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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/2010 in all areas

  1. JJ should be fired at halftime if we don't beat WKU.
    3 points
  2. He uses a BB gun compared to the howitzers used continually by a number posters on this board.
    3 points
  3. He left to take over a new High school that is opening.
    3 points
  4. Fox College Sports is showing the Thursday game at WKU. They show a lot of WKU games.
    2 points
  5. My only gripe is that my eyes have trouble scanning the thread subjects because there is no clear delimiter between threads (or between the pinned vs. unpinned subjects) - but otherwise it works for me. I'll have to play around to see all the new features. Plus I want to beat all y'all with more of Harry's reputation points.
    2 points
  6. I have no interest in being your personal journalism critic, but thanks for valuing my opinion so highly. Listen, my post was intended as a compliment. But sometimes--not usually, but sometimes--he grates on me; and it's just his manner of delivery. Paulie Shore may not grate on you, but he grates on me. Brett Vito may not grate on you, but he sometimes grates on me. I couldn't give him the unqualified lovefest many of you want to give him, but I felt I could give him a qualified compliment. He does his job, and generally does a good one--let's just leave it at that.
    2 points
  7. George is on a 2 game awesome streak and ET played fantastic for our last game which could be a great sign coming off of the injury finally. If both of the big guys can bring in double digit rebounds, or close to it and ET can get close to the 25 he just had I think that we will be in a good way. These big guys playing so well might just draw some attention away from the back court and give them some space to find a rhythm that they have been needing. I like the way that this team has been looking and I am hoping to be able to watch them at the pour house with the old man, its always more fun to watch a winner!
    2 points
  8. Oh boy, he's invoked the ninja face.. The most holy of holy icons. We can only assume that this source is 100% legit.
    2 points
  9. Just to make sure I (and eulesseagle, who posed the question) understand as clearly as possible: What you're saying is, someone who makes a habit of posting inflammatory thread titles, links to stories from politically aligned media outlets, and accompanying 1 or 2 sentence comments that "regurgitat(e) talking points" or simply take shots at other board members and/or broad political parties/thoughts under the guise of rhetorical questions... Someone like that would be violating the spirit of the board rules? Particularly if it was the vast majority of their activity on this board?
    2 points
  10. I thought I got a browser hijack for a minute there...
    1 point
  11. We'll be making our first ever layoffs this Friday. Sad. Hard to do. But, nothing's changed since last year. The tight credit is killing businesses, and we're a company that deals 80% in businesses and only 20% to individuals. I really wish the government would stop hassling banks. It's doing nothing but hurting businesses. I don't understand the disconnect between politicians and basic economics. It's maddening.
    1 point
  12. http://pps.unt.edu/sites/default/files/RFSCP769_10_87873ER.pdf
    1 point
  13. Any particular reason or is it just the change?
    1 point
  14. Just announced on the air on 103.3 ESPN radio that UNT will hire Mike Canales as OC!
    1 point
  15. Dropping the football program to focus on our Music school?
    1 point
  16. I think you mean if he's not leading WKy by more than 20 points at the half, he should be fired on the spot. He can't beat WKy at the half, that is something only Chuck Norris can do.
    1 point
  17. Reminds me of the scene from Dogma: [silent Bob kills Azrael with Cardinal Glick's golf club] Bethany: Glick's the kind of asshole that would bless his own clubs for a better game.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Voted okay. Orr and Antonio Johnson are legitimate day one players at a non-BCS program. I also like the pickup of Jamison Hughes. Everything else is average or long term projects. Two - Dunham and Vincent Eddie are probably wasted scholarships. Neither would have been given an FBS scholarship anywhere else. In the long run, such shots in the dark hurt depth. I'd like Dodge and the staff to be more serious about where they spend scholarships when I see stuff like this. Depth is important and these guys likely won't be ready for at least three years, if ever. Eddie has some outside talent and should have gone JUCO, a la former Oklahoma Sooner and Atlanta Falcon Darnell Walker, who also came of high school at shorter than 5-10 and in the 140-150 range. Eddie needs live snaps, even if just against JUCO competition. He won't get it here and will probably languish on the depth chart as a result. The big minuses are the absence of one or two quarterback prospects and two to three defensive tackles. Either Dodge doesn't see the light here, or he is unable to nail down recruits. Oh yeah...glad to see soon-to-be fellow Lloyd V. Berkner alum Zach Olen on board. Hopefully, he'll be as much of an asset as former Ram Scott Davis was here back in the day.
    1 point
  20. I think that the 2 tranfers at the WR spot will be a huge boost to this offense. Add in Lance Dunbar, Darius Carey, Outlaw, an experienced O-line, and a new OC. I think you will see a vast improvement in our offense next season. I'm really excited for Spring ball to see how it shapes out. I like the O-linemen that we were able to pick up this year. And I think that Byrd from Copperas Cove will be a good one. It's interesting to see which side of the ball the majority of the signees are on this year. On D I would like to see at least one DT signed in this group. Once again it looks like we will see some good battles for all the positions in the DBackfield. I'm concerned with the middle linebacker position as the JUCO LB's are all a little on the light side. I'm really excited about the signing of both Orr and Bellazin.
