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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/2010 in all areas

  1. Nobody f-ing cares about your dumb-ass school or the ridiculous article you insist on putting, even in abbreviation form, in front of it.
    9 points
  2. I love the Pourhouse....great food, great service. But to me, if you're going to be at this event...you want to be in the same area (media room or patio) where the coaches and players are. If you're saying that all the other TVs are going to be on....that doesn't do much for me. For one thing, it's not as if UNT has the whole place reserved. So what if you're watching it in the restaurant area, and a lot of the other customers are folks who aren't there for the Selection Show. They're gonna be talking during the show....and you probably won't be able to hear it. So the fact that it's gonna be on all the TVs...doesn't do much for me. Please no offense intended. I love your brother's sports bar. Great place, great food. I just don't think it's the best venue for this event.
    4 points
  3. Lee Jackson ? and by the way.. I started this thread , but got no love !! gmg
    3 points
  4. Of couse I always liked the Dunham half of the duo, but the Miller part drove me away. He's all yours.
    2 points
  5. Can we boycott the stupid green wigs at this event? I have a theory that this is the reason that they didn't show us last time.
    2 points
  6. So what does this upset mean to us? Other upsets include: Notre Dame 50 16 Pittsburgh 45 Marquette 80 10 Villanova 76 and it looks like the Southland will be SFA vs SHSU
    2 points
  7. You know when we went dancing in 2007 it was a nice surprise to many, even some Mean Green faithful. However, building a program that has now won 2 tournament championships in 3 years is a statement. UNT has the ability to become a force in bball and the Superpit could fill up and rock next season. Now is the time to enjoy this moment and national recognition, and beginning in April we need to push our phenomenal team and accomplishment to build the fanbase to a strong level! I watch a lot of Mountain West basketball and what I saw from the Mean Green on Tuesday was special. Our team can compete with some bigger boys and we could make the Superpit a house of horror for visitors like the Pit in Albuquerque is or the Marriott Center or the Thomas & Mack. Talk about exciting times! Also beating Troy was sweet because we definitely need to compete with the Trojans in the Belt. We already have a nice rivalry with MTSU and WKU but Troy has become a bit of the BYU of the Belt - solid across the board, nationally recognized, perennial post season participants. We wrestled some of that mojo from the Trojans on Tuesday and we need to begin to plant our presence all over the Belt again. I reflect back at this Decade of Excellence and smile: Four Bowl Games 1 Bowl Win 2 NCAA Big Dance appearances All over the past 10 years - that is a nice body of work for any institution! So proud to be Mean Green! Excited about the future! GMG
    1 point
  8. http://sports.espn.go.com/outdoors/saltwater/news/story?id=4975762 What the heck is this administration thining about? Curtail recreational fishing? Go to jail for fishing?
    1 point
  9. Yes, because the one place that has supported NT athletics all season long should be blackballed on a day when they stand to reap significant gain. Great way to build loyalty with local business owners. Have the selection show on every TV throughout the bar, have tv's outside, problem solved.
    1 point
  10. If he doesn't win he should be fired on the spot.
    1 point
  11. What's he gonna chat about? How we are not deserving of a tourney bid and should be replaced by the Sooners?
    1 point
  12. LSU was 11-20. Texas Tech was barely over .500 We should have a decent shot in both games.
    1 point
  13. Georgia Tech, Arizona State, Washington, Florida, Mississippi, and Mississippi State all have 20+ wins and may not make an at-large bid this year. UAB, San Diego State, and Memphis have 23 wins, and they're all arguably likelier than not to be left out of the tournament. Expecting an at-large bid is not realistic. We could have our greatest season ever and still be left out. Especially if the rest of the Sun Belt doesn't do well in OOC (like this year) and we have a poor conference RPI. My expectations/hopes for next year based on what we already know about our schedule are to go 12-4 or better in conference, and to win at least one of the games we'll have against Texas Tech and LSU.
    1 point
  14. All of Troy's starting 5 were seniors this year so don't be surprised if they fall back to mediocrity next year.
    1 point
  15. I agree, no one wants to feel crammed in there. But I'd argue that it's better to fill out a smaller room than to have an empty feeling large one. I don't mind standing for the entire show and then eating afterwards. I'd prefer that to having an empty room with plenty of seating.
    1 point
  16. Yeah...I stand by all of my earlier statements.
    1 point
  17. DMN Jackson and Bataille also butted heads over what was essentially a landlord-tenant dispute.
    1 point
  18. You might be right. But I'd guess the last time (2007)...it was during Spring Break also. And folks who were there (at the Selection show event).....tell me it was packed.
    1 point
  19. Most of the students who attended were coming back from the bus trip or in the band. While I will be attending I doubt it's high on many students list of priorities on Spring Break.
    1 point
  20. Damn, Are your $100 doller bills wrinkled as well. We should be glad that we need to have a watching party.
    1 point
  21. I'd rather be a 14 seed playing on a pile of rubble in Haiti than a 15 seed playing at the American Airlines Center in Dallas.
