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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/2010 in all areas

  1. I really, really don't want any part of this conversation. But "teabagging" is not a homosexual act. Just like wherever my rolling stone papa laid his hat was his home, anyone or anything that serves as a resting place for a nutsac is getting teabagged. Male, female, coffee mug... It's all teabagging. Carry on. Terrorist fist jabs for all of you.
    3 points
  2. Where do the founding fathers land on gorilla masks?
    2 points
  3. UNO has lost 6 in a row and 15 of their last 17 and currently sit dead last in the Sun Belt. That said, crazy things happen at Lakefront Arena and it is never an easy trip for UNT. Probable Starters - PG. Carl Blair 6'2" 205 Fr. (8.3ppg, 4.5rpg, 3.5apg) SG. Devin McDonald 6'0" 185 Jr. (8.0ppg, 2.1rpg, 1.7apg) SF. Charles Carmouche 6'2" 175 Soph. (12.6ppg, 4.5rpg, 2.0apg) PF. Ejike Hart 6'8" 225 Sr. (4.7ppg, 5.2rpg) C. Johann Mpondo 6'8" 230 Soph. (4.6ppg, 3.1rpg) UNO lost its top scorer, Billy Humprhey, in January and all signs seem to point to his season being finished. Hart, UNO's leading rebounder, played limited minutes last Thursday against USA and missed the Privateers game against UALR...I can't find any information as to an injury, suspension, ect. If Hart sits again, UNO still has good size with JL Lewis (6'8" 230) and Jaroslav Tyrna (6'10" 225). UNT beat UNO on 1/9 at the Pit 71-57, and without the services of Eric Tramiel. UNT was paced by Josh White's 21 and Tristan Thompson's 18 off the bench. George Odufuwa managed 9 and 9, but was limited to just 18 minutes due to foul trouble. Tristan Thompson has scored in double figures in all 13 conference games, is averaging 18.6ppg in conference and after his 20 point performance against FIU, has over-taken Josh White as the season scoring leader at 14.3ppg. George Odufuwa has a double-double in 5 of his last 6 games. Eric Tramiel is shooting 65% from the field in his 7 games back from injury, including 6 double figure scoring nights, 2 25 point poerformances and 1 double-double. Shannon Shorter is averaging 8.8ppg, 4.2rpg, 3.6apg in his last five games...he doesn't blow you away with anything in particular, but I feel he is really falling into the glue-guy-like roll who contributes what is needed to help this team win.
    1 point
  4. Interesting take on the Tim Tebow, pro life commerical, CBS censorship boondoggle story that has popped up. I guess you can call me a bleeding heart progressive, but the guy makes some great points worth discussing.
    1 point
  5. I maintain that the MASH record is still much more meaningful since there were not as many viewers during that time meaning that a larger portion of the population was watching it.
    1 point
  6. I gave a lot of credit for my strong under-water "s" technique, high elbows and good reach and catch on my freestyle to the instructional video FEMA put out in 2005.
    1 point
  7. Just for comparison sake Mediabistro.com (Neilson Ratings) Looks to me that you might have a point. Assume that we were to combine all of the other 3 "Left" stations that they list in the ratings and say that due to the additional options for viewing the left audience spreads themselves out to cover all three lets see how they stack up against FOX. As if there was 1 "Right" news station and 1 "Left"... Total day: FNC 482 Combined others: 398 Prime: FNC 772 Combined others: 579 I don't want to seem like I have anyidea how ratings numbers are calculated or even what these number actually represent so I could be way off in my comparison here. I am only assuming that there is no sliding scale here and that 1=1 throughout the comparison. I am pretty curious how this actually works however...
    1 point
  8. Betty White and Abe Vigoda. Hands down.
    1 point
  9. Actually, I'm pretty sure Waters was way before Dickey's time. Recruited perhaps by Parker? Correct me if I'm wrong on this. That said, I thought you were down with the thugs to create, as I termed it, "the Wild Bunch." If we go that route, let's not do it half-a**ed but use our whole a** like Miami.
