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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/2010 in all areas

  1. I'm sitting here watching Baylor destroy St Mary's and wishing I was watching Tennessee and Ohio State when the doorbell rings. Kid next door said his football was in my backyard. I said "OK, let me get it for you." I go out back and find his football. As I pick it up and turn it over, I see the SOW logo and "Mean Green" on the side.
    2 points
  2. Monkey Man was a nice guy - very positive.
    2 points
  3. One thing I've been thinking about is the possibilities if we bring in this Donald Edwards guy from Antelope Valley. He's 6'5" and seems to spend all his time camped out on the perimeter. There were many times, particularly late in the season once Richard Thomas fell out of favor and then left, where we had Shorter bring the ball up court. Imagine the possibilities if we start with a Dom/Josh/Tristan backcourt, but we have a completely different configuration we can throw out. Shorter (6'4" and built thick enough to play inside when needed) handling the ball, Tristan and Williams (both 6'5") at the other two guard spots, Holmen and Odufuwa (or Alonzo Edwards) at forward. We'd have a size advantage at almost every position, most of them being pretty significant. Tristan, Williams, Edwards, and Holmen are all capable of nailing 3's. Shorter could handle the ball and, since he's a slasher instead of a 3-point guy... He could drive the lane for open layups or dish outside to any of the other four guys depending on who gets a clean outside look. I wouldn't want to press Shorter into a ton of point guard service (maybe use Alzee in that configuration instead? Still 6'4" and still a great defender)... But is there any team in our conference that could handle both the small/quick lineup and the large/3-point lineup? We'd be a matchup nightmare for everyone on the schedule, Sun Belt or otherwise.
    2 points
  4. http://www.thrfeed.com/2010/03/fox-cancels-24.html
    1 point
  5. He's a walk on. I talked with his parents during the scrimmage this morning. He played for one of the Plano schools. Can't remember the name off the top of my head.
    1 point
  6. Makes me want to get a prostate exam.
    1 point
  7. I agree Thompson looked very good, especially when he should be a redshirt freshman. Great size, fairly strong arm, good speed for his size, and better decision making then I was expecting. Anyone know who that giant left tackle was? He was wearing 71.
    1 point
  8. The scrimage was nice. I can't tell much about the team yet, but I did like seeing double tight end formations, and motion. Benny Jones looked even better then last Spring. He did a great job of making the catch with defenders on him, and also creating seperation. Byrd played some RB. He must have graduated early. He already looks like a college back. Some starters didn't see much action. I only saw Dunbar on one play, and he lined up in the slot on it. Riley didn't play at all. We did have recruits at the scrimage. I met one from Cedar Hill, and one from Navaro JC. I'm sure some others guys may have caught things that I missed. It was fun.
    1 point
  9. He also averaged 3 rebounds, why would anyone THING he is a low post threat?
    1 point
  10. He transferred from Nebraska because he was not getting any playing time not because he didn't want to play under the basket. I can't believe anyone thinks JJ signed Edwards to play the wing. Edwards averaged 6 points on a mediocre juco, why would anyone thing he is an outside offensive threat? If that performance coach had mentioned in his article that Alonzo really wants to play the point, some of you would be predicting less playing time for White and Johnson. Edwards was a very good high school player, physical and with some skills. I would think that JJ and apparently other coaches believe with his physical ability he can become a force around the basket based on his high school promise and ignoring what he has done since. The interesting thing is that he was signed during the juco season and his numbers were only slightly better than at the end of the year. I thought he was a strange choice for NT's only ship at the time but he was signed to replace Tramiel at the 4. Tramiel was a first team juco All American, Edwards was not closed to being all anything. I do think that the coaching staff sees a little of Odufuwa in Edwards. Odufuwa in his sophomore year was a strong re-bounder but very limited offensively. Maybe Edwards can be a player that gives you adequate defense and 8 ppg and 6 rbg next year.