    1 point
  22. When I first read the story I was a little flabergasted about the audacity but after a little thought I really do not think that this will pass in full. However, we may see some restrictions on how much one can catch in American waterways but see a greater restriction off our coastlines, probably, because of some United Nations agreement. I, like other conservatives, see a large powergrab by our government to become completely centralized.....a nice way of saying socialistic in nature. The more one throws all the "little stuff" against the wall.....like this fishing legislation.....some of these trite pieces of legislation may sneak through and pass. The big question is "IF" the Republicans start winning seats in Congress and at one point take over the Presidency and both houses of Congress will they repeal all these pieces of legislation? Will a Republican majority begin to drastically cut federal spending in "ALL" areas or will they do nothing? They have basically done nothing in the past to repeal Democrat legislation and my fear is they will continue this m.o..
    1 point
  23. To me it's the "give 'em an inch, they'll take a mile" argument. I simply don't trust our federal government to do what is right, and things like this have a tendency to turn into a slippery slope. ...further, what constitutional right does this or any President have to create a whole new bureaucracy by Executive order?
    1 point
  24. The context doesn't really change the meaning of the quote. I'm not sure what the debate is about. We need to know what is in it before we pass it. ...the problem is, the people already know what is in it and don't like it by a 2-1 margin.
    1 point
  25. George Dunham gets my vote by a mile! He talked about NT all morning today, it was unbelievable. If you weren't a meangreen fan, you might have changed the station. It's not just today either, any time TCU football or just about any team has been mentioned, George finds a way to bring up NT. Whatever UNT pays him, it's not enough, the free pub we get from him is priceless.
    1 point
  26. SMU may have "tapped" the Park Cities market, but they are irrelevant in most of the DFW market. Hard for average folks to relate to them.
    1 point
  27. I'm Blown Away. It really is a shame when these guys make such a Fast Getaway from this world. I know in recent years he had become kind of a Lost Boy, falling into drugs and what not, but I guess I just thought its Never Too Late to make a change. I think he really just wanted to be accepted and some people will do Anything For Love. He just tried to Dream a Little Dream, but his Dream Machine must have been Busted. I guess there is truly a time to die, just as there is a Time to Live.
    1 point
  28. Did they actually "have it all"? Maybe from the "financial" side, but it seems many lack something much more important when it comes to what really matters.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Get over it already.
    0 points
  31. Seems like the Trojans were "all in" this season. Next year they'll be shooting for just the tip.
    0 points
  32. Wow, what a great "problem" to have. Trying to figure out if a place is big enough to hold all the fans who might turn out! When was the last time this was a "problem"? I, for one, hope this turns into an annual "problem" and not just for basketball. I could argue the site both ways, but the fact that we have a "Selection Show" event is enough! When one is looking for media coverage it is always better to see a packed room (even if the room is smallish) than a big half-empty space. In the past when I have watched "Selection Shows" I do not recall many being held at "commercial" establishments. I tend to think most are held on-campus. BUT, the Pourhose is a great "friend", they have cold beer and good food. It is a "good thing" that UNT is returning the favor and helping a "friend" on what is normally a fairly slow day I would assume...at least at that time on a Sunday. GO MEAN GREEN! This is a great time to be a member of the Mean Green Nation.
    0 points
  33. Hey guys, this is the actual GB here... My tool of a roommate got a hold of my computer earlier and messed with a bunch of stuff. Facebook, my background, the post above...needless to say I've deleted the offending post. While I'm not an Ohio Douche, the guy I live with most definitely is, and shows it off to anyone and everyone that isn't affiliated with OSU (which makes road games we go to kind of hairy sometimes). He knows I still follow UNT sports (went there my freshman year) so I guess he thought this would be funny. Either way, hope you guys don't hold any harsh feelings for me because of that. There's douches in the OSU fanbase but I'd like to think that there's not that many. Here's to both teams kicking some tail in the Dance!
    0 points
  34. Doubt many students attend this. I thought there was going to be a huge crowd for the signing day event that was also held at the pourhouse. I believe it started it 6 so I got there at 4. For 2 hours there were less than 20 people there. Not until about 6:30 did people start to come in. I know it's Sunday and people will have more time , but this is UNT so don't expect cars to be lined up the movie theater like it should be. I expect about the same amount of people who drove to Hot Springs to be at this event ( 200+ or so ) I'm sure the media room will eventually get packed so I will be there around 3pm.
    -1 points
  35. A very, very, very, very rare occasion I actually turned over to listen after I dropped the kids off this morning and all I heard was Miller talking about something to do with Hollywood girl's breast implants gone wrong or something to that fact? Not really sure. But for sure, I turned it RIGHT OFF! Rick
    -2 points
  36. "We wrestled some of that mojo from the Trojans on Tuesday and we need to begin to plant our presence all over the Belt again." Money shot?
    -3 points
  37. Mil-Fing_waukee? REALLY?! I hope that changes.
    -4 points

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