no idea Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:34 Steven B 5:36 Stephen Howard: Forlando Johnson had the coverage against Byrd on a pass down the left sideline, and covered him well ... Thompson laid the ball in the right spot, but great defense broke up the play Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:36 Stephen Howard 5:36 Steven B: that was the ghost of cam montgomery (johnson wearing his number). Cam couldn't catch either. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:36 Steven B 5:37 Stephen Howard: Thompson with a zip pass down the middle to Willie Taylor. That ball had some heat on it, and went for a 20-yard gain Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:37 Stephen Howard 5:37 Ryan Kasmiersky: Willie Taylor has looked good at receiver so far this spring... continuing it on that play. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:37 Ryan Kasmiersky 5:37 [Comment From Guest Guest : ] no one is going to bite on the rest Riley and come back in the fall statement. Man I thought that would surely get a reply. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:37 Guest 5:37 Stephen Howard: Really? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:37 Stephen Howard 5:38 [Comment From J J : ] What is Coach Dodge doing during the practices and scrimmages now? Does he just over see everything now? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:38 J 5:38 [Comment From Guest Guest : ] Really? yep, that is what I hope happens anyway.... Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:38 Guest 5:38 Stephen Howard: He's running around the offensive sideline with Canales .... The two of them work together on the offensive gameplan Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:38 Stephen Howard 5:39 Steven B: mystery QB out there again.....No number but i'm pretty sure its john dodson Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:39 Steven B 5:39 [Comment From jake jake : ] He has had alot of time to rest. Its not like after the last game of the season, the team didn't go right into spring ball Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:39 jake 5:40 Stephen Howard: Maybe it's Riley, but they just switched his jersey as a conspiracy? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:40 Stephen Howard 5:40 [Comment From gangrene gangrene : ] maybe he should work with d-lo - tell the defense which plays the offense is going to run and see if they stop 'em that way? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:40 gangrene 5:40 Steven B: hmmmm, he is as small as riley Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:40 Steven B 5:40 [Comment From NT71 NT71 : ] What is happening on D with DeLoach? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:40 NT71 5:41 Steven B: making some adjustments and making a few stops, still though the big plays are very troubling Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:41 Steven B 5:41 Steven B: and speaking of, another one ripped off by someg Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:41 Steven B 5:41 Steven B: guy I don't have on the roster. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:41 Steven B 5:41 [Comment From Greg Greg : ] Riley was good in stretches but in a season where UNT has to win, I think the coaching staff has opted for going with a QB who can stay healthy and provide them with a big arm Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:41 Greg 5:42 [Comment From James James : ] do you think the offense is a lot better with Canales in charge? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:42 James 5:42 [Comment From Guest Guest : ] That rest included recovery of a broken arm, maybe throwing too soon or rehabbing too fast. I just think more time and alot can change Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:42 Guest 5:43 Steven B: yes, more crisp, smooth, and looks more in control. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:43 Steven B 5:43 Stephen Howard: James, it's just way too early to say ... Canales has certainly changed some things that most fans will pick up on, and hopefully that translates into good things ... His track record says he will! Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:43 Stephen Howard 5:43 [Comment From jake jake : ] Then its John Dodson because they are the same size Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:43 jake 5:43 Ryan Kasmiersky: Canales seems to be a pretty sharp guy. I'm excited to see where this offense goes. They are already running a quicker pace and run more plays than last year in practice. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:43 Ryan Kasmiersky 5:43 Steven B: i'll got with that, Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:43 Steven B 5:43 [Comment From gangrene gangrene : ] Steven B. - maybe you should run a play at RB? If you break a long then we know we have serious issues on defense? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:43 gangrene 5:43 [Comment From J J : ] awesome, i know that offense means alot to coach dodge, glad to see he is still active in gameplanning. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:43 J 5:43 Steven B: i've said I can do alot things, boasting wise athletically speaking, but ripping off a 30-yard run isn't one of them. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:43 Steven B 5:44 Steven B: i'm still shamed by my softball performance last year. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:44 Steven B 5:44 Steven B: break time right now for everyone, Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:44 Steven B 5:44 [Comment From Kenny Kenny : ] Papi is better than Micah Mosley Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:44 Kenny 5:44 Stephen Howard: Last time Steven took a challenge it involved hitting a home run off a Division I softball pitcher ... It didn't go too well Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:44 Stephen Howard 5:45 Steven B: gimme a month in the cages and that changes. