Only a decade or so ago, excitement for college football in the Dallas-Fort Worth area came mostly from being a fan of a major college team either to the north or south of us. Today, there are plenty of reasons to be excited about teams that are playing successful Division I sports right here at home.
Congratulations to TCU and SMU on their remarkable success in advancing to major conference affiliations, providing top quality football. UNT football also is moving forward. With our new Apogee Stadium and a proven coaching staff, we have made significant progress in the past year.
All three universities are making remarkable progress competing in other sports. A lot of attention goes to men's basketball, especially at UNT, where we've had five straight seasons with more than 20 wins, resulting in two trips to the NCAA tournament. But there are great athletes playing competitively in almost every sport among the three Division I universities in Dallas-Fort Worth.
For all of us at SMU, TCU and UNT, maintaining the quality of our academic programs is the most important goal. Yet offering strong, visible athletic programs is an important part of university success. And it's fun for everyone.
V. Lane Rawlins, president, University of North Texas, Denton
Read More: http://letterstotheeditorblog.dallasnews.com/archives/2011/12/excitement-here.html