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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/2010 in all areas

  1. ff At the risk of offending Lee Jackson this is what I posted on SMU's board: "I know, I know, it's tough to see your local paper the DMN (though I'll concede that Jean Jacque Taylor is a tool) pring stories about how far down the food chain you guys are in basketball...and then have to watch NT punch a ticket to the NCAA tournament on national TV. I know it makes you feel better to use the tired Baylor argument of "we play in a vastly better conference therefore we're cool by association." Sorry folks, it didn't work when you were in high school and it aint gonna work now. I know it's easy to say "North Texas (I'll even throw in the word "State" cuz it gets so much traction for comedy's sake around here) could never survive in the big bad CUSA and that the Sun Belt, minus Western Kentucky, is a horrendously poor league of wannabes. Still, just for the sake of my own sense of humor, let's do a little comparison shall we? This is how the current RPI rankings view things...thought I'd use their point of view since they don't have a dog in the fight (actually, let's be honest, it's been a loooong while since SMU basketball has had a dog in any fight). UTEP- 39 UAB- 40 Memphis- 46 Marshall- 62 Tulsa- 71 North Texas- 99 Troy- 109 Southern Miss- 119 Western Kentucky- 133 Houston- 160 Denver- 164 Middle Tennessee- 183 TCU- 189 UCF- 190 Arkansas State- 202 SMU- 210 East Carolina- 227 Tulane- 280 Rice- 311 CUSA teams with a higher RPI than NT: 5 CUSA teams with a lower RPI than NT: 7 “Middle of the pack” might just be an accurate assessment. Sunbelt teams with a higher RPI than SMU: 6 Basically, you’d have a harder time being in the “middle of the pack” in the belt than we would in your all-mighty CUSA. Ouch. Wins by SMU in 2010 against teams with a higher RPI than NT: 0 Wins by NT in 2010 against teams with a higher RPI than SMU: 5 But let’s be honest, here’s the only stat that matters to metroplex fans (neither of us are exactly nationally relevant). NCAA appearances in recent memory, NT: 2….SMU: 0 Hey, football season is just around the corner folks."
    4 points
  2. Just wanted to thank all of the fans that gave the Mean Green a somewhat homecourt advantage in this game. It looked like about 500 or so on the TV, not sure how close that guess is - but that was my guess when watching... which was about 480 more than Troy. They say that a home team has a built in 3 point advantage... we won by 3 (I think we won by 3 in all 3 games, right?)... anyways, thank you to the road warriors that made the trip and helped the men win the tourney. You were definitely a factor in the outcomes of these games and I just wish that I could have been there with you.
    3 points
  3. I have never been treated too poorly or too rudely by opposing fans anywhere. I am speaking of "personally" here. Have I been to games where fans were rude and acting inappropriately? Absolutely! And, if we are all honest with ourselves, sometimes it is our own fans. As you can tell from the comments in this thread, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" in most cases as we cannot all agree that the lists are "correct". To be certain, some fans have "reputations" as a group, but as an individual I have never been treated rudely...yes, I have had my share of "beer showers", vulgar "cheers", immature and asinine displays, etc., but I never felt they wee directed at me personally because I was supporting the opposing team. Call me lucky, but maybe it's part of the "you often get what you expect" thing. As a Big XII grad and as a visitor to many Big XII stadiums on game day, it can get rather "partisan". have you ever been to a Bedlam game series between OU and OSU? Can get pretty intense...especially when OSU is having a "rare" football season where they actually expect to beat OU! I think what we might want to take from this thread is that we, as members of the Mean Green Nation, do not want to be seen as "rude" fans by our visitors. Treat them nice so they will come back and you can beat them again has always been my theory. I would like for fans to leave Mean Green games saying that "win or lose" the Mean Green Nation is a great group of fans and show great sportsmanship. GO MEAN GREEN.