    1 point
  11. Say no to black...unis
    1 point
  12. Well, since his Rivals page shows only Baylor and UTEP being interested, AND since he doesn't appear on either of their spring rosters....it's a possibility. *update* According to the official Angelo State site, B.J. Davis signed with them. http://www.angelosports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=12200&ATCLID=204880049
    1 point
  13. I've had a software problem and couldn't post for a few days so instead of adding comments to the CUSA topic I thought that I'd start a new one. We won't know until the the Pac 10, Big 10 and Big East pick their teams how the mid-majors can shake out but here's my speculation. The BCS leagues will all go to 12 teams. My guess is that the Pac 10 fills from the MWC, the Big 10 from the Big East or Notre Dame and the Big East from independents and CUSA. If that happens then the best scenario is to form a new conference composed primarily of CUSA teams but in much closer proximity. Hence, here are my picks for the "new" Southwest Conference: TCU SMU North Texas UTEP Houston Rice Tulsa Louisiana Tech Louisiana (Lafayette) Tulane Southern Mississippi Memphis If one or two say no, consider Arkansas State and New Mexico State. This would not be a powerhouse conference but it's fairly solid now. There would likely be two hard sells but maybe only one...TCU. Why would I include TCU when they have been dodging these teams at every chance? Well, the most likely teams to join the Pac 10 are Utah and Brigham Young. Their loss would take the luster from the MWC even if they should add Boise State and someone else. None of those would likely be close to TCU and they would be a better fit in this conference. They would go in as top dog. Memphis may still aspire to be in the Big East but with Calipari gone they have lost a lot of their attractiveness to the Big East. Travel would be much cheaper because five of the twelve are near two major airports; however, most of the universities are within a day's drive. Only UTEP is distant. All of these teams have played at the top classification for at least 25 years. About half have good football records and about the same number are good in basketball. All of the private schools have good/great academics and North Texas and Houston, among the state schools, are above average. I had previously been studying how the realignment might end but finally just thought..let's do what's best for the teams in this area. Hopefully, there will be enough left for the teams in the Sun Belt and CUSA east to form another conference. The Mountain West will survive taking what they want from the WAC. It's the WAC that will have survival problems.
    1 point
  14. Really? Then why wasn't it in the Dems original bill? Do they care nothing about this?
    1 point
  15. I realize it, Mo Green and a few others do as well. Rick
    1 point
  16. How funny! First several posters after the K State game, then the T Mack article and now this one with the WKU prez demanding a raising of the bar and not a single word of dissent is muttered. But when Mo Green comes on here and basically said the same thing back in February, HERE, he got hammered for it. Rick
    1 point
  17. Problem is most people aren't true sports fans. See the Texas Douche for example. Rick
    1 point
  18. You can ignore all the facts you want. Rick
    1 point
  19. I see no way we could get Gillespie before Houston did. But the job Bob Marlin has done is short of amazing making him my first favorite. And we might have a shot at him. However, before we worry over who we are going to hire we had better be concerned with who is doing the hiring considering how horrible our last selection committee blew the Donna Capp's opportunity. For all we know we could have Billy Gillespie on his knees at our doorstep and the NT selection committee could find a way to instead fall for another glossy-bound sales pitch who has to replace 8 seniors this time next year. Rick
    1 point
  20. Considering what you and the rest of the Baylor students are paying for tuition I'd say those were all damn good deals? Rick
    1 point
  21. Especially when you compare them to previous winners! Rick
    1 point
  22. And that would be a $1.5 Million program defeating an $8.2 Million program. Interestingly, they didn't have a single non-D 1A program on their regular schedule and had non conference wins over Iowa State, Iowa, East Carolina, Siena, Boston College, Wyoming and Old Dominion. Awesome! Rick
    1 point
  23. http://michellemalkin.com/2010/03/25/while-you-were-sleeping-the-vampire-congress-strikes-again/ Rick
    0 points
  24. Nothing like a good old stereotype. You have apparently already bought into it.
    0 points
  25. I was just at Walgreens and there were at least 3 sex offenders turned away from their Viagra because they didn't have insurance, true story. This will become an epidemic! Silly stunt to rile up the silly tea baggers. You know, the GOP had this whole health care thing tied up and dead before the tea baggers started marching, screaming at crippled people, calling our President the new Hitler, and complaining about birth certificates. America is shifting back to the middle left because the tea baggers are scary sons of guns. The GOP should distance themselves from those nut jobs before they screw up the mid terms. Agreed?
