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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2010 in all areas

  1. Yeah, being condescending and dismissive.....that's nice and positive.
    3 points
  2. Why would you be against this no matter the timing? When you look at what he has done compared to every other coach before him, it is a o brainer. Just like Vito said.
    2 points
  3. Damn. That Alonzo Edwards is paying off real fast !
    2 points
  4. The Democrats called, they want their congress back. Oh wait, that's 8 months too earlier... Carry on.
    2 points
  5. Keith Olberman called, he would like his teleprompter back.
    2 points
  6. You're right. If people ever start comparing every little thing they disagree with to Hitler and the Nazis, it could get really annoying.
    2 points
  7. Loved your work on the State of the Union.
    2 points
  8. Vito and I discussed last season that Cam Spencer may not actually be on scholarship..at least not basketball scholarship. If we do have one free...I pray it goes here: Konner Tucker NT03 and myself figured Edwards would be the first to sign...I checked rivals earlier today and they're no longer listing Ross-Miller as considerring UNT. Edwards is currently 4th in scoring at Lon Morris...through 12 games he is shooting 47% from the field (40-85), 39% from 3pt (11-28), but a very shaky 49% from the line (21-43).
    2 points
  9. So...you have a pretty big life insurance policy on your wife, huh?
    1 point
  10. http://www.outfoxed.org/ Great documentary!!!! Fair and Balanced look at Fox News!!!!! This network is really pathetic and history will see this network as what it is....It is akin to Hitlers Propaganda Films Any merit to this station is ridiculous and the more you look into what they are doing the more your common sense should come to the surface. They are an organization with an agenda. I encourage all Liberals to take up their 2nd amendment right!!! We need to be ready if these guys ever take hold.
    1 point
  11. A leader and gets the job done. Now, TO's, like in basketball are killing us. A good season always has teams controlling the ball & getting TO's not giving them up. I don't care if you have ut's qb its up hill if you can't hold onto the ball. If it wasn't us if would be funny (especially including the kicking game). The Alabama game really looked good as we didn't give them cheap TD's & TO's-Note: they won all the marbles (in case you missed it & even beat ut[God forgive them]like us). We are fighting over a QB when we everyone knows we need to develop more than one since there are different reasons during a 12 game season that you use more than one. So if we control our mistakes & catch the ball (!) I think everything will work out. Dunbar is fantastic & tight ends can work because we've seen and offense that doesn't have a play that can pickup a half a yard for a win. Again, if it wasn't us it would be funny. My qb pick is anyone getting developed by Coach "Chico". Then, I am fine with Gary leading the other side of the ball. We have leadership now on the O side of the ball. Go to spring training & see how the QB's develop - we are really not in a ground hog day situation. New world out there guys......... Welcome Coach "Chico" & 2010meangreen. God bless ya'al & GMG
    1 point
    1 point
  13. If we don't start tomorrow night's game on a 20-0 run then JJ should be fired on the spot, extension or no extension.
    1 point
  14. KRAM, don't get offended, we know you are only using the joke used against the other guy in the other thread on both that guy and the other guy who decided to stick up for the guy who is the one who used the joke in the first place. As you once told me when I was troubled, you are not alone.
    1 point
  15. Wow...basketball hijack of a football thread...by RICK? Love it. I am concerned about how many juniors are on the hoops roster, however it is considerably easier to re-load a basketball roster...JUCO's are no where near as risky in most case and freshmen can be counted on to contribute immediatly...immediate playing time would actually help in recruiting top freshmen talent. Plus, as unbalanced as the hoops roster is...it is set up as favorably as possible to reload. Guards are considerably easier to land than bigs...after the crop of juniors leave we'll have just one guard left on the roster (Alzee) but 4 bigs to fill in around him (Edwards, Hogans, Holman and Knox).
    1 point
  16. Inspired mispelling or clever shot questioning the sexuality of journalists? With all of the ambiguous homoerotic references going on around the boards, I'm beginning to think www.urbandictionary.com should be required reading.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. I think it is also a good idea to extend him in the case that we do win 22-23 games yet again. Even if we dont make a tourney run, other schools are starting to look at JJ, he interviewed with LSU last season. A contract extension might help scare some teams away, or raise the price of the buyout wich would help with hiring a new coach. Btw, does JJ make more than Dodge? He's earned it, but thats rare.
    1 point
  19. JJ has not let up for one minute in his work with this program. He is by far the best coach at UNT right now and deserves this extension no matter the timing.
