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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2010 in all areas

  1. Louisiana Basketball Report article Ronald McGhee, anywhere from a 6'3" to 6'5" shooting guard and 2010 Louisiana All-State 1st teamer. Scouts grade of 88, 73rd ranked shooting guard in the 2010 class.
    3 points
  2. Students don't support athletics, so we don't support students.
    3 points
  3. Careful. People have been banned for much less.
    2 points
  4. A college sports message board?
    2 points
  5. I don't know. I agree that we should really be giving these groups the benefit of the doubt.
    2 points
  6. As an accountant, I'm skeptical of all numbers
    2 points
  7. Expecting: 8 Hoping for: 9 or 10 The only one I think we really don't have a shot at is Clemson. First one, out of the barrell, at a fairly raucous football stadium against an old school "defense first" school who grinds out a run game on offense...probably not going to be pretty. However, I don't think Clemson gets 40+ on us. I'm thinking 30-someting to maybe 10. And, to me, even that would set the tone for an 8-10 win season. I really do think that if we've won the Sun Belt title we've got a good chance of picking off Kansas State in the Last Game EVAR @ Fouts! K-State will have already gotten a good beating in the Big 12. When KSU limps into Fouts in will be their third consecutive road game, and fifth in seven games. Their November opens with Texas and on the road at Missouri. They then have a date with equally questionable Colorado in Boulder before they tiptoe into Denton. Their schedule sets up horribly for them and they may be - excuse the pun - "clawing" for a sixth win and bowl bid by the end of November. If there was ever a time for us to knock off a "name" team, that would be it. Opportunity will be knocking all year long, fellas. We've finally got the coaches in place to answer the door.
    2 points
  8. J'mison Morgan to Transfer This 6-10 250 pound former 5 star center is the son of former North Texas great Ronnie Morgan. He made a mistake by signing with UCLA which was chasing after the highest rated players at every position, but not players that would necessarily fit their system. This kid can become an absolute beast. It would be incredible if he winds up at North Texas.
    1 point
  9. The Washington Times: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/mar/26/cbos-2020-vision-debt-will-rise-to-90-of-gdp/ Rick
    1 point
  10. The War on Terrorism Memorial Recreational Area.
    1 point
  11. I think you should threaten his life to prove your point.
    1 point
  12. Where do I begin in my praise of the Obama administration for all they have done for my country in such a short time?
    1 point
  13. This doesn't make much sense other than a wildcat or something. With a wildcat, I think I would rather have Hamilton or Carey running that. You don't just change out the QB for a play or 2 like you would WR's or RB's. I like what I'm hearing about Thompson, and I think the excitement is justifiable. However, Riley Dodge is the best QB option we have at UNT. No matter the size, no matter the injury history, etc... If he does happen to get injured, which I hope he doesn't because as stated: he's the best QB option we have; then by george, put Thompson in and continue the success!
    1 point
  14. I would favor it being a memorial to all the Iraq/Afghanistan war vets. To name it after one person would be fine, but why not honor all the conflict's soldiers from the area who paid the ultimate sacrifice and/or were injured in the war? You can say that by naming it after one person it honors all, but I am not sure that's they way it would be seen in "reality". The great thing about this is that people aren't "rioting in the streets" because Denton is considering this naming and honoring of our soldiers from the Iraq/Afghanistan Wars. If this had been brought up during "my time" (Viet Nam) there would be rioting in the streets and major protests at City Hall for certain. My how times do change...and in this situation...100% for the better. May God bless all our military personnel and their families!
    1 point
  15. Said Jon Kitna wistfully.
    1 point
  16. Already working on making it a reality? I think (hope) that Coach Chico will realize that Rodge is too injury prone and playing out of position at this level. I think that after several early season injuries, Rodge makes the move back to the slot, where he can cointinue to help the team. I see Thompson starting with Rodge providing a change of pace at the QB position about 5 to 8 plays a game. But, hey, thats just me.
