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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/2010 in all areas

  1. There was NO sentiment against re-signing the man. Re-signing him wasn't necessary---HE STILL HAD THREE YEARS LEFT ON HIS CONTRACT. Since this happened a month or so ago......there was some sentiment of "Hey could we at least wait to see how the season finishes out....before we extend him for 2 more years and give him a raise?" (since he still had three years left on his deal). That would have been the prudent way of doing things. What, for example.....if we had lost to ULM in the first round. (which we almost did). We would have been sitting at home....going nowhere (with our RPI).....but we would have a coach with a 5 year deal for more money. And this is cash strapped UNT. So pardon some of us, if we worry about extending contracts too early.....since we often don't have the money to buy one out.
    3 points
  2. Sure, as long as I can count on those who want a 14 seed regardless of factors such as match ups, travel and fan support to provide the same from Buffalo, NY, Milwaukee, WI or where ever you want the team to play. I want our guys to have the best chance to win. If that means playing the #8 team in the country rather than the #9 team in the country and the guys only have to travel to OKC and will have a good crowd backing them, then that is fine with me. But if some of yall feel that playing a team that is ranked 1 spot lower and having our guys travel half way across the country with no fan support will give them a better chance, then that is your opinion and you are welcome to it. But think about it from their perspective first and what will give them the most confidence. Because it doesn't matter who we will play in the first round, if our guys don't come out and play over their heads then it doesn't matter anyway. I want them to have the best chance of doing that.
    2 points
  3. Maybe she did, but that's how she saw her job. She was never going to be the "little woman" and she obviously didn't know how petty and ruthless Jackson could be. I feel sorry for both Dr. B. and our University. After this incident, I seriously doubt that we will ever get as strong an advocate as Dr. B, to be our President again. Jackson has to go.
    2 points
  4. The more I read about this the less sorry I feel for Dr.B. Don't get me wrong, my hatred of LJ is not waning, it just seems like she was starting to really overplay her hand.
    2 points
  5. http://www.sacbee.com/2010/03/13/2604016/irs-suits-pay-visit-to-car-wash.html
    1 point
  6. I've seen those schools on many 3 lines, but I'll go with Lunardi for ya...you'd rather play Ohio State, West Virginia, Georgetown or Kansas State ANYWHERE...the Super Pit included...than Wisconsin, Baylor, Nova or Pitt?
    1 point
  7. And if you go only by that then you are ignoring huge factors such as fan support, travel, match ups, etc... and that makes absolutely no sense to me.
    1 point
  8. Really? Tell me what teams were the 14 seeds last year off the top of your head. You surely noticed and logged that away, right? Nationally no one cares about who is a 14 seed vs. a 15 seed. Locally, all I am hearing is about how we are in our 2nd NCAA in 4 years. I'm not hearing about what seed we were in 07 and how much prestige a 14 seed will give us this year.
    1 point
  9. Playing #9 vs. #8 makes no difference, but having several hundred fans(or more?) in attendance to help rally the team may actually make a difference. If someone wants to do some more research and compare success rates top ranked 15 seeds vs. lowest ranked 14 seeds(which I think will be the situation we face), as well as success rates for lower ranked teams playing within 200 miles of home, and show me that neither of those are factors in upsets then I may be convinced. But to me it is pretty obvious that you can't compare the lowest ranked 15 seed playing the #5 team in the country to the top ranked 14 seed playing the #12 team in the country. And if proximity doesn't matter then I don't understand why there is controversy every year over a lower ranked team playing closer to home than the higher ranked team they are playing. Also, having the game close enough to allow more fans to travel builds support for the program for the future. Students and alumni who were able to go to some New Orleans Bowls are probably more inclined to care about the football team and the university now. Fans who may be able to make the 2.5 hour drive to OKC would probably be more inclined to continue to support North Texas basketball going forward, as well. If the team was given the choice between playing in Buffalo against the #9 team in the country with 5 people wearing green in the stands or in OKC in front of a big contingent(including crazy students) against the #8 team in the country, I think we could all pretty much guess what they would chose.
    1 point
  10. So people would take being the lowest ranked 14 seed in a far away location over being the top ranked 15th seed in a nearby location? Is playing the 9th best team in the country over the 8th best team in the country really worth a very significant reduction in fan support? Really?
