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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/2010 in all areas

  1. So...you have a pretty big life insurance policy on your wife, huh?
    3 points
  2. Life force.....dwindling....running....towards...light....
    2 points
  3. If we don't start tomorrow night's game on a 20-0 run then JJ should be fired on the spot, extension or no extension.
    2 points
  4. Oh, the unjustice of it all...where is my union rep when I need him?????
    2 points
  5. Still coming to the rescue of those who can't stand up for themselves? You go Silver. I guess I didn't realize that Emmitt needed your help. But, it's nice to know you are there for him. Man crush I guess.
    2 points
  6. Oh...Emmitt...I forgot...thanks for completely missing the point of the post as well. It had absolutely nothing to do with production...it had everything to do with supporting the kid who was playing at the time...for whatever reason...had absolutely nothing to do with the coaching decision. I guess you just don't understand "positive", and wanting to support the players...you just seem too focused on bashing the coaching staff at every opportunity. Too bad, you miss a lot of "good stuff". But, carry on.... GO MEAN GREEN!
    2 points
  7. Sun Belt Pre-Season Rankings (College Football News) http://cfn.scout.com/2/945618.html 72 Muts 78 Troy 98 ASU 102 ULM 103 FAU 104 ULL 114 FIU 119 WKU (UNT not listed )
    1 point
  8. UNO has lost 6 in a row and 15 of their last 17 and currently sit dead last in the Sun Belt. That said, crazy things happen at Lakefront Arena and it is never an easy trip for UNT. Probable Starters - PG. Carl Blair 6'2" 205 Fr. (8.3ppg, 4.5rpg, 3.5apg) SG. Devin McDonald 6'0" 185 Jr. (8.0ppg, 2.1rpg, 1.7apg) SF. Charles Carmouche 6'2" 175 Soph. (12.6ppg, 4.5rpg, 2.0apg) PF. Ejike Hart 6'8" 225 Sr. (4.7ppg, 5.2rpg) C. Johann Mpondo 6'8" 230 Soph. (4.6ppg, 3.1rpg) UNO lost its top scorer, Billy Humprhey, in January and all signs seem to point to his season being finished. Hart, UNO's leading rebounder, played limited minutes last Thursday against USA and missed the Privateers game against UALR...I can't find any information as to an injury, suspension, ect. If Hart sits again, UNO still has good size with JL Lewis (6'8" 230) and Jaroslav Tyrna (6'10" 225). UNT beat UNO on 1/9 at the Pit 71-57, and without the services of Eric Tramiel. UNT was paced by Josh White's 21 and Tristan Thompson's 18 off the bench. George Odufuwa managed 9 and 9, but was limited to just 18 minutes due to foul trouble. Tristan Thompson has scored in double figures in all 13 conference games, is averaging 18.6ppg in conference and after his 20 point performance against FIU, has over-taken Josh White as the season scoring leader at 14.3ppg. George Odufuwa has a double-double in 5 of his last 6 games. Eric Tramiel is shooting 65% from the field in his 7 games back from injury, including 6 double figure scoring nights, 2 25 point poerformances and 1 double-double. Shannon Shorter is averaging 8.8ppg, 4.2rpg, 3.6apg in his last five games...he doesn't blow you away with anything in particular, but I feel he is really falling into the glue-guy-like roll who contributes what is needed to help this team win.
    1 point
  9. I was able to get the Plane Tickets, a hotel in NYC for that Thursday night, and a hotel in Newburgh (20 min. north of West Point) for Friday and Saturday all for around $375 a person.
    1 point
  10. Pot calling kettle black. If you don't care for the political discussions...just don't reply. No need to add smart non-topical comments in threads you don't like. Just pass them by..no one needs smart remarks that add nothing to the conversation. It isn't hard...just don't reply...and keep from being "whipped" if you are that easy to whip. If the talk lands a little close to home, ignore it. Seems simple enough to me unless your point is to simply make some smart comment...if so...no problem, we'll understand full well where they come from. It's an open forum after all. "Your side" is always welcome to point out where you think "my side" might be so wrong. Reading the subtitle to this "non-athletic" thread might help you understand what gets posted here....something about not for the faint or weak...something like that. Besides, MLB kicks off soon enough...so relax.
