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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2010 in all areas

  1. Pick it up? How many crucial shots has he hit for this team the last 3 years?
    3 points
  2. Scout.com has listed Antelope Valley JC SG/SF Donald Williams as a NT prospect. Scout.com list very few players under recruitment , but they are very accurate with the info on the ones they do Signed with Kentucky out of high school rivals.com He is from Baton Rouge , who went to Temple Hills (MD) Proggessive Christian Academy
    2 points
  3. Josh makes our offense go, plain and simple. I understand there will be a lot of Romoesque Josh White questioning after his poor performances in both the Sun Belt and NCAA tourneys, but he is the glue that makes this team work. He can penetrate in the Belt, outside of it maybe not so much, but most of our games are against teams where he can take over with his scoring ability or driving and kicking to the other guys. Knowing the kind of work ethic Josh has I'm sure he will go into the offseason with a chip on his shoulder after his poor performance down the stretch and bring a new fire and intensity into next season. As far as Shorter goes I'm not convinced he is a guy who needs to log major minutes. He was a streaky player throughout the season and at times would try to take over the game as if he was this teams #1 option. Case and point in the Kansas State game, George sat down and the game started getting out of hand. Shannon gets the ball, drives to the hoop, clangs the runner hard off of the glass, and whines to the ref about a no foul call instead of getting back on defense. I think the best 5 for this team next year (the 2 position can be altered according to match-up) Josh White Dominique Johnson Tristan Thompson Alonzo Edwards George Odufuwa
    2 points
  4. All that said that Congress "robbed" Social Security for their pet projects are right. My employers and I paid into the fund for more than 50 years and had it been invested there would have been far more than I am getting now in return. I heard that the average SS payment is just under $1000 per month. Had that money been placed in an annuity the payback would have been about $2,300 per month. I'm sorry that you have to pay but the oldtimers have been robbed also. I read of a great solution that was proposed quite some time ago but ignored by Congress. All I can remember was that it was proposed by a black professor at Davis & Elkins College and it was something like this: Those fifty and over continue under social security. The contribution of those thirty to fifty would be divided something like 60-40 between SS and an annuity. Those under thirty would purchase an annuity only (they would lose what they have paid in). Each person would have his own account and would receive an annual statement. The account could not be touched until retirement age was reached. The government would only be involved in an oversight capacity. I know, that would be totally out of the question with the progressives that are in power today but it would have cured a lot of ills had it been done when we had the chance.
    2 points
  5. Don't forget having children out of wedlock.
    1 point
  6. I saw a lot of spark and leadership in him in that NCAA game when he was the only one knocking down shots and essentially put the team on his shoulders for a late run
    1 point
  7. Flyer, you're better than this. They could have easily written this into the legislation that was passed originally . The amendement, as you put it, is nothing more than campaign window dressing as a cheap political stunt. If they really, truly, cared about not letting pervs get drugs to keep their boners up for kids, it would have been taken care of already. Too little too late is the best way you can characterise this.
    1 point
  8. One great thing is that traffic on the basketball board has gone up an order of magnitude from prior years. A lot of HSO's being expressed. Back to Edwards, I don't think there is any doubt he was recruited to fill Tramiel's position at the four. The question that has evolved based on a relatively poor juco performance is he capable. I don't believe despite sugar coating his performance at Lon Morris like Barnes attempted to do in his commentary that his progress has been promising. Numbers at Lon Morris are hard to come by, but it appears that Edwards was about fourth or fifth in scoring and third in rebounds on a very mediocre team, 16-15. For example, in LM's last regional game, Edwards started but only played 16 minutes with 0 points and 6 rebounds. I still can't believe that anyone thinks that JJ is going to start a 6'7 245 player with little demonstrated offensive skills at the wing or all of sudden go to a three man back-court with a team loading at the guard position. If he wanted to do that he would use Holmen. It seems to me despite what Edwards may think his correct position is, that his best change to contribute is being a rebound first interior player. The issue there is that with Spencer and Hogans, NT already has two similar players. A positive out of the article is that Edwards is working hard and wants to contribute. Josh White will start and I question the BB IQ of anyone that blames him for anything. He has had more clutch performances than any recent player and is the heart of the club. As far as Thompson not wanting to be the go to player, I am not sure how anyone comes up with that conclusion. He has on the offensive end always been the one that seems to want the ball, maybe too much. This year, he also improved his defense and made more than a few good defensive plays. Thompson has substantially improved every year, if he can do that again he may be the best player in the conference. Odufuwa, White and Thompson are obviously all great Belt level players and will start. Johnson before the injury was also close to that level. Magrum, Williams and Shorter provide great depth at the guard positions. The only critical issue next year is going to be the other front court starter. Holmen appears to have the best potential to be good on both ends of the court. Hogans and Spencer should be adequate depth players. I also would not be surprised to see Edwards come through. Knox did not play much but did show some promise, if he could gain some confidence he could really help. It is interesting that the NT program is in such good shape that we are expressing concern over a fifth starter when we have three All Belt players and two other players returning that probably would have been in the top six contributors if heathty on the team this year.
