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  1. Did you over hear this? Or are you just trying to remind everyone on every thread of your dislike of our coach? It gets old.
    6 points
  2. To me, this is exactly the kind of thing your head coach SHOULD be doing. The following was posted on TexAGs today, (since deleted, ironically) and it's a take on MB written from an Ag perspective. But you better believe that this is what it takes to get and keep kids going to your program. Call it douchery all you want. If that's what it takes to get and keep the pipelines flowing for the MG, then douche away. I would be doing back flips if this was TD and his crew: ******************************************** So, Mack Brown and Coach MacWhorter from UT came to school today to see Carrington Byndom (who is signing with them next week). Coach Outlaw came by before school and asked me if I would be able to take some photos when they got here around 11:30. He said the plane was supposed to get here at 11 but he was not sure how accurate the time would be because they were coming from Cayuga (where they visited Traylon Shead). I thought for a few minutes (okay a nanosecond) and said I supposed I could help him out! I went down there about 11:15 and the coaches were visiting in John's office. What i overheard was just typical coach talk b.s. and general visiting. Carrington showed up and we took pix of them all together. Then it got interesting. Mack said he would like to meet some of the teachers who had been influential for CB and thank them for their help! So, we walked around and the teachers would come out in the hall, stop dead in their tracks and look at me with a "what is going on?" expression. Mack would then say (honestly, every single time), "Hi, I'm Mack Brown, head football coach at the University of Texas." OHHHH!!! Most of the teachers recovered enough to make the appropriate noises as he thanked them and asked what they taught etc. I took pix of each one and we moved along. It was all going along smoothly until we had to track down a Science teacher who was at lunch. We were finishing up with him when one of the lunches finished and kids started coming down the hall to go to class. Holy cow, you would have thought the Beatles were in town. It seemed like every kid who is headed to UT this fall was in that hall in two seconds. Only one asked for an autograph but they all spoke to him and took pix and told him how much they love the Horns/can't wait to get there etc. One little girl handed me her phone and asked to take one with her phone, too, so she could send it to her dad right then. Her hand was shaking so bad I almost couldn't get the phone from her. Colt has a cousin who goes to our school and she visited with him for a minute about McCoy family stuff. It took a while but we made it back to the coaches office. They wanted take a photo with the assistant who handles recruiting and John asked if I would take one of Mack and our play-by-play guy who bleeds orange. So, I finished up and left them to the coaching horse mess they all talk. The bell rang for the next class about 15 minutes later and several girls came running into the room, "Mr. [Teacher], Mack Brown is here." i said i know. They asked if they could have cameras and after I said yes they took off. They were back in about 15 minutes all out of breath and excited. Some of the other kids were staring at them in shock and asking what happened. They said, "Look we got picture with Mack Brown!" One of our returning players came in and said, "I just shook hands with Mack!" I was starting to wonder about them all before I realized that he has been the head coach there pretty much their entire lives - they seem him in an entirely different way than the rest of us do. And he is on television so much that I guess he doesn't seem real to them. I gotta give him props, though. He can handle that stuff like it is nothing. He asked names and what will you study and how long have been teaching and just whatever. Some would shake his hand and start to walk off and he would say hey come take a picture. If he ever ran for office it would be over in a day. We had a real nice conversation while were walking around finding the various teachers. He probably never has anyone talk to him about anything but football so I am sure he enjoyed talking about other stuff. He told us a great story about Akina and Obama. I asked Carrington later how many of the other coaches recruiting him had talked about hanging out with the President. He just laughed. They were leaving here to head to Tyler to see the Dorsey kid. I don't know if they are doing it for every kid, but if today is an indication then he will need a lot of stamina. MacWhorter told me that every kid in school at Cayuga came out to see him (just class A but still). I see MacWhorter every year a time or two when he comes to recruit so we had a nice visit, too. Trying to imagine Saban or Kiffin or Stoops pulling off a visit like that. Can't see it. R.C. could do it and Carroll undoubtedly could, but most coaches are just not personable enough to either mean it or fake it convincingly.