    1 point
  11. Not really, just whipped by you and those like you that keep bringing crap like this up ad nauseum. This administration is no worse than the last one. Give it up dude. This whole conversation is becoming a thrashing of the highest order. Your side will never agree with my side. Deal with that and move on please.
    1 point
  12. Ohio is a great school for sports administration degrees. Still, I hope he is already stalking up on brown shirts to make this is a smooth transition for our fan base.
    1 point
  13. Does anyone else love that the conference that, allegedly, has the best academics can't count?
    1 point
  14. Isn't that the way diplomacy tends to work? You first make an effort at peaciful agreement, follow that up with assertive action, and then if the situation continues to escalate you resort to the use of force as a last resort? We can't afford (so many different usages of that word intended) to continue to skip those first 2 steps.
    1 point
  15. Women would be the 10 seed if the conference tourney started today. That's probably about as good as we can hope for unless we get on a roll.
    1 point
  16. This is a commonly used graph. It shows what the budget deficits under Bush were and proposed budgets under Obama. If the 2010 budget gets approved, Obama will have over spent in 2 years as much as Bush did in 8. Right now our deficit represents about 10% of our GDP. In order to get deficit spending under control, the President (and Congress) are going to have to get religion on reducing federal government spending and take a hack saw and start cutting programs like crazy. I think some people get caught up between the terms deficit and debt. Both are related but they mean two very different things. ScreaminEagle66 post in 3...2...
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. CU to Pac10, TCU to Big12, Boise to Mountain West, UNT to WAC. Do it! Do it!
    1 point
  19. I dont agree with it all. If I go I want to see all the men's games. And on Sunday the 2 men's quarterfinal games will practically be going on at the same time but in different arena's. One game will start at 6:30 in Summit and one will start at 6:45 in the Convention Center. What i always liked about tournaments is you could see the match-ups develop. The 2 teams that would play each other in the semi-final would be playing at the same time. Also to me this would affect attendance for each of those games. I think it was just fine how they had it. And i liked having the play in game. . And then the girls on Saturday and boys on Sunday. Why mess up a good thing?
    1 point
  20. My chromosomes called and they want their explination back.
    1 point
  21. Quoner, where is your nazi cat? I always enjoyed it as a rebuttal to some of my posts. Anyway....the same comments can be said for all news propaganda machines on fox, msnbc, pbs, cbs, nbc, cnn, cnn, pms, air america (so long)....the list continues. all these news channels are just planting little demons in your mind so you can get your attention of the largest deficit ever and the socialist train comin' down the track. these new folks are nothing but a bunch of frustrated thesbians. listen to this:
    1 point
  22. Eelly,You have got to be kidding me? Come now....even for you this seems a bit "out there"...too many caffeinated drinks I guess. Amazing...think a little more before engaging fingers on the keyboard. Good grief.
    1 point
  23. You did say That sounds to me like you're saying racism is behind the tea party movement. Why even bring it up if you are just making a mere observation that some are racist? Some democrats and other "progressives" are racist too--what's your point?
    1 point
  24. Lets get a head count on the number of black people in the crowd last night.
    1 point
  25. Don't act like him being black has nothing to do with the Tea Party's movement. I am all for a group of individuals wanting to be heard for what they feel is right and needs to be corrected, but to use an ironic pun....let's call a spade a spade here.
    1 point
  26. Check this out. Here come the reverend. So what college you from? I'm from USC. You got to have a scholarship to go to SC? No, but it helps. +1 for whoever figures this one out
    1 point
  27. Blake Dunham committed to UNT when he was only 2.
    1 point
  28. Marty Turco had a win wow, I went to 3 games in the last 6 days and I was not sure Turco would even play again before the trade deadline. Man Dallas has slipped, they don't really play as a team most of the time. 31 minutes into tonight's game we had only 5 shots on net. It is amazing we won 4-2 with only 18 total shots, Minnesota had 42 shots they out shot us 2 and a third times. But we won and if I read it right we are only a point out of the playoffs. After really paying attention this last week man the Stars play uninspired hockey, they play as single players as if it was a pick up game, or a drop in. We have a ton of talent but I just don't see any desire as a team. The saving grace for me is Ott, I love that guy he plays hard he fights hard. Richards looks good at times and a couple others. But I want to see team play. Back to Ott he kicked the shit out of a couple of guys tonight.
