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Goldfield No Longer Involved In

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Goldfield is no longer involved with the stadium project or the school's athletic department.

"It's not their fault. I don't fit in with their way of doing things." Goldfield


That's just a nice way to say UNT atheletics aren't doing things right.

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That's just a nice way to say UNT atheletics aren't doing things right.

Not necessarily. You have to be sensitive to what we don't know (not really pointing at you here), and this could be a case of UNT sticking to their guns and Goldfield wanting something done his way.

Having said that, nothing new has come about the last 4 months that we, Goldfield and the AD didn't already know about. Al knew this was not private and what was involved, he knew we had our design and that we were purusing LEED standards.

I am anxious to see what other perspectives people will provide, but for now it's hard for me to see anything but a department that should have done everything in their ability to keep this guy actively involved.

A simple phone call once a month to our largest donor in history does not sound hard. It is not like we have large donors lined up in DFW to help us out.

The idea that something is holding us up and the department is biting their tongue is pretty scary.

Edited by greenminer
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It's true as some have already said, we don't have all the facts. But I would love to know what is going on up there. Obviously, there is a problem somewhere, whether with Dr. B, the Athletic Dept. or maybe the BOR. Too bad. Seems everytime we get a little momentum we fall right back to a level of mediocrity.

It will be nothing less than a miracle should this proposed stadium ever be built.

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the lack of communication continues. when will fans get to know what really is going on with the stadium? more bad pr from a major donor in the media is not good for a program trying to convince minor donors to give.

Edited by LoveMG
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Something else. Would you really want Goldfield talking to potential donors if he himself has disagreements with how things are being done concerning the stadium project? I mean really, how is Goldfield going to put a positive spin on the project.....Hey, I'am not involved but you should be? Give me a break!

You all know that the city of Lewisville, right the street from Denton, is the 11th fastest growing city in the country and that Denton is also in the top 25?

If we can build that stadium it will pay for itself many times over. It will forever change the perception of UNT and the city of Denton. If?

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Hold your horses there Cowboys...the SKY IS NOT FALLING! The challenge as I see it is communication. I will agree that there has been a lack of communication to the MEAN GREEN FAITHFUL regarding the stadium project (and even I find that a bit "interesting"), but we should welcome the input of "Glad To Be Green" as a potential opening of the communication channels a bit.

I understand full well the "frustration" some independently minded business folks have with the plodding ways of government entities...and don't ever for one second think that UNT is not a "government entity" with a very large bureaucracy. There are many more "people" that must be pleased when the government is involved. The current UNT administration has shown itself to be pretty "top heavy" and "top down" in management style and I am more than certain that "other forces" are working in ways we can only guess with regards to the stadium project.

The "rumor mill" aka "I have a friend who heard from someone that heard it from someone close to the program, etc." will continue to churn until the day the stadium opens for the first home game. Never for one second think you have the full story...heck, even folks in the UNT administration probably do not always know the full story...too many people and entities involved. BUT, what I do know is that UNT is closer to having a new stadium than it has been in the last 30 years! That's good news to me. I'll look for ways I can help make it happen and I'll enjoy the "ride". It is a positive sign that the project is getting press that indicates it will be built not IF it will be built.

Sorry Mr. Goldfield is no longer on the steering committee, but he did donate a good deal of cash to the project when it really needed it and he has given of his time and talent to UNT. He is no longer on the committee, perhaps, but has indicated a willingness to continue to help. I take him at his word and I say "tanks" for helping UNT get this thing moving in the right direction.

Unless you were in the meeting where and when Mr. Goldfield discussed his reasons for stepping down, you simply do not have the full story...and neither does Brett Vito or anyone else who feels the need to pontificate about this situation. That's why you might want to re-focus on having a good time watching the project develop. Because what we all do know is...a new stadium is going to be built at UNT with play expected within the next couple of years.


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Im really not all that suprised that Goldfield and others decided to change their minds.

We having been talking about this and other issues for years. Has anyone seen any progress?

Remember Goldfield was the one who wanted to write a check to support and fund a new baseball team and stadium.

There is something going on behind the scenes that is causing friction and not allowing plans become a reality.

Remember Dr. Pohl was run off campus by his peers because he was Pro- Athletic and they wanted to replace our beloved president with someone who wasnt so much into athletics.

Well all I am going to say is they got their wish. ( Inside sources )

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Just to clarify, I havne't ready anywhere that he pulled his money out of this.