    2 points
  4. How did Texas Tech fans not make that list???
    2 points
  5. I don't think it is odd. Sam Houston Resume - Current RPI - 80 (will drop) SOS - 205 (will drop) Conference RPI Rank - 26 Conference SOS Rank - 27 Last 10 - 8-2 (assuming SLC Championship) Record vs. D1 - 20-7 (see above) North Texas Resume - Current RPI - 98 (should actually go up even with a SELA loss) SOS - 269 (see above) Conference RPI Rank - 22 Conference SOS Rank - 21 Last 10 - 10-0 Record vs. D1 - 22-8 If SHST beats SELA (RPI 197) and then either SFA (162) or TAMCC (177), their RPI will drop...while just playing SHST will bump up SELA slightly, which may bump us up a spot or two before the year is said and done. Our RPI and SOS should end up comparable. From there the Sun Belt is a clearly superior conference based on RPI and SOS...our last 10 is better...and our record vs. D1 opponents is better. Add in our conference's success in the dance the past 2 seasons, I think we're fine for a 14...but lets go ahead and cheer against SHST and UCSB just to make sure
    2 points
  6. I have been both years and have enjoyed myself immensely both times. (even more this year, of course). Two things: 1) Hot Springs embraces the Belt and the tourney. Our league would be fools to not extend the agreement with that city. It's a beautiful place....and the folks there are very friendly. 2) I really like the fans of our conference mates. Good people.
    2 points
  7. I'm Blown Away. It really is a shame when these guys make such a Fast Getaway from this world. I know in recent years he had become kind of a Lost Boy, falling into drugs and what not, but I guess I just thought its Never Too Late to make a change. I think he really just wanted to be accepted and some people will do Anything For Love. He just tried to Dream a Little Dream, but his Dream Machine must have been Busted. I guess there is truly a time to die, just as there is a Time to Live.
    2 points
  8. It sucks that someone has good and genuine as Josh white has to be on the same program as someone as slimy and pathetic as Skip Bayless.
    2 points
  9. I'd rather be a 14 seed playing on a pile of rubble in Haiti than a 15 seed playing at the American Airlines Center in Dallas.
    1 point
  10. congrats to the mean green for taking the tourney. if there is a school that i pull for when the toppers are finished it's the mean green. mainly because of a couple of idiots i met in mobile. they know their hoops and when we met were avowed topper bashers. up in topper land some of our more knowledgeable fans have long respected jj. i know that a prophet is hated in his home town and some of your posters don't think he's done enough but to win the league when you lose you starting point guard for the season is impressive up here. please go out and put it on someone. this is not a backhanded compliment but i truly think the field is as watered down as it has been in awhile and the first round and second round should have some upsets. that said, it's all about matchups and i'm hoping ya'll don't get hosed like you did with the memphis matchup last time. good luck amigos. and to my buddy.....i was watching the game and my son dahbicito said i think that's our boy in the green costume....i said..."no way, he's not that gay"
    1 point
  11. Whoa, whoa there...I hope you're using this satirically, otherwise I'll be demanding you be fired.
    1 point
  12. For a full strength team, yes I would want to avoid 'Cuse like the plague. The biggest advantage we had in the Belt was our ability to dominate the glass with George and Eric. That advantage is completely neutralized when we play big, strong highly ranked teams. Yes the starting 5 for Syracuse is really very good and Rautins can catch fire from three at any time but our biggest weapon in this tournament is going to be the ability to get to the line and have the other team's best players on the bench. If I was asked if I would rather play a fully staffed KSU team or a fully staffed Syracuse team I would take Kansas State every time but this injury situation makes the match up MUCH MUCH more appealing to me.
    1 point
  13. Agreed. In fact, I'll go one further and say I'd hate to have to play any team from the Big East.
    1 point
  14. Ummm...sorry, but I want no part of a Jim Boeheim post-season team...and I especially want no part of a Jim Boeheim 2-3 zone. Bring on anyone from the Big 10.