    4 points
  3. NT is building a new football stadium and with that has upgraded about every athletic venue and has passed a new student fee that should put them at the top of the Belt in athletic funding. Not exactly standing still while everyone else passes by as some posts would lead you to believe. As for as head football coaches' salary, surely you are not advocating a raise for Dodge. I bet when a new head coach is hired or if a miracle happens and Dodge turns the program around, you will see a significant uptick in coaches' salaries.
    4 points
  4. 3 points
  5. I think one of the best aspects of this list is that it has a great collection of those who are successful and know what it takes to succeed in the challenging dynamics of the private sector, in which they understand the importance of accurate decision making, the risks involved, and the rewards that can be realized if done correctly. Rick
    3 points
  6. Christian values? At the risk of this thread getting way out of hand, I would suggest that you talk to Native Americans about our founding fathers' "Christian values". What ever happened to the separation of church and state? Which is one of the foundations that our "founding fathers" instituted in our government? BUT the issue at hand is that putting bible verses on our military equipment makes this (in the eyes of the muslims) a HOLY WAR. And there is no way we can ever win one of those. It'll only give them more energy to go on...and on...and on......
    3 points
  7. Theoretically? Yes, it does suck. In reality? I'm not going to lie. It made me very happy. I don't like to see anyone put out of a job, but I wanted to see a new OC even before last season began. For him to get a job he chose to take is, from my perspective, a win-win situation. Even if it was at a high school.
    3 points
  8. Which points to the insane, Marxist comment's made by Obama on Thursday. Obama to Announce $120 Billion Tax on Large Banks As Dr. Levin continues to point out to everyone who is paying attention: "The Marxist rejects everything we stand for - they hate the businessman, they hate the investor, and they hate the bankers." Rick
    3 points
  9. There is hope and a possible miracle in the making. Scott Brown surges ahead in Senate race Rick
    3 points
  10. I'm picking Jeremy Phillips over Herron. Sure he was highly recruited out of high school , but if June Jones couldn't even find a roster spot for him at good ole SMU then I find it hard to believe that he just steps on the field and starts for us.
    2 points
  11. I don't doubt the talent on the team, my concern is the use of the talent, construction of a sound game plan, and the execution of said plan. I feel the talent has increased tremendously with Dodge, but talent alone won't get us wins. We have to plan for success, and so far I haven't seen it. My expectation of this year is to continue doing the same thing but expecting different results. For instance, in a 3rd and 1, I still see us failing to line up under center and somehow failing to get a 1st down. Failing to plan is planning to fail.
    2 points
  12. Because here how it usually goes when someone calls a sportsbar to ask a question Pretty Hostess : ABC sportsbar this is Kelly , how may I help you ME : Hi kelly , I was wondering if you guys will be showing the North Texas vs Western Kentucky game on thursday night PH : Um what game ? ME : The North Texas game on Thursday night PH : Oh , the Texas game ...let me check ME : no , no the NORTH TEXAS game PH: Um ..... what kind of game is this ? ME : Basketball , they are playing on the Fox College Sports Channel PH : Oh yeah , we get Fox. We should be showing it then ME : No , it's the FOX COLLEGE SPORTS CHANNEL PH : I don't think we get that channel , but I can ask someone ME : Ok , yes please do PH : Um , yeah I don't know for sure if we do or not , but we do have fox and espn and we usually show all the Longhorn games so we will probably be showing it here. ME : ah.... forget it
    2 points
  13. Personally, I don't see how there can't be some differences of opinions on how the offense should be run. And I think that's exactly what Dodge needs...someone with a different perspective that offers experience and advice on how to correct some of the problems we've experienced on the offensive side of the ball. I don't really care who made the decision to hire Canales but I'd prefer to think that Todd Dodge has come to the realization that he could use some help. Every great leader is surrounded by great minds working to accomplish the same goals.