    1 point
  11. I just don't see how she and Ransom could in good conscience not oppose the centralization of the HR and IT functions in Dallas. I guess that leaves the difference in percentage tuition increase, but UNT had a real difficult task in raising the money to work together the tier one research status; I'm fairly certain there's some part of the requirements that additional tuition money could have helped with. Now, increased financial support seems that much further away, what with the resignation of the woman in charge of the initiative to raise $170 million, allegedly over the Bataille "resignation". In view of that, I guess the $1 million payout seems like chump change, and unworthy of an effort by two adults to resolve differences. I guess, having worked in IT for a career, the consolidation of that in Dallas is really galling to me. How can that improve things in Denton and at the UNTHSC? Honestly, I doubt if it is even good for UNT Dallas. And no, it's not that I'm saying Bataille's way or the highway, it's mostly that these recent moves by Jackson and the BOR just seem bad for the system, and possibly only good for one person's ego.
    1 point
  12. I wonder what it would take to get our Faculty Senate to pass a resolution of no confidence in Jackson, similar to what has happened now at TWU. I wish they would...........
    1 point
  13. 14 seed is better..
    1 point
  14. At this point I don't think it matters where we play, I want us to get a good seed with a chance to get a win.
    1 point
  15. I wonder if UNT didnt have a women Pres, maybe Jackson would be acting different? Just from the things I have been reading, he was not mad about the situation, but instead who was causing the change.
    1 point
  16. First of all.....welcome back Brett. You've been missed: http://meangreenblog.dentonrc.com/archives/2010/03/some-thoughts-and-notes-now-th.html I find the note on Edwards to be very encouraging.
    1 point
  17. I'm sure it will turn out fine. The bigger issue is will we get a close game site like OKC or New Orleans so our fans can travel easily?
    1 point
  18. How about donating them to the fire jackson fund?
    1 point
  19. Bataille didn't see us as 'little ole' North Texas' and wanted to make sure we never were anything less than we should be. Jackson sees the NT system as a glorified Junior College and will make sure he is right. Please get this Joker away from my school.
    1 point
  20. I agree. I went there for the Okla.State-UNT basketball game after the groundbreaking event, and they had the TCU football game on- I asked them to change it to the game and he said "We have some TCU customers here" Unbelievable. I asked him if I was in Ft. Worth if they would be televising tghe UNT game instead of TCU. I left shortly thereafter.
    1 point
  21. I certainly think UNT can win it's first game in the Big Dance this time. I guess, if I had one question to ask, it would be: 1. How much do we miss Brett Vito now?
    1 point
  22. If he doesn't win he should be fired on the spot.
    1 point
  23. Did any of the SMU grads in your office help with the decorations?
    1 point
  24. My deepest condolences Brett.
    1 point
  25. I was in attendance at both of these games.
    1 point
  26. Man that was negative....what is with this guy??
    0 points
  27. Exactly the reason, a win is more likely in front of more supportive fans than with less fans.
    0 points
  28. I understand the gripe, but I find it amazing that this subject has consumed a 4-page thread. The event is going to be at the Pourhouse--it's a done deal. Go or don't go.
    0 points
  29. That's the point....I shouldn't have to get there early to be a part of it. Access is the key to if this event works at your location, or not.
    0 points
  30. You are assuming that it if was the Ath Center, that random non-fans would show up? In regards to access, thats a beef you'll have with the AD. That room has seating for 70 plus standing room. Get there early and be a part of it
    0 points
  31. Get over it already.
    -1 points
  32. Of couse I always liked the Dunham half of the duo, but the Miller part drove me away. He's all yours.
    -1 points
  33. Totally agree. I don't even know why he's on the UNT Football site. I don't even think that he included us when he was the self-appointed Uniform Czar.
    -1 points
  34. -sarcasm alert- Are you complaining? Because if you are, this crowd is going to be all over you for hoping we raise the bar around here. Rick
    -1 points
  35. The Pourhouse is fine. It's accessible for non-students (which means those that have money) and students alike (cuz its close). As far as being too small: it fits the size of the true fan base. They have been the most dedicated to the Cause the whole season. Its kind of a biatch to get any local places to put on the unt games. "what? oh UT doesn't play til 8" "what game?" "who?" So after having been at that Ball St opener, and because JJ wants it there, it should be fine by us.
    -1 points
  36. The more I read about Lee Jackson's handling of our university's chancellorship the more convinced I am that he views NT-Dallas much the same some in the police department view their pet projects. He will push and push to protect his "baby", regardless of common sense or resistance. It's more about self-promotion through glorification of his little corner of the world that he created.
    -1 points
  37. Minus 1, yuk! yuk! yuk! Rick
    -1 points
  38. Feed Miller to the Sharks!!
    -1 points
  39. So, respectfully... Can I count on seeing pictures or reading in-person game reports from all the people saying that they want us to get a 15 seed and play in OKC or New Orleans?
    -1 points
  40. If you'll read the version in the DMN it has some of the emails mentioned here, posted for you read over. To me it seems the DRC writer is accurate with her oppinion. Rick
    -2 points
  41. We're goin to Okc and I expect our fanbase to will us to victory.
    -2 points

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