    1 point
  29. Why do I think Hicks sucks? Well, because the Stars and Rangers are my favorite local teams, and he has done his best to piddle with both. He responded to the Rangers sale by doing everything he can to sabotage the deal and negotiate with other potential ownership groups to sabotage Greenberg and Ryan. Today the DBJ is saying he now wants to sell the Stars. We have one of the lowest payrolls in hockey despite our market. He played GM in the mid-aughts and slowly dismantled everything this team was known for with poor free agent signings and pushing for terrible trades (Langs and Newy for Arnott and McKay still tightens my anus). He ran off good hockey minds for a playground for Brett Hull bc he wanted a name to sell tickets. He helped the model Sun Belt hockey squad become uninteresting even to many of its biggest supporters. For more on the lack of an investment in defense, see this excellent Bob Sturm post from January: http://sturminator.blogspot.com/2010/01/problems-with-stars.html As for what he does now, see this from a recent chat on TSN: Bottom line: We're effed barring a drafting miracle or a team sale.
    1 point
  30. I would take some self defense courses and probably rethink being so honest. Remember, on the first day, go try to beat up the biggest badass and, should you come out ok, the rest may leave you alone.
    1 point
  31. Couple of interesting names in addition to Greene: * Alumnus Lou Marini Jr., Saxophonist, Arranger, Composer ... * Scott Tarwater, Executive Vice President of Development, John Q. Hammons Hotels & Resorts Marini: One O'Clock; Blood, Sweat & Tears: Saturday Night Live; Blues Brothers. Tarwater: Works for a company that I've heard is maybe gonna build us a hotel.
    1 point
  32. I think preachery sounds like an excellent word. There's no speculation or personal opinion in what I posted. All of it has been reported by multiple sources. I knew nothing of this situation until I read up on it. I do admit I'm not neutral on concussions. I'm against them. I've never been to Lubbock, have been to a grand total of one Tech game (the one against UNT at Texas Stadium some years back) and care absolutely nothing about Leach or Tech. I may have been through Celina once, but I wouldn't know Craig or Adam James if I saw them at the mall. I couldn't tell you what Craig James looks or sounds like on TV if I had to. He's a nonentity to me. I don't doubt that the Jameses and Leach don't get along. Many people and Leach don't get along. However, the strongest evidence that this is more than a personality dispute and is not within the norms of team discipline is that the university and the TT system were willing to risk millions of dollars, the wrath of alumni, and very bad national publicity on the certainty and justification of their position -- not something to be done lightly. They are the ones with more of the story than most and did not conclude that this was an overblown dustup between a couple of knuckleheads. More like an example of unacceptable and unprofessional conduct by their employee that they could not tolerate. So rather than do the expected and wimpy thing and close ranks around their star coach on the eve of a bowl game, postponing any unpleasantness until off-season when people aren't paying attention, they hitched up their trousers. Not claiming that's proof of the facts of the case. Just saying it's a telltale sign that at least in the view of the Tech/TT System leadership, who had a week to let this sit in their stomachs before they did the deed, Leach's actions were not trivial.
    1 point
  33. RV = Elin Woods Dodge = 3 iron UNT Football Program = Busted Caddy/Tiger's Face
    1 point
  34. E) Knucklehead F) Mad Scientist G) MFer (the DD type)
    1 point
  35. So you are coming to the darkside?
    1 point
  36. I'm there with you. An entire coaching staff change, with that man running the show.
    1 point
  37. Hmm, Vito sounds as if he knows more than he's willing to write. Sounds like RV put it all on the table for Dodge. "This is the way it's going to be or you can resign" per Big Bad Mamma B.
    1 point
  38. Nah, you can't take that girl home to Mom. She is, however, good for a few rounds of aim & fire.
    1 point
  39. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We've all, literally, have turned to geeks. The power of the internet. From right to left, Emmitt, Quoner, I think Kram's holding the Tri-Lamb sign.