    1 point
  9. I don't know the kid. But just based off of following him these years, I don't think Thompson wants to be the man. He seems to prefer being Robin, to someone else's Batman. You can't force that kinda personality trait.
    1 point
  10. You said pick it up tho. Usually that implies he's not doing his job. He led the team in scoring, assists, and hit more big shots than anyone on the team. We don't win the SBC tournament without him. The kid is the biggest winner we have. Maybe strategically it'd be better to have him come off the bench, but that's not the same as "pick it up and you get off the bench" -- not at all.
    1 point
  11. I hope Tobe is drafted in one of the rounds. Not just an unrestricted free agent. (Although I would hope he at least gets a chance even as a UFA.)
    1 point
  12. From the 1990 Final Four through last season: The "AQ" 73 schools are 21% of Division but: They have won 19 of the 20 titles (95%) The have filled 37 of the 40 appearances in the title game (92.5%) [counts Memphis who vacated their appearance due to violations] The AQ has filled 71 of the 80 slots in the Final Four (88.75%) [counts Louisville, Marquette, and Cincinnati who appeared on behalf of CUSA twice and Great Midwest once as non-AQ, counts Memphis, UMass, and Ohio State who vacated appearances due to violations]
    1 point
  13. From first hand experience, no. I worked for a city, and we had an alternate retirement plan but it didn't affect our social security benefits (for anyone who had logged time in a private sector job that paid into Social Security). Then, I went to work for a school district, and the benefits system you pay into (TRS) actively cuts into your Social Security payout. It was a big point of contention for a lot of the folks at the campus where I worked, because many of them had spent 20 or more years in the private sector before going into teaching, and every year they spent teaching and paying into TRS also had the side effect of cutting down their future Social Security benefits. Having worked for a municipal government, for a Texas ISD, and for a number of private sector employers... That's been my experience.
    1 point
  14. That was the best joke I've heard all day. Thanks, I needed that!
    1 point
  15. Privatize social security or disband it all together. We should pay for seniors and people who are currently, say 40 and younger, have to pay in with the understanding that we'll never get anything out, and then we have to be responsible for taking care of our own retirement. I would not be for screwing seniors who are close enough to retirement to have been counting on Social Security, but I'm willing to sacrifice so that my kid and grandkid's generation don't get stuck in the same boat we are. Social Security was doomed the minute that Congress and Politicians of both parties started putting Social Security tax revenue into the general fund. Look at unemployment vs the number unemployed. Unemployment is going down largely not because private jobs where people pay into Social Security are on the rise, but rather because A. they are no longer searching for work or have run out of unemployment benefits and thus aren't being reported (like folks under 65 who are looking for work and WANT a job, but just aren't counted because they are old enough to retire) or B. are taking government jobs which are the only type of job on the incline. Government employees by and large don't pay into Social Security, rather into their own private pension funds.
    1 point
  16. All of Congress is to blame for the Social Security debacle, they had SS in a lock box then got greedy for their little pet programs/projects and got their hand into the cookie jar and never let loose. Just pathetic actions from every party involved regardless of leanings.
    1 point
  17. Maybe if we stop paying for the seniours all together then we will have some left over for us!!!!! I mean why did they not save for this. Why am I footing the bill? Abolish Social Security before it brings us 30 somethings down!!!! If we could keep illegals out of the country then senior's could start washing dishes and mowing lawns instead of playing with grandchildren volunteering and mentoring. And no cable news for seniors who cant afford it. Why should they get fox news on my dime?