    1 point
  15. I'd like to thank the academy, god, my parents, CBL, and my beautiful basketball mind for making this moment possible. I have faced many challenges in my metamorphism from a regular fan into an all-knowing basketball deity (mostly from some random dude named TTG), but have finally arrived in a place so deserved for such a wise yet philanthropic man. It is truely humbling to be graced with such knowledge and forethought. I can only hope that someday every mean green basketball fan can have the experience of being at the top of the prognostication mountain. Obviously, this could never happen with my continued participation in events such as these, therefore I will consider a retirement, but only at the very public request of the lesser basketball minds (uh...EVERYBODY) on this board. It will be one full year until my basketball greatness can be challenged. During this time, I vow to hardly ever, unless I feel like it, reference this shining moment in GMG.com history. I will almost maybe never remind the minions of this moment in future basketball conversations. I will sometimes hardly ever be a total Jack A$% in referencing this event. I will sometimes rarely uses the acronym TACV (total and complete victory) when referencing this competition. I will be receiving my ring before the tournament game in OKC. Please feel free to stop by and kiss the ring at my convenience. Your basketball Master, UNT90
    1 point
  16. What about a hottest coach list?
    1 point
  17. There are 34 d1 basketball conferences. I wonder how many regular season champs win their conference tournaments? I love the idea of giving regular season champs an auto bid. The regular season picks up a whole new meaning that way!
    1 point
  18. George Dunham gets my vote by a mile! He talked about NT all morning today, it was unbelievable. If you weren't a meangreen fan, you might have changed the station. It's not just today either, any time TCU football or just about any team has been mentioned, George finds a way to bring up NT. Whatever UNT pays him, it's not enough, the free pub we get from him is priceless.
    1 point
  19. If I have to share a ranking with Kram I'd just rather lose the tiebreaker and be by myself at 8
    1 point
  20. Especially considering the 2 computer monitors turned away from the rest of the office
    1 point
  21. The same would apply to media market. Just because they've already got a finger in the cookie jar doesn't mean they won't want a thumb in there as well.
    1 point
  22. SMU is already a member, so the DFW area is already "tapped". Might not be as big an advantage because of this.
    1 point
  23. Yes!! You guys so no now, 'cause NT is in. Wait until NT is on the bubble.
    1 point
  24. You have some major a$$kissers that work for you.
    1 point
  25. Usually what I do with the older NT shirts, is I give them away to other friends to wear to promote the university or as a donation. Either way, its being worn and serves its point. Free Publicity NORTH TEXAS MEAN GREEN
    1 point
  26. i'm sorry, i'm not trying to be the negative guy, but does it bother anybody that less than 1% of our student body showed up for this...assuming bstnsportsfan3's estimate was close? it's on freaking campus! i've seen more students by the fountains for some sort of multi-cultural event when i was in school. i know that barring a test if i were still a student i would have skipped class to be there. it's shit like this that drives me gonzo! the team deserves better than that. other than that, it looked like a nice celebration. i wish i didn't have to work or i would've been there. see you at selection sunday! congratulations guys!! go mean green!
    1 point
  27. Your posts gave me a thought that I maybe one of the few people to see all three NT conference tournament wins. The first in 1988 was held at the Superpit, so there were a lot of people that saw that one, over 4000 if I remember correctly. The one in Lafayette in 2007 was attended by very few, I would guess less than 50 NT fans excluding the spirit groups. It was nice to see a much better crowd in Hot Springs, however there should have been many more NT fans. The facts are that WKU and MTSU both had many more fans and they are further away. Don't mean to rain on a parade but I want this program to maintain and build on their recent success and to do that there has to be more support. The team was great with all the starters strongly contributing. The bench was not used much but Mangrum played a lot and Williams had some great clutch plays. I do think the NT fans were instrumental in the wins as they significantly outnumbered Troy, Denver and ULM's. I also think the NT's women in their victory over FIU were helped by a good crowd. I almost felt sorry for FIU who seems to be supported by only two fans and their infamous but not very interested in the game eight girl dance team. Unfortunately, the NT fans were probably outnumbered 10 to1 for the MTSU/NT game.
    1 point
  28. Just going by history there are only about 3 things we know for sure : 1) The NCAA will not put us in OKC 2 ) If there are 3 teams the committee deems as #14 seeds and 5 teams as #13 seeds , we will lose the tiebreaker and be deemed a # 14 seed 3) DJ will be denied a medical redshirt
    1 point
  29. I had a great time and I can't wait until the next tournament. Hopefully I'll make the full trip instead of just 1 game or 1 entire day like I did last year.