    1 point
  20. Just curious Rick, what is your beef with JJ ? He seems to be a great guy, he has won here, he has recruited good kids that graduate. What more do you want besides us winning 25 games a year, playing in your face defense and going to the final 4 every year?
    1 point
  21. Pretty well a no-brainer.
    1 point
  22. I'll probably fill out the census in it's entirety, but... That's the same rationale I used for not joining the "National Do not Call List". Doesn't the federal gov't have enough data on me? Plus, when telemarketers call, it gives me a reason to vent uncontrollably.
    1 point
  23. http://www.mediaite.com/online/nbc-cafeteria-celebrates-black-history-month-with-fried-chicken-special/ If it weren't real, it wouldn't be funny. I'm REALLY going to enjoy sitting back and seeing who just lets this one go, and who gets all pissed off at this one. ROTFLMAO!
    1 point
  24. The medical redshirt for DJ is essentially automatic because he participated in less than the specified percentage of games during the season.
    1 point
  25. WAAAAASSAAAAAAAAAAUP?!?! was pure genius.
    1 point
  26. I liked the Auto Tune Bud Light Commercial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhNh9HMd4gQ Thought it was a nice call back to the classic Wazzzzzz uuuuuuuupppppppppppppppp. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKWH2s6CuFg
    1 point
  27. Personally, I can't watch FOX news. Every time I watch it I get the feeling I'm watching a parent talk to a 4-year old. Every once in a while I'll watch Fox News Sunday, which brings in all of the heavy hitters and brains at the network to do the traditional Sunday morning talk show... but all things considered I'd still rather make a pot of coffee and watch CBS Sunday Morning with Charles Osgood.
    1 point
  28. OH, yeah... I forgot that one. That one was great!
    1 point
  29. Do you think that it's that the average viewer of Fox News prefers to watch news that is more likely to agree and reinforce what they believe, rather than challenge? Are you saying the people who created Fox News (the channel as a whole) created it because they could not find any unbiased news or because they couldn't find a news biased towards conservatives?
    1 point
  30. I loved the "Keep your hand's off my momma, keep your hand's off my Doritos". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHSzxK-nEB4 The anti enviro-statist commercial by Audi was great as well. Awesome game by the way. Rick
    1 point
  31. Yeah, I think I'm with you on that one... ...the Green Police Audi ad gets my honorable mention.
    1 point
  32. The O'Reilly/Stewart interview covers this much better than the two of us could. Go about 15 minutes in to get to the Fox discussion. Edited out of the broadcast about the friendly friends at "Fox and Friends": " 'You know Obama has Czars. I googled czar. Did you know that's a Russian word for a Russian leader.' or they'll go through 'These children in 2nd grade are singing the praises of Obama. Did you know they sing the praises of their leader in North Korea?.' And then when the hard news comes on they say, 'You know some people are concerned that they're indoctronating children.' "
    1 point
  33. Conservative outlet? That depends on your definition of conservative. They have a definite narrative they try to represent. Rather than report the news they sway the information to support that narrative. I know. I've gotten those instructions from Fox management. (Rupert signs my paycheck). My real problem with Fox newschannel is that it's not news. It's a bunch of opinion shows masquerading as news. It should be called Fox opinion channel, not Fox News Channel. Glenn Beck, who used to work for that liberal bastion CNN, does not have news show. He has an opinion show. If you ask me he has a dog and pony show.
    1 point
  34. I understand beer law bud. That is all I did for the first 10 years of my career. We don't do it because A) Cost, it is too expensive to have a regular license and insurance (mostly insurance) for that place when it is only open 5 or 6 times a year... Possible kickback from the community (as it is we are pushing it by having the stadium look like one big beer billboard)... and C) it encourages people to join the private club that is Mean Green Club to get their drink on - where no insurance is needed because we are not (in theory) selling any alcohol, just charging a "storage" fee to hold the member's beer and keep it cold. I put a bid in to the AD way back in the day when State Club let their contract expire.. it is definitely legal but the concessions contractor would have to pay the dram shop insurance and that is based on square footage. When I shopped around, the lowest priced option made it nearly impossible to even break even on beer sales. The Alamodome obviously has their license for other events so it makes sense. This is a Texas thing, other states don't have this problem. If we had a big money lobby machine, we would get the law changed like the race track did (the property of the race track is split between two counties and the state had no way of issuing a license for a property in two counties before they changed the law). So I understand the law - just clarifiying why teams playing at pro stadiums and arenas hae a slight edge in the state of Texas. Thank you sir.
