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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/2010 in all areas

  1. since everyone is going ot be wearing green all day, might as well pick your favorite Mean Green attire and pimp out your alma mater... to support the B-Ball team. Of course there are many shades of green to chose from, but be sure it says North Texas. Also went to the St. patricks day parade on Saturday on Greenville, and was suprised that there werent that many people wearing their green North texas apparrel. I mean I wore my newest cap, but there were more Notre Dame and Baylor apparrel to be seen. HAPPY SAINT PATRICKS DAY
    2 points
  2. Our Chancellor Blows So Does Kansas State
    2 points
  3. Not gonna lie Brett....not sure if I am a fan of tha name of the second article!
    2 points
  4. I was there and I estimated the crowd at 70-80. Since it's Spring Break, the band, cheerleaders and Dancers weren't there. But all in all, it was a nice turnout. I think Coach JJ and the players were touched by it. And FYI....there will be a Game Day Send Off from the team hotel at 12 on Thursday. That one will be rockin'.
    2 points
  5. I was pissed sunday afternoon. Now I'm just ready to beat some wildcat ass.
    2 points
  6. Well we are the #15 seed playing the #2 seed. Now if we were a #14 seed, things might have been different.
    2 points
  7. I assume there were no equally ignorant or criminally predisposed white recruits in this particular year's class?
    2 points
  8. Levin's Landmark Legal Foundation to File Immediate Constitutional Challenge If House Dems Try to Pass Health-Care Without Actually Voting on It Below is the audio. http://marklevinshow.com/Article.asp?id=1735262&spid=32364 Rick
    1 point
  9. Here is the text of the GM recall - The recent GM recall isn't a result of any reported deaths or injuries. It has not precipitated multiple recalls that should have happened long ago but was hidden by management. GM's recall was voluntary, as opposed to the first Toyota Recall. I heard about GM's recall twice on the radio the day it was announced and then on the Internet and TV. It wasn't hidden. It wasn't swept under the rug. It has been publicized to the degree is should be. This is NO WHERE NEAR the size and scope of the Toyota recall. To attempt to compare the two is either A. GM bashing or B. a lack of understanding of the facts and obvious differences between the two. ...no car company is perfect, but the more we find out about what's been going on culturally at Toyota, the more systemic this problem appears to me.
    1 point
  10. I appreciate his support, but his story was ... awkward.
    1 point
  11. I'm not expecting a win. But Texas A&M(3rd place in the same conference) couldn't blow us out in their house. Currently my prediction for the game is a close first half, followed by their depth wearing us out in the 2nd, ending in a KSU 12-15 point victory. Ask me tomorrow at gametime and I'll be convinced we'll win.
    1 point
  12. stop interjecting reality into our baseless bitching.
    1 point
  13. I really don't see much to get "excited" about in that article...in fact, I tend to see it as "good press" for UNT. The fact is, UNT was a "bad" program for several years before JJ arrived, and he (and his staff) has done a great job of turning the program around. He can't do much about playing in the Sun Belt, but what he can do he has done or is doing to improve the program. That's really what that article is all about. The fact that some "higher profile" school may "come calling" would be absolutely no surprise to anyone. In fact, many on this board have said things like, "I know JJ will be gone soon enough for a bigger school, but as long as he leaves UNT in good shape, well...good for him". I, for one, am not certain he will be leaving anytime soon, but you just never know in his chosen profession. But, as the article points out, JJ has built the best basketball program in the Metroplex out of a once very "down" program. The results this season will do nothing but help recruiting and help to continue the success. Now, if UNT can only start attracting bigger game day crowds.....JJ and his program have EARNED the right to see bigger crowds. If anything could "hasten JJ's departure" it might be the fact that his efforts seem "under-appreciated" by the fan base. The fan base CAN do something about that to help keep JJ at "home" with the Mean Green. GO MEAN GREEN...BEAT K ST.
    1 point
  14. Just one more bad decision on his part. http://digitalsportsdaily.com/college-basketball/25678
    1 point
  15. At that time of the day, that day of the week and given that it was Spring Break, I am pretty proud of the "several dozen" who did show up. In the past there would not have even been a scheduled send-off event! I find nothing to complain about regarding fan support for the team during the Sun Belt Tournament and the NCAA effort. By all counts UNT had one of the largest and most vocal fan contingents for the Hot Springs tournament and UNT sold out its NCAA ticket allotment very rapidly. This is very good news indeed. When UNT fans are in numbers such that they can be "disappointed" that they were not able to buy tickets to a UNT game, that's PROGRESS! Way to go Mean Green nation...you have done yourselves proud. Yes, more would be better, but those "baby steps" toward progress are getting to be "teenager steps"....I see "adult" steps on the horizon. GO MEAN GREEN!