    1 point
  18. I realize it, Mo Green and a few others do as well. Rick
    1 point
  19. I turned over to channel 5 this morning to check the local weather and caught the McCain interview. It didn't surprise me one bit. Threats of violence by republicans? Hilarious. Did Barry's buddy Bill Ayers suddenly change parties because he wrote the book on violence against this country. This is all a distraction by the libs and who knows how much of it is fabricated? They are taking it up the rear end public relations wise because they know they have done something very wrong that the American public does not want. Yesterday it was learned that after spending a year and millions/billions of tax payer money to push their marxist agenda they in fact flubbed the bill leaving out coverage for children and must now go back and rework it again. That simply solidified how totally incompetent government run health care will be in the future. So the only way to ease the their pain from this PR nightmare right now is to distract and the White House media lap dogs are more than willing to oblige. Rick
    1 point
  20. This is taking too long for just a link, a quoted paragraph and a Charlie Brown-esque "good grief." Maybe a women's college basketball rant?
    1 point
  21. Problem is most people aren't true sports fans. See the Texas Douche for example. Rick
    1 point
  22. I see no way we could get Gillespie before Houston did. But the job Bob Marlin has done is short of amazing making him my first favorite. And we might have a shot at him. However, before we worry over who we are going to hire we had better be concerned with who is doing the hiring considering how horrible our last selection committee blew the Donna Capp's opportunity. For all we know we could have Billy Gillespie on his knees at our doorstep and the NT selection committee could find a way to instead fall for another glossy-bound sales pitch who has to replace 8 seniors this time next year. Rick
    1 point
  23. We should do a throw back look to honor fout's last season or ... Or maybe a Scrappy logo Or maybe a Albino squirrel Or maybe 2 male eagles holding each other Or maybe a UNT Dallas logo
    1 point
  24. Considering what you and the rest of the Baylor students are paying for tuition I'd say those were all damn good deals? Rick
    1 point
  25. Global Interact: A community group committed to friendship with international students at the University of North Texas and Texas Woman's University in Denton. Next year I'm submitting the "Friends of the Physical Plant" for this because they keep the lawn mowing equipment in top working order. Rick
    1 point
  26. Especially when you compare them to previous winners! Rick
    1 point
  27. And that would be a $1.5 Million program defeating an $8.2 Million program. Interestingly, they didn't have a single non-D 1A program on their regular schedule and had non conference wins over Iowa State, Iowa, East Carolina, Siena, Boston College, Wyoming and Old Dominion. Awesome! Rick
    1 point
  28. And that's a $1.9 Million budget basketball program downing a $6 Million program. Nice win. It just stuns me when I see these poorer budgeted programs getting it done, Cornell being the most amazing to me, considering they only spend a paltry $925,269 on their men's basketball team. Rick
    1 point
  29. If your asking me, I paid that much because, for one, I had to buy 4 of them, two, I wanted to support my school by buying them through our program, plus I wanted to sit in the North Texas section. I did this very same thing in '88 and in '07 and had great seats down low both times, and since nothing gave me an indication it would be any different this time I did it again like the others who bought up the 550 ticket allotment this time around. I won't ever again though, lesson learned! Rick
    1 point
  30. If you'll read the version in the DMN it has some of the emails mentioned here, posted for you read over. To me it seems the DRC writer is accurate with her oppinion. Rick
    1 point
  31. A very, very, very, very rare occasion I actually turned over to listen after I dropped the kids off this morning and all I heard was Miller talking about something to do with Hollywood girl's breast implants gone wrong or something to that fact? Not really sure. But for sure, I turned it RIGHT OFF! Rick
    1 point
  32. Saw the Kenny Chesney concert last summer there in a packed house and the parking was fine, but the exit off the freeway to get to the parking was a a freakin nightmare. They don't have that system figured out at all just yet. RIck
    1 point
  33. . . . . .. . . . . . . . Texan, thanks for the props, but know my sarcasm isn't directed towards you. And great link '61. Thanks to drex and greenminer we have been able to keep more than one news source straight on a few things. Rick
    1 point
  34. I and many others here have said before, and I'll continue to say that the UNT Dallas idea was a bad one. Rick
    1 point
  35. Way to go Lance. Rick
    1 point
  36. I second that. Rick
    1 point
