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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/31/2010 in all areas

  1. The only soreness in Riley's arm should be from patting Lance Dunbar on the back when they give him the ball 25-30 times a game.
    4 points
  2. Where's almost beating Texas in 1988?
    3 points
  3. I clicked the "how to get off the grid" banner ad. You'll never sext me again.
    2 points
  4. Just to clarify, Ronnie Morgan signing here would be a major NCAA rules infraction...and not even a really practical move at that. J'Misson on the other hand...
    2 points
  5. SMU kept that game off the list.
    2 points
  6. Ok, MOST electricity is produced by coal, then natural gas, and hopefully wind power. Who knows, you might be able to buy a device to charge up your electic car batteries (in the near future) like this.... http://www.google.com/products?hl=en&q=coleman+solar+batter++charger&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=RXezS_n1DZHSMq3c6ZkN&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBkQrQQwAA But hey, lets not look at being innovative. That might hurt the oil industry and create new technical jobs for the US.
    2 points
  7. In a somewhat related matter..... another good announcement. http://usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/cars-trucks/daily-news/100331-Nissan-Announces-Pricing-for-Electric-Leaf/ $25,000 electric car w/100 mile range. Another great (and more appropriate) step towards energy independence.
    2 points
  8. J'mison Morgan to Transfer This 6-10 250 pound former 5 star center is the son of former North Texas great Ronnie Morgan. He made a mistake by signing with UCLA which was chasing after the highest rated players at every position, but not players that would necessarily fit their system. This kid can become an absolute beast. It would be incredible if he winds up at North Texas.
    1 point
  9. You mock now, but how about clicking the link right below the "story" where you can begin to "plan for the coming collapse of civilization!"... who'll be laughing THEN, you pinko hippie scum?
    1 point
  10. Pumping our own energy is something we should have been doing years ago. That way we don't have to go over to the Saudi's and bow and say thanks for you giving us your oil and thank you for letting us fight your wars with our men. If we had been engergy independent in the first Gulf War would we have really cared if Saddam took over Kwait? I would have viewed it as a regional conflict just like the Iraq-Iran War. Let the arab states handle their own problem. However, I do agree that we should go after the terrorist where ever they hide for the protection of our country. As far as the "green cars".....just give me cheap gas and not some souped up moped on four wheels that eats up my electricity. What do ya do when your wife forgets to tell you she already drove 90 miles and you get stranded between denton and decatur? battery for gas car....$50--------------battery cells for elect car $10,000. Hummm, let me think about that. Heck, by the time this thing gets into production with the "union labor" the car will cost a lot lot lot more.
    1 point
  11. This is how Penthouse entries start.
    1 point
  12. I know lots of great Muslim folks. I recall how they reacted when I was on campus during 9-11 (mostly outrage, followed by fear for their own safety). They would never kill anyone to glorify Allah. Generalizing any Middle Eastern/Northern African person as a terrorist is not only extremely ignorant, but rejected by just about any adult with higher than a 6th grade education. No one here is making that kind of argument. We're Mean Green Alumns!! I dont pretend to be a Muslim scholar or anything, and I don't know verbatim what the Koran teaches. I can speak to the Bible, and church history (Crusades were born of extreme corruption in the church and fear of losing power, not to reclaim the Holy Land. Praise God we had the Reformation or the church would have cannabalized it's own Savior and message). As mentioned by MeanGreen 93-98, Christ never killed anyone (only a fig tree), and would not even allow his followers to harm His attackers (Luke22:49-51). "Chrisitians", or "Christ followers", are to emulate this behavior. Can real Muslims be militant to glorify Allah? I don't know. Maybe a Muslim scholar can clarify. But, a blanket assertion is flat-out wrong. Can real Christians be militant to glorify Jesus? The answer is NO!
    1 point
  13. Hmm..Sounds like a thyroid problem. Tasty, I know you've taken on a lot with your charitable organ donor program, but... Do you still have a thyroid you'd be willing to donate?
    1 point
  14. I know I'm not the national media, but I know people. Can I call it a hate-citing group if it says hate-citing things?
    1 point
  15. Hey, as the girls used to tell you, size matters. Morgan would be a better addition than any point guard we could sign. Maybe he could be a point center?
    1 point
  16. hahahahah....two years in!!! edit for a side note....are we going to be able to tailgate/drink beer during the commencement??? i was told i couldn't grill/drink during the conference tourney at nt a couple of years ago because school was in session...hopefully, this won't be a problem...BEER ES IMPORTANTE!!!
    1 point
  17. Ehh... I like his size, but he doesn't strike me as much of a natural point guard. Sorry, couldn't help it. Please accept this +1 as a token of my remorse and apology.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. This is a moot point. Unless we drop McGhee, we have no more scholarships to give, correct? Morgan is not the type of player that will pay his own way for a year. He doesn't have to as TCU or SMU would jump all over him. Did Edwards sign an early LOI? If so, it's McGhee or Morgan. I would take Morgan (6'10" athletic big men dont grow on trees) .