    1 point
  16. Seems everything Obama touches turns to doodie or is in the wrong direction. Obama's pick just upped my confidence that we might actually pull the upset.
    1 point
  17. I understand this one guy's story doesn't sweep it clean, but his story makes you wonder if the others are indeed legit? Here's an interesting report concerning something that I have seen personally 4 times while on duty. Toyota Sudden Acceleration: Is It All Older Drivers' Fault? Whenever my kids and I exit a grocery store/convenience store in which customers pull directly into a space towards the store, I will have each one by the arm and will not allow them to walk in front of someone pulling in until that someone turns their vehicle off, especially if the driver is a senior individual. Why? Because I have seen it 4 times in which little ol grandma/grandpa hit the accelerator instead of the brake and ran their car right up into the store. The first one I remember was at The Exxon Station on Camp Bowie and Bryant Irvin Road in '97 and I'll never forget how amazing it was to see it? And every guy I work with has a story in which they've seen it also. It's just one of those things that happens and seems to happen quite a bit apparently? So my experiences and others plus the hoax leads me skeptical that the Toyota scare is AS BIG as congress and the media is making it out to be? I'm not dismissing the accidental deaths that may be legit. They are horrible. But we see and know human nature and behavior behind the wheel of autos, so..? Rick
    1 point
  18. And why does this matter? Did you pick us in your bracket?
    1 point
  19. I'm much more interested in finding out what Norah Jones and Censored by Laurie's love child looks like.
    1 point
  20. Or being a fan of a sun belt team in Texas with the state loaded with 1/3 of the big 12 teams...
    1 point
  21. There has been a lot said amongst the Mean Green Nation that we are getting no respect in regards to a potential upset vs. K-State and that we got screwed in not getting a 14 seed. One, even if we did get a 14 seed, we would still be fighting a tough battle. We would still be playing the likes of a Georgetown, Baylor, New Mexico, or Pitt. And lets be honest, any of those three teams are still greatly more talented and deep than us (albeit not as much as K-State). Two, we must be realistic at our chances of beating K-State. Once again, lets be honest and admit they are more talented than us. I'm not saying we can't beat them. That's why you play the game and crazier things have happened. It's not like a #15 seed has never won over a #2. We are going to have play flawlessly and have a few things bounce our way to have a shot. And I am very confident that we can push K-State to the limit and there is no doubt in my mind we will play our hearts out. The real point I'm trying to make here is this. Programs like North Texas don't have the luxury to play in the best conferences and therefore are a big disadvantage in regards to recruiting. We don't play top 25 talent day in and day out and the Sun Belt gets hardly any TV coverage. Programs like North Texas don't just wake up one day and find that they are nationally competitive. Programs like North Texas must gain respect over time in order to build their program into a nationally respected one. Johnny Jones has done an outstanding job at laying the foundation towards long term success. I repeat, Johnny Jones has done an outstanding job with this program. Now, we must parlay this success into further success. All we can ask for is a chance, which have gotten my making it to the dance. You gain national respect by being competitive in moments such as this and maybe, just maybe pulling off an epic upset. But even if we don't win, if we can remain competitive in the game, then people will look at UNT basketball in a different light. And we must take this opportunity to get even better down the road. And with that, I'm very confident in the Mean Green.
    1 point
  22. We're all aware of the odds, even if some of us type that they think we can pull the upset, deep down we know we don't stand any real chance. I like kittys
    1 point
  23. Nice find. For anyone that thinks Vito is nothing but negative towards UNT, they need to read this.
    1 point
  24. We already have a prize just by making the Tourney. Winning would be great but Respect is now what we want to achieve. It's an opportunity for our program to be seen. Play competitive and keep it close and we could steal National TV coverage from other games that might become blowouts at the same time as ours. Mean Green basketball being broadcast in the breakrooms of all work places and restaurants around the country!