    1 point
  21. This one's tough to gage. Both squads have been up and down this year...really a theme for most of the SBC outside of ASU. Like CBL, I like our matchup against them for the most part, but I fear Slaughter having a bounce back game against us. We've had quite a bit of trouble matching up on him defensively in the past. Need Big George and ET to show up big again.
    1 point
  22. This would be most excellent. The new, black font is much better than the gray one!!
    1 point
  23. I like our match-up...I don't like all the variables...at Diddle, WKU on a losing streak, UNT on a week long lay-off. I don't think things set up well.
    1 point
  24. So, how does Thursday's game rate in the "critical game" category? What do you think? With a full squad available, how do the "real" bb folks here think this can go? I think if George and Eric play together like they did last week, that UNT could well walk out of the gym with a win. Thoughts?
    1 point
  25. Starting to shape up, wow loads faster, I tried the iPhone as well. Can you make posted URLs open to a new page or tab? Everything else appears to be working fine in IE8.
    1 point
  26. RV has already said Dodge gets to pick his own people. If you are going to give him an ultimatum, you have to let him pick the people he believes he needs to get the job done. As Bill Parcels once said, "If they want you to cook the dinner, the at least ought to let you shop for the groceries."
    1 point
  27. How about this then. This upcoming season please point out what is negative about his delivery of reporting news when it happens. I know a lot of folks here like to 'kill the messanger' when it comes to Mr. Vito, but I just don't see what gets under the skin of so many. And yes, I read his work very frequently. Everytime I read his blog or an article from the DRC I have a hard time not agreeing with whatever 'tone' he is expressing in his work. Beat writers don't typically inject that much opinion in their work. Personally I think way too many, especially here, have a very biased view about what they read. Don't mean to ramble here, I just don't get all of the negativity thrown the way of a guy who does very good journalistic work.
    1 point
  28. Yeah, I love North Texas and I'm proud of the education I got here, too. But if Rice (or Duke, or Northwestern, etc.) wanted to pay for 18 year old me to go to school there... And in the case of Rice, grant me the exceedingly difficult opportunity to come in as a Texas resident (from what I understand, they emphasize academic recruitment from outside the state and particularly from outside the greater Houston area)... I would jump on it in a heartbeat. Any kid with the grades and the brain to get in to a school like that, even if it's athletically assisted, should seize that opportunity and never let it go. Congrats to the kid. No matter what happens on the field, if he takes care of business in class, he should be able to write his own ticket in life.
    1 point
  29. WKU stepped out of conference...and lost again. I'm not sure having the Toppers on a 4 game losing streak is where we want them, but it is what it is.
    1 point
  30. It was in the "Mike Canales Salary Thread" and I read it incorrectly. I guess I should have read the complete thread, which I did not. Sorry MG 93-98, I jumped the gun. That was his USF salary, which was clarified on into the thread. I missed it, my bad!
    1 point
  31. I think he is very good. Sometimes fans don't like to read about the truth.
    1 point
  32. Dozer, where did you hear that we offered Canales $202k?
    1 point
  33. There better be no way Dodge gets off the hook, 7 is expected as a minimum. Why are UNT fans so fast to stick their heads in the sand.
    1 point
  34. Canales on receivers' role in the spread FIU Thread on Canales to UNT Sounds to me like a great hire.
    1 point
  35. Interesting not, the guy has a masters degree in Professional Leadership from BYU. Not a bad piece of paper for a coach to have if you ask me. USF Bio
    1 point
  36. Whatever the reason, it looks like a great hire.
    1 point
  37. My thoughts exactly. Is Canales being forced on him, or has he realized his own shortcomings?
    1 point
  38. Amazing. A quality coach with college and professional experience willing to come to UNT for whatecver UNT can pay, with the coaching situation "up in the air", etc., etc. And, gee, even before spring ball. These guys in the athletic dept. were definitely just sitting on their hands and letting all the "good ones" get away and sign with other schools. Just a touch of sarcasm there for our more "skepical" posters. In all seriopusness, this looks to be a great hire for the Mean Green. I'm thinking good things....GO MEAN GREEN!
    1 point
  39. Not to hijack here but I just gave forevereagle a reputation point for his post. You can do this by clicking the plus sign at the lower right corner. Just want to try and educate on the new board features as we go along. Carry on and GMG!
    1 point
  40. I'm practically emotional over here... That seals it. I love the new system.
    1 point
  41. I like it. It has a great feel to it. Looking forward to being able to give a heads up to someone for a good post.
    1 point
  42. Does the Pouurhouse carry this channel ? I would be in for a watch party
    1 point
  43. You're totally the Dan Brown code-master. With that secret message, you ought to be getting at least a few positive grades from parts of the board.
    1 point
  44. Nice catch. This is also available on Ch. 300 on Verizon Fios.
    1 point

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