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Cobbs just put on a GREAT block in pass protection.

That was great! You know he looks really good I mean seasoned, solid, smart, he does not seem to be playing like a rookie.

Another thing I enjoy seeing Cobbs on NFL quality video and camera angles.

Edited by KingDL1
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Yeah, when I saw he fumbled my heart dropped. That is going to put a small damper on his chances though he was on the kickoff coverage team and was credited with 1 of the ST tackles on a kickoff. If he is going to make it on the NE roster this season it will be because of his ST performance mainly and secondarily his performance at RB. Now if NE RB situation changes this offseason then next year there may be more weight put on his RB performance.

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I have several observations:

1. When Cobbs first came in the game, the offense was struggling and that took chances away from Cobbs.

2. That fumble just made me gasp.

3. Based on what I heard from the commentators, Cassel will be taking the job from Tom Brady by mid-season; and the Hall of Fame will be contacted shortly to move Aikman and Namath's busts out of the way to make room for Leinart. That was such a Leinart love fest that I threw up in my mouth several times during the second half.

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OT but Ken "Finally found something to respect Canada for: the largest French population that has never surrendered to Germany." is the funniest thing I have read in a long time.  laugh.gif

---Yep France surrendered rather quickly and the Germans pushed the British Army into the sea at Dunkirk at the same time. It then took several years for the combined armies of USA, the British Empire and the Soviet Union to defeat them..... The important thing to note might not be that that the French army was all that bad but instead that the German army was all that good and had extremely good generals and more modern weapons.....

---No I don't respect Hitler, nor the Nazis beliefs, but the German army was extremely good and well equiped in the early years.. We are very fortunate that Hitler became impatient and started WWII when he did. Had Germany waited about a 3-5 years they would have had Atomic Bombs, good jet planes and a very good rocket system povided by Werner Van-Braun ( who we captured and used to create our Space Program.... They were far ahead of us in those areas when the war started.

--Back to football ---Good luck Patrick!!!

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---Yep France surrendered rather quickly and the Germans pushed the British Army into the sea at Dunkirk at the same time.    It then took several years for the combined armies of USA, the British Empire and the Soviet Union to defeat them.....  The important thing to note might not be that  that the French army was all that  bad but instead that the German army was all that good and had extremely good generals and more modern weapons.....

---No I don't respect Hitler, nor the Nazis beliefs,  but the German army was extremely good and well equiped in the early years..  We are very fortunate that Hitler became impatient and started WWII when he did. Had Germany waited about a 3-5 years they would have had Atomic Bombs, good jet planes and a very good rocket system povided by Werner Van-Braun ( who we captured and used to create our Space Program.... They were far ahead of us in those areas when the war started.

--Back to football ---Good luck Patrick!!!

Bluto: Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!

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Soprry but my memory is slipping. When did the Germans's bomb Pearl Harbor. I only recall the Japs doing itn 12/4/1941. but I was just 3 months old at that time.

Hitler was having his way in Europe. I'll bet he wet his pants when Hirohito woke up the sleeping giant.

By the way what kind of car do you drive?

Who won the war?

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Observation 1: France, with their Maginot Line, their "modern" army, and plenty of up to date tactical doctrine, held out against Germany nearly two weeks less than Poland, whose army still employed lancers. You now, guys on horseback with sharp sticks...

Observation 2: This has got to be the most wheels-off thread hijacking I've ever peronally seen. From Patrick's play on the field to Nazi Germany. Hmm...


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Soprry but my memory is slipping.  When did the Germans's bomb Pearl Harbor.  I only recall the Japs doing itn 12/4/1941. but I was just 3 months old at that time.

Hitler was having his way in Europe.  I'll bet he wet his pants when Hirohito woke up the sleeping giant.

By the way what kind of car do you drive?

Who won the war?

---That was a dumb quote from the Animal House... not meant to be accurate. The drunk and stupid comment below is also from that same movie.