    2 points
  14. I'd love to see a 3-3-5 defense played here. Rick
    2 points
  15. Well said and when I look at what our worthless Chancellor is making as he promotes only Dallas, I can't help but believe that there is room in the university's budget to allocate more to athletics to pay competitive salaries. The Pres can crow about our increased national academic status but until we become competitive with the mid majors, the rest of the world and in particular the metroplex sees us as tiny North Texas.
    2 points
  16. I disagree. I feel he sees an opportunity to be head coach in waiting if another 2 to 3 win season starts to evolve, although I still contend that Jeff Bowers is on RV's speed dial. With Canales the more interesting question is if "Papa's Boy's" lack of production and turnovers and brittleness prove to be the detriment they have been to this team, will the OC have the authority to pull or reassign "Pick Six"?
    2 points
  17. The people we are at war against consider this a religious war. Removing some scripture from gun sights won't cause them to lay down their arms and suddenly realize what good guys we really are. Same thing for the people of Iraq/Afganistan. The ones who like us could give a flip about our gun sights. I'm pretty sure they know the vast majority of us are Christian. If anything, they might respect the fact that we actually have a God in our society, since the militants are constantly telling them we are Godless creatures. This county was founded on Christian values. Maybe if we embraced them instead of doing everything possible to outlaw them , many things in and outside of our country would be better.
    2 points
  18. Turning down two $1 million/yr contracts to stay at Muts for less than $500k/yr? He may look back on those decisions someday.
    2 points
  19. Yes, Harry suggested I update my browser and that fixed it for me. I could not reply to a post or see the posting box until I updated my browser from IE6 to IE8; now it works fine. How do you know which version you currently have? Click the "Help" tab up on your browser icon bar next to Tools, then click the dropdown link = "About Internet Explorer" and it will show you what version you're running.
    2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. I think I know what the conversation that caused this was like. Dodge: "Would you like to be our OC?" Canles: "Yes." Dodge: "Cool, I'll call the plays and you wear a headset up in the box, k?" Canales: "Let me think about it."
    2 points
  22. Hold the phone. http://www.footballscoop.com/?cat=24 North Texas: Despite multiple reports, Mike Canales has not yet accepted an offer to be the offensive coordinator at North Texas. We hear Canales is still deciding
    2 points
  23. Updating your browser will solve a lot of the issues. I am open to design suggestions and this is something we will continue to tweak. I am real pleased with it thusfar!
    2 points
  24. Not to be "that guy," but this class is currently (as of 1/26) ranked 102 out of 120 Division 1 FBS teams. I still voted "ok" because given the season we just had, this ranking really could be even worse. Also, this does not take into account the transfers. Regardless, I just can't get excited about any ranking that puts us in the bottom 15% of our division. Oh well, maybe Rivals is wrong. I do individually like a lot of the talent that appears to be coming.
    2 points
  25. The fact that I point out that Obama is a marxist and that he doesn't even hide it does not mean I love America any less than you. But sadly, the advances this great nation earned through capitalism and wealth creation and all that it has built up and supported that allowed someone such as yourself to become who you are today, was lost on you. Rick
    2 points
  26. I like the question in Ed's article: Where’s the "No Way" Warning? It's called common sense, Ed. I apply it each time Al Gore opens his mouth about man made Global Warming. No Way! Rick
    2 points
  27. Back to the topic being discussed.... Unions cut a deal to be exempt from the health care tax the rest of us will have to pay. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/unio...qPIJlIxXAm37DOM
    2 points
  28. So, now we know who actually owns this administration. No more guessing...bought and paid for by the unions. Hard to argue that after his cave in on the taxing of high end health plans. Discrimination at its very base level...this is just too incredible to believe no matter which side of the aisle you favor. It's a very sad day indeed for this great nation of ours when this blatant form of discrimination comes directly from the White House. Bought and paid for....good grief!