    1 point
  40. I wonder how many of these guys wanting him back have their own kids on scholarship?
    1 point
  41. Sarah Palin got paid 100,000 to speak at the tea party convention. In her speech she forgot to mention the skyrocketing deficit and unemployment numbers left by the previous administration. How can Republicans really believe that they are part of the solution when even though I agree with tax cuts and smaller government: They BUSH was the party of increased deficits and no tax breaks for the working class. Still waiting for the trickle down affect I heard so much about. I guess the Saudi Princes' have not been in the states in a while spending our money to get it back to us working people. Did we know that one of the Princes of Saudi Arabia owns 5.5% of fox news.....
    0 points
  42. Absolutely...that's perhaps the reason you do not go back to step one when it has been tried and failed...more than once. No one has skipped the first two steps you mention and no one has gone to step three with Iran, N. Korea or Venezuela that I know of at this point. Seems the administration, in all its campaign glory, was all set on just sitting down and talking and the folks would certainly agree with everything and we would once again enter "peace in our time" la la land even when that strategy had failed so very badly many many times before. It worked as a campaign ploy, but the reality of leading is much different than campaign ploys and buzz words like "change". So many of the campaign "promises" have fallen by the wayside and so many of the realities of governing and leading are beginning to sink in with this administration. But, fast learners they are not. Love the billboard recently erected in Minnesota. have you seen it? It's a photo of President Bush with the words; "Miss Me Yet"? Or, something to that effect. Pretty funny. While I was not a big fan of G. Bush (much to free with the spending, etc.) I do think the billboard is pretty funny. A sign of the times perhaps and a sign of the coming times for the 2010 mid-terms perhaps. We'll see, won't we all?
    0 points
  43. Case in point. Where did this come from? eelly, are you really this biased and jaded, and do you really have such hatred in your heart for folks who don't agree with your radical political views? Nerves a bit on edge this morning or what? You are kidding, right?
    0 points
  44. If Dodge doesn't work out (and I hope he does) Mike could be a good replacement.
    0 points
  45. Obama called. He wants his teleprompter back so he can correctly refer to Navy service men as corp...oh wait he did have his teleprompter and still called them "corpsemen." Nice. I also enjoyed his open speech to Iran thanking them for their contributions to humanity, etc...
    0 points
  46. Well, first of all... are you 4x as angry about the quadrupling of the deficit under Obama? For the first time ever we had a trillion dollar deficit, and he did it again with his second budget. In just 13 months, he has already passed Bush's deficits over 8 years. Second, everyone got a tax cut under Bush who paid taxes. Everyone. If you didn't notice, I suggest getting an accountant. The poor don't pay taxes, in fact they get "earned" income tax credits, money from people who do pay taxes. The EITC was increased under Bush, and he proposed simplifying it so working class people could more easily claim it. The Democratic Congress did nothing. Did you know Fox news stock can be purchased by anyone? Seriously.... Facts vs. Daily KOS rubbish. It's no contest.
    -1 points
  47. A leader and gets the job done. Now, TO's, like in basketball are killing us. A good season always has teams controlling the ball & getting TO's not giving them up. I don't care if you have ut's qb its up hill if you can't hold onto the ball. If it wasn't us if would be funny (especially including the kicking game). The Alabama game really looked good as we didn't give them cheap TD's & TO's-Note: they won all the marbles (in case you missed it & even beat ut[God forgive them]like us). We are fighting over a QB when we everyone knows we need to develop more than one since there are different reasons during a 12 game season that you use more than one. So if we control our mistakes & catch the ball (!) I think everything will work out. Dunbar is fantastic & tight ends can work because we've seen and offense that doesn't have a play that can pickup a half a yard for a win. Again, if it wasn't us it would be funny. My qb pick is anyone getting developed by Coach "Chico". Then, I am fine with Gary leading the other side of the ball. We have leadership now on the O side of the ball. Go to spring training & see how the QB's develop - we are really not in a ground hog day situation. New world out there guys......... Welcome Coach "Chico" & 2010meangreen. God bless ya'al & GMG
    -1 points

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