    1 point
  20. radiogreen, but you can call me THOR xl shirt 6'6", 220 i'm gonna drink beer before, DURING, and after the game...that's just the way it is... good times have always been had...but...i'm usually on the losing team...take that for what you will... i'm gonna have fun and DRINK BEER...priorities!!! this is an awesome time and i'll ONLY miss it for sex, (i'm married so i get it whenever), or a trip to vegas (next trip isn't until july, unless i get the fever)
    1 point
  21. Do we play by USFFA rules?
    1 point
  22. This is nice to have,but the ladies need to focus on Denver this Fridayin order to cinch up the #2 seed for Conference behind FIU. Regardless Lama has done a great job and he has two excellent coaches backing him up.
    1 point
  23. The War on Terrorism Memorial Recreational Area.
    1 point
  24. Stewart is usually a pain, in the past there has no non-stops and the price tends to be high at times. It is the closest to West Point but with limited flights it gets interesting at times. I have had friends get stuck when there is an issue, like in Chicago, Philly or Cincinnati. I heard that a couple airlines have stopped serving Stewart and I am fairly sure American Airlines stopped flying to Stewart for a few years now. Plus most of the airlines that serve Stewart have only one flight a day. Albany may be another option. But Newark is the best bet when going upstate, the rental cars are usually a good bit cheaper then New York and you can just get on the Jersey turnpike right outside the airport. I prefer Newark over JFK or La Guardia in this situation, plus it is the easiest to get to when heading back to the City. While on the Jersey turnpike crank up "Woke Up This Morning" by A3 Songfacts.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. This doesn't make much sense other than a wildcat or something. With a wildcat, I think I would rather have Hamilton or Carey running that. You don't just change out the QB for a play or 2 like you would WR's or RB's. I like what I'm hearing about Thompson, and I think the excitement is justifiable. However, Riley Dodge is the best QB option we have at UNT. No matter the size, no matter the injury history, etc... If he does happen to get injured, which I hope he doesn't because as stated: he's the best QB option we have; then by george, put Thompson in and continue the success!
    1 point
  27. Is there a "building better fathers and husbands" mode? Because.. that would be cool.
    1 point
  28. The most popular player on the team is always the backup quarterback.
    1 point
  29. Perhaps the FBI, et. al., should raid this religious group. http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=119087
    1 point
  30. Students don't support athletics, so we don't support students.
    1 point
  31. The last three football seasons - one high school and two college - have ended due to injury for Riley. Therefore, I don't see the point in redshirting Thompson. It almost inevitable that he'll be needed. In fact, I'd advocate starting him if he's got the strongest arm of the three and can grasp everything Canales wants to do. In all honesty, both Tune and Thompson have better arms than Riley. Either will be fine. But...dadgum...isn't it exciting to see a kid 6'4" and 230 taking snaps? I mean, people talk about Riley being able to run around; but, what about having a QB as big as a linebacker being able to stand in the pocket, take a hit, and deliver the ball? That's every bit as valuable as "running around" with the ball. In fact, I'd say being able to stay in the pocket, take a hit, and deliver is more valuable because the timing of the play isn't messed up. If a QB pulls the ball down, receivers have got to readjust their routes and either (1) looks for an open space, or (2) come back to the ball. Everything's helter skelter at that point...and it led to too many turnovers last year. I like the thought of a bigger kid being able to hang in there and allow the receivers to complete their routes. I love Nathan Tune, but...dadgummit I'm pullng for this kid Thompson!
    1 point
  32. Lee Jackson had the football schedule moved to the Dallas campus.
    1 point
  33. If only more of them, down the corridor of years, had listened to you.
    0 points
  34. In my experience... They don't talk much until the drugs wear off and they wake up. And by the time that happens, I've usually already left them back in a public place. Thanks for being a good sport.
    0 points
  35. Seriously? Yes this is a Christian Militia group. Seriously what planet do you live in? When mainstream media talks terrorism they ALWAYS mention "Islamic terrorist". The truth of the matter is that any radical in any and all religions are a bunch of D-bags but it does not one bit represent the true meaning of the religion. And lets not forget that any criminal that hurts people, rape, kill etc are all terrorists and always be terrorists.
    0 points
  36. 0 points
  37. The problem was not their system, which rewards good big people, but the fact that he showed up so out of shape he could not run the court. Oh, I forgot. You don't care about that.
    0 points
  38. Yep. And it's interesting how quick the mainstream media is to call these "Christian militia," when they refuse to refer to more run-of-the-mill terrorists as "Muslim."
    -1 points
  39. Why does it always have to be about the kicker?
    -1 points
  40. Already working on making it a reality? I think (hope) that Coach Chico will realize that Rodge is too injury prone and playing out of position at this level. I think that after several early season injuries, Rodge makes the move back to the slot, where he can cointinue to help the team. I see Thompson starting with Rodge providing a change of pace at the QB position about 5 to 8 plays a game. But, hey, thats just me.