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Somewhere in the background I hear people not giving a crap about Lee Corso.
    1 point
  31. Prank goes awry when coach hits blindfolded shot. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/post/Video-Prank-goes-awry-when-coach-hits-blindfold?urn=top,215799
    1 point
  32. The light green bars that separate the posts need to be darker in my oppinion. Should be great once all the kinks are worked out. Rick
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. http://alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/TOE60Q01B.htm Rick
    1 point
  35. Dropping the football program to focus on our Music school?
    1 point
  36. Agreed in the sense that perhaps the people who make decisions to send our troops in to places should keep such matters at the top of their minds. However, I also think that suicide bombers in Gaza, not to mention the 9-11 hijackers, had their scriptures thoroughly at the top of their thoughts as they, so to speak, pulled the trigger. A very, very sharp double-edged knife there. One way or the other, someone's getting cut.
    1 point
  37. As far as the two game road-trip goes (at WKU, at MTSU) I see... 0 wins - very disappointing, but with a managable schedule to end the season, not back-breaking 1 win - sets us up wonderfully for the rest of the year, and give us an important tie-breaker over one of them 2 wins - obviously the best outcome, puts us in position to possibly get a bye for the first round of the tourney.
    1 point
  38. Voted okay. Orr and Antonio Johnson are legitimate day one players at a non-BCS program. I also like the pickup of Jamison Hughes. Everything else is average or long term projects. Two - Dunham and Vincent Eddie are probably wasted scholarships. Neither would have been given an FBS scholarship anywhere else. In the long run, such shots in the dark hurt depth. I'd like Dodge and the staff to be more serious about where they spend scholarships when I see stuff like this. Depth is important and these guys likely won't be ready for at least three years, if ever. Eddie has some outside talent and should have gone JUCO, a la former Oklahoma Sooner and Atlanta Falcon Darnell Walker, who also came of high school at shorter than 5-10 and in the 140-150 range. Eddie needs live snaps, even if just against JUCO competition. He won't get it here and will probably languish on the depth chart as a result. The big minuses are the absence of one or two quarterback prospects and two to three defensive tackles. Either Dodge doesn't see the light here, or he is unable to nail down recruits. Oh yeah...glad to see soon-to-be fellow Lloyd V. Berkner alum Zach Olen on board. Hopefully, he'll be as much of an asset as former Ram Scott Davis was here back in the day.
    1 point
  39. He uses a BB gun compared to the howitzers used continually by a number posters on this board.
    1 point
  40. Vito has clearly taken shots at our football program several times, but he seems to go through spells of good reporting then he slips one in on you. I think he has been much better lately, I don't know but I think there must have been a fall out with him and Dodge or RV early on.
    1 point
  41. Take that UTEP! Also, kudos to Todd Dodge for signing someone else. (Now someone give me one of those new GMG gold stars for my nice post)
    1 point
  42. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/...one-school.html Rick
    1 point
  43. Hello! Bush's presidency is over! Can we please stop talking about the past? All you libs are the same...Bush this, Bush that. Get over it!