    1 point
  25. Our last trip at this stage, we went toe to toe with Memphis for 3/4 of the game. This is a better team(although a worse matchup for us IMHO). I think we can do the same this time - these kids are winners. Johnny Jones is quickly moving up the ranks of all-time coaches at NT in any sport. Twenty wins in the previous 4 years combined prior to his arrival made into a perenial contender for the belt and two NCAA trips. If he keeps this going - we'll be building a statue of him outside the SuperPit.
    1 point
  26. Is that a race or nationality?
    1 point
  27. I'd just like to point out that I've spent the past 36 hours as a proud member of their forum, making jokes about Mormon child sex abuse, Charles Whitman, Carlton Dotson, segregation, the A&M bonfire disaster, and sumo wrestling with KSU alum Kirstie Alley. And, if I understand their native tongue correctly, I think they're about to endow a scholarship in my name. I've used pretty much every weapon in my comedy arsenal to mock their school as a 3rd rate athletic program from a 2nd rate conference, to joke about their 3 losses to Kansas, to generally lump the entire midwest together as a flat, bland, homogeneous wasteland of whiteness. I called the state of Kansas "Nebraska's poop trench". And the love fest is so overpowering that I think I probably ought to get an STD test after Thursday. Seriously... The mutual appreciation over there is so over the top, I've had to stop a few times to think things through and make sure they aren't pulling an elaborate hoax on me. If I didn't know they were only smart enough to manage a K-State education, I'd think it was all a put-on. If there's anything I've learned from this week, it's that "you people" (and you know exactly who I mean when I say "you people") aren't ready for a move up in conference affiliation. I'm a god among those sad, wheat loving people. Maybe they've never seen an olive skinned person before. Maybe they're just amazed by my ability to juggle multi-syllabic words. I don't know... For a bunch of meth-addicts stuck in the middle territories that the rest of America would rather just forget... These K-State people are pretty okay. They're gracious hosts, and they certainly know how to take a joke in good spirit.
    1 point
  28. What makes you think Quinticious isn't white?
    1 point
  29. It's funny when people apply dramatic symphony type music to video highlights of things that any average team should be able to do. Is that supposed to impress me? Like I've never seen anyone dunk the ball, or make a 3 pointer before. I bet if I had video highlights of my best ******** with that music in the background, it would impress you just as much as this video.
    1 point
  30. Are those candian points or american points?
    1 point
  31. I know that anyone can agree that North Texas should be thrilled to be in any type of postseason play of any kind in any type of sport. It is what it is, a privilege. I mean we have the best season in our program's history and we are in the same numbered seeding with Robert Morris, and Morgan State, what???? And SHSU and Montana, and Wofford have better rankings. But I seriously have doubts that we really are a #15 seed. Just wanted to see what everyone else thought.
    0 points
  32. Another news report (with a video): http://www.myfoxny.com/dpp/news/dpgonc-donna-simpson-attempting-to-become-worlds-fattest-woman-fc-20100315
    0 points
  33. Thought we weren't allowed to talk politics on the board or there would be a suspension, just saying. ....
    0 points
  34. Why? For using logic rather than wishful thinking? I would worry if the did pick us.
    0 points
  35. To summarize (the writer's slant not mine), Johnny Jones is a really good coach. North Texas is a mediocre school. Johnny Jones will leave when a "real" school calls. Gee, sure wish a few more of those who set aside entire Saturdays could be bothered to make it to the pit.
    0 points
  36. Just like GM recalling a large number as well has been swept under the rug by the MSM since the Gov't now has a large stake in GM, but Toyota is evil.
    -1 points
  37. The coaching renewal is what prevents me from buying tickets.
    -1 points
  38. -1 for yet another thrashing of a deceased equine.
    -1 points
  39. just ANTOHER reason for me to hate this guy....
    -1 points
  40. Outside of Norm and the Jubster, yes! Rick
    -1 points
  41. How about "Purple is for Pussy's" Go 'Cats
    -2 points
  42. I wanted to puke when our interim president gave his stump speech at the Pourhouse Sunday. I respect the office, but that was not appropriate to give him mike time, especially given who was president most of the season.
    -2 points
  43. "Green sendoff:In Denton, several dozen fans attended a sendoff celebration before the Mean Green left for its first-round game in Oklahoma City. UNT is making its second NCAA appearance in four years, having played in 2007. "It's a great sendoff for our guys," coach Johnny Jones said." Several Dozen fans at the sendoff? Pathetic if true.
    -3 points

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