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:45 Steven B 5:45 [Comment From jake jake : ] It doesnt take that long to heal abroken arm and especially with QB's, they want to do everything that they can fro their arms to heal so if he is back now, then he must be healed Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:45 jake 5:46 Steven B: i would agree with that, but from the shoulder, to the concussions, to the broken arm, this is probably the right move for Riley. I'm still dissapointed to see him move though. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:46 Steven B 5:46 [Comment From NT71 NT71 : ] What is the temp in Denton right now at Fouts? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:46 NT71 5:46 Steven B: a little toasty, upper 80's is the field temp report.....Lower 70's in the press box though. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:46 Steven B 5:46 [Comment From Drew Drew : ] Who is DaWaylon Cooks running mate at the Safety spot? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:46 Drew 5:46 Steven B: ira smith, with ryan downing getting some looks at times. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:46 Steven B 5:47 [Comment From gangrene gangrene : ] give it guys - Riley's QB days are over. They wouldn't have announced the decision if it was still in question. That position is too important for both Dodges to take lightly. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:47 gangrene 5:47 Steven B: i know, but I still wish it wasn't Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:47 Steven B 5:47 [Comment From Drew Drew : ] UConn or Stanford tonight? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:47 Drew 5:47 Steven B: uconn. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:47 Steven B 5:47 [Comment From NT71 NT71 : ] Are these guys in full pads Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:47 NT71 5:47 Ryan Kasmiersky: Why even ask that question Drew? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:47 Ryan Kasmiersky 5:48 Steven B: yep, full gear on. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:48 Steven B 5:48 [Comment From JH JH : ] where are the big breakdown in the defense ? Line ? Lbs, " Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:48 JH 5:48 Stephen Howard: Jamaal Jackson with a beautiful 25-yard flag route catch from Thompson ... Perfectly executed all the way around Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:48 Stephen Howard 5:48 Steven B: all of the above, really it starts with the d-line not getting any penetration though and the LB's missing tackles Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:48 Steven B 5:48 [Comment From Drew Drew : ] Ryan, just wanted to see how sane you guys are? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:48 Drew 5:50 Stephen Howard: Jackson again, this time curling inside for a touchdown from Thompson ... Another nice play from an offensive unit that seems to be hitting its stride Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:50 Stephen Howard 5:50 Steven B: uhhhhggggg.....that's six TD's by my count. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:50 Steven B 5:50 [Comment From gangrene gangrene : ] not a fan of the pop-up ads in the chat program... Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:50 gangrene 5:50 Stephen Howard: Did anyone see a DB anywhere around Jackson on either of those plays? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:50 Stephen Howard 5:50 Steven B: sorry about that.....if it makes you feel any better we don't get any of that money Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:50 Steven B 5:51 Steven B: about 10 yards behind him. way behind him Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:51 Steven B 5:51 [Comment From gangrene gangrene : ] that just makes it worse Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:51 gangrene 5:51 [Comment From Kenny Kenny : ] Sounds like a lot of Adryan Adams starter kits Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:51 Kenny 5:51 Steven B: alex lott over the middle for about 20, moves the sticks, offense on the march again Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:51 Steven B 5:51 [Comment From ctv0006 ctv0006 : ] joining a little late, how is Thompson looking? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:51 ctv0006 5:52 Steven B: very active and very good. I'm at little suprised how comforatable he looks but I like it. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:52 Steven B 5:52 Steven B: first team defense comes up with two stops and its the end of the series. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:52 Steven B 5:53 [Comment From gangrene gangrene : ] this is just depressing - first Riley's QB career is over and know the defense can't make a play Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:53 gangrene 5:53 Steven B: hang in there, its still spring. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:53 Steven B 5:53 Stephen Howard: Nice composure from Thompson, evading tacklers in the pocket and spilling into the flat ... Refs blew the play dead after he escaped, but he looked cool under pressure Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:53 Stephen Howard 5:53 [Comment From jake jake : ] Out of all of the QB's who looks the most relaxed times/ Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:53 jake 5:53 Steven B: Both do, i'd say they both look confident and very relaxed. thompson hasn't looked rattled or nervous at all. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:53 Steven B 5:54 [Comment From JH JH : ] maybe derek is on a mission since riley has gone to receiver Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:54 JH 5:54 Steven B: could be. Tune almost hits riley down the sideline, but he got tripped up at the last minute or it was another big gainer. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:54 Steven B 5:54 Steven B: well, there is a big gainer, Tune down the middle to Johnson for about 25 Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:54 Steven B 5:55 [Comment From dee dee : ] we cant do nothing but get better we have the right guys Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:55 dee 5:55 [Comment From ctv0006 ctv0006 : ] What shot do you think Dunbar has in being a Doak finalist? