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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2010 in all areas

  1. From looking at the invite, it looks like a high roller event. Which makes me wonder why I was sent an invite. I would be tempted to go because Jordan Case is my all time favorite North Texas QB.
    3 points
  2. Welcome to the Mean Green, Frank Grimes.
    3 points
  3. 2 points
  4. 1 point
  5. \Every time I hear or read it I think about the black uniforms. And then I throw up. Then I make fun of Utah State.
    1 point
  6. I will be VERY intested in how Gaines approaches this signing, since we were not exactly at the top of his list.
    1 point
  7. Idiocracy is not "name calling". It is a reference to a scenario played out in the movie with the same name in which intelligence is slowly weeded out of society to an extreme (but comedic) degree. While I don't see the full connection of FFR's comments to this reference (feel free to enlighten me, CBL), I certainly don't consider it name calling.
    1 point
  8. Well yes...but to your point, no. Its laughable that Rick and people of a like ilk are just so dug in that they have to find ways to criticize wins. Rather than being happy that the off-shore drilling which you have been clammering about for years now is starting, you must search out the negative. Say this drilling is successful, both economically and environmentally, and its scope is widened to all the places Rick lists...his next post would be a bitch that drilling is prohibited in the Washington Monument reflecting pool, Rae's Creek at Augusta National and the Ganges. Idiocracy.
    1 point
  9. Idiocracy at its finest. Thank you.
    1 point
  10. Was it an accident, You decide!
    0 points
  11. McGhee is going to be an incredible addition to the team. McGhee, along with Babb if he comes here, would be an imposing set of shooting guard and small forward that other teams will have a horrible time trying to defend. Both can drive to the basket as well as they nail the outside shot.
    -1 points
  12. More than likely we won't ever see a drop of oil from this announcement. Obama needs favoritism for the upcoming Cap and Tax-To-Death bill in the senate and he just threw RINO's a bone. Obama's False Promise on Offshore Drilling Obama knows oil is bound to go through the roof, and when it does, and the tiny partial of drilling is delayed due to the enviromentalist tying it up in court for no telling how long, he can instead lay blame on the oil companies for not going forward with drilling with hopes he's done enough to slow down his falling approval polls and get his next agenda through. By the way, when you install a personal wind generator, it produces electricity that is immediately returned back into the grid. It doesn't run your house. It's not even hooked up to your house but instead tied directly into the nearest grid insertion point near your house. There is currently no efficient, and more importantly SAFE way to store personal wind generated electricity. The electric company in turn deducts a percentage of money per KW from the amount of electricity your generator produced off your monthly electric bill, every three months. Rick
    -1 points
  13. CBL, You attack Rick, yet you don't address the points raised by him or the article he posted. Is he or the author of the article right? ...or are you and the people who are saying this will work as advertised by the administration right? Who knows? I don't. You don't. Rick doesn't. ...but there is room for questioning our government - Frankly, I think it is quite wise to do so - and I don't really trust what our government tells us, regardless of the party, until I check it out for myself. This appears to be a bone as Rick's article describes, but we won't really know (and that's you included) until we see it in action. The name calling, quite frankly, is getting a little old. I'm all for debate and disagreement, but stooping to name calling is a bit uncalled for.
    -1 points
  14. Even MSNBC said it was probably a typo...... which is more generous (and professional) than Fox would have been had it been the DNC that had made the same mistake. Of course, the timing of this mistake was absolutely terrible. Now former big contributers to the RNC are going to other conservative venues to make contributions. Michael Steele is an absolute disaster as head of the RNC. But don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. This family values party ( ) is really making the Bible thumping faction of the party nice and proud. However, I will say that I like how the current Republicans go out and get their jollies. It's much more normal than the former leaders who started wars as as way to get theirs.
    -2 points

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