    1 point
  10. I apologize to anyone who I may have offended by using Tea "Bagger" when I actually meant to refer to the Tea "Party". If the term, "Tea Bagger" is a homophobic slur, I just learned that from your response to my post and do appreciate your having brought it to my attention. I personally support the rights of gays to serve in the military without hiding their orientation, and to get married. Certainly the one Republican I supported the most, Barry Goldwater, expressed similar views. Also, I only heard one person from the Tea Party movement expressing anger about corporate issues, so I suppose that may have been just one person's opinion. I suppose that my point was to suggest there may be some diversity of opinions among those attending Tea Party events. Anyway, GMG.
    1 point
  11. LOL, ok. www.newsbusters.org Thousands upon thousands of examples of left-wing bias in the media.
    1 point
  12. Of course you have a hard time seeing anything but racism, because that is all you want to see. Your political views that you have posted on this board allign with Pres. Obama's. You just can't fathom that anyone could possibly disagree with what you think is right. So, it must be racism, because why else would they disagree? I respect your political views, even though I pretty much completely disagree with them. Why can't you do the same for the people of the Tea Party without throwing a blanket label on them (which you did)?
    1 point
  13. From the athletics website. Around the 4:00 mark is a little interview with Coach Canales. http://www.meangreensports.com/newMediaPlayer/sl/console.htm?id=691147&CLIP_ID=681825&SPID=&CLIP_FILE_ID=691147&DB_MENU_ID=&type=vod&oemid=1800&SPSID=&DB_OEM_ID=1800
    1 point
  14. Thanks for posting...this provides great insight.
    1 point
  15. Basketball is a game of matchups. I just am not sure we match up with ASU at all. FIU despite their poor record matches up well with us. I do think if we met the Red Wolves again in March we'd have a better shot. Tough to beat a good team(any team really) three straight times in college basketball. Lest we forget in 2007 ASU swept the regular season matchups, but we took the third one in the SBC tourney.
    1 point
  16. You did say That sounds to me like you're saying racism is behind the tea party movement. Why even bring it up if you are just making a mere observation that some are racist? Some democrats and other "progressives" are racist too--what's your point?
    1 point
  17. I don't see anything "racist" about these pictures. And yes, there are black people at these rallies: But yeah, you go ahead, stomp your feet, and think it's about race. These people don't care that he is black - if Ronald Reagan himself was proposing universal health care, higher taxes, trillions of dollars in deficits, and driving up energy costs due to bad science, they would be calling him a fascist as well. Keep thinking it's about race, and not policy. It's that kind of narrow thinking that caused democrats to lose key elections in the last year, and it's why they are going to have the ever-loving sh&t kicked out of them in November.
    1 point
  18. What a great Presedential candidate Mr. Keyes would be for the Tea Party in 2012. The only drawback is he always appears angry in his speeches, which in the past has turned off the American public. Who knows, maybe the American public is finally angry enough to agree with Mr. Keyes.
    1 point
  19. OR... Could it be that Americans voted for change in the midst of a financial crisis, falsly believing that the new guy (whatever color he may be) would bring financial order to the US, only to find out that they had elected a political ideolog who wants to triple or quadruple the spending problems that was a partial cause of this economic meltdown? Funny how it's always the "progressives" that point to Pres. Obama's race.
    1 point
  20. I think you are somewhat correct here, but they can't seem to get on the same page at the moment. This weekend's convention was proof of that. A gathering of roughly 600 so called Tea partiers got together to listen to a moron cheerlead. While the common folk who are at the heart of the grass roots movement are excluded. Most don't want a 'face' for the party, while others want to fall in line with traditional political practices. An interesting phenomenon going on there. Although I do truly believe that if Obama were a white dude then there would not be a Tea Party, or they would not have the same level of support. I can't help but view this group as one that has a problem with a black guy as a leader. The country was extremely screwed before he was in office. Now all of a sudden this group wants to 'take back our country'. I am not buying it. Some, not all, of these people are a bit racist in my opinion.