He is not quitting financially; rather, just not actively involved in other areas. He has still articulated his desire to speak to donors.

Still, how effective a salesman can you be if you've publicly announced your frustration with the product?

Edited by greenminer
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Look, you know I'm not going to be a cheerleader for the ineptitude that has plagued our athletic department for decades.

But, these days, you seriously have to consider that the money just isn't there. If Tom Hicks can't get a loan, money is tight. To use my favorite phrase, this stadium thing isn't developing in a vacuum. The economy is in the crapper and it's taking a bite out of everyone's dollars - and not just their play money. Business budgets are being hit.

Just on our client list, in the first quarter alone, we've had a long-time develop lose a $30 million property in McKinney to foreclosure, a doctor with three DFW locations forced into bankruptcy, and we're seeing a drop in work comp renewal premiums - which means payrolls are down. We used to insure a guy here in Dallas who bought A-Rod's house when he left. He's lost a considerable amount of his net worth over the past year.

It's nice that we're finally seeing some progress as far as the stadium goes. The problem is we're trying to do this thing in a very bad economy. People just don't have alot of money to throw around these days. Sure, you could say we waited too long to begin; and, I somewhat agree with that. But, still...it is what it is. We've posted many reports lately of colleges cutting things related to their athletic departments. It seems to me that Mr. Goldfield would have taken a longer view of things, given the current state of the economy.

Edited by The Fake Lonnie Finch
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Look, you know I'm not going to be a cheerleader for the ineptitude that has plagued our athletic department for decades.

But, these days, you seriously have to consider that the money just isn't there. If Tom Hicks can't get a loan, money is tight. To use my favorite phrase, this stadium thing isn't developing in a vacuum. The economy is in the crapper and it's taking a bite out of everyone's dollars - and not just their play money. Business budgets are being hit.

Just on our client list, in the first quarter alone, we've had a long-time develop lose a $30 million property in McKinney to foreclosure, a doctor with three DFW locations forced into bankruptcy, and we're seeing a drop in work comp renewal premiums - which means payrolls are down. We used to insure a guy here in Dallas who bought A-Rod's house when he left. He's lost a considerable amount of his net worth over the past year.

It's nice that we're finally seeing some progress as far as the stadium goes. The problem is we're trying to do this thing in a very bad economy. People just don't have alot of money to throw around these days. Sure, you could say we waited too long to begin; and, I somewhat agree with that. But, still...it is what it is. We've posted many reports lately of colleges cutting things related to their athletic departments. It seems to me that Mr. Goldfield would have taken a longer view of things, given the current state of the economy.

From what I understand - Mr Goldfield is just sick of things being dragged out. Why aren't the suites being offered every weekend to anyone willing to listen? Why aren't donations being solicited in mass mailouts? Businessmen do not have patience for the wheels of bureaucracy and I don't blame them (us). I am sure that he would run this project like a business - fire anyone that is playing like it is business as usual (there are certain members of the staff that have chased off donors over the years that probably shouldn't be on the payroll anymore). This should be THE only priority for the department right now. Way too much money has been spent out of his pocket only to see people not pushing this harder. Imagine that you had put up $10,000 grand for this project and then told to wait. Well, you wait until the bill gets passed. You are told about the silent phase... and then you enter the non-silent phase... but it is just as silent as any other time. I know that the economy is in the crapper right now but businessmen think outside the box and figure out a way. Put together a group of 100 effective fans and tell them to start banging on doors and working phone banks.

I will give you an example of how I would "think outside the box" with this project - We have about 3500 season ticket holders. About 500 of them donate at the $500 level to the MGC to sit in Section C, other donate at levels of $250 and $100 to sit in the surrounding sections. How about personally calling those 3500 people and asking them to make a 5 year commitment to their seats and donations. As a thank you - you "comp" their tickets for the first 5 years of the new stadium. The loss of income will not matter at that point because AFTER the stadiumis completed, the fee kicks in and the revenue can be subsidized by the student fee. So let's say that you talk 2500 people into a 5 year commitment of 1000 a year ($5,000 each). That's $12.5 million bucks with no single person donating more than a grand a year. I dunno - I just do not understand where all the options are. Where are the bricks for sale? Maybe you sell bricks for $200 bucks each ($100 bucks for a student). Let's say that you start selling them now and continue through the season. Could you sell 5,000 bricks? I think so. I would buy one. FFRick would probably buy one for each member of his family, so would Harry, so would pretty much every poster on this board. Why isn't this board being asked for money? Why are we out of the silent phase but still silent? The bill is passed, all excuses are gone now - what the heck is going on in Denton?

