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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/01/2010 in all areas

  1. They will both be here for the 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 seasons. .
    3 points
  2. Getting back to the ISSUE (lousy hijacker)... Yes, GMG should strictly curtail new memberships. What we need to do is build a big firewall to protect this website. If someone wants to go through the right steps and join us, they'll be welcomed with open arms. But we don't need any outsiders coming on here and taking advantage of all the benefits of our online society. Free comedy, cracking (or maybe just 'on crack') political commentary... And don't get me started on what those people have done to the cost of medical care on our forum. If I had a dollar for everyone who gave birth to a scholarship athlete just so their whole family could be grandfathered in to forum membership, then I could probably pay for the whole firewall myself.
    2 points
  3. I have heard from TFLF that if this pans out in 2011, the 2010 football team will win the Belt.
    2 points
  4. Whoa, whoa, whoa... What are you talking about, "rape"? I meant my volunteer kidney transplants. I've dedicated my life and medical training to providing no-cost organ transplants to the uninsured. I don't have a post-op area in my home surgical theater, so whenever I operate on a female patient that needs life-saving medical care and can't afford a proper hospital, I always make sure to leave them somewhere public rather than having them unconscious at my house. To avoid any appearance of impropriety. Don't lump me in with your sex crimes, pervert.
    2 points
  5. Whoever just offered up a -1 for this needs to lighten up. Unless you yourself are the victim of a drugging and rape, in which case I am deeply sorry for all the physical and emotional pain and scaring I'm sure the event left you.
    2 points
  6. Nor should it get picked up. It was just for comic relief, not really political commentary.
    1 point
  7. Funny exchange! I don't think it will get picked up by the media much (for those wondering). It's a non-event, much like climategate.
    1 point
  8. CBL, You attack Rick, yet you don't address the points raised by him or the article he posted. Is he or the author of the article right? ...or are you and the people who are saying this will work as advertised by the administration right? Who knows? I don't. You don't. Rick doesn't. ...but there is room for questioning our government - Frankly, I think it is quite wise to do so - and I don't really trust what our government tells us, regardless of the party, until I check it out for myself. This appears to be a bone as Rick's article describes, but we won't really know (and that's you included) until we see it in action. The name calling, quite frankly, is getting a little old. I'm all for debate and disagreement, but stooping to name calling is a bit uncalled for.
    1 point
  9. I hope the MF'er does capsize. Then everyone is retarded.
    1 point
  10. Very good article. It makes me want to move back to Denton for the 2010-11 season.
    1 point
  11. It is very common for teams to go almost entirely with their starting five in the offensive line. The benefits of playing one unit and the increased familiarity with the defense as the number of plays increase can offset any benefits of being fresh in the offensive line. The downside is that secondary players get little experience . However, although it is difficult to believe with NT having the majority of it offensive line out for the Spring, offensive linemen are the least likely to have serious injuries; therefore teams think that a couple of backups are enough. I disagree a little with Harry, I think that the offensive line is the deepest part of the team with the exception of wide receiver. NT returns four starters from last year with Santiago, Gill, Drake, and Johnson plus one starter from the year before in Freeley. Tomlinson also started several games at offensive tackle. The only losses were Bailey and Hollovay who alternated in the guard position. Redshirts Noble, Flax, Franklin and Bean along with Fortenberry should form a good back up unit. I think the offensive line was actually good last year at least compared with most of the team, there were few sacks and Dunbar had a heck of a year. No-one got any all conference recognition which is to be expected with NT's Belt record. There are no kept conference stats on offensive linemen. A skill position or a defensive player can sometimes get recognition on a bad team because there are statistics such as yards gained, tackles, etc. to highlight their performance, but it very difficult for an offensive linemen to get recognized unless he is truly dominating.
    1 point
  12. If they come to NT we should redshirt White and Thompson and make a run at the final four
    1 point
  13. More than likely we won't ever see a drop of oil from this announcement. Obama needs favoritism for the upcoming Cap and Tax-To-Death bill in the senate and he just threw RINO's a bone. Obama's False Promise on Offshore Drilling Obama knows oil is bound to go through the roof, and when it does, and the tiny partial of drilling is delayed due to the enviromentalist tying it up in court for no telling how long, he can instead lay blame on the oil companies for not going forward with drilling with hopes he's done enough to slow down his falling approval polls and get his next agenda through. By the way, when you install a personal wind generator, it produces electricity that is immediately returned back into the grid. It doesn't run your house. It's not even hooked up to your house but instead tied directly into the nearest grid insertion point near your house. There is currently no efficient, and more importantly SAFE way to store personal wind generated electricity. The electric company in turn deducts a percentage of money per KW from the amount of electricity your generator produced off your monthly electric bill, every three months. Rick
    1 point
  14. "He’s one of the best small-school backs in the country..." Am I the only one that gets torqued when we are called a "small school"?