    1 point
  30. It was a AWESOME experience. I highly recommend making the trip to everyone out there. Start making arrangements now if you have to , it will be worth it.
    1 point
  31. I looked at your link and at first I thought it was this guy. I was a little worried.
    1 point
  32. On e again let me say I think the woman is nuts, but in the interest of following through on my previous post here is the quote in it's entirety: " “You’ve heard about the controversies, the process about the bill…but I don’t know if you’ve heard that it is legislation for the future – not just about health care for America, but about a healthier America,” she told the National Association of Counties annual legislative conference, which has drawn about 2,000 local officials to Washington. “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it – away from the fog of the controversy.”" from politico.com http://www.politico.com/livepulse/0310/Pelosi_People_wont_appreciate_reform_until_it_passes.html
    1 point
  33. Exactly what I thought when I heard the clip. 5 seconds of audio taken mid-sentence just reeks of out-of-context. And I think Nancy Pelosi is a freaking communist.
    1 point
  34. Not trying to stick up for Pelosi, cuz I think that she is batshit crazy and that quote is a little damning in itself, however... Using 5-10 second soundbites to prove a point is just awkwar. Yes, the point you are trying to make might be true but it seems to me that the bits around that phrase in whatever 5 second clip we see are cut off because perhaps they didn't prove the point the editor was trying to make. For example, yes 35 million people in the country don't have insurance, but are all of them the people in a bad way, can't afford it, can't get coverage, to old, to young, to poor that the administration keeps claiming? No. But that 3 second soundbite is being used over and over and over to further an agenda that not everyone agrees with.
    1 point
  35. live and breath UNT BBall. When guys like me were a little skeptical when we were 11-7 you guys said keep the faith. Two NCAA tourney appearances for JJones has to answer the questions about the BBall program. I've really enjoyed this 12 game run but I bet you diehards have REALLY enjoyed it. gmg
    1 point
  36. Did they actually "have it all"? Maybe from the "financial" side, but it seems many lack something much more important when it comes to what really matters.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. it is a shame to have these things happen, and they seem to happen far too often to folks who once had it all...
    1 point
  39. I've only been treated well in Austin, so I can't agree with the UT thing. Actually, I've found, for the most part, unless you are being a douche in the first place, people won't be douchy in return.
    1 point
  40. I'm not even sure this jerk counts as a quitter?
    1 point
  41. Gotta go with Texass U fans. As a whole, they are the worst Ive encountered.
    1 point
  42. http://sports.espn.go.com/outdoors/saltwater/news/story?id=4975762 What the heck is this administration thining about? Curtail recreational fishing? Go to jail for fishing?
    0 points
  43. "We have to pass the bill so that you can uh, find out what's in it...." WTF??????? Rick
    0 points
  44. How the hell did you get so far off into the race thing?? Totally irrelevant, IMO. I think this has everything to do with him being a Big Conference Douche, than anything else. Since there are no Power Conference schools in DFW, he's latched on to SMU & TCU. I know this is cliche, but the SunBelt really get's little respect around here. I'm pretty sure JJT is an alum from one of the Big12 schools.......
    0 points
  45. If by her retarded statement she intended for that to be the question then the answer by every responding poll since January?, has been "no", to which she obviously is going to continue to ignore. And by the way, here's the full context of what she said during her speech to the 2010 legislative conference of the National Association of Counties. The best form of prevention for this country will come in the form of November. Rick
    0 points
  46. This was my first SBC tournament and I am definitely in for next season. I don't think anything can top this, but then again we should be better next year. My advice is to either A) book a decent hotel room, or B.) rent a house like TastyGreek and his crew did. Do NOT go cheap on a hotel in Hot Springs. Incredible night. In 2007, we surprised everyone. This year we were expected to be in the finals, and we exceeded those expectations. It's nice to have a sport in which we excel.
    0 points
  47. +1, that made me laugh
    0 points

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