    1 point
  44. Wow...still mad at J D Rockefeller and J P Morgan! I knew you had a few years on you, but I had no idea you can hold a grudge THAT long. Most dems only go back as far as Bush to place blame for everything. That certainly and conviently overlooks, of course, the role that more current dems (Dodd, etc.) played in the whole mess. You went way past that (of course you got around to Bush too, gee, so very surprising of you, and so original too) and went back to the days of JP and JD. You might want to consider writing speeches for Martha Cokely...better hurry though...using such "shilling" phrases as "their unfetterd industries kept the poor, poor and the rich, rich". You know sort of like..."only lottery winners would be able to buy houses" stuff. I can hear the music playing in the backround now...."Mine eyes have seen the glory..........". Please, give that Comedy Central thing a try. I do think you'd be a big hit! But, don't tell any of your dem and union buddies that you favor folks actually having to qualify for a mortgage before being granted one, have 20% down in cash and pass a credit check and actually make enough in the way of income to make the payments. Really radical right wing stuff like that that will "keep the poor, poor and out of homes and let the rich get richer" might get you thrown out of the "all emotion no thinking club". You are just too funny. Come on in to the 21st century at least. My kids and grandkids never worked in a factory "from dusk until dawn without any safety regulations", but if they had, they would probably would have found a way to find a better job...moved to Texas perhaps and start their own business, ranch or farm...oh, that's right...that's what my great granparents did when they got tired of "working for the man". You know, they took a little responsibility for their own well being and tried to do something about it. Not saying everyone could do that, but plenty of folks did and that's what helped create the great opportunities we have today to work for "the man" or work for ourselves. Tough days back in the days of the "industrial revolution" that's for sure, but the last time I looked...they were over here in the good ole U S of A. Haven't you noticed or have you just been too busy bashing Bush for everything? Too funny!
    1 point
  45. That's right, blame Bush, and way to dodge the actual issue. Why did Bush and the Republicans not do anything about it while they had control? Well, I'm not a shill, so I'm happy to admit when politics are politics. I think they didn't do it for two reasons. 1. it wasn't a crisis yet (2006 was really the first time that there was any sign to anyone outside of FMFM that there was a big problem within.) and 2. Politics. It isn't good politics, especially when you're already unpoplular, to stand up and say "Hey, this is bad, we need to quit giving these people with bad credit (which accounts for a HUGE part of the voting block) loans to get houses." ...it's the same problem the Democrats have right now. You're right, the policy you suggested would keep the problem from happening again, but it would destroy a huge portion of your party's base, which is why your party will place blame on everyone else (even though it is their policies that caused the problem in the first place) but do nothing to fix it. No inquiries. No committee meetings. No legilsation. No NOTHING. Do you HONESTLY believe that if they could legitimately pin this on Republicans and their policies and that it wouldn't end up with egg on their faces that we wouldn't have the investigation of a lifetime on CSPAN 24x7 right now? You and I both really know the answer to that in today's environment. The lack of hearings is proof enough that the party in power has as much to lose if not more than they party they would try and take down. I find it amusing that you attack Republicans for not doing something about it, but you give a pass to the people who put the problem in motion in the first place. It sort of takes away your ability to play the Shill card.
    1 point
  46. I'm all for it. ...now, do you ACTUALLY THINK that the people who are in power now would ACTUALLY push for that type of regulation? Do you think they would push for regulation that would impact the lower middle class, poor, and the minorities the hardest? I'd like to see the Democrats do that. Let's see how long LULAC, NAACP and every other minority group is up in ARMS calling racisim and everything else, making it virtually impossible for those who haven't "won life's lottery" (their words, not mine) to get a home? You ARE Revisionist if you're going to argue that there was no enfluence by all levels of government and the fed that led to the policies that led to the housing disaster. ...you're either revisionist or you don't know the facts. I'm not going to sit here and pretend that wallstreet was clean, but to pretend that the fannie and freddie mess wan't coming years ago, and that Republicans including Bush and McCain tried to get congress to do something about it while the Democrats (Dodd and Frank most specifically) did nothing about it simply IS revisionist history. To pretend that all levels of government and pac meddling isn't what led to the bad policy being set in the first place IS revisionist history. Even to secure competitive rates from the Fed banks had to have a certain precentage of specific types of loans, which is a big part of what led to all of this. Now, does that mean I think it should be a free for all for the banks? Not at all... ...but it IS government policy that was put in place with, I'm sure, the best intentions that caused this collapse in the first place. I applaud your willingness to cost your party its base to put in regulation that might actually help stop another crisis. ...but your party certainly isn't going to suggest any such policy.
    1 point

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