  37. Seems to me the numbers concern in football doesn't come close to the concern we are going to have in men's basketball in a year. After the 2010-2011 season we lose 9(including one walk-on) players off the current roster, but only 8 if one of them gets a medical hardship for this season. Of the ten players who played to defeat FIU last Saturday, 7 of them are scheduled to finish their eligibility after next year. That's 70% turnover from this years team realized in a little over 12 months from now and no one seems to even bat an eye about it? Rick
    1 point
  38. Holy smokes! Those are going for around $1,500 a piece these days. Great find, C. And that would have been for the '66 season. Rick
    1 point
  39. I've had a software problem and couldn't post for a few days so instead of adding comments to the CUSA topic I thought that I'd start a new one. We won't know until the the Pac 10, Big 10 and Big East pick their teams how the mid-majors can shake out but here's my speculation. The BCS leagues will all go to 12 teams. My guess is that the Pac 10 fills from the MWC, the Big 10 from the Big East or Notre Dame and the Big East from independents and CUSA. If that happens then the best scenario is to form a new conference composed primarily of CUSA teams but in much closer proximity. Hence, here are my picks for the "new" Southwest Conference: TCU SMU North Texas UTEP Houston Rice Tulsa Louisiana Tech Louisiana (Lafayette) Tulane Southern Mississippi Memphis If one or two say no, consider Arkansas State and New Mexico State. This would not be a powerhouse conference but it's fairly solid now. There would likely be two hard sells but maybe only one...TCU. Why would I include TCU when they have been dodging these teams at every chance? Well, the most likely teams to join the Pac 10 are Utah and Brigham Young. Their loss would take the luster from the MWC even if they should add Boise State and someone else. None of those would likely be close to TCU and they would be a better fit in this conference. They would go in as top dog. Memphis may still aspire to be in the Big East but with Calipari gone they have lost a lot of their attractiveness to the Big East. Travel would be much cheaper because five of the twelve are near two major airports; however, most of the universities are within a day's drive. Only UTEP is distant. All of these teams have played at the top classification for at least 25 years. About half have good football records and about the same number are good in basketball. All of the private schools have good/great academics and North Texas and Houston, among the state schools, are above average. I had previously been studying how the realignment might end but finally just thought..let's do what's best for the teams in this area. Hopefully, there will be enough left for the teams in the Sun Belt and CUSA east to form another conference. The Mountain West will survive taking what they want from the WAC. It's the WAC that will have survival problems.
    0 points
  40. When you are 5 and 31 under this head coach, I don't think that is a long shot.
    0 points
  41. Rick, serious question - not trying to be a jerk. When I taught school for DISD (that socialist property known as public education) we put our money into the Teacher's Retirement Fund and were exempt from Social Security. Is that the rule for all government employees? Just curious how that works for firemen. And I have never been a fan of this bill. Any reform short of a single payer system or at the minimum, a public option - is just regulation. The insurance companies and drug makers were the biggest lobbyists FOR this bill because they will make some good bottom lines off of this crap. The only thing that passed on Friday was the right to buy insurance... from a for profit insurance company... How sad is it that we had to pass a law for that in a civilized country? NOW - Let's go shoot out some windows and tea bag one another, yee haw!
    0 points
  42. Notice the Democrats are real quiet about what their minions and vocal minority (extremists) did during the Bush Years, G-8 Summits, Gay Rights Rallies, Immigration Rallies, Crawford Ranch protests, etc... Where is the press about Rep. Cantors office being shot up last week?? Hypocrites everyone of them, do they forget Stupak being called every name in the book by the Daily Kos gang ebfore he flip flopped on was bribed on the final bill.
    0 points
  43. How funny! First several posters after the K State game, then the T Mack article and now this one with the WKU prez demanding a raising of the bar and not a single word of dissent is muttered. But when Mo Green comes on here and basically said the same thing back in February, HERE, he got hammered for it. Rick
    0 points
  44. He passes the mean mug test. That's very important for me in a 4 or 5. Can't play power forward with an Emmanuel Lewis grill.
    -1 points
  45. Were you not FOR Obamacare? If so, why the sudden concern about our seniors, now? Rick
    -1 points
  46. "Hell, if we are going to be Socialists, lets be Socialists all across the board...". MSNBC's Ed Shultz calls for the fairness doctrine because liberal radio has no audience. I wonder why that is? Rick
    -1 points
  47. They also voted down an amendment to deny tax-funded Viagra prescriptions to sex offenders and pedophiles. Yeah, that's going to make a great campaign ad this fall.
    -1 points
  48. Really? Then why wasn't it in the Dems original bill? Do they care nothing about this?
    -1 points

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