---Doubt he cared... U-Boats had been sinking American shipping near the American coast for years. Most Spectacular was the sinking (and explosion) of a oil tanker a couple of miles from Hilton Head S.C. prior to Pearl Harbour. Media reported it as an accident, it wasn't, we just did not have the resourses to do anything about it yet. . We only had about 250,000 troops (Total) when Poland was invaded and had spent two years trying to catch up. Our Army was better than Polands but not as good as the British at the beginning of the war. We were 1000's of miles away and thought we were safe, we weren't. We were in not in any kind of shape to fight anyone. My father on Pearl Harber Day was involved in constructing an Army camp (Camp Bowie in Brownwood, which was the home of the 36th and other divisons). We were desperate to catch up and construct weapons, we had very few modern plances, ships or even guns. Many American troops went to basic training with wooden guns and had fired a weapon only a few times before being shipped out to Europe. American planes were antiques, our carriers had wooden decks, our tanks were never very good except in troop support. In tank to tank warfare against German Panzers we lost by a ratio of about 9 to 1. Our air support destroyed their many of tanks especially in Battle of the Bulge. The one big advantage we had was they could not touch American industry while we were decreasing theirs and could not replace their losses. I had a family member that was an American "Tanker" under Patton and in the Bulge. 90% of his unit were casualities. He was damn lucky. Had Germany succeded in taking Britian we would have been in a world of hurt, with no place to launch an attack and the Germans would have the Mediterrean completely under control with no good European base to resupply Allied ships or keep troops. The Normany or Salerno (Italy) invasions could not have happened without a place to stage an invasion.

---Yes this topic has been hyjacked but young members have no idea what conditions were when the war started. We had just gone through the depression and had an awful excuse for an Army as did France, Poland, etc. Britain and Germany were the only exceptions and the German army was far superior.

Repeating, it took us years to catch up and defeat Germany despite how small it was.... Never will we be in that condition again, distence from Europe or Asia is not safety as we thought then.

Car---My last two were Mercedes (German) but now own a Chysler (owned by Mercedes ie. Daimler-Chrysler). I have a German name as well but family has been here since 1850's. It was not lost on the Germans that the American Allied commander was Eisenhower (a German name) and the Pacific fleet was under command of Nimitz, another Texas-born-German as was Eisenhower.. 30% of American troops in WWII had a Germanic name according to Charles Ambrose's book "Citizen Soldiers". Another odd fact.. the most common second language in Texas as of 1900 was German, not Spanish, which included my family..

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Excellent retort, ScreamEagle. I am probably a little old for Animal House.

My colonist were here to greet your ancestors in the 1850. We also appreciate the help of the Germans during the American Revolution (not the Hessians as they were on the other side until GW crossed the Delaware).

O have predicted, however, that we wioll rue the day we allowed the two Germanes to reunite. I hoepe I am wrong, but I did predict when Bush was running for president that we would se gas go up, have a recessed economy, and go to war with Iraq.

On to Austin!!!! Go Mean Green!!!

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Excellent retort, ScreamEagle.  I am probably a little old for Animal House.

My colonist were here to greet your ancestors in the 1850.  We also appreciate the help of the Germans during the American Revolution (not the Hessians as they were on the other side until GW crossed the Delaware).

O have predicted, however, that we wioll rue the day we allowed the two Germanes to reunite.  I hoepe I am wrong, but I did predict when Bush was running for president that we would se gas go up, have a recessed economy, and go to war with Iraq.

On to Austin!!!!  Go Mean Green!!!

Your ancestors were proctologists? hmmm. tongue.gif

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Excellent retort, ScreamEagle.   I am probably a little old for Animal House.

My colonist were here to greet your ancestors in the 1850.  We also appreciate the help of the Germans during the American Revolution (not the Hessians as they were on the other side until GW crossed the Delaware).

O have predicted, however, that we wioll rue the day we allowed the two Germanes to reunite.  I hope I am wrong, but I did predict when Bush was running for president that we would se gas go up, have a recessed economy, and go to war with Iraq.

On to Austin!!!!  Go Mean Green!!!


---From what I have read from people who were present at Bush Jr.'s first cabinet meeting meeting, war with Iraq was mentioned from the beginning, long before 9-11. Colin Powell did not really support it and he is long gone.

--- I doubt Germany will ever be a problem again, too small, plus the rest of war is very technical now and Germany doesn't contain a lot of religious fanatics like the Middle East. Political Religious fanatics are the absolute worse folks possible, you can't reason with them because of all the emotional issues involved. After all the Protestant /Catholic wars in Europe the framers of our Constitution hoped to avoid all those problems that religion in government causes. Islamics crazies aren't the only ones that have caused problems, Ireland has had problems (Catholic/Protestant), and even the Bosnia situation was more about religion than most people know. The Serbians were killing off an ethic group that was mostly non-Christian (mostly Islamic) but not the nutty Islamics like the ones in the Middle East. Even Hitler targeted a religious group.. the Jewish people. Religion and government is a bad mix...... any religion......too much emotion......very little common sense used.......absolutely no compromising.

---As for Austin.... I am hoping for a lot bettter results than two years ago... I was there for that one... it was very disappointing.

---Some of mine may have met your family (mothers side, they fought in Revolution under Lafayette and some may have been here in the mid 1600's in S.C. and not part of the religious crazies in New England that was hanging or torturing each other for being Witches or Infidels).

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