    1 point
  15. It's all about how much power is generated for the amount of money it costs to produce and maintain the turbine. But hey, if you guys like $800 electric bills go for it. It will be even more when you get your electric car.
    1 point
  16. Didn't need the quitter.
    1 point
  17. You can ask yourself about it soon.
    1 point
  18. I really think that drama teacher is taking "Say hello to my little friend" WAY too literally.
    1 point
  19. Way to take a lighthearted topic and make it all serious guys.
    1 point
  20. Can I have the time spent reading this thread back?
    1 point
  21. Ok, MOST electricity is produced by coal, then natural gas, and hopefully wind power. Who knows, you might be able to buy a device to charge up your electic car batteries (in the near future) like this.... http://www.google.com/products?hl=en&q=coleman+solar+batter++charger&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=RXezS_n1DZHSMq3c6ZkN&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBkQrQQwAA But hey, lets not look at being innovative. That might hurt the oil industry and create new technical jobs for the US.
    1 point
  22. The only soreness in Riley's arm should be from patting Lance Dunbar on the back when they give him the ball 25-30 times a game.
    1 point
  23. 635......muslims, after mohammed's death invaded Christian Syria and Palestine. 640......muslims, after taking Persia, Armenia and mesopotamia invaded Christian Egypt. 711......muslims invaded Gibraltar and took Portugal & Spain. 721......muslims invaded France. 732......muslims defeated by Charles Martel @ Poitiers-Tours. 827......muslims invaded Sicily 840......muslims invaded Bari. 841......muslims invaded Ancona in the Adriatic & Ostia. 911......muslims crossed the Alps to invade Piedmont. 940......muslims occupied Toulon. The Crusades were, essentially, a cause and effect situation. They were a response to centuries of invasions and occupations. They were a counter offensive to stem Islamic expansion in Christian Europe. The muslims had turned Europe into their battlefield of world expansion. 1356....84 years after the 8th Crusade the muslims took Gallipoli 1430....muslims occupied Venetian Salonika 1444....muslims took Walachia, Moldavia, Transylvania (Bulgaria & Romania). 1453....muslims took Constantinople. 1456....muslims took Athens. 1476....muslims took Friuli. 1480....muslims took Puglia. 1492....muslims defeated at Granada in Spain. Isabella give Colubus 3 ships and the next day the Inquisition begins. 1529....muslims begin invasion of Austria 1565....muslims invade Malta 1571....muslims invade Cyprus 1621 & 1672....muslims tried to invade Poland. During this time the muslims, in their wake, killed inocent men, women and children...Christian. Those who did not bow to the muslim religion were killed and others were used as slaves and concubines. They destroyed all Christian churches and priests. Has this attitude/behavior changed since they started their first invasion? No. Just read what happens today if you are a Christian in a muslim country, homosexual in a muslim country, adultrous female, thief, murder....the list goes on. muslims, today, govern about 40-50 countries...and they want more. Europeans are now waking up to this new muslim invasion and laws that favor the muslim religion. There is a backlash in France, Germany and Switzerland. Other continental European countries are begining to follow suit. England is not following their European parterners and I suspect that this country is lost.
    1 point
  24. In a somewhat related matter..... another good announcement. http://usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/cars-trucks/daily-news/100331-Nissan-Announces-Pricing-for-Electric-Leaf/ $25,000 electric car w/100 mile range. Another great (and more appropriate) step towards energy independence.
    1 point
  25. I'm just as down with JC as you are, but I would do some editing or restating here, because I think there's possibly a few examples in a history book or two that may not support your over-simplified blanket assertion.
