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Fire Dodge Now Rick!


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If dodge is not gone monday morning I am done with this team. I will no longer follow this program

Until we get serious about being a legitimate d1 fb team.

I concur...ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! :angry::angry::angry:

THE ONLY benefit we have had (and I am not even sure if it is directly related to TD or not) is the increase in attendance. BUT, and even saying that, it is not like we areb breaking any NCAA records in that regard.

FIRE TD...how much WORSE can it get.

AND, I am SOOOOOOOO tired of his smugness...and all the dang excuses he presents! Oh, that's right, he is a football coaching GOD and it cannot POSSIBLY be his fault, right??

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If RV fires Dodge, it makes RV look bad. Then it looks like RV doesn't know how to hire a football coach. RV will not admit that mistake yet. RV is going to give Dodge another year, and Dodge deserves another year. Even if it is not showing up in the W-L column, significant progress is being made. This is still a very young team with a lot of young talent. If we don't contend for a bowl berth next season, then RV will fire Dodge.

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If RV fires Dodge, it makes RV look bad. Then it looks like RV doesn't know how to hire a football coach. RV will not admit that mistake yet. RV is going to give Dodge another year, and Dodge deserves another year. Even if it is not showing up in the W-L column, significant progress is being made. This is still a very young team with a lot of young talent. If we don't contend for a bowl berth next season, then RV will fire Dodge.

RV will be faced with a tough decision, and I'm not calling for Dodge's head, but this whole "sigificant progrss is being made" is a load of BS. We are 1-6, headed to 2-10 at best this year. If we do have significantly better talent, whose fault is it that we still can't win games? WHose fault is it that 3 of the 4 conference foes we have played this year have scored 30 or more points in the first half? Whose fault is it that we can't kick a PAT?

I refuse to settle for moral victories of being competetive, but still losing, to the really bad teams in our conference.

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RV will be faced with a tough decision, and I'm not calling for Dodge's head, but this whole "sigificant progrss is being made" is a load of BS. We are 1-6, headed to 2-10 at best this year. If we do have significantly better talent, whose fault is it that we still can't win games? WHose fault is it that 3 of the 4 conference foes we have played this year have scored 30 or more points in the first half? Whose fault is it that we can't kick a PAT?

I refuse to settle for moral victories of being competetive, but still losing, to the really bad teams in our conference.

2nd that. You can only blame the Head Coach, who else can you blame for the W-L record of a football team?

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If we do not fire Dodge immediately then RV should be fired. Only at NT can a coach with Dodges record still not be considered in the "hot seat." HE WILL NEVER TURN THE PROGRAM AROUND!!!! The longer we keep Dodge as HC the deeper the hole the next HC will have to dig himself out of. WE are building a brand new top of the line stadium and we want to open it with this loser? RV please get us a new HC and give him time to work with this team before we open the stadium.......

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If we do not fire Dodge immediately then RV should be fired. Only at NT can a coach with Dodges record still not be considered in the "hot seat." HE WILL NEVER TURN THE PROGRAM AROUND!!!! The longer we keep Dodge as HC the deeper the hole the next HC will have to dig himself out of. WE are building a brand new top of the line stadium and we want to open it with this loser? RV please get us a new HC and give him time to work with this team before we open the stadium.......

I've recently commented that I wanted Todd Dodge to succeed for the pragmatic reason that firing him (or reassigning him) would play hell with our program at a very pivotal time. We've finally got a huge financial piece in place with the student fee, and if this coaching experiment (part 2) falls apart, then the rest just might become somewhat unraveled.

People keep calling for RV to fire (or reassign) Dodge, but this decision to hire Dodge was mainly his idea. I know that other people had to be sold on the idea before he moved forward but it was mainly his idea.

So, if he had to "go another direction" how is he going to admit to the other "decision makers" that he really blew this decision?

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we only have a handfull of seniors on this team, plus with exception of troy and alabama we have been conpetative. we had a total of 11 turnovers in middle, ulala, and fau games. i don't recall ohio, but giving game to middle we could/should be 3&4.i think dodge gets next year and then let chips fall where they may. thank GOD for w.k. of course, if we loose to them all bets are off. [alabama's state motto is " thank GOD for mississippi, otherwise we would be last in everything] i must admitt that being a north texas football fan the past 5 years is like being a resident of starksville, mississippi, where the town is so ugly motels charge extra for rooms with no windows.

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we only have a handfull of seniors on this team, plus with exception of troy and alabama we have been conpetative. we had a total of 11 turnovers in middle, ulala, and fau games. i don't recall ohio, but giving game to middle we could/should be 3&4.i think dodge gets next year and then let chips fall where they may. thank GOD for w.k. of course, if we loose to them all bets are off. [alabama's state motto is " thank GOD for mississippi, otherwise we would be last in everything] i must admitt that being a north texas football fan the past 5 years is like being a resident of starksville, mississippi, where the town is so ugly motels charge extra for rooms with no windows.

I do not consider the MTSU game to be competitive. 30-7 at halftime is NOT competitive.

Undiscipline teams turn the ball over. Bad teams are undisciplined.

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What about our esteemed college defensive coordinator?

Had we never fired Mendoza I expect he'd be getting the same results Deloach is getting right now. The defense is a bigger joke than the offense or special teams, yet no one focuses on it. Deloach should be catching absolute hell for it.

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What about our esteemed college defensive coordinator?

Oh, you mean the one who coaches 8 yard cushions and doesnt teach tackling?