    -1 points
  41. Yeah. Riley did it to the tune of 15 interceptions and nine touchdowns. I'm not sure there's much of a difference out of the Wildcat. I've never seen anyone throwing bombs or 25-yard outs from the Wildcat. To be fair, Riley was being tutored by high school coaches last year, as were his receivers. Things should be much different this year no matter who is slinging the ball around.
    -1 points
  42. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A99fzxi8rfY
    -1 points
  43. Oh, you and I might call it a Constitutional Convention but the left biased national media will call it a Tea-bagging, hate-citing group no doubt. Rick
    -1 points
  44. Timeline Of Major Provisions In The Democrats’ Health Care Package I highlighted parts that stood out at me. Basically, don't get old. Rick
    -1 points
  45. 635......muslims, after mohammed's death invaded Christian Syria and Palestine. 640......muslims, after taking Persia, Armenia and mesopotamia invaded Christian Egypt. 711......muslims invaded Gibraltar and took Portugal & Spain. 721......muslims invaded France. 732......muslims defeated by Charles Martel @ Poitiers-Tours. 827......muslims invaded Sicily 840......muslims invaded Bari. 841......muslims invaded Ancona in the Adriatic & Ostia. 911......muslims crossed the Alps to invade Piedmont. 940......muslims occupied Toulon. The Crusades were, essentially, a cause and effect situation. They were a response to centuries of invasions and occupations. They were a counter offensive to stem Islamic expansion in Christian Europe. The muslims had turned Europe into their battlefield of world expansion. 1356....84 years after the 8th Crusade the muslims took Gallipoli 1430....muslims occupied Venetian Salonika 1444....muslims took Walachia, Moldavia, Transylvania (Bulgaria & Romania). 1453....muslims took Constantinople. 1456....muslims took Athens. 1476....muslims took Friuli. 1480....muslims took Puglia. 1492....muslims defeated at Granada in Spain. Isabella give Colubus 3 ships and the next day the Inquisition begins. 1529....muslims begin invasion of Austria 1565....muslims invade Malta 1571....muslims invade Cyprus 1621 & 1672....muslims tried to invade Poland. During this time the muslims, in their wake, killed inocent men, women and children...Christian. Those who did not bow to the muslim religion were killed and others were used as slaves and concubines. They destroyed all Christian churches and priests. Has this attitude/behavior changed since they started their first invasion? No. Just read what happens today if you are a Christian in a muslim country, homosexual in a muslim country, adultrous female, thief, murder....the list goes on. muslims, today, govern about 40-50 countries...and they want more. Europeans are now waking up to this new muslim invasion and laws that favor the muslim religion. There is a backlash in France, Germany and Switzerland. Other continental European countries are begining to follow suit. England is not following their European parterners and I suspect that this country is lost.
    -1 points
  46. Damn...I was hoping to meet you. I'm always up for a good anthropological study.
    -2 points
  47. Whoa, whoa, whoa... What are you talking about, "rape"? I meant my volunteer kidney transplants. I've dedicated my life and medical training to providing no-cost organ transplants to the uninsured. I don't have a post-op area in my home surgical theater, so whenever I operate on a female patient that needs life-saving medical care and can't afford a proper hospital, I always make sure to leave them somewhere public rather than having them unconscious at my house. To avoid any appearance of impropriety. Don't lump me in with your sex crimes, pervert.
    -2 points
  48. The definition of Christian is "a follower of Christ." Christ never took up arms to advance His cause, and He forbade His followers to take up arms to advance Christianity. "Christian Militia" is an impossibility, an oxymoron. You must watch Fox News or something, because the sources I watch and read (liberal mainstream media) avoid that term like the plague. Yet I have never heard this other group mentioned without the term "Christian" being included. I'm not sure how any radical can be a bunch of anything, but I guess I see what you mean. But let's not pretend that Islam and Christianity are equivalent religions, and have proportional numbers of members ready to kill others to advance their religion. The founder of Christianity killed no one, the founder of Islam killed many. Islam was spread throughout the world by bloodshed, while Christianity was spread as its adherents died for clinging to their beliefs. And they didn't die in suicides designed to take the lives of others, either. The United States is composed primarily of people professing Christianity, and this one group of 9 people makes the news for something they have not done yet. And the rest of the professed Christian citizenry is outraged by these people. How much outrage did you see in the Muslim world at 9-11? The people were dancing in the streets that Muslims successfully killed thousands of innocent Americans. To be sure, there are many professed Muslims who do not condone terrorism, but those who do are hardly on the fringe of their religion in most Muslim countries. That's a pretty broad definition. Usually "terrorism" is limited to those who use death or the threat of death for political or religious gain, outside of warfare. But I'll agree that they are all creeps, and need to hang.
    -2 points
  49. 2003 is the latest version of NCAA Football that I have and I made myself a roster full of our current guys and in the third game of the season Riley went down with a torn Achilles and is out for the season... crap...
    -3 points

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