    1 point
  17. Of the signees listed by Scouts, McGhee would be the 4th highest rated player to sign in the SBC behind: Dominique Fergeson, FIU, Grade 95 Brandon Peters, WKU, 89 Stephon Drane, WKU, 89 And by comparison, Holmen was graded a 79 last season.
    1 point
  18. So with this analogy, Vito's cutting down the nets equates to cutting out the legs of the athletic department with his slanderous and bias writing?
    1 point
  19. I had to give you a "+" on this one. I was in Glen Rose last weekend, helping my wife who was teaching an art workshop at the Fossil Rim Wildlife Park. I couldn't help but think of Derek Thompson when I was in town there. That and pie; the Pie Peddlar has wonderful pies of whatever flavor we love here in Texas, by the slice, the whole pie, or they'll combine portions of different pies and sell them to you in one box. We got some cherry, key lime, and pecan. Had some of the pecan with ice cream this . Nothing against Riley, I just like the idea of Thompson, based on what people have said about him. My prediction: along with Fossil Rim, Dinosaur Valley, and the Pie Peddlar, Glen Rose will become known as the home of Derek Thompson.
    1 point
  20. Not a chance in hell baring injury. Mark it, blah blah blah blah blah blah
    1 point
  21. at least it's not his shoulder...
    1 point
  22. Has anyone heard anything about Thompson getting a wavier for last year? RV had said that he was working on getting Thompson waiver for having to play those few minutes because of extreme circumstances so Thompson would not lose his red shirt status for last season. Not sure if it was BS or not.
    1 point
  23. I don't know what to expect from this team?
    1 point
  24. Pick it up? How many crucial shots has he hit for this team the last 3 years?
    1 point
  25. Lee Jackson had the football schedule moved to the Dallas campus.
    1 point
  26. Nice that you feel two weeks is enough time to get the bios in...apprecaite that...but then the coaches have to pick their teams...and then I need time to get the t-shirts printed and lettered with names, etc., etc. Since no one has "volunteered" to help with any of this logistical stuff, I do need as much time as I can get to get it all handled...unfortunately, I am not retired and do work a full-time...sometimes paying job and have somewhat of a life on the weekends as well. Ha! So, it would be swell and paechy keen if those folks that know they are playing could just go ahead and post bios and get t-shirt sizes to me. Procrastination is great, unless you are the one trying to "herd the cats". By the way...is there a Mr. Greengobblin that might be playing as well??????
    0 points
  27. The last three football seasons - one high school and two college - have ended due to injury for Riley. Therefore, I don't see the point in redshirting Thompson. It almost inevitable that he'll be needed. In fact, I'd advocate starting him if he's got the strongest arm of the three and can grasp everything Canales wants to do. In all honesty, both Tune and Thompson have better arms than Riley. Either will be fine. But...dadgum...isn't it exciting to see a kid 6'4" and 230 taking snaps? I mean, people talk about Riley being able to run around; but, what about having a QB as big as a linebacker being able to stand in the pocket, take a hit, and deliver the ball? That's every bit as valuable as "running around" with the ball. In fact, I'd say being able to stay in the pocket, take a hit, and deliver is more valuable because the timing of the play isn't messed up. If a QB pulls the ball down, receivers have got to readjust their routes and either (1) looks for an open space, or (2) come back to the ball. Everything's helter skelter at that point...and it led to too many turnovers last year. I like the thought of a bigger kid being able to hang in there and allow the receivers to complete their routes. I love Nathan Tune, but...dadgummit I'm pullng for this kid Thompson!
    0 points
  28. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article7076431.ece Nothing like disrepecting Isreal and her leader. Classless.
    -1 points
  29. Frankly, until I see otherwise, Riley's endurance is still suspect and the "back-up" could easily become a starter.
    -1 points
  30. Is there a "building better fathers and husbands" mode? Because.. that would be cool.
    -1 points
  31. 2003 is the latest version of NCAA Football that I have and I made myself a roster full of our current guys and in the third game of the season Riley went down with a torn Achilles and is out for the season... crap...
    -1 points

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