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:55 ctv0006 5:55 Steven B: he would need to have around 2,000 yards and North Texas win at least 5 games. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:55 Steven B 5:56 Steven B: taylor down the middle from tune for about 20 more yards. First down at the 12. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:56 Steven B 5:56 [Comment From jake jake : ] What about the QB's with no numbers? How do they look? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:56 jake 5:56 Steven B: they need to do a little more to go numbers Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:56 Steven B 5:56 [Comment From JH JH : ] If he can run against this defense, he'd have a lot more than 2,000 Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:56 JH 5:56 [Comment From Greg Greg : ] Well who would this defense rattle anyways? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:56 Greg 5:56 Steven B: still thinking..... Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:56 Steven B 5:57 Stephen Howard: Five games!!! When is the last time a major award winner won five games??? We would have to win at least eight or 10 to get national award attention Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:57 Stephen Howard 5:57 Steven B: The dude from rice in 1990, Trevor Cobb won it Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:57 Steven B 5:57 Steven B: Finally a stop and a play made by Robby Gordon. Makes an int at the goaline and the drive is stopped. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:57 Steven B 5:58 Steven B: mix of first and second team back out with Tune at QB starting at the 50. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:58 Steven B 5:58 [Comment From jake jake : ] That was 1990 this is 2010 Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:58 jake 5:58 Steven B: it is possible. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:58 Steven B 5:58 [Comment From Greg Greg : ] If Dunbar rushes for over 2000 yards I would bet we win more then 5 games Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:58 Greg 5:58 Steven B: i would agree. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:58 Steven B 5:59 Stephen Howard: Good call Greg! Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:59 Stephen Howard 5:59 [Comment From ctv0006 ctv0006 : ] what about Atiknson? (spelling) not solid at all in the middle? Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:59 ctv0006 5:59 Steven B: he is, i like him with jackson but they have struggled today. Tuesday April 6, 2010 5:59 Steven B 6:00 Steven B: baine breaks outta the pocket after some heat put on by kyle white, ran for about 10 yards Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:00 Steven B 6:00 [Comment From dee dee : ] i agree also Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:00 dee 6:00 [Comment From ctv0006 ctv0006 : ] hm...I was hoping they would shore up our D LINE a lot this season. What about big boy from last year? Tevin Cantley I believe is his name. Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:00 ctv0006 6:00 Steven B: me too, cantly has fallen on the depth chart, he's second or third team right now. Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:00 Steven B 6:00 [Comment From Drewbles Drewbles : ] What do you think the percentage chance of Riley sticking at slot are? Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:00 Drewbles 6:00 Steven B: 99.99 percent Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:00 Steven B 6:01 Ryan Kasmiersky: I'll add the extra .01 Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:01 Ryan Kasmiersky 6:01 Steven B: baine down the middle to a wide open austin fitzpatrick. great route, great pass, big gainer for 25 yards Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:01 Steven B 6:01 [Comment From Drewbles Drewbles : ] So according to you guys his days at QB are over and done with.. No more? Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:01 Drewbles 6:02 Stephen Howard: Ryan Downing with a good stick on the short pass in the flat ... The receiver didn't budge an inch after Downing made contact Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:02 Stephen Howard 6:02 [Comment From ctv0006 ctv0006 : ] you mean Riley wont be our starting CB? WHAT? The guys on gomeangreen.com are going to the think the sky is falling!!!! jk Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:02 ctv0006 6:02 Steven B: it isn't already? Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:02 Steven B 6:02 Ryan Kasmiersky: I would say it looks like it Drew. Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:02 Ryan Kasmiersky 6:03 Stephen Howard: Some late 1's action ... Dunbar & Tune working from the 30 yard line going in Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:03 Stephen Howard 6:03 Steven B: oh my, from the 30 a sweet end around and jackson takes it to the house......but a flag brings it back.....illegal formation Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:03 Steven B 6:04 Steven B: second team back out, tune at QB Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:04 Steven B 6:04 [Comment From ctv0006 ctv0006 : ] I have been following Thompson since HS...Im sorry but I think he is the real deal. He is a true gunslinger Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:04 ctv0006 6:04 Steven B: i agree with the gunslinger's part, still needs some seasoning Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:04 Steven B 6:05 [Comment From Drew Drew : ] Who has been getting time at D-end? Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:05 Drew 6:05 Steven B: AK and Obi with the 1's Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:05 Steven B 6:05 [Comment From ctv0006 ctv0006 : ] how are the TE formations looking? Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:05 ctv0006 6:06 Steven B: a lot of H-back formations Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:06 Steven B 6:06 Steven B: Nice looking TD run there by Mathis from 26 yards out. Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:06 Steven B 6:06 Steven B: offense back out there starting at the 30 again. Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:06 Steven B 6:07 [Comment From Greg Greg : ] Compared to other teams around the Belt do you think our Offense may have the most speed ? Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:07 Greg 6:07 [Comment From ctv0006 ctv0006 : ] so turnout for the spring game on sunday...who is tailgating? Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:07 ctv0006 6:07 Steven B: very quick, but this league is full of a ton of talent and speed on offense. Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:07 Steven B 6:09 Steven B: that drive ends, and it appears it are heading down to the north end for more situational ball Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:09 Steven B 6:10 Steven B: DT back at QB with the first team, and hamilton at RB Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:10 Steven B 6:12 Steven B: thompson airs it out in the corner and Hilbert jackson is called for pass interference. Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:12 Steven B 6:12 [Comment From ctv0006 ctv0006 : ] how is my boy BJ Lewis looking this spring? Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:12 ctv0006 6:12 Steven B: good, very productive but its gonna be a deep rotation to crack in the fall Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:12 Steven B 6:12 [Comment From Drew Drew : ] Who is the juco coming in from New Mexico this summer? I hear he's supposed to be the real deal. Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:12 Drew 6:13 Steven B: i can't remember his name but I know who you are talking about, he is a DB who will help. Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:13 Steven B 6:13 Steven B: first down again at the 30 for the first team. Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:13 Steven B 6:13 [Comment From UNT90 UNT90 : ] Thompson will be the starter come September. 100% chance. Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:13 UNT90 6:13 Steven B: really? is that a guarantee sir? Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:13 Steven B 6:14 [Comment From ctv0006 ctv0006 : ] how about Robertson at LB? he has always been so solid Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:14 ctv0006 6:14 Steven B: agreed, veteran guy who needs to take the spot of tobe as the leader on D Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:14 Steven B 6:14 [Comment From UNT90 UNT90 : ] Yes, it is. Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:14 UNT90 6:14 Steven B: okay, i'll mark it down. My odds are Tune 70 percent, Thompson 30 percent. Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:14 Steven B 6:15 [Comment From Greg Greg : ] How are field goal kickers looking ? Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:15 Greg 6:15 Steven B: haven't seen much at all, had two kicks to start this scrimmage and that's it. Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:15 Steven B 6:15 [Comment From Drew Drew : ] agree with 90, Thompson will start Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:15 Drew 6:16 Steven B: really, i'm suprised a bit that everyone is on the thompson bandwagon right now. Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:16 Steven B 6:16 Steven B: 3rd and goal right now for the O at the 7. Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:16 Steven B 6:16 [Comment From JH JH : ] Tune will probably start the Clemson game Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:16 JH 6:17 Steven B: agree with that, i'm not saying thompson won't start or play, but i would be awfully suprised if tune isn't taking the first snap of the year. Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:17 Steven B 6:17 Steven B: last series of the scrimmage underway. baine under center from the 30. Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:17 Steven B 6:17 [Comment From UNT90 UNT90 : ] Tune is too immobile. I can see him starting the Clemson game so as not to destroy Thompson's confidence. Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:17 UNT90 6:17 Steven B: yep, see 2007 season everyone. Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:17 Steven B 6:17 [Comment From UNT90 UNT90 : ] But fm the second game on, it will be Thompson Tuesday April 6, 2010 6:17 UNT90 6:18 Ryan Kasmiersky: Ok, well practice is wrapping up so it's time to head down to the field. Hope you guys enjoyed it! See you Sunday at 3 p.m. for the Spring Game. Don't forget to tune in to the MGRN on KNTU 88.1 for the broadcast and here on the live chat. Have a good week and Go Mean Green
    -1 points
  43. Not saying injury is a good excuse for anything. But if TD is using Injury as a way of saying RD could not make it as a QB, then let him Return all the balls he wants. Secondly, at WR and Punt RT there are not any O-linemen who will allow RD to get hurt as much.
    -2 points
  44. Pssst. 1. The Dodge era is the worst in school history. What jury are you waiting on? 2. Vizza was the better option, but Daddy didn't see it that way. 3. Dodge will be fired mid-season, but will stay on the rest of the season. The same way they did with Dickey.
    -2 points
  45. Yes, we should have thrown in the towel at that point. A 10 point defecit is way to deep a hole to come out of. We should have put in Hamilton or Carey and just ran draws with Dunbar. A win is a win. You play to win the game! And you do what is in the best possible interest of the team to win that particular game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRxm0oGbnRI
    -2 points
  46. Dodge is done. The only questions left are if RV fires him in week 7 or 8.
    -3 points
  47. Let's see. I said Dodge wasn't the right hire for us...and I was right. I said Riley... was too fragile to play D1 QB...and I was right. And I say Dodge will not be back next season, but I will be. Because being a fan of my school doesn't mean blindly accepting this bad product. If being a fan means always saying the coach is right, then all those Dickey haters have some explaining to do.
    -3 points
  48. I think they should retire his jersey AND rename the Super Pit the "Collin Mangrum Pit"
    -3 points
  49. Hey Ben Knox....don't you want to pursue a law degree or something?
    -4 points

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