    1 point
  21. As far as scheduling big-name programs, yes! We would not have hosted Mississippi State, Texas A$M, Kansas, BYU, Texas Tech, Oklahoma State, etc. without Texas Stadium or the Cotton Bowl....and we haven't since.
    1 point
  22. And people on the right don't? I submit that the right cares more about civil liberties than the left. Freedom of Speech - the left wants to impose the "Fairness Doctrine" which would require radio station owners to devote equal time to right-wing and left-wing talk shows. That's a violation of freedom of speech. Freedom of Press - The left wing dominates TV, newspaper, magazine, and on-line news outlets. But when Fox started to take viewers away from the ABC/CBS/NBC/MSNBC/CNN networks, the left demanded that something be done to kill the Fox news network. Freedom of Religion - the ACLU defends the rights of non-Christian expression in schools and public places, but will take on every case to crush a student's or teacher's expression of their Christian faith. I'm not talking about teaching religion, I'm talking about the simple things like wearing a cross or carrying a bible or the Boy Scouts holding meeting at a public school in the evenings. The right to keep and bear arms - need we even discuss? States rights - the right wants smaller federal government and the power of states rights restored. The left believe in a powerful central government, in violation of the 9th and 10th amendments. It's not like the right wing oppose fair trials or 4th amendment protections or any other rights enumerated by the Constitution. The left, on the other hand, oppose several of these rights as I have outlined above. So how can you say you are "progressive" because you support civil liberties? If you truly supported all of the civil liberties guaranteed by our Constitution, you'd be a conservative!
    1 point
  23. UNT ranked second in rushing yards per game in the Sun Belt, 28th in the Nation and Lance Dunbar finished up 14th in the nation in rushing yards. Those numbers suggest that TD, Gandy and / or Ford were doing something right. Granted they did start out the season with rotating more backs in the game until the fourth or fifth game when Cam was injured. With the yardage and the touchdowns that Lance was racking up as a starter it made it hard to keep Lance off the field.
    1 point
  24. When was the last time UNT did not sign at least one player in the DMN Area Top 100, while Louisiana Tech, Louisiana-Monroe and Louisiana-Lafayette DID?? Answer: 2010 Louisiana-Lafayette - according to today's DMN got Aaron Spikes, RB from Pinkston and #75 DFW area prospect, to switch his commitment from Texas Tech at the last minute. Spikes also had offers from Kansas State, LaTech, SMU, TCU and Utah. Rivals doesn't show an offer from TTech, so I wonder if they pulled it? His remaining offers were impressive nonetheless. Louisiana-Monroe - according to today's DMN got Josh Allen, OL from Cedar Hill and #55 DFW area prospect, to switch his commitment from Minnesota. Rivals doesn't show that he had any other offers. Louisiana-Monroe also got LOIs from area players Demierre Burkett, OL West Mesquite, Vincent Eddie, DB Desoto, Darius Lively, DL Lancaster and Luke Russell, WR Denton Guyer. Louisiana Tech - according to today's DMN got Antonio Burton, DB from Denton Guyer and #91 DFW area prospect, to switch his commitment from Kansas. As with Spikes, Rivals doesn't show that this prospect had an offer from the school he de-committed from. However, like Spikes, he still had some good offers (Arizona, Tulsa and UTEP). LaTech also got LOIs from area players Anthony Garner, LB South Oak Cliff, Kendall Hayes, DB Lancaster and Carter Street, DE Pilot Point. Also, the DMN published their DFW Top 50 list for 2011. Unfortunately, we're not currently being considered by any of these players and, unfortunately SMU is being considered by 12 of the 50. But, speaking of SMU, I did take some personal satisfaction in seeing that 2010 DFW area Top 100 Don Canyon, QB (#93) Lincoln, de-committed from SMU to go to Northwestern State. The good news is that national signing day 2011 is a LONG time away. If we can somehow manage a winning record in 2010, coupled with the opening of the new stadium, recruiting could really improve.