    1 point
  26. The definition of Christian is "a follower of Christ." Christ never took up arms to advance His cause, and He forbade His followers to take up arms to advance Christianity. "Christian Militia" is an impossibility, an oxymoron. You must watch Fox News or something, because the sources I watch and read (liberal mainstream media) avoid that term like the plague. Yet I have never heard this other group mentioned without the term "Christian" being included. I'm not sure how any radical can be a bunch of anything, but I guess I see what you mean. But let's not pretend that Islam and Christianity are equivalent religions, and have proportional numbers of members ready to kill others to advance their religion. The founder of Christianity killed no one, the founder of Islam killed many. Islam was spread throughout the world by bloodshed, while Christianity was spread as its adherents died for clinging to their beliefs. And they didn't die in suicides designed to take the lives of others, either. The United States is composed primarily of people professing Christianity, and this one group of 9 people makes the news for something they have not done yet. And the rest of the professed Christian citizenry is outraged by these people. How much outrage did you see in the Muslim world at 9-11? The people were dancing in the streets that Muslims successfully killed thousands of innocent Americans. To be sure, there are many professed Muslims who do not condone terrorism, but those who do are hardly on the fringe of their religion in most Muslim countries. That's a pretty broad definition. Usually "terrorism" is limited to those who use death or the threat of death for political or religious gain, outside of warfare. But I'll agree that they are all creeps, and need to hang.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. This is nice to have,but the ladies need to focus on Denver this Fridayin order to cinch up the #2 seed for Conference behind FIU. Regardless Lama has done a great job and he has two excellent coaches backing him up.
    1 point
  29. Students don't support athletics, so we don't support students.
    1 point
  30. http://blogs.ajc.com/political-insider-jim-galloway/2010/04/01/your-morning-jolt-hank-johnson-and-a-capsizing-guam/?cxntfid=blogs_political_insider_jim_galloway ...my fear is that the website might tip over, and capsize.
    0 points
  31. Idiocracy is not "name calling". It is a reference to a scenario played out in the movie with the same name in which intelligence is slowly weeded out of society to an extreme (but comedic) degree. While I don't see the full connection of FFR's comments to this reference (feel free to enlighten me, CBL), I certainly don't consider it name calling.
    0 points
  32. I made no commentary on the man's comments. I simply posted it up for folks to see here. Even if he meant it as hyperbole, which he probably did, it was so slow and oddly laid out and delivered that it makes for comedy. ...the name calling is an interesting tactic, though. Wow. I DID get my degree from the same place you did. ...just sayin'.
    0 points
  33. Well yes...but to your point, no. Its laughable that Rick and people of a like ilk are just so dug in that they have to find ways to criticize wins. Rather than being happy that the off-shore drilling which you have been clammering about for years now is starting, you must search out the negative. Say this drilling is successful, both economically and environmentally, and its scope is widened to all the places Rick lists...his next post would be a bitch that drilling is prohibited in the Washington Monument reflecting pool, Rae's Creek at Augusta National and the Ganges. Idiocracy.
    0 points
  34. 0 points
  35. You either don't understand hyperbole or you're simply choosing to ignore it. Either way...retarded.
    0 points
  36. Just one of the many "loony birds" in DC these days...and he of the party in power who get to pass such wonderful legislation as the recently signed health care bill. Like we all know...dumb is as dumb does. I wonder if this will hit the mainstream media's 5:30PM news darlings? I am sure Jay Leno and David Letterman will make some noise with this...perhaps Tin Fey can do a routine. Oh, I forgot...this guy is a democrat. never mind.
    0 points
  37. Idiocracy at its finest. Thank you.
    0 points
  38. 2003 is the latest version of NCAA Football that I have and I made myself a roster full of our current guys and in the third game of the season Riley went down with a torn Achilles and is out for the season... crap...
    0 points
  39. Oh, you and I might call it a Constitutional Convention but the left biased national media will call it a Tea-bagging, hate-citing group no doubt. Rick
    -1 points
  40. Ho Hum the latest "sore arm" in oft injured saga of Riley Dodge. Hope Coach Canales sees that there are other QB's much less brittle who could prosper in the starting QB role. At least they will have gotten some work in this spring rather than Rodge who may be trying out for MASH rather than QB. With all the talent and speed, albeit not the arm or the size, Riley has many times over proven that he can not stand up to the rigors of a D-1 QB. Put him where he belongs @ WR so he won't take the direct hits a QB does , and he MAY prosper. Mack Brown knew he was too small to be a D-1 QB three years ago --why can't we now see the same thing. No doubt Riley wants to win, but when I think of a Scott Hall playing with no cartilige in his knee, a seperated shoulder, etc. you have to question Riley's mental and physical toughness. At this rate he may never see a scrimmage in the spring. You have to make the efforts of the other QB candidates count for something when coaches evaluate the position or else you lose their trust and work ethic.
    -1 points
  41. Just to clarify, Ronnie Morgan signing here would be a major NCAA rules infraction...and not even a really practical move at that. J'Misson on the other hand...
    -1 points
  42. I take it you dislike the truth?
    -1 points
  43. http://meangreenblog.dentonrc.com/
    -1 points
  44. http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=134401 death panels under another name is still what it is. The video says it all. BTW he is democratic.
    -2 points

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