    0 points
  26. This is exactly what I hate about watching these games on CBS. This Baylor game is obviously over, yet we have to sit here and watch it while we have an upset (small at that) in the making in the other game, far closer.
    0 points
  27. Takes one to know one Tony!!!
    -1 points
  28. I'm not the one who called a recently deceased politician a POS. The hypocracty on this board (BY BOTH SIDES, me included) is the reason this forum was shut down earlier. It's evident to almost all on this forum, where everyone stands policically. This was a thread dedicated to the death of one of the countries best known politicians. And one of the first resonses call the man a POS. If that is not worthy of being called a POS then nothing is.
    -1 points
  29. Ok, Jedi Master UNT90! I would be fine with RNC Chairman Michael Steele speaking to kids. But many children view Rush Limbaugh as the leader of the Republican party. And I would not want this Oxycontin Addict speaking to children about staying in school and saying no to drugs.
    -1 points
  30. AMEN Oh I forgot, the Republicans have got God's ear, not the Democrats.
    -1 points
  31. Just goes to show that the rest of the world saw his greatness, now if the right side of the aisle in his own country saw the same thing. Could you please explain in an unbiased, bi-partisian OUR PRESIDENT's parrallel path to former president Carter.
    -1 points
  32. Not if he has to stand outside the fence
    -1 points
  33. "Here's UNT's spring football schedule. The spring game will be on the 11th at 3 p.m. at Fouts Field. The note I received only indicated that practice is open for media types to watch. I didn't ask specifically, but I believe that fans are allowed to watch from outside the fence as well.".. Brett Vito From outside the fence, if at all? I have just about had it with this non-sense. Am I really going out on a limb here?...closed practices have done NOTHING to help this program in three straight seasons, and we going back to it for season four? Let the freakin fans and Alums watch their team, PLEASE! June Jones had no problem allowing us to watch SMU practice this past season, and they won? I am still not allowed to watch my own team? Really, at 5-31? If we were winning conference titles every year and the "double-secret probation" thing was working, fine.. but it's NOT WORKING. The last coach who allowed us watch OUR team won FOUR conference titles and took us to FOUR straight bowl games. We were allowed right there on the field with those guys, and they were winning. Note to coaches.. THAT was WORKING. Good luck finding a fan selling the UNT playbook on the internet.. Give me a freakin break. Rick V., please finally do something about this. GMG!!! PS: Apologiies to you guys for my whining. I dont post often these days, but "Come on Man???"
    -1 points
  34. Were you not FOR Obamacare? If so, why the sudden concern about our seniors, now? Rick
    -1 points
  35. Wall Street Journal: ObamaCare, Day One Rick
    -1 points
  36. "Hell, if we are going to be Socialists, lets be Socialists all across the board...". MSNBC's Ed Shultz calls for the fairness doctrine because liberal radio has no audience. I wonder why that is? Rick
    -1 points
  37. Flyer, you're better than this. They could have easily written this into the legislation that was passed originally . The amendement, as you put it, is nothing more than campaign window dressing as a cheap political stunt. If they really, truly, cared about not letting pervs get drugs to keep their boners up for kids, it would have been taken care of already. Too little too late is the best way you can characterise this.
    -1 points
  38. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article7076431.ece Nothing like disrepecting Isreal and her leader. Classless.
    -1 points
  39. They also voted down an amendment to deny tax-funded Viagra prescriptions to sex offenders and pedophiles. Yeah, that's going to make a great campaign ad this fall.
    -2 points

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