    1 point
  25. I understand the difference between position rankings and prospect rankings, but I'm not naive enough to believe some random, undocumented claim that a 2-10 SBC team just signed the 2007 #15 nationally-ranked athlete in the country without doing a little research to validate that claim. I'm also not convinced that the 36th best prospect in South Carolina could be the 15th best athlete in the nation. Jerrell Preister, 2010 Rivals #17 best prospect in South Carolina, ranked #59 at position "athlete" in the country Conelius Jones, 2010 Rivals #23 best prospect in South Carolina, unranked in position "athlete" in the country David Sims, 2009 Rivals #18 best prospect in South Carolina, ranked #40 in position "athlete" in the country Tyrell Edwards, 2009 Rivals #29 best prospect in South Carolina, ranked #82 in position "athlete" in the country Jaron Brown, 2008 Rivals #16 best prospect in South Carolina, ranked #57 in position "athlete" in the country J.T. Floyd, 2008 Rivals #20 best prospect in South Carolina, unranked in position "athlete" in the country Dontrelle Inman, 2007 Rivals #23 best prospect in South Carolina, unranked in position "athlete" in the country Just for kicks, here's Rivals 2007 rankings of best athletes in the country. Ironically, #15 on that list is a current member of the Mean Green, but it's not D'Andre Wood. But, please, don't take my word for it...do some more research....check Rivals, check Scouts, check ESPN. If you can find any source that shows D'Andre Wood as the #15 ranked athlete in the nation for 2007, I'd love to see it. Again, let me be VERY clear about it, I am not bashing D'Andre Wood or, in any way, trying to undersell his abilities to contribute to this team. In fact, I think he has the potential to be the biggest impact player of this class. However, I'm not buying the inaccuracies on the resume.
    1 point
  26. Ok, I am SICK of the negativity on this board! I am SICK of hearing " Fire Dodge!" We lost this game not because of Todd Dodge, in fact almost all of our losses were not because of TD. We lost this game because of simple mistakes by the PLAYERS not the coaches. Riley was making very poor choices out there and we weren't holding onto the football.We lost this game because we can't finish. But that is a big improvement because we used to lose games because we just couldn't compete. These players have been competing all year. And don't try to tell me otherwise! We worked on competing this year and next year we work on finishing. And last, for those of you who repeatedly say your done with North Texas Football until TD is fired and those who didn't come to the game because they are done with UNT football, you are not a North Texas fan. Not a true one at least. No matter what happens, how the teams doing, if -50 and raining, I will go to the games because I love UNT football. That is a true fan.
    1 point
  27. How can this be? I thought that only thugs were allowed on Darrell Dickey's squads?
    0 points
  28. Again, you give me that, I give you this: Media Matters And again, who (with any legitimacy) has demanded Faux News be killed?
    0 points
  29. Conservative outlet? That depends on your definition of conservative. They have a definite narrative they try to represent. Rather than report the news they sway the information to support that narrative. I know. I've gotten those instructions from Fox management. (Rupert signs my paycheck). My real problem with Fox newschannel is that it's not news. It's a bunch of opinion shows masquerading as news. It should be called Fox opinion channel, not Fox News Channel. Glenn Beck, who used to work for that liberal bastion CNN, does not have news show. He has an opinion show. If you ask me he has a dog and pony show.
    0 points
  30. Okay, you're shifting back the other way again. You're back to "because he's black." That's the primary reason people disagree with him--because he's black. His being the most radically liberal president ever has nothing to do with why conservative and common-sense people would oppose him. Protests have taken place under and against every presidency. Because they continue to take place under a black president doesn't mean his blackness is causing the protests anymore than the whiteness of others caused protests.