I see a definite improvement in talent, however, we should be 5-2 right now. I want Todge to suceed, however this is ridiculous. There is ZERO reason to ever take a time out on your first drive of the game. If you run a no huddle offense, there is no excuse for taking a time out because the play clock is about to expire. Too many turnovers. Lining up for a 2 point conversion. calling a time out, then kicking the 1 point conversion is inexcusable. He is afraid to go for it on 4th down when it could make a difference. When he does, he calls a timeout, then runs a one yard screen when you need 10 yards on 4th. Running the option from the shotgun when its 3rd down and you are in your own endzone? REALLY??? The OPTION from the SHOTGUN in YOUR OWN ENDZONE?????

Finally, a minute and a half to go, you have the ball and you are down 50 - 26. Have some f""king pride and try to take a shot down the field! Dont give up and just hand the ball off to run out the clock.

Todge will have until next year to see what he can do with this talent coming in. However, if he can't beat WKU this weekend, He should have the pink slip on his office door after the game.

With all of my venting, I will still be there every game.

Todge's screen pas = DD's draw

Edited by Rudy
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I've recently commented that I wanted Todd Dodge to succeed for the pragmatic reason that firing him (or reassigning him) would play hell with our program at a very pivotal time. We've finally got a huge financial piece in place with the student fee, and if this coaching experiment (part 2) falls apart, then the rest just might become somewhat unraveled.

People keep calling for RV to fire (or reassign) Dodge, but this decision to hire Dodge was mainly his idea. I know that other people had to be sold on the idea before he moved forward but it was mainly his idea.

So, if he had to "go another direction" how is he going to admit to the other "decision makers" that he really blew this decision?

Although my last post insinuated that I thought RV should be fired that is far from the truth. With the stadium being built in the near future I think RV is integral to the success of the project. Without RV, the project would be pushed back years. I do not fault RV for taking a chance on Dodge because at the time I thought it was a very good idea. However. if RV really want to solidify his legacy at NT he needs to swallow his pride and admit his mistake and fire Dodge.

I cannot understand why any of you want to give Dodge more time to turn this program around. What has he done besides bring in a few good recruits? Dodge constantly make stupid decisions and has shown a complete refusal to make adjustments to the college game. Although he has began using tight ends and taking snaps under center these have been widely unsuccessful.

I used to feel that the people on this board were the NT supporters that were going to make a difference in this program. I do not feel this way anymore. Too many of you continue to say things like "were young" and "were improving." I hate when many of you say we are improving and that is reason enough to keep Dodge. I can kick you in the nuts or I can kick you in the shins. Most of you would choose to be kicked in the shins (maybe be not Quoner) nonetheless they both suck. I agree we are improving but we are still AWFUL going from REALLY REALLY BAD to just REALLY BAD is not okay with me. We need to push RV for a new coach that will actually give North Texas a chance to be competitive otherwise we are all wasting our time.

I think we have so much talent on this team. Think what the few players that are actually producing could do under a competent HC. I see UNT athletics really heading in the right direction with all the facilities that have been built and that are planned to be built soon. However, our biggest project to date the new FB stadium will have no impact on the team in terms of recruiting or a boost from the stadium and students if we open it with Dodge. We need to hire a new HC NOW and give him the time he needs to work with the program in order to open the stadium with a good team.

Honestly, do any you really see Dodge being successful at NT long term? I am assuming the answer is no.......so why are we wasting our time.

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No doubt that TD is for some ridiculous reason getting special treatment, because ANYONE else would be axed after this kind of job performance. I just do not understand this guy's inability to learn and adapt after two and a half years, and I have very little doubt that he will be with us for at least 4. If he must stay, someone needs to contact Hayden Fry or some other retired coach and see if he will let TD move in with him during the off season. Someone needs to take him under his wing and teach him the basic fundamentals of coaching at this level. He just doesn't seem to be getting it on his own.

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No doubt that TD is for some ridiculous reason getting special treatment, because ANYONE else would be axed after this kind of job performance. I just do not understand this guy's inability to learn and adapt after two and a half years, and I have very little doubt that he will be with us for at least 4. If he must stay, someone needs to contact Hayden Fry or some other retired coach and see if he will let TD move in with him during the off season. Someone needs to take him under his wing and teach him the basic fundamentals of coaching at this level. He just doesn't seem to be getting it on his own.

If RV follows the Syracuse model of Greg Robinson, TD will be around for Year 4 and the be kicked to curb if no improvements.

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If RV fires Dodge, it makes RV look bad. Then it looks like RV doesn't know how to hire a football coach. RV will not admit that mistake yet. RV is going to give Dodge another year, and Dodge deserves another year. Even if it is not showing up in the W-L column, significant progress is being made. This is still a very young team with a lot of young talent. If we don't contend for a bowl berth next season, then RV will fire Dodge.

Our Athletic Director does not know how to hire a D-I football coach, I said that from Day 1, we are stuck with Dodge, we will have to wait out his contract, we are forced to...

For RV to give Dodge a four-year contract based on no solid proven facts says alot....We will have to eat it up....

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So do we have 1,000 almuni willing to donate $1,000 to pay a new coach $1,000,000 a year? If we have 999 more, you can count me in.

You forgot the other side of the action you want....the first money to be spent would be to pay T Dodge salary for the remainder of this year and for his 2010 season contract plus the contracts on the other coaches we replace.

Then if you think you will get $1 million dream on,,,,,,your one million would be for the head coaches salary? Such a coach would want his own coaches and thousands of money to pay for the asst coaches he brings in plus the increase in recruiting costs.

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