I don't blame RV for this - but his loyalty to staff his impeding our progress. I know that one of our most loyal donors from the Dickey days will not give money because he as personally offended by a member of the staff. She has personally offended myself as well. Why is she still on the payroll? I have heard countless stories about her pissing off the little guys. The department doesn't have a whole lot of fire power and I expect hard decisions to be made in order for this to move forward. We all expected Dodge to fire his long term friend Mendoza when his Defense was not effective and I expect RV to fire any member of the staff that is not working 24/7 to make this happen NOW. If the economy is bad than you have to work that much harder. You have to make things affordable for people which means that you need a lot more donors to achieve the same result. There is no magic donor. Companies buy naming rights after the project is completed normally. UCF built their stadium on their own, Brighthouse came later. Troy rebuilt their stadium and Movie Gallery came later. I can't think of one stadium that secured the rights to a sponsor before the thing was actually built except maybe Louisville with Papa Johns. I know that there is a menu and prices available but unless people are out there selling those items, you have to look for it to know about it. It is time to rally the troops and get this sucker going. RV cannot do it alone, he certainly has gotten more done at NT than ANY OTHER AD IN NT's HISTORY - but he needs help. And accountability. Having Goldfield step away speaks volumes to me and I am not a "Sky is falling" type of guy. I know that it will get built but I just don't think that anyone has enough sincere passion for the product sans RV to get it going NOW - which is what we need.

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I agree with the majority of what you said, stebo. And, you know very well that I'm not one to cut the athletic department any slack. The problem was, has, and always will be money. And, although the athletic department isn't perfect, you really are out there fishing these days. There is far too much uncertainty to get people to commit to even as little as $1,000 a year for five years.

That's always the booger about marketing for any organization - how to get money from someone else's pocket to ours. It's just a tough row to hoe right now.

That being said, I fully appreciate Mr. Goldfield's decision. Your post gave a little more insight. We own a business and expect certain things from our vendors and partners when we pony up cash to them. And, Mr. Goldfield made his money in an industry that is constantly changing. Anyone standing still for longer than two weeks in the telecom industry is going to be run over by their competitors fairly quickly.

I just hope - and here I am, a North Texas alumnus, having to hope rather than expect something will happen - this thing gets done. People think posters like me are negative because we say, "I'll believe the new stadium is getting done when my butt is sitting in it watching the first kickoff." But, that's apparently the way it's got to be around these here parts.

Screw it all anyway. I'm more eager to see the results of Gandy coaching the special teams and Nelson coaching the D-Line anyway. They could play in a Safeway parking lot for all me and Matt Simon care. As long as we're not getting blown out by 30+ by FIU, I'll be happier in 2009 no matter what the stadium progress is. Besides, it's not like I can un-graduate from UNT.

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I will give you an example of how I would "think outside the box" with this project - We have about 3500 season ticket holders. About 500 of them donate at the $500 level to the MGC to sit in Section C, other donate at levels of $250 and $100 to sit in the surrounding sections. How about personally calling those 3500 people and asking them to make a 5 year commitment to their seats and donations. As a thank you - you "comp" their tickets for the first 5 years of the new stadium. The loss of income will not matter at that point because AFTER the stadiumis completed, the fee kicks in and the revenue can be subsidized by the student fee. So let's say that you talk 2500 people into a 5 year commitment of 1000 a year ($5,000 each). That's $12.5 million bucks with no single person donating more than a grand a year. I dunno - I just do not understand where all the options are. Where are the bricks for sale? Maybe you sell bricks for $200 bucks each ($100 bucks for a student). Let's say that you start selling them now and continue through the season. Could you sell 5,000 bricks? I think so. I would buy one. FFRick would probably buy one for each member of his family, so would Harry, so would pretty much every poster on this board. Why isn't this board being asked for money? Why are we out of the silent phase but still silent? The bill is passed, all excuses are gone now - what the heck is going on in Denton?

Man, I couldn't agree more. Right or wrong, people's sentiments (including mine) about just about everything are...OK, so what's in it for me? Offer me some options. If I give some $$, what do I get in return? Don't just point me to a form and say "look how easy it is to donate".

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