    0 points
  31. My point is that because our president is a black guy, a largely white, conservative, and often rural crowd is starting a movement to air their political frustrations. I seriously have a hard time believing that there is not a strong under current of racism at work here. I am not saying it's the parties platform, but to say racism is not an element is laughable.
    0 points
  32. I understand beer law bud. That is all I did for the first 10 years of my career. We don't do it because A) Cost, it is too expensive to have a regular license and insurance (mostly insurance) for that place when it is only open 5 or 6 times a year... Possible kickback from the community (as it is we are pushing it by having the stadium look like one big beer billboard)... and C) it encourages people to join the private club that is Mean Green Club to get their drink on - where no insurance is needed because we are not (in theory) selling any alcohol, just charging a "storage" fee to hold the member's beer and keep it cold. I put a bid in to the AD way back in the day when State Club let their contract expire.. it is definitely legal but the concessions contractor would have to pay the dram shop insurance and that is based on square footage. When I shopped around, the lowest priced option made it nearly impossible to even break even on beer sales. The Alamodome obviously has their license for other events so it makes sense. This is a Texas thing, other states don't have this problem. If we had a big money lobby machine, we would get the law changed like the race track did (the property of the race track is split between two counties and the state had no way of issuing a license for a property in two counties before they changed the law). So I understand the law - just clarifiying why teams playing at pro stadiums and arenas hae a slight edge in the state of Texas. Thank you sir.
    0 points
  33. It's no secret I think Dodge is in way over his head and IF this team gets to 7 wins it will be due to his assistants coaching lights out. Also, I think if Riley improves substantially it will be due to a year of maturity and a real college OC putting him in good situations. With that said I have gotta tip my cap to Dodge's recruiting prowess. As it stands today we will bring in 7 three star kids...and had an 8th until he decided he'd rather spend his time in El Paso (?). No, this class is not on par with our metroplex brethren or even some SBC teams...but none of them were 2-10. We got juco help on the defense and SHOULD have the numbers and talent yo crank it up a notch in intensity. Now, a question. We should have 2 or 3 schollies left. Who do you think we will/should bring in? Do you think there are DT prospects we're keeping under wraps?
    -1 points
  34. Very impressive. Cam was my favorite player the past two years. He got his job stolen fair and square by the spectacular Dunbar, but I sure wish we'd had a coach with any clue how to run a real backfield rotation.
    -1 points
  35. Are you sure about that? I thought I saw you there.
    -1 points
  36. Don't act like him being black has nothing to do with the Tea Party's movement. I am all for a group of individuals wanting to be heard for what they feel is right and needs to be corrected, but to use an ironic pun....let's call a spade a spade here.
    -1 points
  37. The more I read this, the more your personal prejudices become clear. If I'm white, conservative, live on a farm, and disagree with the President, I must be a racist, according to your views. Dude. Kind of disturbing.
    -1 points
  38. Name a show on FAUX News that's not a talk show. Define Conservative.
    -1 points
  39. ---You are right... but Gov. Perry is claiming credit for lowering property taxes. Surely he is being truthful in his comments.. That is the complaint I have about him. --The community college I work for is expecting even less state money ... after all the cuts lately ... leaner is not exactly possible. Perry even vetoed our state health insurance a couple of years ago which forced the local to find money to fund them... It came from more local taxes and cancelling our raises. He is not loved or respected here at all. --While it is true he has cut the state budget... it has been education that has taken a beating as a result. In many case locals needed to raise taxes [and raise tuition if community colleges] to offset his cuts.
    -2 points
  40. Care to back that up with some facts? For every Washington Post, I'll give you a Washington Times. There is no left wing bias in the media. That is a tired argument. I've been in the business for over 20 years and I've met WAY more right wingers reporting the news than I have left wingers. Who has DEMANDED Faux News be killed?
    -3 points

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