    1 point
  35. The Dome is pretty far from the UTSA campus. About as far as Texas Stadium was to us. Was that an advantage for us? How did that build school spirit? The one good thing about playing games in an outside venue is the ability to sell beer. The downside is that tailgating will be non-existent, students can't "stumble" to and from the game, pep rallies won't be very effective, etc. If they can get the community behind them and not rely on the students, they might be able to hit their 15K attendance each year. South Alabama is doing it. If they start losing after the 1st year of prep schools an NAIA teams, it could get ugly. Certainly will be interesting to watch. If you go to their one fansite, utsatailgaters - it shows the timeline for the last three or four years. Plan A was to raise $15 million. Plan B was to hire a coach and staff, and so on... facilities were in Plan C, scheduling came next. They have accomplished hiring the coach. Over the last four years, they have raised about $2 million, not even close to the goal. Now, they do have student fees and that will help tremendously. I think that the Indy announcement/press piece was a recruiting ploy. Those kids are all asking the same thing - when will we be FBS? Coker wants to sell them that he can get them there by their Junior or Senior year so that they were a part of building something from the ground up. I just don't think that is a realistic timeline. Like their other timelines, it is too aggresive and not realistic. They haven't hit any of their othr goals but they seem determined to get to FBS. So with all that said, I believe that they will eventually get there, probably just not by 2013. If they do pull it off, they will have lightning in a bottle and the Belt would be lucky to have them. We shall see!
    1 point
  36. You are so in outer space, but you throw Bush in at any and all opportunities regardless if it has anything to do with the topic or not. If you get a chance you may need to check for Senility. Remember broken records? But the question remains why in hell would you bring terrorists like this to New York city and invite problems? By the way this is the guy believed to have masterminded the bombing of the USS Cole (Clinton Baby). EDIT** Sorry flyer I wrote this couple of hours ago then was distracted, I like how you think though**
    1 point
  37. I hope this does not blow up in our faces completely, this is such an incredibly stupid and dangerous decision it is beyond sad.
    1 point
  38. 0 points
  39. JJ must get an extension. The entire fate of this university hangs in the balance. I don't think it's a stretch to say that if JJ does not get an extension, we should fire the entire AD staff, reassign the regents to janitorial positions at UNTD, Sell the athletic training facility to a 7-11 franchise and change the color of the seats in the Super pit back to orange. It is that important.
    0 points
  40. Begging for points does not help the status of one of Dallas' finest! You crack me up. Thanks for always being there.
    0 points
  41. Sarah Palin called. She wants the notes written on her hand back.
    0 points
  42. We all knew it would come to this... Don't worry. Once I make General, I'm staging a coup. I'll need a strongman to enforce my will, and I know you've got a gun and a festering resentment of all the people who did you wrong with -1s. Call me sometime. I think there's a place for you in the junta. All-you-can-eat vengeance.
    0 points
  43. so one homecoming 3 or 4 years ago is a landmark event that can help out the university of north texas??? i guess i just expect more with all the talk that people do about him. i realize mean joe is retired and has more time, but i just expect more.
    0 points
  44. ---No one wants new or more taxes but the last administrations policies of fewer taxes and more spending** sure did not work well. It increased the debt and the economy was left in a mess. I am sure the super wealthy saved on taxes and had less financial controls but most lost more than they made with the 5000 Bush DOW drop before he left office. In the long run...did they come out ahead...?? I doubt it. ** and still claimed to be conservative..!!!!
    -1 points
  45. ---You are right... but Gov. Perry is claiming credit for lowering property taxes. Surely he is being truthful in his comments.. That is the complaint I have about him. --The community college I work for is expecting even less state money ... after all the cuts lately ... leaner is not exactly possible. Perry even vetoed our state health insurance a couple of years ago which forced the local to find money to fund them... It came from more local taxes and cancelling our raises. He is not loved or respected here at all. --While it is true he has cut the state budget... it has been education that has taken a beating as a result. In many case locals needed to raise taxes [and raise tuition if community colleges] to offset his cuts.
    -1 points
  46. Eelly,You have got to be kidding me? Come now....even for you this seems a bit "out there"...too many caffeinated drinks I guess. Amazing...think a little more before engaging fingers on the keyboard. Good grief.
    -1 points
  47. Quoner, where is your nazi cat? I always enjoyed it as a rebuttal to some of my posts. Anyway....the same comments can be said for all news propaganda machines on fox, msnbc, pbs, cbs, nbc, cnn, cnn, pms, air america (so long)....the list continues. all these news channels are just planting little demons in your mind so you can get your attention of the largest deficit ever and the socialist train comin' down the track. these new folks are nothing but a bunch of frustrated thesbians. listen to this:
    -1 points

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